Field trips.

This is a request from PEZ_Wolf and AnnaMarieSnowflood

Peter sat counting down in his seat waiting for his class to end. It wasn't that he didn't like chemistry, it was the opposite actually, it was just that he had mastered what they were learning with Bruce quite awhile ago. The class was boring.


Not only was he too advanced for his classes, but he had most of them with the schools bully, Flash Thompson. He just made the classes even worse. Flash was currently throwing paper at the back of his head and the teacher, Mr. Warring, was once again ignoring them.


Peter flinched slightly as the ear splitting bell went off, signaling the end of school. Everyone started to get up when their teacher stopped them. "Everyone hold on a second. Don't forget to get your permission slips signed by tomorrow if you did already. If you don't get the slip signed, you can't go in the field trip. Now go!"

Peter sighed. He had almost successfully forgotten about the field trip. Peter loved field trips. Who didn't? Field trips were a nice little break for him from being Spider-Man and keeping his straight A's. Field trips let him relax a little. So why wasn't he excited for this one, you might ask. It's simple. They were going to Stark tower. Peter's home. He lived there with Tony, his dad, his mom, Pepper, and the rest of his family, the Avengers. Going there for a field trip was going to be miserable.

Peter left his class quickly and headed for his locker. He wasn't in the mood for Flash today. But the universe decided to make his already ruined day worse.

"Oh Penis Parker!" Flash's annoying voice rang through the schools echoey halls. Peter sighed and closed his locker. He turned to face the bully with an exasperated look on his face. "Yes Flash?" He asked, his voice monotone. Flash snarled at him, obviously not happy with Peter's response.

Flash and his "friends" cornered peter against his locker. "You ready for everyone to learn that your internship at Stark Industries is a lie and that you are a loser?" Flash asked him in his annoying voice. Peter sighed and rolled his eyes. "Let me leave Flash." He said. Again, Flash snarled. "Your a freak Parker! I gave you a chance to come clean, but it looks like everyone is gonna learn from Tony Stark himself!" Flash said loud enough for everyone around them to hear before he shoved Peter into his locker and walked away. Some of his peers snickered, they obviously couldn't wait for him to be yelled at by the Tony Stark. Peter just ignored them and walked out to find Happy.

When Peter got home, he dropped his backpack on the floor below the hooks and walked into his family's favorite place to hangout, the communal floors living room/lounge.

"Hey guys." Peter said. His family looked up at him and either smiled, waved, or said hello to him. "Have you seen dad?" He asked no one in particular. He got a mix a 'no's' and heads shaken. Peter just shrugged and went to his room to start his homework.

He got called to the team's shared dining table for dinner two hours later. He didn't mention the field trip until halfway through dinner. He slid the slip of paper towards his parents and said nothing. Right after tony read it, he burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Clint asked him. "Peter's going on a field trip!" Tony told them. "So?" Was the reply. "To Stark Towers!" Tony exclaimed. "Oh really!?" Clint asked slyly.

"Guys! Please don't embarrass me! My whole grade is going to there!" Peter pleaded. "We will try our hardest Pete!" Clint said in mock seriousness. "C'mon guys!" Peter whined. "Peter, they won't embarrass you. Right guys?" Pepper told him while glaring at his family. The rest of his family then reluctantly nodded their heads in agreement. Pepper just smirked at Peter.

Pepper slid the paper back across the table to Peter after signing it. Peter glanced down at it. It read, May Parker, the fake signature/identity they used for peter to help protect his identity. They didn't want it getting out that Peter was their son.

The next day came to quickly. They were going to be bused to the tower after first period. Said period went by too quickly. Ned was in his first period class with him, so he could sit next to him on the bus.

Once all of the students were on their designated bus, they left the school. They were about 10 minutes away from their destinations when Flash spoke up. "Hey Penis! Is your pal Stark going to be there?" He asked snarkily. "How would I know Flash? I never said I knew him, just that I am an intern there." Peter told him. "Oh! So you are admitting that you were lying?" Peter just sighed and went back to talking to Ned.

When the bus stopped, everyone got up to leave. Peter was the last one off of the bus. Flash, of course, was the first one off. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Ned gushed looking up at the tower like everyone else. Peter looked at Ned funny. "Ned? You've been here before man." He told him. Ned glared lightly at him. "That doesn't mean it still isn't cool." Peter put his hands up in surrender before they both started laughing.

They walked inside and everyone looked around in awe. The lobby was really big. A cheery woman in her mid 20's, whom Peter immediately recognized, bounced happily up to them. She had shoulder length, black hair and a sticker on her shirt that said, 'guide'. "Hi everyone!" Is this Midtown High's 11th grade class?" She asked them. One of their teachers walked up to her to go over and confirm some things. After they were done, the guide spoke to them again.
"Hi everyone! My name is Mia and I will be your guide for the day! I'm going to call out your names and you guys'll come up to get your passes!" She said before she started to call out peoples names.

Ned nudged peter with his elbow. "Dude, do you know her?" He whispered to him with genuine curiosity. "Ya, I trained her." Peter whispered back. Ned just looked him in awe.

"Ok! Does everyone have a pass?" She asked. Peter hoped that no one would notice that he didn't get one, but someone sadly did. "Um, Peter Parker didn't get one." One of the teachers told her. Her smile fell as she searched the students for him. When she found him, she smiled and waved. "Hey Pete! You have your pass with you right!?" She asked him, her smile returning. Peter held his up in the air in confirmation. Mia nodded and went in with what she was saying. Peter didn't listen because it was about how the passes level worked, level 1 was the lowest and was for visitors, level 2 was the press and people like that, level 3 was for interns, level 4 was for the security and workers, or important government persons, level 5 was reserved for the Avengers and their family's, and level 6 was for Pepper Stark, because she was Pepper, and talked to Ned quietly instead. Peter ignored Flash's glare and nasty looks.

Mia led everyone over to the security in front of the elevators. "Ok guys! All you have to do is place your pass on the scanner and walk forwards. The gates will scan you for any weapons or threats." She told them. Mia walked trough first and everyone gasped when they heard Friday say, "Mia Jones, level 3." They all tried to go first to hear Friday say their names.

Flash, the first one to go through, and held his head up with pride at hearing his name, Eugene Thompson, level 1. The rest of the students acted in a similar way. Then, sadly, it was Peter's turn. "Peter Parker, level 5. Welcome back Peter. Would you like me to tell boss you are hear?" Friday greeted him with her smooth, Scottish accent. "Hey Fri, And he already knows I'm here." Peter said quickly.
Everyone gaped at him. He was glad they had decided that Friday should call him Peter Parker, not Peter Stark.

"How did Penis get level 5!?" Flash asked incredulously. Peter didn't know what to say, but thankfully, Mia spoke up. "Peter is Mr. Stark's personal intern and needs the same access he has to help him." She said glaring at Flash. Mia knew about him being Tony's son and was more than happy to help keep the secret. She moved on before anyone else could say anything. None of them knew it, but Clint was hiding in the vents and heard everything. He narrowed his eyes and went back to tell everyone what he learned.

To peter, the tour was boring, he had been through it multiple times, heck, he was the one who usually gave the tour guides a tour! He usually just wandered away from the group a bit to talk to or help out one of the interns. Nobody, but Flash, noticed when he did this. Flash just glared at him the whole time, but peter didn't seem to notice. Flash decided to do something about it during lunch.

~~hehe look at this, a time skip thing page break thing!~~

The Avengers and Pepper were all sitting in their shared lounge when they heard about what Clint saw. They were all silent for a moment before Natasha spoke up. "No body bullies our Peter and gets away with it." Her comment got heads nodded in agreement.

It didn't take long for the Avengers to come up with a plan to get revenge on Flash for obviously bullying their Peter. None of them could wait to put their plan in action. To pass the time, they bet wether or not Flash would soil his britches(Lolo sorry, I had to).

They decided to confront them during the groups lunch.
Peter was actually having a good lunch!

He bit back a laugh at his peers reactions to the towers cafeteria. One of them actually yelled, " This isn't a cafeteria! This is a food court!" It was amusing, but instead of saying or doing anything, he walked over to one of the lines to get his food.

When it was his turn to order food, he scanned his pass like they were supposed to and was stopped when one of the cooks called to him. "Uh... Mr. Parker?" He asked hesitantly. When Peter nodded, he continued. "This was left for you." He said handing him a Tupperware container. Peter notice the note on it and grinned it said, 'Enjoy Pete! ~the Awesome Avengers. And Pepper.'

Peter then proceeded to walk over to an empty table. He opened the container and started eating the beef and cheese enchiladas Steve had obviously made. Peter grinned as Ned finally joined him.

"What took you so long man?" He asked the bigger teen playfully. Ned gave him a, 'really?" Look. "Have you seen the food here? I didn't know what to get." Peter just grinned and the two best friends ate while talking about LEGOs.

It was about 3/4 of the way through lunch when peter got up to throw something away. That was when Flash confronted Peter.

"Oi! Penis! How much did you pay them?" He growled. Peter gave him a confused look, angering Flash even more. "The AI and other people. Why would any of them care about someone as weak as you? Oh wait! You didn't pay them! Your to poor! Are they noticing you out of pity? Gods, you are such a freak!" Flash mocked, standing in front of him. Flash reached down and grabbed Peter's wrist. He took the plumb that was in Peter's hand, peter got it from Bucky, obviously, and threw it into a trash can.

Peter just kept his eyes down and made a move to get around him. Flash didn't like that. He shoved Peter backwards. Peter let himself be shoved and fell down. He fell into the trash cans. Flash and some other students started laughing at him. Peter felt his face flush a bit.

He kept his eyes down until he heard a very familiar voice. "Hi there kid! What's your name?" Natasha's dangerously sweet voice called to Flash. This got everyones attention. Flash turned around to the Black Widow giving him a sickly sweet smile. Peter gulped, he knew what that smile meant. Pain.

For a moment, Flash looked at her stunned before his same old cocky self returned. "You can call me Flash beautiful." He said in his annoying, arrogant voice.

Natasha cocked her head to the side and studied him. She narrowed her eyes and spoke to him. "Why do they call you that? Is it because of how fast you finish in the bedroom?" Flash's cheeks turned a faint red as everyone in the cafeteria started chuckling. He opened his mouth to reply before he was interrupted by something, or rather someone, dropping from the ceiling.

"Oh please Nat! You're giving the kid too much credit! I bet he doesn't even make it to the bedroom!" Clint said. By now, everyone was full on laughing.

"Huh... please! Once the girls even see him, they are gone in a flash!" Scoffed Tony. At first, everyone was shocked that the Tony Stark was there but his comment, they all moved on. Everyone was laughing so hard and Flash's face was the brightest red you could imagine, that Peter almost felt bad for him. Almost.

By now, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Pepper, and even Bruce had arrived and were standing by the other threes sides. Flash was just staring at them dumbfounded.

"I think we broke him." Bucky said. "Nah, he's fine." Clint said as he leaned forward and flicked Flash in the cheek. This shocked him out of his stupor. "Ah-ah... yo... I... What are the Avengers here?" Flash stuttered out.

"Because we don't like bullies kid." Steve said in his Captain America voice. "Especially ones who steal plums." Bucky growled. The other Avengers glanced at him but didn't say anything. "Uh... I... bu... w... di... I didn't bully anyone"Flash sputtered.

"You mean, you didn't push that boy into the trash cans and call him names?" Wanda asked him, her eyes tinted slightly red. "I.... I... was only.... he kept lying to everyone saying that he had an internship!" Flash defended himself weakly.

"And who said he was lying?" Tony glared at him. "I... He.... he's Penis Parker... he-es weak, and-and dumb, and a f-freak. How could he possibly get an internship over me?" Flash said. Peter facepalmed. Could Flash get any stupider?

"Actually Flash, Peter, is the kindest," Pepper started.
"Smartest" Bruce continued.
"Most Selfless" Wanda
"Funniest" Clint
"Strongest" Bucky
"Happiest" Steve
"герой (a hero)" Natasha
"Son and nephew in the world" Tony finished.

"S-son?" Flash stuttered, all of the color draining from his face. The whole cafeteria went silent at that.

"Yes. Peter Stark is my son, and you are no where near as good of a person as peter will ever be! He's smarter, kinder, and everything more than you!" Tony said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Now get out of my tower. And Peter is staying here." Tony directed that last part towards his teacher. He just nodded slightly and herded everyone out of the tower.

Once everyone was gone, the odd family all hugged each other. "Thanks" peter said, everyone still hugging. "No problem kiddo, and if something like this happens again and you don't tell us, I will ground you from Spider-Man." Tony said. Everyone laughed. They all knew that New York needed Spider-Man. "I love you guys." Peter said honestly. Everyone else said it back and they went back to the communal floor to get dinner.

Peter had had one heck of a field trip. He wouldn't have asked for it to have happened any differently. Man, he loved his superfamily!

Hey guys! This chapter was long overdue. I just got back from vacation the other day and I didn't feel like writing. But here it is now! I start school tomorrow so I don't know when I'll actually update. Sorry.

Until next time!


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