iTz rOaSt dAy-- ik there is no holiday named rOaSt dAy i jUsT mAdE iT uP, iTz tHe dAy wHeN i fEeL lIkE rOaStInG sOmEtHinG oR sOmEbOdY ,yEs-- nOw eXcUse mE fOr a sEc. cuZ iMmA rOaSt aLl oF mY hOmEwOrK--
sOmE pEePs oN tHe iNtErNeT : yOuR fAcE iS sO uGlY
Me : yOu hAvEn'T eVen sEeN mY fAcE
sOmE pEeP oN tHe iNtErNeT : yOu jUsT lOoK uGlY wHaHaHaHa yOu lOoK lIkE aN uGlY gObLiN
Me : i'M nOt iN a mOoD tO dEaL wItH yOu rIgHt nOw
sOmE pEeP oN tHe iNtErNeT : oOh~ sOmEoNe'S a sCaRy cAt hAhAhAhA wElL yOu cAn dEaL oF hOw uGlY yOu aRe!
Me : wHy tHaNk yOu, yOu tOo! yOu hAvE aN uGlY pErSoNaLiTy aNd aN uGlY aTtItUde sO i'M nOt sAyIng yOuR fAcE iS uGlY i'M sAyIng tHe iNnEr bEhAvIoR iS uGlY oH oOp-
sOmE pEeP oN tHe iNtErNeT : yOu lOcO pSyCoPaTh b*TcH !!
Me : aRe yOu tAlKiNg aBoUt yOuRsElF?
sOmE pEeP oN tHe iNtErNeT : i'M nOt bUt i tHiNk yOu aRe
Me : wElL tHiNk aGaIn
sOmE pEePs oN tHe iNtErNeT lEfT tHe cHaT
Me and my classmates playing bAdMiNtOn iN sChOoL iN a vAcCaNt aReA cUz iTz p.e. tImE yAsSs--
buLlIeS : hEy mOvE oUt oF tHe wAy mE aNd mY cReW mAtEs aRe gOiNg tO pLaY sOcCeR hErE
Me : cAn i pLaY sOcCeR wItH yOu--
bUlLiEs : nO sUcKeRs aLlOwEd
My classmate who's playing badminton with me : thought you were playin badminton?--
Me : oh right! lol lEt'S cOnTiNuE pLaYiNg
bUlLiEs : nOw mOvE oUt oF tHe wAy sUcKeRs
Me : oH mY, tHiS iSn'T yOuR pRoPeRtY! tHiS iS tHe sChOoL's pRoPeRtY sO aNyOnE cAn sTaY hErE wHeNeVeR wE wAnTeD nOw sCrAm, yOu kNoW tHiS iSn'T tHe oNlY vAcCaNt aRea rIgHt?
bUlLiEs sTaYeD sPeEcHlEsS aNd mOvE tO sOmE vAcCaNt aReA tO pLaY sOcCeR
Some classmate of mine : stop stealing ( sAyS hEr cRuSh's nAmE) away from me!
Me : I'm not even interested in having some crush/crushes cuz we know we'll be broken hearted after
Some classmate of mine : just stay away from him
Me : geez we were only doing a school project together cuz the teacher assign us to be partners in doing the tasks now stop that jelousy of yours
Some classmate of mine : now let's solve this problem!
Me : if you want to solve a problem learn algebra
Some classmate of mind : .......
Me walks away and chillin by eating some chips secretly cuz itz not yet recess time oh flip--
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