Strolling through the forest, you can't help but admire the amazing scenery around you. Pidgey flying overhead, Sentret poking their heads out of grass patches and Hoppip using the gentle breeze to glide through the air.
Lyra : "Wow, it's all so beautiful"
(Y/N) : "Definitely, wish I brought a camera"
Lyra : "So, what do you think we'll run into first?"
*rustle* *rustle*
Turning your attention to some shaking grass, a Rattata comes sniffing at the ground, probably looking for felled berries. It doesn't seem to notice your presence and the two of you quickly hide. Using your abilities, you read the Pokémon's level.
Level - 2
Lyra : "What do we do?"
(Y/N) : "I say we let our pokemon experience a real battle. *looks at Cyndaquil* What do you say Cyndaquil?"
Cyndaquil : "Cynda"
With a nod, you whip out the pokédex and point it at Cyndaquil, learning his moves and ability.
(Y/N) : 'Whoa, Cyndaquil already knows how to use ember. What about Chikorita?'
Due to your close proximity, the scan shows that Chikorita knows how to use tackle, leer and razor leaf.
(Y/N) : 'These starters are stronger than the ones in game. Talk about good luck'
Putting away the pokédex, you grab a nearby rock and throw it at some bushes. The rat's attention turns to the noisy foliage, away from the trainers and their companions.
(Y/N) : "*whisper* Use tackle Cyndaquil"
Your pokemon bursts out of its hiding spot and strikes the rat, who's taken completely by surprise. Said pokemon gets up and hisses at the fire mouse, who sets its back ablaze as an act of intimidation.
Rattata uses leer and Cyndaquil's body shivers from the intense gaze.
(Y/N) : "Use your own leer Cyndaquil!"
Your pokémon follows your orders and returns the glare at the wild creature.
(Y/N) : "Now use ember!"
Cyndaquil : "Cynda!"
Small bits of fire shoot out of Cyndaquil's mouth and strike Rattata, reducing its health to 0 and making it faint.
[Cyndaquil has earned 14 EXP!]
(Y/N) : 'So combat work like it does in the anime, that'll make this easier'
Lyra : "Whoa! That was so cool! It looked like you already have experience fighting with Pokémon"
(Y/N) : "It's pretty simple really. How about you and Chikorita give it a go, you should learn how to fight incase I'm away"
Lyra : "*nods* Okay"
The four of you continue forward and hide when you hear grass rustling. Taking a peek behind cover, you come upon a group of 3 Pidgey, each one pecking at the ground as pigeons in your old world do.
Level - 3
All of them were female, two level 3 and one level 4.
Lyra : "Are you sure this is a good idea? There are too many of them"
(Y/N) : "Hmm...I've got a plan. *hands Chikorita a rock* When we come out to attack, throw a rock at the first Pidgey that tries to fly away"
Chikorita : "*nods* Chiko!"
Lyra : "Is it ethical to throw rocks at pokemon?"
(Y/N) : "Most pokemon don't care about ethics, if they outnumber you they'll gladly use it their advantage and won't spare a second thought. Plus, we're not the ones throwing it so it's fine"
Everyone jumps out of their hiding spot and scare the Pidgey group. The farthest one attempts to fly away but Chikorita uses her leaf to throw the rock at it, knocking the bird pokemon out of the air.
(Y/N) : "Use ember on the Pidgey to the right!"
Lyra : "Use tackle!"
[Cyndaquil landed a critical hit!]
[Cyndaquil has earned 18 EXP!]
Your Pidgey faints while Chikorita's remains standing. The bird pokemon angrily caws and unleashes a powerful gust of wind to attack the leaf pokemon.
(Y/N) : "Oh crap! That one knows how to use gust!"
The strong wind blows Chikorita away and sends her flying into a tree trunk.
Lyra : "Chikorita!"
The bird pokemon tries to finish the job and dives towards the downed starter, instead it's met with Cyndaquil intercepting her with a tackle.
(Y/N) : "Now use ember!"
While midair, your pokemon shoots the gust using Pidgey with a small volley of fireballs, dropping her to the ground. She attempts to fly away, but she's looking exhausted and unable to fight back. You decide this is the time.
(Y/N) : "Go pokéball!"
The capturing device flies across the grass field, striking the bird on the forehead and pulling it inside the red and white ball. The sphere shakes three times and goes still.
[You have captured Level - 4 Pidgey♀!]
(Y/N) : '*smiling* My very first Pokémon! Wahoo!'
[Would you like to give Pidgey a name?]
(Y/N) : 'Nah, I don't have good naming sense'
Swiping the screen away, you grab the pokeball and scan your surroundings for the Pidgey taken out in the beginning. Unfortunately, it had recovered and escaped. You sigh and head over to Lyra and Chikorita.
Lyra : "Are you alright, Chikorita?"
Chikorita : "Chiko...."
You take a look at her health and find it has lowered by quite a bit.
Chikorita HP - 4/21
(Y/N) : "We should use a potion, Chikorita took a lot of damage from that gust"
Lyra : "How can you tell?"
(Y/N) : "Chikorita's a grass type, she's weak to flying attacks"
Reaching into your bag, you pull out the blue spray bottle and spritz Chikorita with it. Her health fully recovers and she jumps up and down energetically.
Lyra : "*relieved sigh* I'm so glad she's okay"
You then decide to call out your new pokemon and give her a quick spritz too.
Pidgey HP - 17/17
Your newest companion seemed to enjoy the kind gesture and perches herself on your head.
(Y/N) : "Maybe we should practice before going into another battle. You should get used to using razor leaf"
Lyra : "*confused* Razor leaf?"
(Y/N) : "Yeah, Chikorita knows how to use razor leaf right now, you haven't checked?"
Lyra : "*looks at Chikorita* Is that true?"
The leaf pokemon nods her head and Lyra looks back at you.
Lyra : "How do you know that?"
Pulling out the pokédex, you scan Chikorita again and present her moves and ability to Lyra.
(Y/N) : "Because I'm able to get so close to Chikorita, I can fully scan her body and learn what she can do along with her ability overgrow"
Lyra : "The pokédex can do all that? That's amazing"
(Y/N) : "Not a lot of people know that actually, I just tested it out recently"
(Y/N) : 'If I didn't watch the anime, I wouldn't have known either'
Picking up a stick, you ask Cyndaquil to light it on fire. Once ignited, you let the fire burn to really char up the wood. After a bit, you blow out the fire and use the charcoal to draw a target on a tree.
(Y/N) : "Now try getting Chikorita to hit the target using razor leaf"
Lyra : "Right! Chikorita, use razor leaf!"
Chikorita : "Chiko!"
She swings her head leaf to the side and unleashes several sharpened leaves at the target, creating several tears in the trunk.
(Y/N) : "Quite the accuracy you got there, Chikorita"
Chikorita : "Chiko!"
(Y/N) : "Let's try again, this time a couple paces back"
Lyra : "Um sure but why?"
(Y/N) : "It's best to know what Chikorita's current abilities are"
Lyra : "*confused* I thought her ability was overgrow?"
(Y/N) : "Not what I meant. If you learn how far and accurate Chikorita can shoot, you'll have a better understanding of what she can and can't do. Having this knowledge would allow you to help your partners shortcomings"
(Y/N) : "For example, I noticed Chikorita didn't attempt to move when Pidgey used gust, meaning she has a slow reaction time"
Lyra : "So how do I help her improve that?"
(Y/N) : "It's simple really. You have to play with her"
Lyra : "*blinks*"
(Y/N) : "*sigh* Maybe it's better if I just show you"
Searching the forest floor, you find a big stick to draw a large circle in the ground. You then have Cyndaquil stand a few feet away from you inside that circle.
(Y/N) : "Alright Cyndaquil, we're going to play a game that counts as training too. For the next minute, I'm gonna try to catch you, but you're not allowed to leave the circle or attack me. All you can do is dodge. Ready?"
Cyndaquil : "Cynda"
And so began the game of cat and mouse. For the next couple of seconds, Lyra and Chikorita watched as you tried to the best of your ability to catch your partner.
It was a rough 47 seconds but you managed to catch Cyndaquil. By the end of it, you and Cyndaquil were covered in dirt and trying to catch your breaths.
(Y/N) : "See what I.....mean? Not this a good way of bonding......with your Pokémon helps them.....improve their reaction speed"
Lyra : "I didn't really expect all this to come from you, you've really studied"
(Y/N) : "*smiles* What can I say......I love Pokémon. and Chikorita......give it a go"
Lyra : "Right!"
The two enter the ring was quite embarrassing. Lyra didn't even get close to catching Chikorita. After the 30 second mark, Lyra just lied down in the center of the circle, heaving quite heavily.
(Y/N) : "Guess it's official. We're both unfit"
Lyra : "I can't........go on. Carry me....."
(Y/N) : "Oh, stop being dramatic. We'll take a break, then head to Cherrygrove"
Lyra : "*groans*"
(Y/N) : 'I should probably start exercising, there might be a day when I can't rely on my Pokémon to protect me'
When Lyra was able to walk again, you continue on towards Cherrygrove City. You ran into several Rattata on the way, but they were easily dealt with. Even managed to increase everyone's level by the time you reached the city.
Level - 7
Level - 5
Level - 6
Cyndaquil took out the most so of course he leveled up twice, managed to learn smokescreen too.
Lyra : "We finally made it. Ugh, how do trainers survive out in the wild and walk for so long?"
(Y/N) : "You're kidding? We've only been to one town, we still got 9 more to go and each one is farther than the next"
Lyra groans loudly and hangs her head as you walk to the Center to heal your Pokémon, just in case. Upon entering, you could hear the Center's theme song playing in your mind.
Inside, you see various young trainers with their own Pokémon, all sitting down and chatting with one another.
Lyra : "Wow, there are some people even younger than us with pokemon"
Nurse Joy : "Hello you two"
You and Lyra turn to see Nurse Joy smiling at the both of you.
Nurse Joy : "How can I help you?"
Lyra : "We'd like our Pokémon healed please"
Nurse Joy : "Of course, and their pokéballs?"
You and Lyra call back Cyndaquil, Chikorita and Pidgey into their pokéballs and hand them to Nurse Joy. While waiting on a bench nearby, someone taps Lyra on the shoulder and she turns around and gasps.
Lyra : "Kris!"
Kris : "Hi Lyra!"
The girls hug each other while squealing excitedly, making everyone in the Center stare at them.
Lyra : "I haven't seen you in months! How have you been?"
Kris : "I was over in Kanto with my mother studying some pokemon, but we came back early when family issues came up. I didn't think I'd see you for another year"
Lyra : "I know right, I've been so lonely without you"
Kris : "So what are you doing in Cherrygrove-"
She looks down at her bag and notices a pokédex sticking out, making the blue hair girl gasps.
Kris : "*happy* You finally became a pokemon trainer!"
Lyra : "Yeah, (Y/N) and I both did!"
Kris : "(Y/N) is here?"
Lyra : "Yeah, he's right over-"
She turns around to see you gone, but really you were on the other side of the Pokémon Center because you didn't want others to associate those two with you.
Nurse Joy : "(Y/N) and Lyra, your pokemon are ready"
You grab your pokéballs and attempt to sneak out of the Center, only for a hand to grab your shoulder and pull you back.
Lyra : "Where do you think you're going, mister?"
(Y/N) : "Um....on an adventure?"
Lyra : "Not without us!"
(Y/N) : "Us?"
Kris : "Hi (Y/N)"
(Y/N) : "Oh hey Kris, been a while, how have you been?"
Kris : "Good, I just came back from Kanto with this one"
She tosses a pokéball in the air which bursts open and releases a Jigglypuff.
Jigglypuff ♀
Level - 8
Jigglypuff : "Jiggly"
Lyra : "Oh wow"
Kris : "I hear you both got your starters, who'd you pick?"
(Y/N) : "I picked Cyndaquil as my starter and recently caught a Pidgey"
Lyra : "I got Chikorita"
You take them out of their pokéballs and watch them introduce themselves to Kris and her Jigglypuff.
Lyra : "Looks like they're gonna get along just fine"
Kris : "Oh goodie, so where are we heading next?"
(Y/N) : "Hold up, you're coming along?"
Kris : "Well yeah, Lyra invited me along and said we could catch up, plus she said she needed a girl in the group to talk to when she got bored"
(Y/N) : "Chikorita's a girl"
Chikorita : "Chiko"
Lyra : "I can't understand pokemon, plus I want someone to understand the pain of walking"
(Y/N) : "Cyndaquil and Chikorita have stubby feet, it would be too difficult and tiring for them to walk long distances"
Lyra : "I know, but darn it I need someone I can vent to!"
(Y/N) : " *sigh* I guess she can come, but she's your responsibility"
Kris : "Cool, but I gotta go buy a few things before we head out, can you wait a few minutes?"
Lyra : "I'll come with you, Chikorita watch (Y/N) for me please"
Chikorita : "Chiko!"
Lyra : "Thanks, let's go"
She and Kris leave the center, heading out into the city to buy whatever they wish.
(Y/N) : "They're gonna take a long time, I can feel it"
Not wanting to waste any time, you head over to the shop nearby and buy a bulk of pokemon food. It cost ₽1700 but this way you could feed the pokemon while on the journey.
While you see everything as a game, your Pokémon don't and need to eat and drink on a regular basis.
(Y/N) : 'Maybe if I become a cook I can learn to make my own Pokémon food. Is there a book like that here?'
You scan the shelves and find three interesting titles. Cooking for Dumdums, Pokéfood Recipes and Grooming. All on sale for ₽675. After purchasing the books, a screen pops up.
[Would you like to learn Cooking Skill?]
[Would you like to learn Pokéfood Recipes?]
[Would you like to learn Grooming Skill?]
It was tempting to click yes but if the books disappear like the message from God said, there will be questions. So you put the books in your bag for now and wait until you're alone. You also bought 5 antidotes for ₽100 each.
(Y/N) : 'Alright, chapter 2 of the Gamer manual said that I can call out the system by saying or thinking Menu'
As you said that, a window with several options pop up.
(Y/N) : 'Skills'
Gamer's Mind (Passive) Level - Max
- Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effect.
Gamer's Body (Passive) Level - Max
- Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP and all status effects.
ID Create (Passive) Level - Max [LOCKED]
- Used to create instant dungeons. Can be used by thinking 'Instant Dungeon.'
ID Escape (Passive) Level - Max [LOCKED]
- Instantly leave the dungeon. Can be used by thinking 'Escape Dungeon.'
(Y/N) : 'Of course I wouldn't have any skills. I came to this world only yesterday'
??? : "Hey you!"
Turning around at the voice, you see a little kid looking at you. Judging by his looks, he seems to be around 8 years of age.
Kid : "I haven't seen your face around town, are you a trainer?"
(Y/N) : "Yeah?"
Kid : "Cool. Battle me!"
You blink at the boy's declaration. You then smirk and nod at him.
(Y/N) : "Let's do it"
Returning to the Pokémon Center, the two of you head out back and stand on opposite sides of the field. A couple of kids take notice of the impending battle and stand near the edge to watch.
Kid : "We're gonna battle with 1 Pokémon"
(Y/N) : "Fine by me"
Both trainers grab their pokéballs and toss them into the field.
(Y/N)/Kid : "Go Cyndaquil/Krabby!"
The fire mouse and river crab Pokémon emerge from their balls, taking place on their trainers side of the field.
Krabby ♂
Level - 5
Kid : "Ha, Cyndaquil's a fire type, my Krabby's gonna win~"
(Y/N) : "I wouldn't be so sure, just because you have type advantage, doesn't mean you'll always win"
Kid : "*pouts* We'll see. Krabby, use bubble!"
The child's Pokémon shoots a series of clear bubbles at Cyndaquil. You have him counter with ember and the bolts of fire shoot out of your Pokémon's mouth, popping the water bubbles with little effort while also hitting Krabby.
Kid : "B-but how?!"
(Y/N) : "My Cyndaquil's embers are stronger than your bubbles"
Kid : "Grr, Krabby use vice grip!"
The crab charges forward, pinching its massive pincers the whole way.
(Y/N) : "Use smokescreen"
Cyndaquil : "Quil!"
A stream of thick black smoke pours out of your Pokémon's mouth, covering the field and blinding those inside. Without a target in sight, Krabby stops in place.
(Y/N) : "Now, use ember to the north-east!"
Kid : "Huh?"
The sound of Krabby getting hit sounds off in the smoke cloud. You then have Cyndaquil use tackle and Krabby flies out of the cloud cover with spirals in his eyes.
Cyndaquil has gained 32 EXP! Cyndaquil has leveled up!
Cyndaquil ♂
Level - 8
HP - 24 ---> 26
Attack - 14 ---> 15
Defense - 12 --->14
Special Attack - 13 ---> 16
Special Defense - 14 ---> 15
Speed - 15 ---> 17
You have gained 9 EXP and ₽130!
(Y/N) : "Looks like Krabby's unable to battle"
Kid : "Oh man, return"
He calls his Pokémon back and approaches you with a smile on his face.
Kid : "You're really good, name's Maxwell, but you can call me Max"
(Y/N) : "(Y/N) and thanks, it was a fun match"
You extend your hand out and he shakes it. There wasn't any resentment in his voice, just honesty and good sportsmanship.
(Y/N) : 'Ah! This is how kids in my old world should behave! Not screaming or threatening to bang my mom!'
Max leaves and Cyndaquil returns to your side, where you promptly pick him up and place him atop your head.
(Y/N) : "You did awesome Cyndaquil"
Cyndaquil : "Cynda"
With nothing left to do, you return to the Center and wait for Lyra and Kris to return.
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