Ch 1
(Song in media goes with the chapter!)
Marco woke up to a terrible blaring. The boy groaned, slamming his hand on his alarm clock. He looked up at the large, bright, red numbers showing 6:30. The Latino got off his bed, heading to his closet. He looked through the tons of clothing and picked out a black crop top with maroon skinny jeans, putting them on then slipping on black socks with some grey converse.
Once he was satisfied with his look he went to the bathroom, grabbing his comb, running it through his hair. Marco cleaned his face, getting moisturizer and putting it on his cheeks, chin, and forehead. The Latino grabbed his tooth brush and toothpaste, cleaning his teeth. He washed out his mouth, grabbing his make up bag, putting on some mascara, blush, and lip gloss. Marco smiled, doing a quick outfit check before grabbing his backpack and going to the living room.
There he sat, looking at his phone. He scrolled through Snapchat, gently biting his painted thumb nail nervously, as if he were expecting big news. Marco looked at the clock, reading 7:23, "Seven more minutes." He spoke, exiting out of Snapchat, looking to see if any of his friends have texted him. When there was no notifications he texted Janna, Are you giving me a ride or am I taking the bus?
Within moments he got a reply, Show me what you're wearing first, I can't have people raping you on the bus. He lightly snorted at the reply, taking it as a joke, but in Echo Creek that isn't that uncommon. Especially recently, there have been reports on the news, in the paper, even in some magazines. The Latino boy never thought of that happening to him though, so he paid no mind. Marco was soon back to biting his nail as he replied back.
Nothing too much. He sent the text, standing up and taking a selfie. He held up two fingers, forming a peace sign and stuck out his tongue, sticking out his hip as well, smiling. He took the picture, sending it to Janna. Marco put his phone in his pocket, and looked out the window, watching as the trees swayed with the wind, now glad he decided to wear his skinny jeans instead of his short shorts.
Marco felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He turned around sitting on the couch, his phone in hand. He clicked on the notification and read Janna's text, Yeah, I'm giving you a ride. He smiled, knowing that means his outfit was cute. He quickly made finishing touches to his hair and make up and threw his backpack over his shoulder, going outside to wait for Janna.
After about three minutes Janna pulled up to the driveway and Marco happily got in the car. Janna looked him up and down, "Definitely glad I drove you." Marco smiled, even more confident than before. "Hey," Janna spoke, "you can use my eyeliner, might make your eyes pop!" She exaggerated.
"Thanks." He smiled and took the eyeliner from her bag and used a small hand mirror to get the perfect wing. Once he was done he blinked a few times and put the stuff back, getting ready to dash to class. He quickly fixed his hair and opened the door as the car stopped. Marco stood up and dusted off his skinny jeans, walking to the entrance.
Echo Creek Academy, is an average high school. Average classes, average disgusting school lunches, average teachers, average students. Everything is average. Except today. Everyone was crowded around the locker across from Marco's, like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey. Marco ignored it and walked to his locker, putting his things away and grabbing his books. As he did that he could here whispers from behind him. The short Latino turned around to see people pointing and laughing, even Thomas Lucitor, a.k.a Tom the school's new bad boy.
Tom Lucitor moved here at the beginning of the year. From the very beginning girls have been fighting over him, boys have been jealous of him, and he became popular in just the first week. Tom could get whatever he wanted, just by a look. That's what Marco hates about him. He could spread rumors and people almost instantly believe they're true.
With tears welling in his eyes Marco closed his locker delicately, walking to his first class. He set his books on his desk, leaving to the bathroom. Marco locked himself in a stall. He looked at the ceiling, blinking away tears, trying not to cry. He took deep breaths. In... Out... In... Out...
After a while he had calmed down and was ready to get to class. Marco looked in the mirror, checking to see if his make up was ruined. He looked at his plump, dark pink lips, his deep, brown iris's, his small, freckled nose, his birth marked cheek, and finally to his peirced ears. He sighed, remembering what his step mom called them, "Gay." He muttered, looking down, into the sink as the water ran, wanting to just drown in it.
The minutes bell rang and he went to class. As the brown haired boy walked in, the room fell quiet and students gave him plenty of dirty stares. He looked around for some hope that he would have Star, Janna, or Jackie in this class. Luck was not on his side as he learned he was alone this time, so he built up the courage and walked to his seat, ready to move to the back, but saw all the seats were taken. Marco sighed and just sat in his original seat, ready for class to begin already.
The teacher was explaining there class work and turned around to face the class, "Who would like to do this practice problem before we begin?" There were plenty volunteers, none being Marco, "Marco Diaz, would you please come up to the board." The said character stood up, walking to the board, silence consuming the room, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of Marco's shoes on the tile.
Marco took the expo marker with his delicate hand, reading over the question, he wrote down the answer, handing the marker back to the teacher kindly, sitting in his seat, ignoring the stares and whispers. The teacher looked at his work, checking it over. After a few moments she turned and said with a smile, "That is correct, thank you Mr. Diaz."
She looked at everyone else, "Who wants to finish the next practice problem?" No one rose their hand and she sighed, looking at the back of the classroom, her eyes falling on a red haired demon, "Thomas Lucitor, would you please come finish the problem?"
Tom stood up, a bored look on his face. He glared at Marco as he passed. Marco simply looked away, trying not to make eye contact. Tom got to the board and grabbed the marker, looking at the problem for a time. Then put the marker down simply saying, "I have no idea."
The teacher sighed and softly smiled, "Just give it your best guess." Tom rolled his eyes and turned back to the board, looking over at the problem once more. He read the problem closer and started to right numbers. Once he finished he put the marker down, walking back to his seat.
The teacher looked through making a few changes, "Great job, Mr. Lucitor. I would change the formula a bit, but the answer is correct." She seemed slightly surprised, but began to pass out papers, "This is a worksheet of the problems that we just practiced, it will be due by the end of class, your... Exit ticket, you could say. Anyway, there are twelve questions and you have twenty-five minutes to complete all of them, your time starts... Now."
As the students hurried to finish, Marco read through each question slowly, figuring out each problem in his head. He wrote the equations with a delicate hand. He finished just as the bell rang, gathering his things and handing the teacher his worksheet. The boy put his bag strap over his shoulder and walked to his second period.
The brown eyed boy sat down, getting out his notebook for class, ready to take notes. The teacher cleared his throat, "Sorry to disappoint you all, but in this class, we have a seating chart." Everyone groaned, along with Marco, seeing as he couldn't sit by Star. The teacher put up a chart on the board, "As you can see there are some big and small changes," no one liked the new seating arrangement, "but I reassure you that you are placed by your knowledge. You are either sitting by someone smarter, dumber, or with the same amount of knowledge as you, so that you can help each other."
Everyone nodded as the teacher called out names, "Star next to Jackie." The two girls stood up and the students sitting there stood up as well, moving to the side so that Star and Jackie could sit together. Teacher cleared his throat, "Taylor and Oscar." And that's how it went for the first half of the classroom, then it started to get boring, "In row three table 6 there will be Jayzon and Ace-Aubrey, sorry Aubrey." The teenagers moved, sitting in there seats.
And now there were two, "Thomas and Marco, you will sit behind them, and please, Tom, no fighting." Tom chuckled and Marco sat on the edge, Tom sitting by the isle. The younger boy took notes as his teacher continued to teach, the male sitting next to him lightly elbowed him, the Latino just scooted over. The demonic boy elbowed him harder, "Hey," he whispered and Marco ignored him, "Hey, listen to me, girly."
Marco looked up at him, "What, Tom?" Tom smiled, "So are you gay? Or trans?" Marco just clenched his teeth, tightening his grip on the pencil, not replying The teacher looked at the two then went to teaching, Tom just laughed lightly, whispering, "Fine don't answer, doll."
The bell rang and everyone stood up, ready to go to third period, including Tom and Marco. Marco cleaned up his things, leaving the room with Jackie and Star, and Tom grabbed his pencil, leaving the classroom, muttering, "You'll sure be fun to play with, doll."
Words: 1762
So hi, I changed up the story line a bit, hope you like it! I am going to try to make each chapter 1500 words or longer! (MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO) Hope you enjoy!
(BTW Lucitor is pronounced Lucy-tore)
Bye! Bye!
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