Phase 3
Here we go...
Peter and Shuri's Guide on How to Have the Best Week Ever and Annoy Tony.
Phase three:
• Take Shuri to American school with Peter.
• Wander aimlessly through New York and try to get mugged.
Peter slammed his hand down on the power button of the screaming nuisance he called and alarm clock successfully shutting it off. He rolled over and attempted to go back to bed.
Peter's eyes shot open and he jumped up upon realizing what day it was.
It was Monday.
Peter ran to his dresser and threw on a Star Wars sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. He threw open his door and flew down the hall to the team's shared lounge/kitchen.
Peter walked over to the kitchen area and accepted a plate of eggs from Steve. He sat at one of the breakfast bar's barstools and started eating. By the time Shuri bounded happily into the kitchen, Peter was done eating and moving to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
Why was Peter at the tower and not his own apartment? And why was he excited for school? You might ask. It's simple really, he had been allowed to stay at the tower because Shuri was going with him to school for a day.
They had already talked to the school about it. They agreed to let her come. They told the school it was Wakanda's idea of learning more about their allies and, well, they couldn't say no. She was the princess of Wakanda after all.
When Peter left the bathroom, he found Shuri completely ready. "Your hair looks great!" He chirped happily. "Thanks! I decided to do it simple." She replied. Peter gave her a funny look. Simple? How did she even do that in such a short amount of time? (AN//::Look at picture above for what she is wearing, sans gauntlets, I'm not even gonna attempt to explain that.) Peter decided not to ask her.
The two were chattering happily on the couch when their poor, unfortunate driver for the day walked in. "C'mon, lets go!" Peter yelled as he and Shuri grabbed a disheveled Tony's arm and pulled him towards the elevator. Tony cast a longing look at the untouched coffee pot on he counter. He made a silent promise to return to his beloved.
Tony sighed in relief when they finally made it to the school. Peter and Shuri has done nothing but squeal the entire drive. The entire drive. They were excited about Shuri's first day at an American school. Tony got that. But did they really have to squeal the whole time? No, the answer was no. They most definitely did not.
After the two teens exited the car and closed to doors, Tony was about to drive away when he stopped. The two didn't start heading in. They just stood there staring at him.
Tony sighed and rolled down the passenger window. "Yes?" He asked. "You have to sign her in..." peter trailed off. Tony threw his head back and let out a very over dramatic groan. "Fine." He said when he ran out of air.
As the trio walked, or skipped in Peter and Shuri's case, through the halls to the main office, kids stopped to stare at them. Usually, Tony wasn't fazed by people staring, he was Ironman after all, but for some reason, the beady eyed teens made him feel a little uncomfortable. But he would never admit that.
When they finally made it to the office, Tony was relieved. The duo had been trying to get him to give them a piggy back ride the rest of the way there. He said no. You can imagine how that went.
As they entered, one of the receptionists greeted them without looking up. "How May I help yo-" she stopped and her eyes widened as she realized Ironman was standing in front of her. "Yeah, I was told I had to sign her in." Tony said distractedly. Shuri was waiting patiently behind him, but Peter wasn't. Uh-oh.
The woman finally snapped out of her amazed silence. "A-and who is s-he?" She stuttered out. "Princess Shuri of Wakanda." Shuri said before Tony could. Her eyes got even wider, if that was even possible. She silently handed him a few papers and did her best not to stare.
After Tony finished filling out the pain we work, he turned around about to say something to Shuri but stopped when he saw her and Peter sitting in the chairs by the door. Peter was on his phone and Shuri was messing around with a hologram that was projected from one of her kimoyo beads. They looked... bored?
Tony decided not to say anything and just walked out of the building, not caring about what the two teens decidedly do for their day at school. Peter must have done something, and he was going to figure out what.
The two teens schedule went like this,
Foreign Languages (Spanish)
Señora Tekal
Advanced Calculus
Mr. Todd
Coach Wilson
World History
Mr. Wayne
Electives(Science and Health)
Mrs. Fox
Mrs. Clarkson
Mr. Tess
The office had set up Shuri's schedule so that she and Peter would have the same classes. The two just shared a locker. She was only going to be there for one day after all.
For the whole first half of the day, the two got weird looks from the teachers and students. It was probably because of the little stunt Shuri pulled on Friday. The two just ignored them and went about their business.
At lunch, Shuri had a tough time deciding what to eat. The cafeteria had a few different choices of meals, and she wanted to try all of them. She had ultimately decided on pizza. When Peter asked her why she didn't try something more exotic, she replied with a simple, "I have never had pizza before." Peter just starred at her.
"Yes, but if you fuse the Romex ™ with the NM and NMC's you might..." Shuri was cut off as Flash walked over to where Peter, Shuri, Ned, and MJ were sitting. The four of them had been talking about which wires to connect for some robot they were all making together.
"Hey Penis!" Flash mocked as he grabbed Peter's untouched burger and took a bite out of it. Flash looked back down at Peter. "Oh, you weren't going to finish that were you?" He smirked. Instead of replying, Peter shot a warning look at Shuri who's expression had darkened. Flash must have noticed him looking at her.
((An:: you can say whatever you want in place of **** I hate it when people call other people names like that.))
"Who's this little ****?" He mocked. Peter groaned and put his head in his hands. Flash had just unknowingly unleashed the panther.
Shuri narrowed her eyes and set an icy glare on Flash. "What did you say?" She asked slowly. Flash smirked. He had gotten under her skin. He walked around the table and got in her face. "I said, who's this little ****." He said smugly. "You want to know who I am?!" She asked rhetorically. "You really want to know who I am!?" Flash nodded his head slightly. Peter just shook his head as Shuri jumped up and sent her chair tumbling back.
Flash's eyes widened in something akin to surprise and he took a few steps back. "Then call me that one... more... time." She said through gritted teeth. "****?" He said quietly. That moron.
Shuri snarled slightly and flicked her wrist. A seven foot, Vibranium spear grew out of one of the larger bracelets on her left wrist. She twirled it around expertly before thrusting it under Flash's chin. She pressed it against his throat just hard enough for him to know it was there, but not hard enough to do any damage.
"I am Princess Shuri of Wakanda! Sister to the Black Panther! And best friend to Peter Parker! You are nothing but a rat! And do you know what Panthers do to rats?!" She yelled. "We eat them!" She said before taking the spear away and slamming the bottom of it onto the ground. "You will never bother Peter or anyone ever again. I will here about it if you do. And if I hear that you do," she warned, "then I will be back. Do you understand?" She yelled. Flash nodded his head up and down so quickly that Peter was honestly surprised that he didn't get whiplash.
As soon as Flash left, Shuri twirled the spear again and it shrunk back into the bracelet. "Have I mentioned how much I love nanotech?" She said sitting back down ignoring all of the surprised stares she got from the students and staff alike, and went back to their conversation as if nothing had happened.
Peter and Shuri walked out of the school and avoided the parking lot. They had told Tony that they wanted to walk home instead of drive. He said they could, but they wanted to make sure that they weren't going to get picked up by Happy or one of the other Avengers.
As the two walked, Shuri chattered nonstop about how awesome her day was and how odd their school's are. Peter, thanks to his slightly enhanced thinking patterns was able to keep up with her constant babble.
Shuri grinned as the two neared the part of the city that they were looking forwards to walk through the most. Hell's Kitchen. Don't ask him why, but Shuri really wanted to get mugged. She blew an air horn in his face in the middle of the night just to ask him if they could attempt it. Peter, being half asleep, agreed. He should have payed more attention to what she was asking him.
Shuri pulled Peter into a grimy alley and headed down it determined. She was taking him right to the center, and arguably the most crime ridden section of town. How she knew where they were going, Peter, once again, would never know.
As they were walking, Peter's Spider-sense started buzzing softly. He discreetly looked up towards where it was directing him. Peter's heart almost stopped when he saw a very angry devil scowling down at him. He snapped his head forwards and walked a little faster.
Daredevil and Spider-Man has an agreement. Spidey would stay out of Hell's Kitchen, and DD would stay out of his territory. Daredevil had made it painfully clear what would happen if he violated those terms. Much like what he was doing now. Even though peter was out of costume, he had no doubt that Red knew exactly who he was. The man just seemed to be able to sense that kind of stuff like Peter could.
Shuri gave him a slightly confused look and jogged up to him. She looked up at where peter had been looking but didn't see anything. Shrugging, Shuri continued her hunt for the most grime covered ally and people she could find.
After what felt like was an hour, but was only a little over 20 minutes, Shuri grabbed Peter's arm and pulled on it repeatedly. Peter thought for sure she was going to dislocate it.
"There." She said quietly, glancing at an ally that had three men in it. The guys grinned at them and motioned for them to come over once they realized the two were looking at them.
Shuri smiled right back and skipped over to them. Peter was a little more hesitant and did something akin to a quick shuffle over.
Once they were both in the poorly lite, even though it was broad daylight, alleyway, the men moved to cut off their exit.
"What'd we got here?" The one on the left teased, as he grinned maliciously. "I don't know Paste Pot, some punks it seems!" The one on the far right said in a sickeningly amused voice.
Shuri raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Paste Pot? Really? If you wanted to be dishonorable to your family and change your name, you could have at least made it humble. Not... paste pot." Shuri said, her Wakandan accent bold compared to the thugs rough New York ones. The self proclaimed Paste Pot snarled and took a threatening step forward only to be held back by the one in the middle.
"Looks like we've caught ourselves a foreign roach boys. Let's show it what we think about them." The center one smirked evilly. The others developed the same look. Mr. Center Man, as Peter was calling him, pulled a pocket knife out of him jacket and brandished it around for them to see. Paste Pot lifted up a bat from god-knows-where and Mr. Right Guy raised his fists.
They all glanced at each other quickly before they started advancing forwards. Peter moved back some, but Shuri stayed where she was. Peter didn't even attempt to make her back. If he did, he would probably end up much like the other guys were about too.
As soon as Mr. Right Guy got near her, Shuri dropped down and swept his legs out from under him. The guy went down hard. A loud crack was heard as his head hit the alleyway floor, rendering him unconscious.
The last two thugs hesitated before they both advanced on her. They weren't going to let some skinny, foreign girl beat them up. Shuri just cracked her neck. By now, Peter was just leaning against the questionably slimy wall watching the show.
She flicked her left wrist and allowed her spear to grow in her hand. She flicked her right wrist and a shield morphed over her arm. She let out a battle cry and charged at them. The poor suckers never even saw her coming. Within seconds, Shuri had taken them out and called the police.
Peter stared blankly at her as she skipped back out of the alley as if nothing had happened. How does she do that? He thought to himself as he walked out of the alley to catch up to her, shaking his head fondly.
One more part! Plus a sequel-ish-thing. I'm not sure when I'm actually going to write that though. Sorry for the wait, I have been trying to write all of my chapters at once before posting them so that I don't run out as fast.
Until next time!
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