Sorry for the horrible editing of that pic^ it's late and I'm tired and I honestly can think straight right now.
I am starting this new book to
1, give you something to read whilst waiting for me to update my other stories
2, to help me update my other stories
Hope you enjoy these!
This is a request from YaoiDokonidemo. Hope I do your request justice!
Saturday August 3, 2018.
Exactly one year after Aunt May, Peter's last living relative died.
To say Peter was a reck was an understatement. Peter didn't know how he was going to live the rest of his life without her. Sure the Avengers had taken him in, and sure they treated him like family, but it wasn't the same without her. The pain and sadness had finally started to fade, but then today came. The anniversary of her death. It was just too much for him.
Peter had decided to lock himself in his room and refused to come out for four days. He just payed in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He only got up to use the bathroom or get a quick drink of water from that was connected to his room. Other than that, Peter didn't move. Even while sleeping, he stayed still. He was starting to concern the team.
The first day Peter locked himself in his room, Tony understood. He knew that the kid need time to be alone. The pain of losing his aunt was still fresh and he just needed to be alone.
The second day, Peter stayed in his room. When his other teammates brought it up, Tony just sighed and told them he just needed some space.
The third day that peter stayed in his room, they started to get a little worried. The team all went to his bedroom door and knocked on it. "Kid? You ok?" Tony said, being the first to speak up. "Were all getting kinda worried." Said Clint next. "Come out маленький паук we are all here for you." Came Natasha's gentle words. Her behavior wasn't surprising. The team all knew she had a soft spot for him. The rest of the team, Steve, Bruce, Wanda, all said similar things in an attempt to make him come out of his room.
Getting no reply, they wall went back to the communal floor's living room/lounge. No one said anything at first. "We should just let him be for a bit. Being the last Parker at his age must be tough." Steve said quietly. The rest of the Avengers nodded their heads slightly in agreement.
The fourth day that peter didn't come out, the Avengers started to get worried. "It's not good for him to be alone and isolated this long. The only reason I got through Pietro's death was because I had you guys." Wanda said sadly at breakfast that day.
The team sat in silence for a few moments before Tony jumped up. "I know what to do!" He exclaimed. The other Avengers all looked at him, silently urging him to continue. "I remember a story Peter told me about how he and his parents, aunt, and uncle took him to Disney for his 5th birthday. He said it was his favorite memory of his family." The team sat there in silence for a moment. "Well guys. Looks like we're going to Disney." Clint said.
——-small time skipper dipper——-
After dinner, Tony, Steve, Bruce, Natasha, and Wanda all went to Peter room. Tony knocked in the door. "Hey Pete, open up! I know you can hear me." He called in a playful, yet gentle voice. After getting no reply, Tony nodded to Clint.
Clint jumped up into the vents and disappeared. A few moments later, the rest of the Avengers could hear Peter groan in annoyance. No other sound was heard except for Clint unlocking and opening the door.
The team all filed in and either sat on Pete's bed with him or stood next to it. "What do you guys want." He asked darkly. "We have a surprise for you kid." Tony told him while patting his lower, left arm. Tony looked to the team and counted to three on his fingers. They had practiced this. They were all going to say the same thing on three.
"We're going to Disney!" They shouted.
"I'm pregnant!" Clint yelled at the same time earning a chuckle from the team and a small smile from Peter.
On the fifth day, after hearing the news of going to Disney and Clint's apparent pregnancy, Peter seemed a little happier. He came to eat breakfast with them. "When are we leaving he asked his new family. "Two days, Thursday." Tony said with his mouth full of French Toast. Steve glared at Tony slightly in disgust and Tony just shrugged and went back to eating. "Oh and congrats Clint." Peter said smirking slightly. "Thank you Peter. Everyone else has been so rude. The have all been ignoring me." Clint said with a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. The other just rolled their eyes, trying not to grin at their silly conversation.
— where is the time? Oh! It's skipping away!—
Thursday had finally come and peter would be lying if he said that he wasn't excited. He was still a little upset, but his highly dysfunctional family help cheer him up and comfort him.
They had made the stupid mistake of riding a public, commercial plane to the theme park. Peter had wanted to go on a public plane for "old times sake." The others suspected that peter said that because he knew how much Tony hated public planes.
The plain ride was long and uncomfortable, and people kept staring at them, but they loved every second of it. The fact that tony kept complaining about the small, dirty seats, and the no alcohol policy made that plane ride even better.
When they arrived in Florida, they decided to just go to their hotel and relax for the day in the pool or something. Their hotel was about an hour away from the park, but they didn't
mind. Their isolated hotel gave them privacy.
The next day, they got up early and headed to the park. Getting there early meant that there was a less likely chance that they would be recognized.
They walked up to where they would get wristbands for the park. "I already bought them." Tony told the man, showing him prof of their pre-bought tickets. The look on the mans face in the ticket booth was priceless when he read that the avengers were standing in front of his station. "C-can I have a p-picture? My kids would love it." The man asked nervously. Tony let out and overly exasperated sigh. "Sure." He said.
After peter took the picture for them, they went into the park. The seven of them wandered around a bit, trying to decide on what to do first. "Hey guys? What about a roller coaster? I remember one my dads and Uncle Ben made me go on." Peter said, looking around for the roller coaster. "What is a roller coaster?" Wanda asked. Peter and Clint gasped and feigned hurt. "How do you not know what a roller coaster if?? C'mon Wand we're going to ride a roller coaster." Peter told her matter of factly before he trudged off.
Peter and Clint, being themselves, decided to take Wanda on the biggest, fastest, scariest roller coaster in the park. The one they found wasn't to big, but it would do. The three of them got on the ride while the others watched and recorded them.
At first, Wanda was excited to ride a roller coaster. She had never gotten the chance to what with joining Hydra and then the Avengers. She never had the time to ride one. The only thing that would have made the experience better would have been Pietro. He always liked new, exciting stuff like this.
Wanda was pulled from her thoughts as the ride started. She couldn't help but grin in anticipation. As soon as they were at the top of the first hill, Wanda's grin vanished. She hated heights if she wasn't the one causing it with her powers. A look of pure horror made its way to her face as they started to descend. She screamed as they picked up speed. Peter and Clint were behind her, they got her to ride alone in the first cart, trying, and failing, to stifle their laughs.
After a few long and terrifying moments, the ride was finally over. Wanda stumbled off, shaking. "So! How did you like it?!" Clint asked cheekily. Wanda just glared at him. That only caused Peter and Clint to breakout into a cut of giggles. Natasha, being the only slightly decent person on the team, put a hand on Wanda's shoulder. Wanda looked at her in fear. "I am never doing that again." She said, her accent thick because of fear.
"Hey guys! Look at this!" Tony called to them. He motioned to his phone and showed them the video of poor Wanda that he posted on line. "20k views?? It's been like a minute since we got off!?" Peter said shocked before watching the video. It just send the rest of the team onto a fit of giggles much to Wanda's dismay.
The team did similar things for the next four days. They were determined to ride every ride in the park.
On their last day at Disney, no one really knew what to do. They had ridden all of the rides, even the kiddie rides, in the park. "What about some games? I loved those when I was a boy." Steve offered them, not realizing what he had just done. Peter and Clint grinned wildly at each other before taking off to find the games.
The first game they did was, of course, was a shooting game. Natasha and Clint both won the game.
The second game they did was the water gun racing game. They played it until Clint got the giant cat plushie. He claimed that it was for the baby. They played more games like that until Bruce stumbled upon a strength game.
He ushers the team over to it and they taped both Steve and peter into doing it. There was one for was one for each of them so they decided to do it at the same time. Right before they went, the others bet on them. Bruce and tony bet on Peter and the others bet on Steve.
"Here are the rules guys! You have to go at the same time, and no holding back! And... GO!" Tony announced writing a check.
Steve and Peter looked at each other for a moment before they raised their hammers. They brought them down with all of their strength behind the swing.
Steve hit the high strikers target first and the puck hit the bell. Hard. So hard that it almost broke. Tony grinned as peter hit his target. The puck shot up so fast that only peter realized that it moved.
Everyone, except for Tony and Bruce, gaped at the broken game. Peter hit the target so hard that not only did the target break, but the puck knocked the bell clean off of the top. Tony and Bruce smirked as the losers of the bet payed up. "Why do you even need the money?" Clint grumbled. "Hush money." Tony said as he winked at Clint.
Tony then walked up to the shocked worker and handed him the check and the cash. "This," He said waving the check, "is for the repairs." "And this," he waved the cash, "is for forgetting this ever happened." And with that, they grabbed their stuff from their hotel and left Florida.
That was the teams favorite favorite trip that their dysfunctional family took. Man! Peter loved his family!
Well! Here is the first chapter/scenario! Tell me what you guys think! Would you like my to continue these for you to read in between my other stories' chapters? If you want me to make more, please request chapters! Until next time!
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