Chapter 24

I wake up soon as I hear my alarm go off. It's Friday! Finally! It felt like forever to get here. This week has been so long and stressful and it's only week 1.

Dani's not in her bed, she probably went on a run. As I walked into the showers, I hung my towel and my robe on the hook and ran the shower. While I was waiting for the right temperature,  I could hear a bunch of girls talking about the party tomorrow night.

Guess it's gonna be a big party. I should probably wear something nice. Maybe a trip to the mall would be nice. I can take Dani and Todd along with me, I haven't exactly  introduced them to each other yet.

After my shower I headed back to my room in my robe. I walked faster than usual because I didn't want to run into anyone I mean Ash dressed like this, it's too embarrassing.

I reach my room safely and started looking through my clothes for something to wear today. I think I'll just go casual. It's not that windy and cold but it's still dull outside. What crappy  weather we're having. I miss the sunshine at home.

After digging through heaps of clothes I pull out a pair of black ripped jeans. This should do.
I throw it on my bed and continue looking for a top.
I find a cute white tank and match it with a check button up shirt. I don't button it though.
I style my hair in a neat high bun and put on my vans. Super casual.

By the time I'm ready it's 7:30am. Just enough time to head to the coffee shop then make my way to class which is at 8 am.  Thank goodness I completed my History assignment.

Dani isn't back yet and it's really not like her. I should send her a text. I'm getting worried.

Hey are you already at class or something? Haven't seen you this morning

I quickly press send. I hope she's okay. While I wait for her reply, I grab my bag and head out of the room, heading to the coffee shop.

When I reach the first floor, my phone beeps signalling a new text. I hope it's from Dani.

hey girl! don't worry,im fine n safe--jst ran in2 an old friend xoxo

Oh thank goodness, she's okay.

I make my way across campus to the coffee shop to get breakfast. Just as I cross over to head inside, someone calls my name.

I turn back to see Todd, smiling and walking towards me. He looks great today, in khaki pants and a colorful printed shirt.

"Good morning my dear friend" He warmly greets me.

"Good morning, Todd! Join me for breakfast? Takeaway though".

"Of course Kaia, any day" Todd says.

We make our way inside and order breakfast. Todd gets the choc chip muffin and I get banana. The smell is just delicious. We both order caramel coffees.

We take a seat outside the coffee shop and enjoy our breakfast.
I look up at Todd and remember I wanted to ask him something.

"Hey Todd, join me at the mall this afternoon? I'll try and bring my roommate Dani as well"

"Does this have anything to do with the fact that there's a party tomorrow?" Todd asks me.

"Umm.. no" I replied, smiling sheepishly.

"I'll take that as a yes" Todd says.

We make our way to class and sit in our seats up front. Our History teacher Mr.Petrelli walks in and collects our assignments. I'm so nervous, I wonder if I did a good job.

"Alright students, your work for the weekend is on the board. As for the assignment scores, it will be posted online, be sure to log in using your individual usernames-- results will come under History, obviously. You can check on Monday. Now, back to work" He says, walking over to his table and setting our assignments down".

He kinda looks like Santa but without the beard.

I look at Todd and his face is red. I can tell he wants to laugh badly, I'm guessing he heard my comment on his favorite teacher.

Soon as class was over Todd ran outside and laughed his lungs out. I seriously cannot picture this guy having a girlfriend.

I say goodbye to Todd as I make my way over to my next class which happens to be English and there's an assignment to hand in. I completed mine last night so I have no idea if it's any good heck at least at this point, I think it's good that it's actually done. Majority of the class doesn't do the given work.

English was sweet and all went well. The results of the assignment will also be out next week so for now I had nothing to worry about. Yayyyyyyyy!

I text Todd and tell him to meet me outside the dorms after his last class so we can head to the mall. He texts back with a simple 'okay girl'.


I head up to my room and throw my backpack on the floor, I'm officially done for the week.
I look over to Dani's bed and see that she has an outfit laid out. Maybe she's having a shower right now.

I lay on my bed and shove my earphones on. I put my music on shuffle and feel relaxed immediately when a Coldplay song comes on. I love them so much. The last guy I dated hated my taste in music, we broke up after I kept switching the music in his car to something I liked. I didn't mind that we broke up, I knew he wasn't the one for me. Stupid jock. The down side was that he told all the other guys to stay away from me because I'm a weirdo who listens to emo music.

Once again I'm lost in another world when Dani's comes in. She's in her towel so I'm right, she was in the shower.

I removed my earphones and said hello.

"Haven't seen you all day, what you been up to?" I ask her.

"Well girllll,  like I said I ran into an old friend from my neighborhood, it felt good to see him again so I guess we kinda spent time together" Dani says, now avoiding all eye contact.

"Wait, you skipped classes for a guy?" I ask her, seriously shocked.

"Well yeah...I bet you'd do the same thing for Ash" she replied.

I don't think so. Classes come first. Always.

"Hmm not so sure yet" I let her know.

She gets dressed in a flash and works on her makeup. Why is she getting all glammed up? She's wearing an off-the-shoulder boho dress and cute ankle boots.

"Are you going out?'s just 2pm, why do you look cute?" I ask her directly.

"I'm kinda meeting my old friend for lunch or something, just hang out and stuff" she replied.

"Oh okay.. are you sure he's just an old friend and not an old flame?" I joking ask her.

She laughs but I can tell she's beginning to blush. Just as she's done with her makeup and hair,  there's a knock on the door.

"Oh that must be him" Dani says, grabbing her purse and phone.

I stand up from my place on my bed to meet this old friend of hers.

She opens the door and welcomes him with a smile.

I can't see him clearly right now because Dani's blocking.
She wants to introduce us but as soon as he steps further inside I recognise him almost immediately.

Oh no! It's....

"Jason, Kaia.  Kaia-- meet Jason, my old friend".

My ex.

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