Episode 1: Woo-oo!
3rd POV
We see a Seagull soaring through the wind as it caws and flies through the clouds over McDuck enterprises then dives down towards a boat and landed on it. The fisherman that it belongs to seeing the bird and shoo it away as it flies off towards another boat only to get shooed by another fisherman as it goes to another on for the same thing to happen again until it land on top of a boat and tries to rest until we hear thumping causing the bird to fly off follow by screaming from a certain duck and another duck trying to help him. Then we go inside the boat.
???: Come on, hold still, uncle Donald!
Then we see Donald Duck running towards the kitchen as Louie was on top of him with a suit in his hand.
Donald: Get off of me!
Then Louie takes off Donald's uniform as he slides on the ground. Then we see Huey with oven mitts on as he's cooking breakfast.
Huey: Good morning, Uncle Donald.
Louie: You can't wear this to your job interview.
Then Louie puts the uniform into the dishwasher then closes it.
Donald: Wah! My uniform!
Donald tries to pull his uniform out by the arm as Louie turns the dishwasher on.
Louie: (shows suit)You gotta dress for the job you want. Not the job you have, which is no job.
Then Donald lets go of his uniform, only for it to land on the stove and catches on fire. Then he puts it in the sink and run water on it.
Donald: Huey, don't touch the stove. You'll get hurt!
Then the arm gets out of the sink and slaps Donald.
Huey: But it's a big day, and a big day calls for a big breakfast!
Donald: [Bleh!]
Then Huey tossed the pan ant the plate away and grabs the suit.
Huey: I'll get the iron.
Then Huey opens the ironing board from the wall as it hits Donald on the head as he falls on the ground and starts sputtering as Huey backs away next to Louie.
Donald: Stop helping me. And put on your life vests! What if the boat goes down while the babysitter's here?
Huey and Louie: Yes, Uncle Donald...
Then Huey grabs two life vests and gives one to Louie as they both put them on.
Donald: (Gets up) Where is that babysitter? (Grabs his phone and calls the babysitter) Where are you?! .... What?
As he talks on the phone, we see Huey and Louie looking at each other while smirking.
Donald: I didn't give you a new address. Well, what time can you get here?
Then we see an old lady stuck in the middle of nowhere.
Old lady: I... don't know.
Then we see Donald annoyed.
Donald: Crazy old bird. Where can I find a babysitter at 10:00?
Everyone: 10:00?!
Huey: You gotta go!
Then Huey puts the suit on Donald as Louie closed the ironing board. Then they push Donald out the door and off the boat onto the docks.
Donald: I can't just leave you!
Louie: We can survive for a couple of hours!
Donald: A couple of hours. Uh.... Well, okay. (Starts to walk away) But just keep those life vests on!
As he walks away, the two boys look at each other as they give each other a thumbs up. Then all of the sudden the boat starts up, causing Donald to turn around.
Donald: Where's Dewey?
Louie/Huey: Sleeping./ Who's Dewey?
After hearing Huey's response, Louie slowly turns his head towards him. Then Donald gets back on the boat to look for Dewey.
Louie: "Who's Dewey?"
Then we see Dewey hot-wiring the boat as Donald walks into the room.
Dewey: All right, boys, we'll get to Cape Suzette and back before anyone realizes we're gone. So long, Dorkburg! Hello.... (Sees Donald) Uncle Donald? Wha-What's up?
Then we see Donald put the boys in the backseats of his car.
Donald: I can't leave you boys alone for one minute!
Dewey: You were supposed to get him out by 10:00, Hubert!
Huey: You were supposed to signal before you started the boat, Dewford!
Louie: We never get to do anything!
Donald: Boys, (turns the rearview mirror towards the three then turns towards them) [sigh] if we want to keep our home afloat, we've all got to do things we don't want to do.
Then Donald sets his to The destination to where he wants to go.
GPS: Destination: McDuck Manor.
Huey: McDuck Manor? As in Scrooge McDuck? Also the home of F/N Duck?
Dewey: The bajillionaire and Tech genius adventurer?!
Louie: You're finally gonna sell us.
Donald: I'm not gonna sell... [Sigh] They owe me.
Dewey: We're gonna meet Scrooge McDuck and F/N Duck?!
Louie: Those guys are amazing!
Huey: What!
Dewey: I heard they were so epic, Scrooge defeated a rock giant and carved a statue of himself out of its leg and F/N wrested a yeti with nothing but his bare hands and won!
Huey: I heard they're so smart, they solved the mystery of the chupacabra. Turns out it was just a shaved bear!
Louie: I heard that Scrooge was so rich, he only hunts for treasure to swim in it! And I also heard that one day F/N had a freak accident that was so bad, he turned himself into a cyborg!
Donald: All right, take it down a notch. It's only a couple of hours. *Thoughts* F/N is probably gonna freak out once he sees his sons.
Dewey: A couple of hours with two of the most exciting ducks in the world!
Then we see Scrooge in a board meeting with three vultures as he messes with his money.
V 1: With business expanding in the Spoonerville and St. Canard markets, noted in Appendices C, G and 5F, we're also cutting the funding to unnecessary departments: Historical Research, Experimental Tech, Deep Sea Exploration...
Scrooge: Fantastic...
Then we see Scrooge walking into his safe to toss his money back into the bin.
Scrooge: Back in the bin with ya. See ya tomorrow. [Sigh]
Then Scrooge tossed the money into the bin and walks towards the limo.
Scrooge: I wonder what F/N is up to.
Then we see the inside a lab in the McDuck Manor as sparks were flying. Then we see a (Fe/C) Duck with a robotic arm and leg as he was working on a device with a screen on it. Then we see the front of him with special goggles over his eyes. Then he stops working on it and lifts his goggles onto his forehead as we see both of his eyes as his left was normal and his right was also robotic. This Duck was known as F/N Duck the Tech Genius Adventurer.
F/N: Alright, that should do it. This should work this time. It has to!
Then F/N flips the switch on the device as it turns on.
F/N: Come on... Come on...
Then the device stared to show a female duck.
F/N: Yes!
Then the device starts to spark up a bit then blew up.
F/N: No.... (Slams his hands on a table) DAMNIT! I WAS SO CLOSE THIS TIME!!!
Then F/N turns to a picture frame that has a picture of him in a tux next to his wife in a wedding dress. And another picture frame with Him, Donald, Scrooge and his wife with Huey, Dewey, and Louie as eggs. He picks up the second picture frame and stares at it.
F/N: Just you wait boys, I'll find her. And when I do, we can be a family again. (Picks up an old Junior Woodchuck guide book) Like Woodchuck guide book rule #4 says, Never give up on the challenge ahead.
Then F/N gets back to working on the device from the beginning.
Meanwhile we see a limousine leaving McDuck Enterprises, as the limo driver causes havoc like speeding by an old dog lady waking her dog on the crosswalk. Then we see Scrooge in the back, reading his newspaper while we see the limo driver who is none other than Launchpad McQuack
Launchpad: Just another day at the office, (Turns around to look at Scrooge while driving) eh, Mr. McD.? [Hehe] Been there. I don't have a office, per se, but in some ways, the road is my office. Hey, that's deep. (Looks for a pen and paper while driving) I gotta write that down.
Then Launchpad runs into a table with a cake on it that a pig couple were about to eat. Then Scrooge looks up from his paper only to see Launchpad not paying attention to the road.
Scrooge: [gasp] Eyes on the road, McQuack!
Then Launchpad starts paying attention to the road again as Scrooge speaks.
Scrooge: Every dent is coming out of your salary.
Launchpad: Absolutely. Hey you read about that crazy snowstorm on the Drake Barrier Reef? I'd hate to fly into that one.
As Launchpad kept talking, Scrooge puts up the divider.
Launchpad: See, I'm a bit of a pilot, and uh... (Divider goes up) Ooh, okay. Divider. There you go.
Then the limo slides by "Morning Joe", knocking some outside tables over. As Launchpad kept driving, he suddenly stops.
Launchpad: Hit the breaks!
As he stops behind a car, Scrooge falls on the floor.
Scrooge: (gets up) [groans] Why aren't we moving?!
Then we see Donald talking through a microphone.
Donald: Mrs. B. Open up! I need to get out of here before...
Then Scrooge honks the horn to the limo.
Donald: ...He shows up.
Then Scrooge gets out of the limo to yell at Donald.
Scrooge: Hey jettison that jalopy from my driveway this instant, ya damn deadbeat!
Then Donald walks out of the car as the three boys watch and walks towards Scrooge as Scrooge walks towards Donald as they stare at each other for a moment.
Scrooge: Donald Duck.
Donald: (cross arms) Uncle Scrooge.
Huey: Uncle Scrooge?!
After the boys heard that they're related to Scrooge McDuck, they started to freak out.
Donald: So, you're looking good.
Scrooge: Still living on that boat?
Donald: Yep. Still a trillionaire?
Then Scrooge points at his mansion on top of a mountain with his cane as a peacock flys by.
Donald: Good, good. How's F/N doing?
Scrooge: Cooped up in his Workshop, working on some device. As usual.
Donald: (looks back at the mansion) I can only imagine what for. (Looks back at Scrooge) So...
Scrooge: So... Jettison that jalopy from my driveway this instant, ya damn deadbeat!
Then we see the three watch they're uncles arguing from the car as we see their reflection.
Donald: Oh, here we go! Giving out orders like he's the richest duck in the world!
Scrooge: I am the richest duck in the world. Now move!
Donald: I would love to. It just so happens I have a job interview.
Scrooge: So why are you standing there yelling?!
Donald: Mrs. B. said you would watch the boys. Can you do that without loosing them?
Scrooge: Of course, I can.
Donald: Fantastic. Thank you so much.
Scrooge: Your welcome! Wait... Aren't they...?
Donald: Yes!
Scrooge: Hoh boy... Wait, what now?
Then Donald lets the boys out the car as the walk in front of Scrooge.
Donald: Huey, Dewey, Louie, meet Scrooge McDuck. Remember, no tricks, no lies, no trouble.
H/D/L: Yes, Uncle Donald.
Donald: (glares at Scrooge) I wasn't talking to you.
Then Scrooge glares back at Donald.
Short timeskip brought you by Scrooge and F/N fighting a dragon.
We're now at McDuck Manor as Scrooge and the three boys are at the front door as Scrooge walks in and shuts the door as the boys are outside. Then Mrs. Beakley lets them in. Then the boys look around inside the Manor in awe as they see a lot of expensive looking things inside.
Then we get into the dining room as Mrs. Beakley sets down a plate of sandwiches in front of Scrooge as he reads the paper. Then Beakley pulls down to a little to get Scrooge's attention.
Beakley: Talk to your nephews.
Scrooge: Well what about... (Looks at the boys then whispers to Beakley) You know who?
Beakley: *whispers* Don't worry about that, I'll tell him.
Then Scrooge groans as he keeps reading the paper as Beakley leaves to the kitchen. As she walks into the kitchen, she sees F/N grabbing a can of "Pep!" from the fridge.
Beakley: Oh, F/N, I was about to get you.
F/N: (lifts his head out of the fridge as a pep was in his hand) [Hmm?] Oh, hey Mrs. B. What's up?
F/N asks as he opens the can up.
Beakley: We have three important guests with us. Three that you know of.
F/N: Three huh? We haven't had guests in a long time. Anyways who are these important guest? (Takes a sip from the can)
Beakley: They're your sons.
After hearing, F/N spits out his drink.
F/N: M-my sons? Here? In this mansion?!
Then Beakley nods her head as F/N starts to freak out.
F/N: Nonononononono! This is bad, this is bad, this is really really bad!
Beakley: (cross arms) Don't tell me you don't want to meet your own sons.
F/N: No, that's not it! Don't get me wrong, Mrs. B., I would love nothing more than to meet my own sons! It just that... I'm afraid.
Then Beakley raised her eyebrows.
F/N: That's right I, F/N Duck, Tech Genius Adventurer, for once in a long time is afraid. [Sighs] (sits on the ground) I haven't seen them since they were eggs. I'm afraid they'll end up hating me for leaving them with their uncle and never visited. But I was worried that they would ended up in danger if they stayed with me. Ever since the "Spear of Selene" incident happened, I just didn't want to lose them like they're mother, (looks at his robotic arm) Or ended up getting hurt like me.
Then F/N looks down in sadness as Beakley sits right next to him as she put a hand on his shoulder.
Beakley: I'm sure they'll forgive you if you just explain your reason to them.
F/N: But what if they don't?
Beakley: You'll never know unless you try.
F/N thinks a little until he sighs and smiles at Beakley.
F/N: As always Mrs. B., you're right. But can you give me a little more time to prep myself up for it? I want to be the first to tell them.
Beakley: (Smiles) Of course.
Then the two of them hugged each other.
F/N: Thanks for the prep talk.
Beakley: Anytime.
The kept hugging until-
Scrooge: Beakley!
Beakley: And that's my cue. (Walks out of the kitchen) Remember what I said.
Short Timeskip brought you by F/N getting himself ready to talk to his sons.
We see Scrooge and Beakley put Huey Dewey and Louie in a room.
Scrooge: (to Beakley) You agreed to watch 'em. Watch 'em. (Looks at the boys) Huey, Louie, the third one.
Then Scrooge tips his hat and leaves as Beakley walks towards them with a bag of marbles in her hand.
Beakley: Please do not leave the designated play area. (Tosses the marbles to Dewey) A gift from your great-uncle. You will return them upon your departure. He's counted them.
Then Beakley closes the door and locks it.
Huey: Great. Now, we got two boring uncles. And we haven't gotten to meet F/N Duck yet.
Louie: So we're totally ditching this room, right?
Dewey: (Walks towards the door) Yep, an I know just how to do it. (Shakes the bag of marbles)
Then Huey and Louie looks at Dewey smiling as Huey gasped.
Then Scrooge walks pass the room with all of his awards with the picture of him in the middle of it as he walks inside and looks at the picture. Then he walks towards his old dive suit inside a glass dome and wipes the dust of it.
Scrooge: Used to be a big deal.
Then we see Dewey beating a doorknob with the bag of marbles repeatedly until it breaks.
Dewey: Stupid doorknob, come off!
Then he gives it one last swing as the doorknob breaks off the door.
Dewey: Nailed it!
Louie: Wow. I can't believe that was your best plan.
Dewey: (Opens the door) Come on, guys. Let's go touch some expensive stuff.
Then all of the sudden, a rope wraps around Dewey and pulls him away.
H/L: Dewey!
Then the rope wraps around the other two and pulls them away.
Meanwhile we see F/N looking for his sons, until he sees Beakley doing some cleaning.
F/N: Mrs. B! (Walks towards her) Great timing. Have you seen Jet, Turbo, and Rebel?
Then Beakley looks at him in confusion.
Beakley: I'm sorry, who?
F/N: Jet, Turbo, and Rebel.
She raised an eyebrow up, not knowing who he was talking about.
F/N: My sons.
Beakley: Oh, you mean Huey, Dewey and Louie.
F/N: Wait, Donald changed they're names?! Oh if their mother was here, she'd probably have a fit. Anyways where are... Huey, Dewey and Louie?
Beakley: Scrooge told me to put them in the play area.
F/N: [Sigh] Of course he did. (Walks towards the play area) Thanks Mrs B.
As he goes towards the play area he talks to himself.
F/N: Let's just hope they don't get into too much trouble. ... Then again, they are my kids.
Then we see the three tied up hanging upside down from a rope.
Dewey: I'll put the marbles back, I swear!
???: Who sent you? Ma Beagle? Glomgold? Lea Dorobō? Answer me!
Louie: [sobs] Uncle Scrooge!
Then Louie starts crying until the mystery girl realize who they are.
???: Uncle Scrooge? Oh my gosh, the nephews!
Then the mystery girl claps her hands as a spotlight turns on to reveal Webby Vanderquack.
Louie: Wait, you know us?
Then Webby pulls out a dagger and cuts the three down.
Webby: Of course. Researching Mr. McDuck and his family is kind of my hobby.
Louie: What?
Webby: What are you blood types? What's Donald really like? Who's the evil triplet?
H/D: Louie.
Louie: Eh.
Webby: (picks up a camera) Tell me everything.
She takes the picture of the three as a picture comes out of the camera.
Louie: Um, we live with our uncle.
Dewey: On a boat.
Webby: (walks away as see looks at the photo) Go on.
Huey: Kinda it. We're just a normal, boring family.
Webby: Normal? Boring? [Ha!]
She kicks a ball as the boys moved out of the way as it hits a roll-up map to reveal this:
Webby: Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck. Scrooge McDuck's great-grandnephews on his sister Hortense's side, with Quackmore Duck, twice removed.
Dewey: And you are?
Webby: Oh, right. [Heh] Webby Vanderquack. My Granny's the housekeeper. Wait! Are we friends now?
Huey: If we say yes, will you let us live?
Webby: [Pff] Good one, new best friend.
Then she puts a line between a picture of the boys and a drawing of her, then writes "friend" under the line with a red ink marker.
Louie: So, friend, what do you for fun around here?
Webby: Oh, I'm the best at fun. Um... (Kicks open a vent then crawls in)
Dewey: At least it's not the marble room.
Then the boys follow Webby into the vents. Meanwhile we see Beakley cleaning while we hear Scrooge grumbling and banging from his office door. Then Beakley busted through the door only to find Scrooge struggling to put on his diving suit.
Scrooge: Come on you blaget! You won't get the best of Scrooge Mc- (head pops out) Dack!
Beakley: [hm] A little spring cleaning?
Scrooge: Maybe. Maybe not. (Shows paper) Read this.
Beakley: (takes paper) Snow. On the Drake Barrier Reef.
Scrooge: First time in 50 years. That weather report aligns perfectly with the Papia prophecy. A shift in currents may present a pathway to Atlantis. Lost city under the sea.
Beakley: This is because some children made fun of you, isn't it? (Close the paper)
Scrooge: Nonsense. (Picks up a glove and puts it on) I'm no has-been. They're the has-beens. And where's F/N?
Beakley: Trying to find his sons and spend time with his family. Unlike a certain someone.
Scrooge: [Bah!] (Tosses a pen and notepad to Beakley) Make a list. Four oxygen tanks, two pressure gauges, a pilot.
Launchpad: (Opens door and pops head out of it) I'm a pilot.
Scrooge: A week's provisions, an experimental deep-sea sub.
Launchpad: I'm a pilot.
Beakley: and one secretary, for an old man who seems to have forgotten I am not his (throws pen at the wall) secretary.
Then a scared Launchpad leaves the room after shutting the door.
Scrooge: So... [Eh] not interested?
Then we see the kids crawling through the vents.
Beakley: I have enough excitement caring for Webby.
Then Dewey stops and watches on what's going on.
Beakley: Perhaps you should spend time with your family.
Scrooge: Oh, aye? Hang up my spats? Become the doddering old relic everyone thinks I am, spinnin' yarns to those loud-mouthed young'uns about the man I "used to be"?
Beakley: You have avoided them for ten years.
Scrooge: Because family is nothing but trouble!
Hearing this, Dewey gasps and gets upset, then moves on ahead and catches up with the others.
Scrooge: I'm Scrooge McDuck. (Puts on helmet as he slowly leaning to his side) I made my name by being tougher than the toughies, and smarter than the smarties. And I made my money square. On my own. No nephews, no family, no helping hand, and I don't need help now. And...
Then Scrooge falls over some diving equipment.
Scrooge: Beakley, a little help.
Then Beakley leaves as Scrooge tries to get up, only to fall on his head.
Scrooge: Maybe they're right.
Then Scrooge slides off all sad in his suit. Meanwhile, we see Webby kick open the vents then rolls out of it.
Webby: Woo-hoo! Vent crawl!
Then Louie and Huey falls an the vents.
Huey: You don't get out much, do you?
Webby: Nah. Granny's a bit overprotective. She trains me to be ready for anything, then she says I got everything here. And Mr. Duck teaches me other stuff, like math and science. But one day, I'm gonna see the world. I'm gonna be an explorer. I'm gonna eat a hamburger.
Huey: We can bring you a hamburger.
Webby: You really are my best friends.
Huey: Also, when you say Mr. Duck teaches math and science, you wouldn't mean F/N Duck would you? As in-
Webby: The Tech Genius Adventurer? Of course, who else?
Then the two gasp in excitement.
Huey: What's he like?
Louie: Is he really a cyborg duck?
Webby: He's one of the coolest ducks ever! Besides Mr.McDuck. and yes he is a cyborg duck.
Louie: I knew it!
Webby: He's also mysterious to. When he's not teaching me, he stays in his lab that he calls "the Workshop".
Huey: He has his own lab here?! Can we see it?
Webby: Sadly no, he locks his lab from every angle. Even the vents. But I can show you guys something cooler! Follow me.
As the two follow Webby, Dewey rolls out of the vents and follows them. Then they stop at a blue door.
Webby: Welcome to the Wing of Secrets.
She opens the door to reveal old artifacts inside. Huey sees a picture of Scrooge and F/N before he became I cyborg duck standing on the Chupacabra. Which was a shaved bear.
Huey: I knew it.
Then Louie See's a statue of Scrooge, made from the leg of the stone giant. Next to a picture of younger F/N wrestling a yeti in this position:
Louie: Dewie, check it out.
Dewie: (Walks by upset) Yeah, whatever.
Then we see Huey looking at a statue with a gong as Webby gets next to him.
Webby: The Gong of Pixiu. Hit it three times to unleash unspeakable evil.
Then we see Louie sticking green sticky notes on different items.
Huey: Uh, what are you doing?
Louie: Calling dibs on stuff.
Then Huey looks at him with a mad look and his arms crossed.
Louie: What? Scrooge is like... He's like super old.
Louie was about to put a sticky note on a glove in a glass dome display until Webby stops him.
Webby: Oh, carful. Madusa gauntlet. One touch can turn organic matter to stone.
Then she does a weird position follow by weird sounds to show that it turns you to stone.
Louie: (Sticks sticky note on glass) Okay, we'll call this one a maybe.
Huey: This place is incredible!
Dewey: It's fake.
Then we see Dewey looking at a picture, then as Webby Huey and Louie come in, we see a picture that was riped from the top right of Scrooge, Younger F/N, and Donald fighting pirates.
Huey: Is that Uncle Donald?
Webby: Oh, yeah. He, along with Mr. Duck, was Mr. McDuck's sidekick.
Then the boys look at her in disbelief.
Huey: Dewey's right.
Louie: Totally fake.
Dewey: Uncle Donald has never done anything cool.
Webby: What? Donald Duck is one of the most daring adventurers of all time.
Dewey: This is gotta be a fake. And I bet everything else is, too.
Webby: That's not true! What about this picture with Chupacabra?
Huey: Photoshop.
Webby: (open a treasure chest) Or This treasure chest?
Louie: Probably bought it at an auction.
Then a sheet floats up from the inside of the chest.
Webby: This g-g-ghost?
Then Dewey walks next to the floating sheet.
Dewey: You mean this Halloween decoration?
Then Dewey pulls off the sheet to reveal a ghost pirate.
Ghost Pirate: Curse ye, ya scurvy life lubbers.
Webby: It's Captain Peghook, the scourge of the River Styx.
Meanwhile we see F/N talking to himself as he heads towards the play area.
F/N: Okay, F/N, you can do this. You wrested a yeti, fought monsters and demons, you even defeated a giant ancient robot. This should be nothing. Even though you haven't seen them in 10 years, I'm sure they'll understand. (Stops in his tracks, takes a deep breath then exhales) Alright, here goes nothing.
As he gets to the room, he sees that the doorknob was broken and there's a bag of marbles on the floor.
F/N: Broken doorknob, a bag of marbles, scattered. (Looks into the room to see that it's empty) Empty play area. [Hmm] If I had to guess by the way that the doorknob was damaged, Scrooge told Mrs. B. to keep my sons in the room and she gave them that marbles to play with then locked the door with them in the room. Then one of them used the bag of marbles to destroy the doorknob to free them. And judging by how the marbles are scattered, they where dragged out of this room. Meaning only one thing.... Webby found them first.
(That's right! You're so smart, you're able to hypothesize what happened just by looking at three things.)
F/N: Well it's a good thing she doesn't know the truth. For years she's been trying to figure me out.
Then all of the sudden, he heard the children screaming.
F/N: That sounds like that came from the- oh no!
Then F/N runs all the way towards the room where the kids are.
Meanwhile, We see Dewey grab a sword.
Dewey: It's real! It's really, really real!
Then the sword flys out of his hands and start charging into Captain Peghook, only to go through him.
Webby: The Deus Excalibur. It won't rest in it's target's slain.
Huey: But he's already dead!
Then the sword goes through him and hits the gong.
Webby: [gasp] Do not let anything else hit that gong.
Louie: Yep, I'm gonna sit this one out.
Then Louie sits on a saddle only for a headless horse to grow from it and tosses him off.
Webby: The headless man-horse! That one feels self explanatory.
Then the Man-horse hits the gong a second time.
Dewey: That's twice!
Webby: One more and something terrible could happen.
Louie: What could be worse than this?
The all of the sudden, a laser blast hits Captain Peghook, knocking him on the ground. Then the kids turns around to see F/N Duck as he pointed his robotic arm, turned into a blaster with an angry look on his face.
Huey: It's him. It's really him!
Louie: He really is a cyborg duck. That's so cool!
F/N: Keep your filthy ectoplasmic hands off my sons, ya damn dirty ghost!
Dewey: Wait... Did he say sons?
Scrooge: What in Dismal Downs is going on in here?
Then F/N looks at Webby.
F/N: Webby, snooping as usual, I see?
Webby: [ehehe]
Then Scrooge and F/N walks towards the kids.
Scrooge: Why aren't you in your rooms?
Then the sword flys past by them. They go find somewhere to hide, only to be stopped by Captain Peghook. Then the go somewhere else to hide as Captain Peghook grabs the sword and gains control of it. Then they get stopped by the headless Man-horse. Finally the run behind an old Relic to hide as Huey pops his head out to see what's happening.
Huey: We've got this. There are four of us and three of them. If we... Wait, never mind. They teamed up.
Then we see Captain Peghook riding Captain Peghook riding the headless Man-horse wile wielding the Deus Excalibur.
Scrooge: Oh, good.
F/N: That means only one target.
Then Scrooge and F/N walks towards the three.
Scrooge: Oy, beastie. What's it gonna take to shuffle you off to the afterlife?
Captain Peghook: The head of Scrooge McDuck!
F/N: (looks at Scrooge) [Mmm] I don't know, looks like he's using it right now.
Then Scrooge cracks his neck then flips his cane around as F/N cocks his arm blaster.
Scrooge: Would you settle for his hat?
Then The ghost roars as he charges at him as Scrooge tossed his hat at him as it goes through them, then he and F/N runs towards the three and slides under them. Then F/N gets up and blasts the spirit off of the horse.
F/N: Ectoplasm reactor ray. Never fales in a fight with a ghost.
Then Captain Peghook gets up then throws the sword at Scrooge, only to have the statues head cut off. Scrooge catches the head.
Scrooge: There's your head.
Then Scrooge tossed it at him as he catches it in his hands.
Captain Peghook: I should have been more Specific!
Then Peghook disappeared into the afterlife as the head falls on the Headless Man-horse, making him no longer headless.
Man-horse: *Stomping hoof* (Thanks for the head, now I no longer look like a freak)
F/N: You are very welcome.
Then Man-horse runs off as Scrooge puts his hat back on. Then the kids come out of hiding as the surrounded The two all excited. Until Scrooge slammed his cane on the ground as the kids gasped.
Louie: We can explain. We came to your secret museum to look for you two because we (hugs them)love you guys.
Scrooge: Secret museum?
F/N: This is the garage.
Then Scrooge pressed a button to open the garage door.
H/D/L: The what?
Webby: No, that's ridiculous. If this is the garage, then how do you explain all this amazing stuff? (Shows a garden hose) Like the garden hose of destiny. (Shows old magazines) or Montezuma's stack of old magazines. Or... Oh, yeah, no, it's a garage.
Scrooge: Unbelievable.
F/N: You four could have gotten hurt, or worse killed!
Scrooge: I invite you into my home...
Louie: You locked us in a room.
Scrooge: I gave ya marbles.
F/N: Looks like my hypothesis was correct.
Huey: All we wanted was to hang out with you guys. Also we didn't know we had a father until now!
Scrooge: well now you have, and look at the mess you got me?
F/N: And about the father thing-
Huey: Why didn't anyone tell us that your our father?!
Dewey: I'll tell you why, because he's ashamed of us!
F/N: What?!
Dewey: And I guess family is nothing but trouble, right, Scrooge?
And after that the two gets angry.
Scrooge: Everybody out.
Huey: But we're-
Scrooge: Out!
Then out of anger, Scrooge accidentally hits the gong with cane, causing the children to gasp.
F/N: What's the matter with you four? It only activates when the gong gets hit three ti- and you hit it twice already, didn't you?
Then the statue starts to shake as a dragon emerges from it and burst through the roof and sniffs around.
Webby: Pixiu, the gold-hunting dragon.
Louie: Gold hunting? Sounds great!
Huey: Not when you're Duckburg's single largest owner of gold!
F/N: Which only means one thing.
Then we see the dragon sniff towards McDuck Enterprises.
Scrooge: Ah! Me money bin!
Then Pixiu goes after Scrooge's money bin as jumps on him.
Scrooge: To your rooms!
Then Scrooge flies off with Pixiu.
F/N: Uncle Scrooge!
Then they watch him fly off as Louie puts a sticky note on an old vase. Then they turn around to see Webby walking out.
Huey: Where are you going?
Webby: I'm gonna go eat a hamburger.
Then the three smile an looks at Webby.
Dewey: We're in.
F/N: Me too.
Dewey: And how do we know we can trust you?
F/N: Look, after all this, I promise I'll explain myself, alright?
Then the boys look at each other then back at they're father.
Dewey: Fine.
Webby: Cool. To be clear, I'm going after the dragon. The hamburger was a metaphor from before.
F/N: Oh, no, we got that. We can't catch them by foot, we're gonna need a plane. Luckily I built one years ago. But the only thing we need is a pilot.
Then Launchpad pops his head from the door.
Launchpad: (gasp) I'm a pilot.
Then we see the dragon flying over Duckburg as Scrooge tries to climb up to its head. The dragon sees this and tries to shake him off by doing loops but Scrooge hangs on for dear life until it flies downwards as Scrooge jumps on and lands onto it's neck.
Scrooge: [Hahaaa] It'll take more than some fancy flyin' to shake old Scrooge, ya bloody cash cannibal.
Then the dragon starts bumping into some buildings, trying to shake him off some more.
Scrooge: It'll take more than a bruised spine to shake old Scrooge, ya bad dragon dog.
Then the dragon gets on top of a building and sees McDuck Enterprises. As it sees it's destination, it flies towards McDuck Enterprises. Before it flies any further, Scrooge stops it by putting his cane in it's mouth and pull it back like it was a break. The the dragon slings him off into the air. Scrooge starts falling into his room, as he was about to fall into the water from the sky, until a plane catches him as he lands on the wing, trying to hang on until a robotic arm stretches out and pulls him in the cargo area as the door to it closed. Then he sees F/N along with Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby in front of him.
Scrooge: Thanks for that, lad.
F/N: No problem.
Scrooge: As for you four, I thought I told you to go to your...
Dewey: No time, we gotta work fast!
Huey: Webby, how do we stop it?
Webby: It's mystical, we need a mystical device.
F/N: Brilliant! Like an oblivion mirror-
Webby: or a Medusa gauntlet or-
Louie: (shows gauntlet) Like this?
Then everyone looks at Louie.
Louie: (hand Scrooge the Gauntlet) What? I was gonna give it back.
Then the dragon starts tearing through the roof of the enterprise, where Scrooge's bin is.
Louie: Now how do we get him down there?
Huey: (holds a garden hose) Garden hose of destiny! Launchpad, we need to swing him out! Noes-dive towards the bin and get ready to pull up.
Launchpad: Yes, sir, random kid I just met.
As they say that, F/N ties the garden hose around Scrooge. Then the plane heads towards the the bin as the cargo door opens up.
Dewey: Any questions?
Scrooge: Since when is Launchpad a pilot?
Then the dragon makes a whole in the roof of the bin, seeing the gold getting ready to eat it. Then the plane does a noes dive then pulls up as Scrooge grabs the beast with the Madusa gauntlet, turning it into stone as Dewey, Webby, Huey, Louie, and F/N hang on to the hose.
Dewey: You guys, our family is awesome.
Hearing this, puts a smile on F/N's face. As the dragon was turning to stone, it slings Scrooge off, tossing him to the air as the rope untangle from him and the others to let go of the hose.
All: Scrooge!
The dragon triest to get the gold, but it as too late, for it turns to stone and fell apart. Then we see Scrooge fall into the bin as he smirks and does a flip then dives into his gold. All the children gasp in horror as they saw what he did.
F/N: (Smirks) Wait for it.
Then he swims up our of his gold as he spits some out of his mouth. Causing the children to chest.
Louie: He swims in money! I knew it!
Then Launchpad turns around while flying.
Launchpad: Aw, family truly the greatest adventure...
F/N: Launchpad, watch where you're flying!
Launchpad: Oh, no, the ground.
Then Launchpad crashes the plane into the beach in front to the enterprise. Later, Launchpad and F/N tries to take out the fire on the plane. Meanwhile, Scrooge talks to the kids.
Scrooge: In the short time I've known you, you've wrecked my home and my money bin, unleashed several ancient evils, and almost got me killed twice.
Huey: Four times if you count each monster as an individual time.
Then they get scared as Scrooge looks at him until he starts laughing and sits with the kids.
Scrooge: That was incredible! (Points at Dewey) when you're father pulled me in and you said "no time." Oh, (looks at Webby and Louie) and who would've thought of a Madusa gauntlet? Brilliant! (Looks at Huey) Oh, and then you swing me out, and pulled me up in time. [Hahaha] (gets up from seat and looks at them) You kids are nothing but trouble. Curse me kilts, have I missed trouble. And you boys remind me of a certain someone, when he was a wee lad.
Then the five look at F/N as he sees them looking back at him.
F/N: [Eh] how about you finish taking out those fires, Launchpad. I need to talk to my sons.
Launchpad: (Gives F/N a thumbs up) Can do, Mr. D.
As Launchpad tries taking out the fires, F/N walks towards the others as he rubbed his right arm. He goes in front of his boys as he gets on his knees as the three look away from him as they crossed they're arms.
F/N: [Sigh] Look... I know you three are mad at me. And you probably hate me. But if you would let me explain why I didn't raise you is because-
Dewey: It's because hate us right? That you wanted nothing to do with us right?
F/N: What? Nononono, I don't hate you three, I wanted nothing more than to have you boys in my life-
Louie: (Starts tearing up) Then how come we never see you?! How come Uncle Donald never told us you were our father?!
Then the kids look at him in shock after hearing what he just said.
Huey: B-but you The F/N Duck, Tech Genius Adventurer! You're not afraid of anything.
F/N: Anything, except losing those I care about... As you probably know, I lost my eye, arm, and leg during an accident and made myself a Cyborg. But before I made myself into a cyborg I thought to myself, that if I had you boys stay with me you'd end up getting hurt (starts tearing up from left eye) or worse, me ending up losing you three. And if I lost you boys knowing that it was my fault I would have been torn apart. So I had your Uncle Donald take care of you and not tell you about me to protect you.... (Looks at the boys as tears came from his eye) you probably won't forgive me for not being there. But know that I truly am sorry, and that I love you thr-
Before he could finish his sentence, the three boys hug they're father for the first time in 10 years as they started to cry.
F/N: B-boys?
Dewey: Of course we forgive you!
Louie: And we love you too!
Huey: we're happy to finally have you in our lives, Dad!
F/N : Boys... (Smiles as tears came down his face) Thank you boys. Thank you.
Then Scrooge and Webby wipes tears from they're eyes.
Scrooge: (clears throat) I suppose we'll have to keep an eye on you (grabs phone) to teach you how to get into trouble properly. Wouldn't you agree, F/N?
F/N: (whips tears) I couldn't agree more.
Dewey: You mean...
F/N: We do.
Scrooge: Beakley, clear my schedule. F/N and I are taking the wee ones on a field trip.
Beakley (on cellphone): About time, and once again, I'm not your...
Before Beakley could finish, Scrooge hangs up and looks at everyone.
Scrooge: Now, let's go find the lost city of Atlantis.
All: Yeah!
F/N: And no one tell your Uncle Donald.
All: Yeah!!
Launchpad: Who is that?
F/N: My brother-in-law.
Launchpad: Oh!
Then we see Donald stuck on a wall, thanks to some staples trying to get loose as he's squawking until a man walks towards him.
???: You got the job, Duck.
Donald: Seriously? Oh boy! I'm a real accountant.
???: Accountant? That was filled yesterday. (Shows a sailor uniform) You're our new sailor.
The man puts the sailor hat on Donald's head as he salutes the man. Then we see that it's no other than Scrooge's arch rival Flintheart Glomgold.
Glomgold: Welcome to Glomgold industries. Now, what can you know about Atlantis?
Then everything fades to black.
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