Ch 6 {Author Note at End (please read)}
So hey, sorry I suck at updating, and writing, but my brain likes to come up with ideas and then lose them as I'm about to write them out. So I do apologize for the horror you have continued to read. (Thanks by the way!)
(Song in media goes with chapter!)
Marco got out of the shower, wrapping a towel securely against his chest. He quickly made his way to his room, trying to avoid his step Mother and her opinions on his hairy legs. The brunette made it to his bed room, drying his hair as he walked to his closet.
He pulled out the clothes he picked to wear for the day. The Latino pulled the lacey white panties his step Mother gave him over his wide thighs and hips to cover his naked, lower half. To say he hated the underwear would be a lie. Would he wear it if he had a choice? No. But he could tolerate it.
After he dealt with that he pulled on his high waisted, royal purple, ripped skinny jeans. The boy then slipped the white tank top over his head and then put the leather jacket over his shoulders.
Marco grabbed his backpack, slinging it over one of his shoulders as he went down the stairs. He stopped by the door, looking around to see if anyone was home. Once he did that he tied his black converse into his feet.
Grabbing his phone out of his pocket he checked the time. 7:12. Once he learned he had enough time he went upstairs and applied some lotion to his face. He did his normal skin routine, putting on chapstick and mascara, finishing up.
He did his hair so it looked messy but a good messy. He checked his phone one last time before heading out to his driveway.
"Hey." He waved to Janna with a smile. She nodded her head back, unlocking the car door to let him in.
As he put his seatbelt on she spoke. "I still think it's weird that it's our senior year and you parents won't get you a car."
Marco shrugged, replying in an annoyed tone. "My dad is okay with it but Stephanie isn't." He huffed, "Honestly, she's my step mom. Not even my biological mom. She can't boss me around. She can't replace my mom."
Jenna gave the angry male a sympathetic look and pat on the leg. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you explode."
The Latino calmed down, "It's fine. I just needed to vent."
Janna nodded, finally pulling out of the drive way, heading to the school. Marco rolled down the window, laying back. He tried to relax before they pulled up to the school.
Huffing dramatically he got out of the car and walked up the dreaded steps into the school.
Today was going to be a bad day.
Marco put his things in his locker, closing the door to reveal Tom's face behind it.
"Oh! My god..." Marco mumbled, jumping back. He placed a hand over his heart, taking a deep breath in to calm himself. "What do you want, Lucifer?" The Latino snapped.
Tom put his hands up in surrender, smiling softly, "I was just wondering what movie you wanted to see tonight?"
"Oh..." Marco spoke softly, his cheeks flushing a soft pink. "Um..." He played with his fingers extremely embarrassed now. "I kinda wanted to see Knives Out."
The pale boy nodded with a tender smile, speaking in a soft voice. "Okay, that works." He placed a gentle hand on Marco's shoulder, his face growing concerned when he flinched. "Everything okay, Dolly?"
Marco looked around at everyone staring at them, making eye contact with one of Tom's friends.
He nodded at Tom, "Yeah, I'm uh... good. I got- I gotta go. Um... I will see you la-later." And with that embarrassing display of nervousness he was gone.
Tom stood there confused, looking around to see what spooked him and saw his friend group. Of course.
Marco sat in his math class, waiting for the bell to ring. He doodled in his notebook, his gaze moving to a carving in the desk next to him.
"Huh. Burning people." He laughed airily, "Classy, Tom."
Marco continued to doodle but every now and then he would glance at Tom's carving. He wasn't exactly sure why, but it made him smile. Maybe it wasn't the burning people that made him smile, but Tom.
Marco heard people enter the room and was broke from his daze. He shook his head, slapping his cheeks. No, bad, Marco. It's one date.
The Latino opened to a clean page do his notes as Tom walked into the classroom and took his seat next to Marco. "Ready for math, Boo."
The other didn't say anything just nodded. Tom looked puzzled, but kept talking. "Yeah, I don't think I am. It confuses me sometimes."
Marco nodded again.
Tom watched from the corner of his eye and said, "I robbed a bank last week to pay for our date tonight."
Marco nodded again.
"Are you listening to me?" The boy asked. Marco didn't respond. Tom gently nudged him, "Is everything okay with you?"
Marco looked at him, "Um yeah. I just... am thinking about... our d-math."
Marco nodded again, covering his red face.
Tom gave him a reassuring look, "it's okay to be nervous about tonight, it's been a while since you've gone out, yeah?"
"I'm still embarrassed though..." The other mumbled.
Tom gave his forearm a gentle squeeze just as class started.
The teacher droned on about the equations and every now and again letting someone solve an example. The entire time Marco was thinking about Tom and the date and the arm squeeze.
His brain was running a mile a minute thinking about the boy sitting next to him. And he didn't want to believe why.
At lunch Marco was sitting with Star, poking at his room temperature tamales. Star has already eaten her own and was in the middle of a bag of Marco's chips.
He took a small forkful of it, chewing it slowly then putting his fork down. He definitely should have bought pizza instead.
His blonde friend looked concerned. "Why aren't you eating, babes?" She asked.
The brunet shrugged. "I guess I have other things on my mind."
"Yeah?" She asked. "Like what?"
He shrugged again. "I'm not sure. But I can't stop thinking about this one guy and his stupid laugh, and his stupid smile, and the stupid pet names he gives me, and the dumb arm squeeze he did. What does that even mean?!" He was full out panicking now.
Star tried to quiet him down. "Well, Marco, does it make you happy to think about him?"
Marco bobbed his head in agreement.
"Is he always in your mind?"
He repeated the action.
Star shrugged, "Maybe you like him.. like a lot." The blonde said carelessly before eating another chip.
Words: 1170
Sorry that this took so long to write. There isn't any real excuse except that I am a procrastinator and dumb.
That's not what I wanted to talk about though. I wanted to say:
T H A N K Y O U F O R 1 K R E A D S
It feels good to know that people like what I write (even if others don't). And I know updates are few and far between but thanks for sticking with it! I really appreciate it!
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