Ch 2

Hey so here is another update! Yay? Hope you're liking the new and improved Life's Mission! I'm trying to update on a schedule and get at least 1100-1500 words or more. (I know that isn't a lot, but it is for me) So enjoy the story!

(Song in media goes great with the chapter!)


Tom stood in front of his locker, with his friends, just chatting amongst each other. Tom was sporting light blue ripped jeans, a skin-tight white shirt that said Fire Hazard in crimson red letters across his chest, a leather jacket, and a flannel shirt tied loosely around his waist. For shoes, he had on white vans.

One of his friends was talking but he stopped listening once he saw the school freak, Marco Diaz, walk to his locker, across from his own. Marco was wearing very feminine clothes, in Tom's opinion. The Latino even wore makeup and could pull it off better than any girl in the entire school. That thought made Tom burst into laughter.

Marco put his stuff in his locker, closing it delicately and walked away, looking like he might just cry. Tom stopped laughing and decided to follow him, curious as to what he was doing. The smaller boy went into the bathroom, the older following. Tom stood in the bathroom listening to Marco quietly sniffle.

When Marco began to stand up Tom got into the stall next to the younger's, standing on the toilet. The brown-haired boy walked out and Tom could hear the sink running. Marco looked into the water then into the mirror, glancing at his shimmering earrings, whispering, "Gay."

Once Marco had cleaned up his act he left the bathroom, going to class. After a time, Tom got out of the stall heading out of the bathroom, one word still in his head, Gay. The boy sat in his seat in the back, next to his other friends. The teacher taught the lesson, students taking notes. Tom didn't listen and was trying to figure out what Marco meant.

Did he see me and meant I was gay? The male tapped his pen on his notebook he was supposed to be writing notes on. He called me gay! He declared in his mind apoplectically. Tom chewed the end of his pen, grinding his teeth together angrily. The room was beginning to fill with snickers and Tom looked up to see Marco taking the marker from the teacher and writing down an answer.

Everyone laughed, chuckled, and giggled as Marco stood on this tippy toes and rose his hand, lifting his crop top up to write the problem. Tom could see his flat tummy and slightly more feminine hips, smirking, licking his bottom lip. If he wants to call me gay, then I'll be gay... just for my Doll. He thought evilly. 

Suddenly Marco was heading back to his seat and the teacher was grading his work,"That is correct, thank you, Mr. Diaz." The teacher scanned the room, "Who would like to solve the next problem?" Her eyes wandered to the back row, "Thomas Lucitor, would you please come finish the problem?"

Tom stood up slowly, not wanting to be there. He was like a zombie walking to the front of the room, quickly glaring at Marco. The male took the marker and read over the problem, putting the marker down, "I don't know."

"Just try and think about it." She spoke encouragingly and Tom huffed, beginning to write down the problem. The teacher read over it, "That is right, I would've changed the formula, but good job."

Tom put the marker down and waltzed back to his seat. The teacher grabbed a pile of papers, passing them out, "This is a worksheet of the problems that we just practiced, it will be due by the end of class, your... Exit ticket, you could say. Anyway, there are twelve questions and you have twenty-five minutes to complete all of them, your time starts... Now."

Each student became busy with working, all except Tom Lucitor, who was doodling on the desk, with a razor; sketching out stick figures, burning. He glanced up at the clock, Eighteen minutes. Thomas thought. The boy put the razor down, grabbing his pencil and started to work on the sheet.

The demon child finished about eight of the twelve problems before the bell rang. Tom grabbed his bag, tossing his pencil in it, then walked out, soon followed by Marco Diaz.

As they got into the classroom the students pretty much sat anywhere that had a place to put their behind. The teacher walked in and cleared his throat, "Sorry to disappoint you all, but in this class, we have a seating chart." The class soon filled with groans. The teacher put up a chart on the board, "As you can see there are some big and small changes," no one liked the new seating arrangement, "but I reassure you that you are placed by your knowledge. You are either sitting by someone smarter, dumber, or with the same amount of knowledge as you, so that you can help each other."

Everyone nodded as the teacher called out names, "Star next to Jackie." The two girls stood up and the students sitting there stood up as well, moving to the side so that Star and Jackie could sit together. Teacher cleared his throat, "Taylor and Oscar." And that's how it went for the first half of the classroom, then it started to get boring, "In row three table 6 there will be Jayzon and Ace-Aubrey, sorry Aubrey." The teenagers moved, sitting in there seats.

The last two standing were Tom and Marco, "Thomas and Marco, you will sit behind them, and please, Tom, no fighting." The teacher glared at the chuckling, troublesome child. The demon sat in the seat in the center row, Marco sitting on the outside.

As the teacher continued to teach, Tom lightly elbowed the Latino next to him, Marco simply ignored him, scooting over slightly. The demonic boy elbowed him harder, "Hey," he whispered and Marco ignored him, "Hey, listen to me, girly."

Marco looked up at him, "What, Tom?" Tom smiled, "So are you gay? Or trans?" Marco just clenched his teeth, tightening his grip on the pencil, not answering. The teacher looked at the two then went back to teaching, Tom just laughed lightly, whispering, "Fine don't answer, doll."

The bell rang and everyone stood up, ready to go to third period, including Tom and Marco. Marco left with his friends as Tom grabbed his pencil, leaving the classroom, muttering, "You'll sure be fun to play with, doll."

Tom went to the locker room, stripping down to his boxers, slipping his gym shorts on, and his school jersey over his head. He glanced at himself in the mirror over the sink, grinning proudly, then ran out to the field.

Couch lined them up, "I'm gonna split ya'll into four teams and then we'll get started from there!" He shouted at the girls and boys, some of whom flinched at his booming voice.

The older male began to count them off, "Ya'll know the rules of rugby! If you don't... Then too bad!" He blew his whistle and two teams ran onto the field and began to play, the other two teams began to run around the track.

Tom was behind the circle of students, waiting for the ball to be kicked back to him. The circle dispersed and from the corner of his eye he could see a member from the other team running with the ball. Thomas was quick on his feet snatching the ball and throwing it to one of his team members, earning them a point.

They played for another ten minutes switching off with a score of 8 to 4. Tom began to walk the track, catching a glimpse of Marco Diaz in one of the classroom windows. The boy smirked, chuckling  "Oh,  you have no idea what's comin' for ya, dolly." Then he took off in a sprint, the smirk never faltering from his face.

Words: 1356

Hey, sorry for the late update and short chapter, I have been busy and very stressed, and I make bad decisions like starting to write a book then writing a different one and totally forgetting about the other one... ANYWAY, I have an update! I'm not dead! And sorry, I repeated last chapter... Kinda, but this chapter's in Tom's POV.


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