"You did what?" Mikey exclaimed, eyes growing wide in Gerard's direction as the two of them walked down the road to school, distanced just enough from each other to make it awkward, and Gerard was really just praying that they'd get to Lindsey's soon, giving him reason not to put up with his hopeless excuse for a brother that much longer.
"I went to the skate park to see Frank." Gerard repeated the words that had slipped from his lips, almost by accident, only moments before, and Mikey went through the whole choking on air procedure once more, only to be passed nothing more than a roll of the eyes from his brother.
"And I can only assume that it went terribly." Mikey exhaled, pulling out his phone from his jacket pocket, and began texting furiously, perhaps just as an excuse to ignore his brother from now on: it didn't matter to Gerard all that much regardless, and they were nearing Lindsey's road soon enough anyway.
"No, actually." Gerard corrected him with nothing less than a smirk, causing Mikey to look up in a display of nothing less than utter disbelief. "It went very well indeed. He recognised me as the 'girl' he saw the other day, and not myself, and also refereed to me as 'sexually pleasing' at one point."
"Oh for fuck's sake." Mikey exclaimed, shaking his head and resisting the urge to facepalm as he considered just how badly a decision Gerard had made with nothing more than stupid fucking hormones would turn out to be. "This going to be an absolute train wreck, and you know that, Gerard."
"Did you remember to clear your Internet history after watching porn on my laptop, Mikey?" Gerard snapped back, rolling his eyes as the two distanced themselves from one another a little more.
"I don't watch porn-"
"Mikey, you're a fifteen year old teenage boy - look at this realistically here." Gerard shook his head as he checked his phone momentarily for any messages or the like, but of course, as he wasn't exactly famous for the amount of friends he had, there was in fact nothing, besides a missed call from his aunt, but that wasn't something he actually cared about at all.
"At least I don't watch gay porn." Mikey fought back, causing Gerard to turn around and raise his eyebrows at his brother, not at all offended - he'd heard it all by now, but he was going to make sure he depleted his brother of all emotionally manipulative guilt.
"And what are you saying by that, Michael?" He asked, face contorted into an almost overdone expression of offense. "Are you being homophobic?"
"Oh fuck off, Gerard, you know I don't give the slightest shit as to who you bone as long as you don't go into to detail to me about it." Mikey shook his head, seeing through Gerard's facade almost instantly, and causing Gerard to break into a small smile at Mikey's rather blunt response - he just wondered what their mother would think about all this: she barely knew anything about them, she didn't even know that Gerard liked guys, and that Mikey was a manwhore, and that Gerard was dressing up as a girl to get a straight guy.
You had to feel sorry for her - she couldn't even handle the weed.
"Yet you seem to care if it's Frank - the only guy I want to bone right now." Gerard added what was in fact a good point, however Mikey certainly had his reasoning behind his behaviour towards Gerard's feelings for Frank, and the almost pathetic manner in which he had chosen to act upon them.
"Because you can't bone Frank, he's fucking straight, and really, I'm just trying to save you from sudden death here, but you seem not to care at all." Mikey's sigh came out exasperated to an extreme, as by now he was more than fed up with his brother and his utter naivety.
"Yes, but he did call me sexually pleasing-" Gerard protested, the two of them stopping outside Lindsey's house, as Gerard waited for her to make her way outside.
"When he thought you were a girl. When you were dressed up as fucking girl, when you were lying straight to his face, and as much as he might fancy the idea of you as a female, it's not at all realistic, because like it or not, Gerard, you have a fucking dick!"
"Uhh... hey guys." And of course, it was then that Lindsey chose to come outside, and of course, she had only heard the last, and of course also most awkward part of that sentence. "Does that have any context at all or should I just not ask for the sake of my sanity?"
"Both." Mikey added before Gerard could change the subject and steer Lindsey away from what she'd just heard. "Your idiot of a best friend has gone to see Frank in a fucking skirt and now he's acting like he's won the fucking lottery. In other news, I'm going to consider disowning you, and go to Pete's house and see if he's actually considered getting out of bed today." And with that, the younger of the two brothers left - Gerard couldn't exactly say he was complaining.
"Gerard." Lindsey stressed, shaking her head, because maybe her best friend was a just a little pathetic, but he was still her best friend. "So how did it go? Not saying I support this nonsense that you've got in your head, but you're my friend, so..."
"It went really well, actually." Gerard let a grin slip his lips as they continued down the road to school, ready for a fun filled day of activities, such as avoiding Frank Iero, and hoping that he didn't notice the odd resemblance between Gerard Way and the girl he'd called 'sexually pleasing' yesterday. "He referred to me as 'sexually pleasing'."
"Jesus Christ, Gerard, are you sure that's even a good thing?" Lindsey let out a sigh as she rolled her eyes at her best friend, wondering just what went through his mind exactly.
"Well, he called me pretty, as well, and he just, I think he likes me." Gerard confessed, stomach full of butterflies, but perhaps even butterflies that felt sorry for themselves - not quite wanting to be there or even let themselves react like this to something just so stupid.
"It's Frank - he's Frank, he just wants to fuck you- well, whatever fakery you've painted of yourself with him. He wants to fuck you as a girl, fake you, and not you for who you really are, and why don't you realise that this is just nothing but a bad idea?" She stressed as they approached the school gates, and Gerard grimaced at the sight of the lovely establishment, which within they would spend the next six hours.
"Because I really like him, Lindsey, I just... why does he have to be straight? If he was at least bi, then everything would be so much easier, because then we wouldn't even have to go to all this fuss, he physically could be attracted to me, although unlikely there would be a marginal chance. I swear to god, girls have it so much easier - you can just put make up and short skirts and suddenly you're attractive, with guys, I mean, as a guy, I'm just ugh."
"Because as a guy all you wear are hoodies with coffee stains in and skinny jeans - and you don't wash your hair. Maybe if you actually put some more effort in-" Lindsey began, trying not to come off too bitchy or critical, or too much like Gok Wan, but still a giver of friendly fashion advice to her hopeless wreck of a best friend.
"Effort? Fuck that." Gerard rolled his eyes, pushing his hair behind his ears. "As a guy you can't even go out wearing make up if you don't want to get shot. Maybe I should just get a sexchange, like seriously, I swear it'd make my life so much easier-"
"Gerard. You are not getting a sexchange just because you want to wear eyeliner, look why don't you just fucking wear eyeliner tomorrow, maybe even put effort in just a little bit, because you're not ugly, Gerard, and I'm sure some guy's going to notice you like that, even if it isn't Frank Iero."
"But, I just-" Gerard moaned, only for Lindsey to shake her head in response, guessing what he would say next and just not wanting to hear it.
"Maybe you should just grow up and accept the truth and even move on, huh? There are plenty of hot guys that are actually gay, hey, I'll maybe even take you to a gay bar if you promise not to be an asshole for the rest of the week." Lindsey suggested, grinning as she glanced in Gerard's direction, but there was absolutely no getting through to him right now, because there Frank Iero was: walking from the other end of the corridor and in their direction.
"Oh hey, Lindsey? Uh, do you know where I have art next? I got kicked out of my other class, so I'm stuck in this one now, it's probably full of assholes, but whatever." Of course Frank chose to address Lindsey out of the two of them: Gerard even doubted if Frank actually knew who he was, he couldn't help but smirk at the fact that Frank had got kicked out of his art class though.
Lindsey looked over Frank's timetable, which she'd just handed to him, leaving Frank and Gerard to awkwardly make eye contact, and Gerard tried to look as unrecognisable and generally masculine as possible, but with the jeans he was wearing and the length of his hair, it was certainly proving to be harder than expected.
"Oh, yeah, you've actually just got it with Gerard, here, so I guess he can take you there now." Lindsey caught Gerard's eye momentarily as the seventeen year old looked as if shooting himself in the head would be the preferable option right now.
"Oh, yeah, that's cool, thanks." Frank pulled his face into a naive grin that Gerard could help but want to punch right off his face. "See you, Lindsey." He then continued to stare in horror as Lindsey walked off and left Gerard at the mercy of Frank Iero and the art class they'd have to be in together for the next hour - fuck.
"So hey, Gerard, was it?" He turned to address the boy, who was just trying his best not to shit himself right now.
"Yeah, Gerard, and you're Frank." Gerard said aloud, perhaps just to remind Frank that he was in fact male, once more. "It's not far - the class, it's just down the next corridor, I-"
"Do you want to know why I got kicked out of my other class?" Frank interrupted Gerard to ask a question and really quite obviously direct the conversation, rather narcissistically to the subject of himself, and he even didn't give Gerard chance to answer before continuing to explain regardless. "I totally got it off with someone in the store cupboard and then the cuntface of a teacher walks in and I'm like 'oops, probably should have locked it', and he's like 'when I return in five minutes I want you both gone and we'll never speak of this again', but he totally makes a comment about it in class the next day so I go to the principal and tell him that he touched me 'inappropriately'. He didn't get fired - I am honestly quite disappointed. He was a bit of a cockblock if anything."
"So you made allegations that he was a pedophile?" Gerard exclaimed, eyes opened wide as he couldn't quite figure out how to react to this. "That's fucking serious, Frank, he could have got fired-"
"Exactly, 'he touched me inappropriately' is like the sure-fire way to get a teacher you don't like fired, but I think people are getting suspicious because I've already used it like four times, and I wouldn't exactly like to be known as a pedophile magnet, but I don't know any other good ways to get rid of teachers other than murder, so you know."
"Or maybe, you could just behave for once?" Gerard suggested, unable to bite back the little smirk had Frank had unintentionally planted upon his lips.
"Oh, but don't you know, I'm a very naughty boy, Gerard? Wouldn't like to find out just how naughty I can be?"
Gerard turned into a human tomato as Frank fell into a fit of laughter so great that Gerard had to steady him as they made their way to the classroom, and as they made their way in, Gerard made a mental note to avoid all contact with Frank Iero in future, because this was simply something he could not deal with.
"You know you're really good at art, huh, what was your name, again? Jared? Gavin? Whatever." It seemed Frank had other ideas when it came to ignoring Gerard, as he purposely waltzed up to Gerard's desk in the back corner and took a seat beside the already pissed off seventeen year old, his eyes focused upon Gerard's work, and having not even opened his own sketchbook.
"It's Gerard." He exhaled sharply: patience fragile and soon to be broken, as he pulled his gaze up to meet Frank's. "What do you want?" He snapped out, wishing they could just cut to the chase and that Frank would fuck off before he put two and two together, because Gerard wasn't exactly the most masculine of people - skirt or not.
"Someone to talk to." Frank said simply, a smirk gracing his lips as he opened the sketchbook and an overly sharpened pencil - something that he'd been wasting away the past five minutes at the waste paper bin with. "Someone who isn't a massive pretentious dickhead. I swear to god everyone here is so far up their own ass I'm surprised they can even concentrate long enough to even draw a stick man, like fuck off you just dropped some red paint on that - it's not art it's a fucking mistake, like you seem to be, because I can't imagine anyone's parents would want a child so fucking annoying as that."
"And you think I'm cool?" Gerard snorted at that, continuing his sketch of a totally attractive vampire dude that totally didn't look like Frank at all.
"Yeah, well, in comparison." Frank rolled his eyes as he leaned over Gerard's work once more, grinning to himself just a little. "Well, actually that fucking vampire is really fucking cool, you know, so maybe talking to you for an hour a week won't hurt my ego too much." Oh god, this can't be a regular thing, was of course Gerard's first thought as he tried his best not to actually slap himself across the face right then and there.
"Aren't you going to draw anything?" Gerard asked, eyebrows raised high as he took note of the empty page in Frank's sketchbook.
"No, actually, because if I fail, then either she'll get someone to tutor me, or she'll make me do something for extra credit, and I would say that's she's quite a MILF and-" Gerard had to stop him right there, because a description of how he would fuck their thirty year old art teacher was something Gerard most certainly did not need right now.
"What if you have to get tutored?" Gerard asked the first question that came to mind - anything that kept Frank off the topic of MILFs would do just fine in his opinion.
"Well, you're easily the best in this class, and maybe I don't mind you all so much, Jared- don't look at me like that, I'm only kidding, Gerard." Frank erupted in badly suppressed giggles as he finally put pencil to paper, leaving Gerard wide eyed as he soon came to realise that the sixteen year old was in fact drawing a dick.
"Frank-" Gerard started to protest, eyes growing wide as Frank added what was definitely precome leaking from the tip, however he didn't quite get to finish his sentence as Frank finished the sketch and wrote in his messy scrawl the following title: 'My Dick - Drawn To Scale.'
"What? They gave us A3 paper - I had to put it to a good use." Frank smirked, providing pure arrogance as his only response, and Gerard nothing but pure relief as the bell rang, and he practically raced to shove his sketchbook back in his backpack and make his way out of the room and to whatever form of legal torture he had next.
"You look more than mildly traumatised." Lindsey commented as Gerard sat down beside her in their maths classroom: nothing more than thankful that this was a class Frank wasn't in.
"Yeah, he insisted upon sitting next to me and then drawing a dick in his sketchbook, absolutely massively, and he went into detail about fucking people at least twice." Gerard exclaimed, shaking his head as he met Lindsey's eyes, and she couldn't help but break into a smirk.
"Yet you seem more than prepared to spend time with him when you're dressed as a girl, and now he's just an asshole to you?" Lindsey proposed, scribbling down the date in her book as the teacher walked in and set up the powerpoint he'd found on the Internet ten minuets ago.
"He kind of acts different, like he isn't such an asshole, when I'm a girl, like he just seems to make my life hell when I'm not." Gerard exhaled, coping down what Lindsey had written for the title, not even having glanced towards the front yet. "I don't get that."
"Yeah, assholes always act different around girls they like." Lindsey commented all too casually, watching as Gerard threw himself into an existential crisis at the back of a maths classroom.
"What do you think he'd even say if he found out what I was doing?" Gerard asked, his voice quiet and almost in fear of such a possibility, despite the realism of the situation, and the fact that it would inevitably, happen.
"I think there'd be less talking and a hell of a lot more punching, if I'm honest."
"I'm utterly fucking screwed, aren't I?" Gerard asked, throwing his head down against the desk.
"You could say that, yes."
Gerard had taken to slamming his head repeatedly against the living room wall, and although as Mikey would have liked to say he couldn't care less and this was in fact some sort of improvement in his brother's mental state, the noise he was creating was driving him just a little insane.
"Gerard, what the fuck are you doing?" Came Mikey's inevitable question, causing Gerard to spring back to life, almost as if he had been in some sort of trance.
"Banging my head against the wall, what about you?" Gerard's response was almost sarcastically nonchalant in nature, leaving Mikey wide eyed and gaping in disbelief as his older brother pushed past him and took up his previously occupied prime spot on the sofa, and even had the cheek to take a sip from his brother's coffee mug.
"Gerard, that's my spot on the sofa and my goddamn coffee, seriously I swear you have mental problems, like who the fuck bangs their head against the wall and steals people's coffee like what the fuck is wrong with you?" Mikey rolled his eyes, pushing his brother up to the other, significantly less comfortable end of the sofa and stole back his spot and eventually his coffee. "Any reason as to why you were actually banging your head against the wall or is this something if it's just best that I don't ask about?"
"Frank Iero." Came Gerard's immediate and really, predictable response, leaving Mikey in consideration of leaving the room and giving up his spot on the sofa just to save himself from having to listen to what would follow.
"Is there not anything else of any importance in your life, Gerard? Like seriously get a hobby other than stalking, please." Mikey begged, bracing himself for the explanation of his brother's intimate desires regarding poor, naive Frank Iero.
"He started talking to me today at school and dear god, I'm so fuck- like he didn't know who I was, or I don't think so anyway, he just sat next to me in art, cause he got kicked out of his old class and now he's in mine, and then he actually spoke to me and said my art was cool and then he drew his dick in his sketchbook and-"
"Oh Jesus fucking Christ, I'm surprised it wasn't you that was the one drawing his dick, if I'm honest, Gerard." Mikey exhaled, shaking his head and refusing to deny that he did indeed have a point here.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Gerard wasn't quite sure as to whether this was something which he should bother taking offense to or not.
"That, maybe, you're just a little obsessed, brother, dear." Mikey pointed out, his words coming to a halt as the front door opened, a slightly traumatised Mrs Way burst in: hair windswept and handbag open.
"It's horrific outside." She commented, rather surprised to see both of her sons in the same room and no signs of physical abuse on either of them.
"Horrific in here with him as well." Mikey added, smashing any hopes Mrs Way held for even just a minute to pieces.
"Mikey why don't you just go fuck off to Alicia's or something? I don't want to put up with you, and neither does mum, so I just you find someone stupid enough to."
"What? Are you calling Alicia stupid?" Mikey exclaimed, coming to the very sudden defence of his high school girlfriend, because, you know, she was totally going to be an important part of his life forever, and he was certain of this at the ripe old age of fifteen.
"Well," Gerard let a smirk fall upon his lips, "she's dating you so-"
"Michael-" It was then that both brothers were so horrifically reminded of the fact that their mother was listening in, and in fact, knew absolutely nothing regarding their personal lives. "You have a girlfriend?" She asked, sitting down between the two of her sons, with the 'sextalk expression' on her face, and both brothers considered shooting themselves right now.
"I was wondering when it was going to happen, but boys I have to teach you about the importance of making love, and how you should always wait for someone special, and perhaps even after marriage, unless you feel very ready. You should always make sure that the girl you're dating is right for you, or you'll regret it."
"Well, it's not like Mikey hasn't already slept with like half his year already - I would say you're just a little too late there, mum." Gerard couldn't help but add, and the expression upon both Mikey's and his mother's face just made everything so worth the backlash.
"Yeah, say whatever you want, seventeen year old virgin."
"Mikey, Gerard has made the right decision here by saving himself for the right girl-" She couldn't finish her words as the younger of her two sons burst into a fit of laughter, before getting up and making his way towards the exit. "Michael!"
"Girl." Mikey repeated, his eyes locking with his brother's, smirking his way through the most perfectly constructed revenge. "Good luck with that."
"What's that supposed to mean? Mikey?" Came his mother's immediate response, only for her younger son to make his way upstairs, and leave Gerard to deal with the mess Mikey had concocted for him. "Gerard?" She finally asked, turning to him.
And before he could even process what was happening and just how fucking screwed he was right now, he'd just burst the truth right out. "I'm gay."
Mrs Way was silent for far too long, as she considered just what she'd just heard from both of her sons, and wondered just why it had to be like this. "Are you sure, Gerard? When your hormones are in full swing, it can be quite confusing-"
"I'm very sure. I watch gay porn and have sexual thoughts about guys on a regular basis, trust me, I'm sure." He stressed, wondering just how close his mother was to taking them to family counselling at this point.
"Porn?" She exclaimed, totally disgusted with even the mention of the subject. "Gerard."
"Mikey's the addict - not me."
"I have parental controls on his laptop, I-"
"He steals mine - I don't mind most of the time, means he owes me at least."
And with that, Gerard, too made his way up the stairs and into his bedroom, leaving his mother traumatised and mid-crisis.
Hey guys:) Thanks for 2,000 followers btw like seriously I am having heart palpitations oh my god:') If you enjoyed, it'd be lovely if you could leave a comment and/or a vote, and of course I love you all<3
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