A Castle and A Move In
~imma do a lot of time skips between chapters btw~
The next morning, Harry and Draco were woken up by Hedgwig's constant hooting from the desk.
"Hedgwig. What is it?" Harry asked tiredly while yawning. Hedgwig flew over to the nightstand, and stuck her leg out. Harry sighed, and lazily sat up to untie the letter. Harry read it carefully, then he burnt it, which is a habit he seemed to have every time he got a letter. Hedgwig flew out the window.
"Draco! Wake up, gotta go!" Harry whined loudly. He smacked a pillow over Draco's head, which shot him out of bed.
"Waaaat!" He whined. Draco sat up.
"Gringotts, now. Need, coffee." Harry said tiredly, not really able to form a cohesive sentence. Draco sighed dramatically, and threw the blankets off of himself. Harry thought of the first outfit that came to mind, and he made his clothes appear on his body, and on Draco's. Draco stood up, stretched, and popped a couple joints. They both walked down stairs into the dinning hall, and sat in the chairs opposite of each other. They looked at the empty table in confusion. Draco rested his forehead on the table, groaning dramatically.
"Damnit Kreacher." Harry sighed, and opened the door to the kitchen from his seat. Harry looked through the door way, and accio'd the kettle. He skillfully floated the kettle to the sink, and filled it with tap water. He floated the kettle back to the table, then accio'd the cups, coffee mix, and spoons.
Harry made the water boil until the kettle started to whistle, and he poured them each a cup. Harry floated the spoon into the mix, and put two tablespoons in Draco's cup, and one in his own. Harry placed the cup next to Draco's head, and started to drink his own.
"Drink up. I'm not taking a little bitch to Gringotts, so get yourself together." Harry sassed Draco. Draco looked up, not really having the energy to retort, and he drank the coffee. They spent 10 minutes drinking coffee cup, after coffee cup.
"Come on. Let's go." Harry said, a bit more energized, but still moody. He looked at Draco and sighed. Draco was face planted onto the table. Harry walked to him, and poked his head.
"Last night tired you out, huh." Harry smirked. Draco nodded his head and groaned. "Are you going to get up?" Harry asked. Draco shook his head. "Need me to carry you?" Harry asked. Draco nodded his head.
"Damnit." Harry muttered to himself. Harry floated Draco onto his back, and gave him a piggy back ride. Harry made Draco as light as a feather to help him out.
"Now, you have 20 minutes to wake up. We're going to look at an estate that they uncovered from my family, and I don't need you acting like a child. I'm not exactly in the best mood when I'm tired." Harry huffed. He apperated to Diagon Alley, with Draco on his back.
When Harry got there, to say it was crowded was an understatement. People where bustling around, going from store to store. Harry merged into the crowd, which proved hard with a person on your back. Harry heard light snoring in his ear.
"Wake the fuck up." Harry growled. Draco whimpered in his sleep. Harry sighed. 'Why was I stuck with a heavy sleeper.' Harry internally groaned to himself.
Harry walked through the crowds of people as fast as he could. Half way through, the reporters pushed through the people to get to them.
"Harry Potter! What's the matter? What are you doing in Diagon Alley?" The reporters started asking questions. 'Why didn't I put a glamour on.' Harry internally groaned in frustration at his idiocy. Took late now. Harry got a little pissed at the flash photography.
"Mr. Potter, why is Mr. Black asleep? Is there something wrong?" The reporters asked, noticing the seemingly passed out Draco. Harry just ignored their constant rambling, and kept walking. After another 5 minutes of the reporters annoying questions and concerns, Harry's face got really red.
"Listen up!" Harry roared. Everyone shut up. Harry huffed.
"The next person to ask me any question of any kind, or who even attempts to talk to me, I can promise I will rip out your throat, and feed it to a Hippogriff. And the next flash from your cameras that I see, will be destroyed on the spot. Now let me get through." Harry growled to all the reporters. They moved out of the way, and Harry calmly walked past them, and continued his journey.
Another 5 minutes later, and Harry was finally in Gringotts. He walked up to the head Goblin. He did get a few odd glances due to the sleeping figure on his back.
"Excuse me, I have an appointment with Berk." Harry told the goblin. The wrinked goblin looked over the table, down at Harry and Draco.
"Bussiness?" He drawled.
"Berk is going to show us an estate he recovered from the Potter family." Harry told him. Berk nodded, and called for him. A short stubby goblin, with a comb over, and a blue suit walked to them.
"I'm Berk. Follow me." He said gruffly. Harry made sure to turn around, and thank the head goblin at the podium. I caught up with Berk, and we walked into the room. By the time we got there, Draco had finally woken up a little, but he was groggy.
"Come on, Draco. You got to sit in a chair." Harry said. He dropped Draco into the leather chair, and he sat up.
"Okay, okay. I'm good now." He said tiredly. Harry sat down to face the goblin sitting behind the desk.
"Please excuse him, he's not a morning person." Harry apologized for Draco. Berk nodded.
"Okay then, let's proced with the meeting. I was given the task of looking through our records by your family goblin, and I did find an estate." Berk informed them. He pulled a piece of parchment out, placed in front of Harry, and handed them a quill.
"Please sigh your name. Apparently it is very well guarded, and I need the present Potter heir to sigh it in blood to grant me access into the castle." Berk told Harry. Harry recognized the blood quill, but still signed the scroll. Berk snapped his fingers, and the scroll burned to ash.
"Now that that's done, let's go see the estate." Berk said. He got out of his chair, and walked to them. Harry and Draco stood up, and stood on either side of Berk.
"Ready." Berk said. He grabbed onto Harry and Draco's pant leg, and apperated them to the castle.
When Harry and Draco got there, they marveled at the beautiful castle. It was an old looking castle, but what was odd was the oddly large windows. They nearly made up the entire castle, and there was only a couple foot breaks between each window with stone. The castle had two towers, one on each side. Berk leared his throat.
"This is the last ancient house of Potter. There are over 5 different mansions that the Potter family owned, but they were destroyed by fiendfyre during the war. This castle remains here because it is the oldest, and is one of the most protected structure in the whole wizarding world. The only buildings that surpass the level of protection is Gringotts, the Castle of Lions, the Castle of Snakes, the Castle of Ravens, and the Castle of Badgers. The whole area includes the castle, the large garden, the private greenhouse, the private lake, and the whole front and back yard. There is every single kind of protection spell you can think of all throughout the property." Berk informed them.
"Wow. This is amazing." Harry commented. Draco nodded, and looked around.
"Follow me, and I'll give you the tour." Berk told them. They followed Berk as he told them more about the house.
"As I said, this house has every protection spell you can think of, and invented ones from the ancient Potters. The whole castle is unbreakable in, and of, itself. Fiendfyre can't be conjured in or out of the castle in this area. The lake has an anti drowning spell unknown to us, which propels you out of water if you were to start drowning. The hedges and garden take care of itself. The property rains on itself if it feels the gardens need water, and rains based on the heirs emotion. The green house does not take care of itself though, because of the rare plants growing inside, so you may need someone skilled in Herbology to take care of them. Pretty much other than that, the entire castle takes care of itself. What's unique about this castle, is that it has the most invented spells placed on it, and it has the lowest number of house elves than any other castle on record. The castle has only 5 house elves; 2 to cook, 2 to take care of the Green House, and 1 to do odd jobs like grocery shopping, or tidying up the library. The castle allowes anyone to apperate or floo inside the castle as long as they don't have any ill intentions, and it reads your mind if you wish to expel a guest if need be. Any questions?" Berk finished. Harry and Draco were in shock at how elaborate the castle was.
"No, we understand." Draco told him.
Berk nodded his head. "How about we go back to Gringotts, and you can sign for custody of the castle." Berk told them. They nodded, and Berk apperated them back to Gringotts.
When they got there, Berk handed them 3 scrolls. Berk started pointing to each one.
"This scroll needs to be signed by you both. It is the official marriage papers. With it, you can continue to sign the other two." Berk told them. Harry and Draco took the quills, and signed their names at the bottom of the scroll. It burned away as soon as they finished.
"Congratulations Mr and Mr. Potter. Now you may both sign the last two scrolls. One is to confirm that you take custody over the castle as the present owners, and the other combines both of your vaults into a joined vault." Berk told them. After they signed the two scrolls, they disappeared. Berk stood from his desk.
"It was a pleasure doing business with you." Berk said. Harry held his hand out.
"May your vaults flow with gold." Harry said. Berk took his hand and nodded.
"And may your enemies fall dead before you." Berk returned the shake. Draco gave him a handshake as well.
"I believe our enemies have already fallen." Draco laughed. They walked out of the room, and then out of Gringotts.
"Wow!" Draco said happily. Harry giggled, and agreed.
"Wow indeed."
The reporters spotted the two walking out of Gringotts, and they stormed to them.
"Mr. Potter, can you please explain to our views about your violent mood. Is this something we need to be worried about?" The reporters asked. Harry sighed.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you all. I was very tired, and Draco was acting like a child." Harry said, looking at Draco. Draco pouted, and crossed his arms. Harry smiled, and ruffled his hair.
"I don't have an anger problem, I just don't enjoy reporters storming me that early in the morning. Now if you'll excuse me." Harry said. He erupted his wings, and flew up in the air. Draco followed them. Harry and Draco flew to the apparition platform, and Draco apperated them away.
When Harry and Draco got on the ground, Harry looked around in confusion. They where outside of the Burrow.
"Why are we here?" Harry asked. Draco shook his head, grabbed onto Harry hand, and dragged him the front door. Draco knocked on the door. He heard a high pitched voice, and the door opened.
"Draco! Harry! What a surprise! Come in!" Molly said happily. They walked in, and went to the living room. For some reason, Hermione was over there as well, and she had her feet propped up on Ron's lap while she read. Ron was reading through a Quiditch magazine. They both looked up, and Hermione squealed.
"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed as she grabbed him into a hug. She gave Draco a hug as well.
"Hey mate. Why didn't you come in through the floo?" Ron asked.
"Sorry, but I wanted to apperate straight from Diagon Alley to here. I hope we aren't intruding." Draco told them. They shook their head.
"Not at all, sweetie. Now, what is it we can do for you two?" Molly asked as they sat down.
"Yeah, please tell us." Harry said to Draco. "I would very much like to know as well." Harry said as he folded his arms.
"Ok, before you say anything, no, I didn't do anything bad. But I had the best idea, and I have a feeling you'd agree with me. But I want to tell you all at once. I was wondering how fast I could get Fred, George, and Arthur here?" Draco asked them all.
"Dad is in the back, degnoming the yard. We could call Fred and George over in a minute." Ron said.
"Great! Do you mind if we gather them here for about 10 minutes. I have big news we would like to tell you." Draco said happily.
"I'll go get Arthur." Molly said as she walked out the room.
"And I'll call Fred and George." Ron said. Ron walked over to a picture of Fred and George that rested on the mantle, and he flicked their faces.
"Why did you do that?" Harry asked. Ron looked at him.
"Fred and George made this really cool picture thing for us. Basically, you flick their heads, and it hits them over the head lightly. It let's them know they have to floo home for something. Its faster than tracking them down in their shop." Ron informed them. A moment later, Arthur walked into the room. He seemed to have already cleaned himself, most likely magically.
"Harry! Draco! What do we owe the pleasure?" Arthur greeted as he hugged them.
"I'll tell you soon. Let's wait for Fred and George to get here. Ginny should be here as well." Draco said. On cue, Ginny popped her head down the stair banister.
"Is someone calling me?" She asked playfully. He greeted Harry and Draco, and sat down. A minute or two later, Fred and George walked out of the floo, dressed in colorful suits.
"Hello Harry. Draco." Fred said.
"What's up?" George added. They sat down.
"Ok, now that I have you here, I have two announcements. One; Harry and I are officially married, but we're still having the Wedding so we can bond magically." Draco told them. Everyone cheered and praised them.
"Now for the second thing. We just signed for the custody of the last remaining Potter estate, and its big. Actually, its too big. And I didn't consult Harry on this, but I know he'll accept." Draco said. He paused for effect.
"If you so choose, we would be over-joyed if you moved into the castle with us." Draco said. Harry smiled and nodded to them all as to show his approval.
"Are you joking? Like, actually move into the castle with you?" Ginny asked, shocked.
"Are you serious?" Molly asked. Everyone looked very surprised.
Draco stood there, and clasped his hands together.
"Also, since we don't really need the money, I'm handing over the money that was left in my person vault when I was still a Malfoy, over to you." Draco said happily. Arthur looked like he was going to protest, but Draco cut him off.
"You have all accepted me so gladly, even though I was horrible to your family in the past, and you helped me. You accepted me into your family, and you treated me the way you treat Harry, which says a lot. You might not even know it, but how you treated me, and how you put away the horrible things I've said about you in the past, really affected me." Draco paused to wipe a tear from his face. His voice became shaky.
"It was the very first time in my life that I've ever had someone act like a father figure or mother figure to me. It was the first time I felt loved in my entire life. And I know I don't deserve it, but I want to give back to you as much as I can." Draco finished. He had tears dropping down his face. Molly walked over, and surprised Draco. She hugged him.
"You do deserve this. I can't imagine what it would feel like to live your entire life feeling unloved, and having everything dictated for you. You are apart of this family, and family sticks together no matter what." Molly said. She let go, and Draco wiped his tears away, feeling better. Arthur stood up.
"And as for your offer, I think we should vote on it." Arthur said. Arthur leaned into Molly's ear.
"We're allowed to vote on it, right?" He asked hesitantly. Molly laughed and nodded her head. Arthur clapped his hands together.
"Alright then! Show of hands if you accept Draco's offer to live with them." Arthur said. Everyone raised their hands.
"Now show of hands if you decline Draco's offer." Arthur said. No one raised their hands.
"Looks like its settled. We're moving in." Ron said happily. Everyone cheered. Harry looked at Hermione.
"By the way, Hermione. The offer extends to you as well. I know you're going to have to move out soon, so if you'd like, you can also move in." Harry said. Everyone looked to Hermione. She cracked a grin, and tackled Harry with a hug.
"Of course! This is amazing!" Hermione said happily.
Everyone cheered, and talked about the details of moving in. The 10 minutes Draco promised turned into two hours after they got into planning out everything. George checked his watch.
"Bollocks! We need to get back to the shop!" George exclaimed. Fred and George said a quick goodbye, and flooed back to their shop.
An hour after that, Harry and Draco flooed back to the Black Manor for dinner.
When they got there, Harry immediately started constructing a letter.
"Who are you writing to?" Draco asked as he leaned on Harry chair.
"A letter to Mr. Lucado. If the lot are moving into the castle, we need to post pone the Wedding by a couple days, and change the location to the castle." Harry explained. Draco nodded, and headed to the dinning room. Thankfully, Kreacher actually cook dinner.
When Harry was done with his letter, and he sent it with Hedgwig, he joined Draco at the table.
They headed upstairs after dinner, got undressed, and slept on their beam. Harry slept very close to Draco, so he could wrap his wings around them both.
The next morning, Harry woke up to Hedgwig screeching. Harry had her wake them up early so they could head over to the Weasleys, and help pack up. Hedgwig had a response letter in her mouth this time. She dropped it onto the nightstand, and flew out the window. Harry threw his pillow on Draco's head, and sat up. Too lazy and tired to open the letter, Harry just floated it in front of him, and used his magic to tear up envelope. He opened the letter.
"Mr. Lucado said its fine, and we can change the venue." Harry summed up for Draco. Harry burned the letter, and smacked Draco a second time with another pillow.
"Alright, alright." Draco huffed, muffled through the pillows. Harry dressed himself, and Draco followed.
"Kreacher!" Harry called as he finished buckling his pants. He heard a crack, and Kreacher was there.
"Since you know how to assemble our closets, and you know how we like our room set up, can you move all our personal belonging to the new castle, inside the Master bedroom on the left side of the castle?" Harry asked Kreacher.
"Kreacher will do as Master Harry asks of." He replied. He popped out of the room. Harry and Draco walked downstairs, and had a couple cups of coffee, and a large breakfast. When that was finished Harry and Draco flooed over to the Weasleys.
When Harry and Draco got there, Hermione was helping Molly pack away some of the family pictures in a box.
"Hello Harry, hello Draco!" Hermione greeted. They walked over to Molly.
"Molly, if its ok with you, I can get each of the rooms packed up quick and easy, and I can send them to the castle." Harry offered. Molly nodded her head excitedly.
"That would be wonderful!" Molly accepted. Draco walked over to Arthur, and started asking him about what he needs to do. Harry just walked up the stairs, and started out on Ron's room.
Harry stood in the door frame, and floated all the strewn about clothes into his dresser and wardrobe. Then he accio'd an empty box he saw downstairs, and he packed away Ron's bed sheets. Harry wasn't sure if Ron would want his original, or use the ones at the castle, but he packed them up in case.
Harry then grabbed ahold of the dresser, and apperated to the castle.
Harry apperated directly into one of the rooms in the right wing. He placed the dresser against the wall, and apperated back.
Harry fell onto the ground as he apperated back on the Burrow's yard. Molly was in the front yard placing the boxes outside.
"Hey Harry. I removed the anti apparition wards temporarily, so you can apperate into the house." Molly explained to Harry. Harry apperated to Ron's room.
Harry continued apperating things from Ron's room into his new room in the castle. When Harry was done with Ron's room, he continued with all the other rooms. After an hour, all the bedrooms had been cleared of personal belongings, and were stored in their new rooms. Harry walked down to the living room.
"I finished apperating everyone's things to their rooms! The whole second floor is cleared!" Harry informed. Everyone was in the living room, or coming into the living room, to get a snack and some lemonade.
"Thank you Harry. I think that about does it. Since this is a Weasley estate, we're going to keep most of our things here. Twinky will keep it clean while we're gone." Arthur told Harry, while referring to their house elf.
"Great!" Harry said tiredly as he collapsed onto the couch. Draco laid on Harry, so their backs where pressed together. Draco was laughing like an idiot.
"Draco! Get off." Harry said, muffled by his face being pressed into the couch.
"Okay." Draco laughed childishly as he got off, and let Harry sit up. He handed Harry some lemonade, and a plate with a sandwich.
"I placed all your strewn about clothes in your dresser, and I apperated them to your rooms. When you get there, you can unpack your clothes and belongings into the dressers over there, then send your original dressers back here." Harry told them. He took a bite out of his sandwich.
"Great!" Fred said.
"Imagine us, living in the same castle as Harry Potter." George added. He held his hand to his head in pretend faint.
"Shut up you two." Ginny said playfully as she flicked them on the nose.
"So what now?" Hermione asked out loud. Draco leaned on Harry's shoulder.
"You need to pack up your things as well. Since you are the last person moving in, you get to choose your room." Draco told her. She nodded.
"I don't own that much, so it should only take me a minute with some magic. So when is the Wedding?" Hermione added. Harry sighed.
"I pushed it back a couple days, and I changed the location. Mr. Lucado said somewhere in the next couple of days. Pretty much, he's going to send a letter the day before the Wedding. That reminds me." Harry cut himself off. He accio'd 7 cards, and floated them to each of them.
"These are the official Wedding cards. Although the date is a bit unknown, so we'll send a Patronus the day before. I'm sorry if it becomes an inconvenience." Harry apologized.
"Its won't be an inconvenience, sweetie. Its not like we have much to do during Summer." Arthur told Harry.
"We are also inviting Charlie and Bill, Neville, Dobby, Minerva, Remus, Tonks, Moody, Rune Void, and Mr. and Mrs. Granger to the Wedding." Draco told them.
"Who is going to do the ceremony?" Hermione asked. Harry and Draco shrugged.
"We are still looking. Mr. Lucado says its our responsibility to find someone to perform the service, but we are having a bit of trouble finding someone qualified who isn't shady." Draco answered. Everyone nodded. Molly and Arthur understood since it took them a month of digging to find someone reliable and cheap. Fred and George stood up, and started their twin speak.
"Hello there, of brother, of mine." Fred started. They started going back and forth.
"Why hello there, chap. Are you thinking-"
"What I'm thinking?"
"Brilliant." They both turned to Harry and Draco.
"I Fred Weasley-"
"And I George Weasley-"
"Do hereby announce that we are-"
"Legal magical Priests, and are-"
"Fit to conduct a magical service of any kind." They both bowed with one hand on their stomach, and one behind their back.
Everyone looked at them oddly.
"You took the test to become Priests?" Hermione questioned. Fred and George stood back up, and nodded.
"How come you did that?" Molly asked. They shrugged.
"We got a coupon via owl, and thought-"
"Hey! Why not?" They said in unison. It was quiet, but then everyone burst into laughter.
"That is exactly something you two would do." Ginny laughed.
When the laughter died down, they sat back down.
"Would you two service our Wedding?" Harry asked them. Fred and George went into a fake thinking pose.
"Hmm. I don't know. We are very busy people." Fred said.
"Very busy indeed." George agreed.
"Well if we must-"
"Then of course!" They agreed. Harry and Draco hugged them, and thanked them.
"Hermione, can you go and get your things. Then we can all apperate to the castle, and we can show you around." Harry asked cheerfully. Hermione nodded, and flooed back home.
10 minutes later, Hermione emerged with 2 trunks, and a cat carrier. Harry clapped his hands, and stood up.
"Great! Let's go. Everyone link arms, and hold on." Harry warned them. Soon, they were all doing in a tight spiral, and landed on the marble ground of the grand staircase.
"Welcome everyone, to the Ancient and Noble Castle of Potters. The right wing is dedicated to you guys, while the left wing is dedicated to us. Please, follow us." Draco said in a fake snobbish voice that made everyone laugh. Harry shrunk Hermione's bags, and let Crookshanks run around.
They started walking down the corridor to the left of them.
"Each wing has one living room area, one library, and one tower. These are your rooms." Harry told them as he showed them their rooms.
"Each bedroom is equipped with either one or two full bathrooms. They each have a walk in closet, and a large window for viewing." Harry continued. He showed everyone their rooms, and continued the tour. Everyone was amazed.
"Now this is the Library. It has about the same amount of books as Hogwarts does, except these are advanced level, mixed in with a little bit of Dark Magic, and some lower levels as well." Draco told them. Hermione ran right in, and looked around like a child in a candy store. Everyone laughed at her reaction.
"This is amazing! There's so many books!" Hermione exclaimed as she spun around.
"Come on Hermione, we have to finish the tour, then you can come back." Harry said laughing. Hermione nodded, and joined the group, but she was bouncy the entire day.
"And this is the living room." Draco said as he showed them their living room.
"Now let's go outside." Harry told them. They all walked around the garden, and looked around the green house.
"Since Draco and I aren't very interested in Herbology, we were thinking of giving it to Neville. The elves have been taking care of them so far." Harry explained to them.
"How many elves work here?" Hermione asked.
"Only 5." Draco answered. Everyone looked shocked.
"How is that possible?" Ron asked.
"Somewhat simple. The castle is covered in invented spells from long ago that no one could decipher. The castle expels spider webs, dust, and other natural things that accumulate over time. The elves just clean up things like stains. The garden takes care of itself. Pretty much, the castle cleans itself up of almost everything, and it takes care of the garden. The elves only prepare meals, take care of the Green House, service the guests, and clean up stains from food or other things, or tidies rooms up." Harry answered.
"That's incredible." Arthur commented.
"Now let's head to the lake." Draco said. When they got there, they were shocked to see what they did.
"Harry, sweetie, do you mind jumping into the water for me?" Draco asked.
"Of course not." Harry answered. Once Harry was in the water, Draco pushed Harry under the water, not letting Harry breathe.
"He's going to drown! What are you doing?!" Molly exclaimed frantically.
"Don't worry. Look." Draco told them. Just as the bubbles became fewer, Harry was propelled out of the water onto the grass. He coughed up some water, but recovered quickly.
"Harry! Are you ok!?" Hermione asked. Harry and Draco started laughing.
"Its impossible to drown in the lake due to a spell casted on it. No force of magic could keep Harry under water long enough to drown. Just wanted to show you that feature." Draco told them. Harry dried himself with a little spell, and they headed inside.
"You can unpack your clothes and belongings in your rooms, and send your dressers back to the house. Once everyone is done packing, I'll put the wards back on the Burrow." Draco told them. They nodded, and walked to their rooms. Arthur and Molly to the right wing master bedroom, Fred and George to their tandem room, and Ginny to her separate room. Only Harry and Draco noticed that Hermione slipped into Ron's room to put away her things.
Harry and Draco snickered, and headed to the main living area in the middle of the castle.
About half an hour later, the rest of the Weasley family, and Hermione, meet with Harry and Draco back in the main living room.
Everyone was sitting in on the various couches and chairs.
"Are there any house elves that can come to assist us?" Harry called out. 5 house elves popped into the room.
"Hello, I'm Harry Potter, and this is Draco Potter. We are the current owners of the castle. Sorry if I pulled you away from something, but I wanted to know all your names, and I wanted you to meet the other residents." Harry told them. They all nodded, and turned so that everyone could see them.
"I'm Noobey. I am one of the chefs of the Potter Castle." Said a tall, skinny elf, wearing a silk pillow case.
"I'm Tawny. I tidy up the house, clean your rooms upon request, and clean up stains. I also do odd jobs if need be." Said Tawny politely. Everyone was astonished at the way they spoke. Most house elves weren't educated in proper grammar, but she talk as a normal witch or wizard would.
"I am Nibsey. I am the other chef of the Potter Castle." Said a taller, more round female elf. She wore a silk pillow case as well.
"I'm Gipsey. I am one of the two who takes care of the Green Houses." A short skinny female elf introduced.
"And I'm Remy. I am the other elf who takes care of the Green House." A short round male elf said.
This time, it was the residents turn to introduce themselves.
"I'm Hermione Granger."
"I'm Ron Weasley."
"I'm Ginny Weasley."
"I'm Molly Weasley."
"I'm Arthur Weasley."
"I'm Fred-"
"And I'm George."
"Its ok if you mistaken us for the other." Fred told them with a smile.
The elves bowed to them.
"I just wanted to say a couple things. You are all free to read from the Library, or wander about. Don't worry if you are seen working or anything, we don't mind. If you need to take a day off to rest of anything, don't hesitate to do so. I'm glad to cook if you want to take a day off." Harry told them.
"And so am I." Molly added. The elves gave them their thanks, and disappeared from the room.
"I'm going to send Neville a Patronus to come here." Draco told them. Draco conjured up a Stag Patronus, and gave Neville the message and the address. A couple minutes later, Neville stumbled in through the floo.
"Hello everyone!" Neville greeted happily. He coughed a little smoke. Harry cleaned him off, and swished the ashes off the ground. Harry walked over, and clapped Neville on the back.
"Hey mate. Long time no see." Harry greeted happily.
"I know. Great to see you. What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Neville asked. Harry motioned for him to sit down.
"This is the place we are all living in." Harry said, motioning to the Weasley family and Hermione.
"I know you live in the Longbottom estate, but I wanted to extend the offer to you as well. What we're trying to say is, would you like to move in? There is plenty of space." Harry asked him. Neville looked confused, and searched for anything in Harry's expression.
"Are you being serious? Live in the Castle with you all?" Neville asked, trying to understand what Harry asked. Harry and Draco nodded.
"You helped us so much, and we wanted to return the offer. And I know since school is over, that you will need to find a permanent place for your job. I don't know if you where going to continue living at your estate, but we are still asking." Harry asked. Neville's eyes got wide.
"You actually thought about wanting me to move in with you all?" Neville said. Everyone had genuine expressions. Neville brought Harry into a hug.
"Thank you so much, Harry. I wanted to move out of the estate already since it is always so quiet and empty. But if you all are living here, then I would gladly accept!" Neville exclaimed happily. He gave Draco a hug as well, then gave the others hugs.
"Great! By the way, if you want, the Green House is yours. I'm skilled in Herbology, but not interested enough to make it my hobby. The Green House is filled with rare plants, so if you want, you can do what you'd like with them." Draco told him. Neville had the happiest expression.
"Really! Thank you, that's amazing." Neville thanked him again. Harry quickly showed Neville around the property, and showed him his room.
When that was done, they returned to the main living room for tea.
"Oh, and another thing." Draco said to get everyone's attention.
"Treat this as your own family home. If you find someone, you can bring them over, or if you'd like you're close friend to come over. But no parties. We don't want a lot of people knowing about this place. Anyone with good intentions can apperate or floo here once they've been given the address or if they're been accompanied by someone. And if you find a secret passage or room, tell us first. Even the goblins don't know everything about the Castle, so it might be dangerous." Draco told them. They all nodded their head in agreement and understanding.
For the rest of the day, everyone wandered around the property. Ron spent most of his day outside flying on his broom, Fred and George stayed inside looking for hidden rooms, Ginny walked around the Castle and into the towers, Neville looked around the Green House, Molly got herself familiarized with the kitchen, Arthur strolled in the garden, and Hermione read in the library. Harry and Draco flew around a little, walked around the castle, and walked through the garden.
At around 6pm, they all congregated in the dinning hall, and ate dinner. After that, everyone headed to their rooms or to the living room for the night.
Harry and Draco went straight to their room for some shut eye. When they got in, the entire room was set up according to what they liked, and a beam was set up just above the ceiling.
"This might be a bit of a problem." Harry said referring to them accidentally falling in their sleep. The beam was 15 feet in the air due to the raised ceiling.
"Let's just sleep in the bed." Draco resolved. They got dressed in pajamas, and fell asleep, curled around each other, surrounded by pillows.
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