Not Giulity

~With Michael, August 16th, 2023~

I just landed in Japan and I called Rina to drive me back to my apartment, just to save the trouble of me hiring a cab.

She's one of the only friends I have in Japan and it's really a blessing to have her as a contact if I ever need anything.

When I saw her, she smiled and waved at me.

Rina: やあ、マイケルちゃん! (Hey Michael-chan!)

Me: りなちゃん、元気ですか? (How you doin', Rina-chan?)

We hugged after I got in the passenger and Rina started driving me home.

However, I felt a buzz on my phone, so I took it out to take a look, and I saw something that I was dreading to see...

And just like that, my heart stopped.

I even started to get sad, but also angry. It's the worst feeling in the world and nobody will ever understand how it feels to see the bitch of a mom that I'm ashamed to have has pled not guilty to a fatal DUI accident of a 75 year old man.

Then, Rina was worried and wanted to know what was going on. I just couldn't figure out the words to describe what I'm seeing.

Rina: マイケルちゃん、どうしたの? (Michael-chan, what's wrong?)

I looked at her with a tear in my eye, translated the page to Japanese, and showed it to her, as she pulled over to the side...

When she saw the headline, Rina gasped and covered her mouth in shock, but before I could say a word, she just had to say it.

Rina: ああ、神様。 (Oh my gods.)

Instead of talking about it, I basically told Rina...

Me: できるだけ早くアパートに戻りましょう。 (Let's just get me back to my apartment, as soon as possible.)

Rina: わかった。 (Okay.)

She got back onto the road, and when we finally arrived, Rina helped me put away my clothes and everything, but I was still stunned from seeing the news.

Rina: マイケルちゃん、今からお昼を作るんだけど、何か欲しいものある? (Michael-chan, I'm about to make some lunch, you want anything?)

I didn't reply to her, only because I was pissed, not at Rina, but my own being in the news again.

This is probably the last straw for me because every crime she committed, she pled not guilty to them and got away with it, and I'm pretty sure she's gonna get away with it again.

It's only a matter of time before I even think about killing myself if my mom walks free again.

Rina: マイケルちゃん、僕と話してもいいよ? (Michael-chan, you can talk to me, you know?)

Me: 彼女は刑務所に入るに値する。 (She deserves to be in jail.)

Rina: 何? (What?)

Me: 彼女は長い間やってきた悪事のせいで刑務所に入るべきだ。 (She needs to be in jail, for all the shit she's done for so long.)

Rina: わかっています、でもこのことで自分を責める必要はありません。 (I know, but you don't have to beat yourself up over this.)

Me: なぜ僕は彼女から生まれたのか?僕は彼女の息子であるべきではなかった。不公平だ! (Why was I born from her? I shouldn't have been her son. It's not fair!)

I held onto my fist and just shaking to where I wanted to punch through the wall, but I didn't.

Me: リナちゃん、彼女が過去に犯した他の罪と同じように、自分が犯した重罪に対して無罪を主張するのを見ると、こんなのクソみたいなこと聞くと死にたくなる!あのクソ女から生まれるべきじゃなかった!あの名字を継ぐべきじゃなかった!彼女が大嫌い! (To see her plead not guilty to a felony she's committed, like all the other ones she's plead in the past, Rina-chan, it's bullshit like this makes me wanna die! I shouldn't have been born from that fucking bitch! I shouldn't have inherited the last name! I HATE HER!)

After all of that, I sat down on the floor, looked down a bit, and just cried.

I mean, to know that I'm the son of a former wrestling manager and a criminal, it makes me sick to my stomach. Even when the abuse I suffered from her was nearly two decades ago, it still affects me.

I get nightmares about it, I get headaches and pain shoots into my side of my head whenever I'm having a good day or whatever the fuck, and it's all because of this fucking whore who didn't wanna have a kid.

I absolutely despise her and it's the main reason why I have a dartboard with her picture on it, to where if I ever have the chance to put it all behind me and confront her, I will kill her the only chance I get.

Sure, it might not end it all, but I would finally have some justice, like that old man's family.

It was only a minute that Rina sat down next to me, and pulled me into her arms, just rocking me back and forth like a baby.

I feel so fucking ashamed to be her son. I don't think anyone but a few people could ever understand how embarrassing this part of my life is, trying to stay under wraps, trying to survive everyday.

Nobody understands, and nobody ever will.

~With Rina~

Poor Michael, he was so upset that fell asleep in my arms after a few minutes of just bawling his eyes out.

Michael is a very sweet guy who's been through so much, and I couldn't have imagined what it would be like to be related to an evil woman and being scarred for life, having PTSD. I teared up thinking about that.

Instead of having him in my arms for a long time, I helped him lay down on his bed, covered him with a blanket, and held his hand while saying...

Me: マイケルちゃん、あなたは一人じゃない。あなたは私の兄弟で、私はあなたの味方です。 (You're not alone, Michael-chan. You're my brother, and I'm here for you.)

I let go of his hand, closed the window blinds, his door, the lights, and I walked out of his apartment to go home.

I really felt sorry for Michael. He doesn't deserve all the pain he endured for being Tammy's son. I mean, it's not fair. It's not right.

I love him like a baby brother, and he's always going to have me in his corner, no matter what.

On the way home, I was thinking about him. He's always in my prayers because he's a special person to me.

~With Michael; Next Day~

I announced on X that I was gonna take a break from wrestling and rest my head for a while. After hearing the news about the bitch I'm ashamed to call my mom, I felt like I need it.

I'm hoping to get my last name changed soon. I'm stuck with "Sytch" at the moment and I'm saving as much money I can possibly save to get my name changed.

If I don't have enough money to pay for that, then what am I gonna do?

Anyway, I bought a ticket to a Stardom event so I can have a chance to have a talk with Azumi and maybe let her in.

I'm taking Corney's advice and see how this goes because I'm actually skeptical if she'll come around. If she doesn't, then what's the point of trying, really?

So, I got into a change of clothes... on my bike, and I rode over to the arena before not forgetting to put my eyepatch on and then riding over.

Ever since I moved here, I always felt quite at home. Being away from America was always my dream before the Damndemic happened, and thanks to wrestling, I can go wherever I want. I can go to Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan, I sometimes have some shows in Singapore, and last but not least, my favorite country of all time, as I'm living in it right now, Japan.

Seeing and feeling the wonders of Japan is the best thing on earth. The roads are always open, on some days, but whenever I need to go somewhere or take a ride, I'd go through the streets of Tokyo, or if I'm feeling a little freaky, I'd go to Osaka.

Osaka is a mixture of traditional and modern, because, at least to my knowledge, it's the most foreign friendly city in the country. Not only that, it's got culture that's over the top and just insanity, meaning, sex, no drugs, and rock and roll.

However, I am into rock n roll, I'm not that all into the sex culture they got going on, but if I'm feeling a little gamey, I'd go to a bar where it has an arcade filled with old school arcade machines like Pac-Man, Adventure, Dig-Dug, Pinball, or any other arcade game everyone from the 80s can imagine.

There are times where I'd score a time with a Japanese cutie, but other than that, no. It doesn't happen that often when I'm over there.

Anyway, I made it to the arena and I looked to park my bike after I found a space, much to my delight.

I managed to get in due to extra cash I had with me, as it turns out that it costs extra to enter both the entrance and the room, not to mention a rare meet and greet they'd have after the show.

I heard it's rare for Stardom to have a meet and greet after the show, but it doesn't seem like they're having one tonight. I'm okay with that. It's better for the girls to rest after their matches, you know?

Once I got in my seat, about three rows from the front, at the end, I looked at a flyer I managed to grab and read it over.

I see that Azumi's on the card, so that's exciting.

~Middle of The Show~

Azumi was being a badass and just being so fast I could barely catch up with her, regarding her moveset!

Then, before performing another move, Azumi noticed me in the crowd and decided to wave at me with a smile.

I'm all for it, but what I'm not all for is her getting distracted as she was rolled up, but she immediately kicked out before the ref counted three.

I laughed a little bit, but I didn't do it out loud. I wanted to keep it quiet, knowing that the fans might recognize me.

After a while, Azumi managed to pick up the win and celebrate her victory.

I applauded along with the rest of the fans as her music played and it was all over for her match.

Soon after, the show was over and I looked to leave for my apartment, but I heard a voice.

?????: どこへ乗って行きますか? (Where are you riding off to?)

I turned to see Azumi walking up to me with a smile.

Me: やあ、あずみちゃん。 (Hey, Azumi-chan.)

Azumi: 話してもいいですか? (Is it okay if we talk?)

Me: そうだね、もし君が望むなら、僕はレストランに食事に行くよ。一緒に行かない?その時に話そう。 (Well, if you want, I'm gonna go to a diner to eat. Wanna come? We can talk then.)

She smiled a bit more and nodded, as I gave her my helmet to put on as she did, got up behind me, wrapped her arms around my waist, and we rode off to find a diner, where we can talk.

Little did I know, this was gonna be a good night.

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