This is another request from YaoiDokonidemo. This story is mine. The author of the chapter I posted before wanted me to take it down, so I'm just gonna rewrite one or whatever. It kind of sucks but oh well. This takes place before Civil war, but peter actually managed to make a good suit. Not just his pjs.
"Ok, listen carefully Scott, you have exactly 3 minutes and 14 seconds before any cops arrive. All you have to do is get past the security. Remember Scott, don't. Touch. Anything except for the money. If you do, then it's all over. Got it." After hearing Scott confirm that he 'got it' Hank sighed and turned to his daughter.
"20 dollars says he messes up in the first 10 minutes." Hank bet. "Deal." His daughter, Hope, smirked.
What were they betting on you might ask? It's simple. They were betting on whether or not Scott could successfully rob a bank. You see, Scott often likes to pull cruel pranks on the two of them, so they decided to get back at him. They could always just break him out of jail again if the need arose. They had given Scott some glowing disks and claimed that they were some new technology Hank developed that could make whatever they hit shrink or grow. That was a lie, while Hank did develop that technology, that is not what he gave Scott. The disks were toys from the Dollar store down the road.
They wanted to see how long it would take for Scott to set off the alarm. Hank bet 10 minutes and Hope was for 5 minutes. Scott was stupid but sometimes, he was just straight up retarded. He was supposed to be some great burglar, but the amount of times he gets caught, or almost caught, was unbelievable. The man lacked common sense.
Both of them were pulled from their thoughts when they heard Scott speak. "Ok. I've made it into the vault." He said. "How did you get in there so quickly?" Hank asked confused. "The vents are ant sized." Came Scott's reply. Hank smirked and Hope frowned at this.
"What the hell?" Scott suddenly asked himself. "What?" Hope asked him, wanting to know what the problem was. They had audio and video from his helmet, but the video wasn't always the best. "They have a laser security system!" He yelled exasperated. At this , Hope smirked. "Guess your gonna have to get past the lasers then." She said smugly. "That's easy I shrunk down and overloaded the system. They are off. It's just... why would they have lasers?" He asked rhetorically. The two just sat down and started the timer.
At exactly 4 minutes and 57 seconds, Scott set off the alarm. He cursed loudly whilst Hope cheered. "Why are you so happy Hope?" Scott yelled from the other side of the comms. "Won the bet." She said smugly while her dad grumbled as he handed over the money.
"Stay focused Scott!" Hope told him when he stopped what he was doing to ask them about the bet. "Oh! Right!" He said before quickly taking out the disks. The alarms had been turned off by now. The police were already on their way. He threw the blue disk at a pile of money but nothing happened. "Uh guys? The disks aren't working." He said hesitantly as he tried them again. Hank smirked before replying. "Oh silly me! I must have given you the glow toys left over from the 4th!" He exclaimed.
Scott opened him mouth to say something before a voice cut him off. "What good did you think throwing glow sticks at the money would do?" The unknown person asked. "Who are you?" Scott demanded. "Oh, why your friendly neighbor Spider-Man of course!" "Scott keep him talking. We are trying to find some information on him." Hope told him urgently.
"Who?" He asked looking around for the owner of the voice. The newly named, Spider-Man sighed. "How have you not heard of me?" He asked before jumping down onto the ground on the other side of the room in his famous Spidey crouch with his head cocked to the side curiously.
As soon as he landed, Hope yelled, "Scott don't move!", effectively freezing both Scott and Spidey in place. "That is Spider-Man. He is a vigilante often spotted in and around the Queens area. We know nothing about him except for the fact that he has spider-like abilities and behaviors. Scott, if he has the instincts of a spider, you are dressed as an ant."
"Wait, so what your saying is that I.... I look like dinner to this weird, spidery guy?" Scott asked them weakly. Hope and Hank looked at each other. "We uh... we don't know. Just umm.... try not to make any sudden movements." Hank answered him slowly.
When ever Spidey started to creep towards him, Scott panicked. He clicked the buttons on his glove and shrunk, effectively shocking the wall-crawling vigilante.
Peter was bored. It was Saturday and he had been out as Spider-Man all day. There was so little crime that day that he actually considered swinging through Hells Kitchen. It probably wasn't good that Peter was happy when he heard a bank's alarm go off, but he was.
When he got there, he was a little confused. There was a man in the vault throwing glow sticks at some stacks of money. Not only that, but he had an outfit that strongly resembled and ant. Weird, he knows.
Peter decided enough was enough when he heard the weird Ant-Man-guy talked to someone. He announced his presence and the two of them went back and forth for a minute before Spidey decided to show himself. As soon as he landed though, he heard a voice yell at the Ant-Guy and froze. He listened to the voice a little surprised. Did his natural behavior actually give off that impression?
Spidey curiously started to half-crawl, half-walk towards the oddly dressed man. Peter couldn't say really anything about his fashion choice though as he looked even weirder than the thief, but he was a thief, so he didn't care.
Peter stopped in shock when the man suddenly disappeared. He gaped at the empty air that used to be where the man stood.
"Wha... w-what?" He managed to stutter out before his spider sense kicked into overdrive. He stumbled backwards when someone seemingly invisible socked him in the face.
The hit wasn't hard enough to knock him out, but it certainly did put him into a daze. Peter quickly shook his aching head to clear the fog surrounding his brain. He looked around for the perpetrator.
Peter thought that the man was gone when, by pure luck, and his enhanced senses, he saw what appeared to be a miniature Ant-guy ride a flying ant into the vents. Peter thought he had finally gone insane when he heard the mans tiny voice. "I'm in the vents now. Heading out." Was sort of what he heard.
Peter, acting on an impulse, jumped up into the vents after him. Peter crawled quickly and quietly through the vents following the faint sound the the Ant-guy's, ant's wings flapping. He didn't know he could hear ants' wings beats. 'Ya learn something new everyday.' Peter thought to himself. As he continued to crawl silently thanks to his Spider-powers.
It didn't take long for them to reach the vents' roof access point. The Ant-guy had no trouble getting past the grate blocking the exit. He just flew in between the small bars. Peter on the other hand, had shift his position onto his back and kick the grate out.
Peter wasn't expecting it to be so easy to kick it out and he tumbled, literally, out of the air duct and onto the roof. Peter thought that upon revealing that he had followed Ant-guy, the he would have flown away. But much to Peter's delight and slight guilt, Ant-guy grew to his full size. He was laying on his back groaning. The grate must have hit him and his ant. He hoped his ant was fine.
Peter got up into a crouch and started to crawl over to the man to see if he was alright. As soon as he entered the mans line of vision, he let out a yelp. "I am not being eaten by a man-Spider freak thing today!" Scott yelled in panic. Peter took a a step back. That hurt. Scott saw him move back and took this as his chance, he shrunk down and jumped at Peter.
Peter didn't dodge the punch to the stomach in time. He collapsed to one knee gasping. He realized his mistake too late as Ant-guy grew back to full size and knees him in the face. Peter fell onto his back groaning. Peter looked at the man to see his visor pop off, revealing the smug look on his face. Now Peter was mad. He didn't do anything to suggest that he wanted to eat him! He hadn't even threatened him at all! But if this is how he wanted to play it... Peter would go along with it.
He slowly got into a defensive crouch and let out his best attempt a a growl. The Ant-guys eyes widened and before he could shrink down, Peter pounced. The mans visor snapped down immediately and he landed on his back, knocking all of the wind out of him. Peter pinned down his arms and legs with his own and stuck his face close to his and growled.
The man yelled right before he head butted peter in the face. Peter grunted and let go of his arm to hold his nose. As soon as Peter let go, the man shrunk down. He kicked Peter in the chest, knocking him back. Peter waited for his Spider sense to go off and used it to swat at Scott. Peter grinned as he felt his hand successfully hit his target.
He saw a small amount of dust get kicked up from where Scott had hit the ground. Peter jumped on top of the spot he saw Scott land. Peter saw him getting up and quickly trapped him under his hands. "Ha! Got you!" He yelled before he felt a sharp pain on his left hand. He yelped and pulled his hands back, allowing Scott to get free.
The two of them went back and forth like this for a few minutes before Peter finally stuck Scott to the next building's wall.
Peter jumped up onto the wall above Scott's web, cocoon, thing. Peter crawled down towards him slowly. As he got closer, Peter let out a low, guttural growl. Scott's weak struggling got more frantic as he heard and felt peter getting closer.
"Guys! I'm gonna die! What do I do?" Scott yelled to the people on the other side of the headset. Peter heard a heavy sigh coming from the other side of the comms. "You can shrink Scott." The woman, Hope, said annoyed. Peter couldn't help but grin at his handiwork. He webbed the man up so that he couldn't reach the little buttons on his gloves, which peter figured out were what allowed him to shrink and grow.
Peter crawled so close to the man that his face was in from of the Ant-guys. Peter growled louder and the man let out a very high pitched scream. It was so loud that peter quickly skittered back. His advanced hearing did not like that noise, but it was also really funny.
Peter lost it as the man continued screaming. At first, it started as a few giggles. Then it turned into a laugh. Within seconds, Peter was rolling around on the ground, laughing so hard that he started crying and was stuck on the ground gasping for air.
"Y-your face! Hahaha! You should have s-seen your f-face!" Peter said in between giggles. "W-what?" Scott asked in a very surprised, and confused voice. "You actually thought that I was gonna eat you!" Peter yelled delighted. This sent him into another fit of giggles. "I'm not actually a spider! Sure I have some of the powers and habits if one, but I don't actually eat people!" Peter told him. "O... oh. Sorry." Scott said weakly. Peter waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. "Nah, I probably should have clarified that."
Peter then proceeded to remove Scott from the webs. "Ant-Man." He stuck his hand out. Peter took it and introduced himself. "That name is so much better than Ant-Guy. I'm Spider-Man. Nice to meet you Scott!" He said cheerfully. Scott stopped. "How did you know my..." He started before Peter interrupted him. "He heard Hope and Hank, was it?, talking to you. Scott gaped at him for a minute. "Dude! That is so cool!" He exclaimed. "Not all of the time. Super hearing means sensitive hearing. And your scream definitely hurt!" Peter said giggling a bit. "Heh.... sorry 'bout that." Scott said sheepishly.
"Can I ask you a question?" Peter asked. Once Scott nodded, Peter continued. "Your obviously not a criminal, kind of, so why were you robbing a back?" Scott opened his mouth to reply before Hope and Hank started to explain the situation. "Oh." Was all peter said after they explained the part about tricking him into 'robbing' the bank before he burst out laughing. After his laughter died down, Peter continued talking. "Ok man, so I know I caught you robbing a bank and all, but my spider sense, don't ask, isn't deeming you a threat. Since pretty much everything I do a Spidey is illegal, I'm gonna let you go, but if I ever find you doing bad criminal stuff again, i will take you down." Peter told him seriously. "Ya man, I get it." Scott said.
"So, would you like to join me on patrol? It's been a slow day and I wouldn't mind company." Peter asked him hopefully. "Sure." Scott said shrugging. "Hope and Hank don't won't me to, but you probably heard them, so definitely!" Scott exclaimed. Both of them laughed at that.
Peter and Scott spend the rest of the day patrolling New York together. Man! Peter loved New York and the weird people in it!
I am trying to post a chapter after each Worry and Hate chapter. Remember, requests are welcome. I will try me best to write them. Until next time.
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