Visitors- Really Why Now!

I wake up to the sound of crying. I open my eyes slowing scanning the room. It is still pretty dim, however I notice a woman sitting in the chair where Hayden had been the night before. When I go to sit up it startles her and she looks up at me. Those familiar eyes glare back into mine with a mix of emotions. I try to get up but hands from the other side of the bed hold me down.

"Don't get up; they said that you needed your rest." That voice, what the hell is this the twilight zone or something, I haven't heard that voice in so many years. I'm too scared inside to look his way but I know I will see if he is actually there or just a figment of my imagination again. And sure enough he is there standing by the bed looking right back at me.

"What are you two doing here, what the hell! How did you know I as even here?"

"First of all young lady watch the mouth and we are your parents we have every right to be here. As you should know it's a requirement by law to notify the parents if your child gets hurt." My father actually trying to sound like a father.

I spat back at him, "First of all I can say whatever the hell I want, why because second of all you are not my father." He looks back at me like I slapped him in the face.

"I'll always be your father young lady and she will always be you mother, don't be rude."

"Rude, what the fuck. I have every right to be rude. You haven't been my father in years, since like the day you left us. And you," I look back towards my moma, "you lost me a long time ago when you stopped believing in me. So why in the hell are you both here, it's not like you actually give a shit to what happens to me."

My moma never says a word; she just sits there with tears actually coming from her soulless eyes. She sniffles and wipes her face with a tissue as if I was going to cave in, not any time soon. After a few seconds my dad speaks again.

"We were told you fell from a roof, it's a wonder you didn't die. We came as soon as we heard to make sure that you were alright."

"Are you freakin' serious? Now you come see me, seriously. It took me falling and almost dying for you to say you actually fucking care about me."

"I shouldn't have to tell you again to watch the mouth," he says with  authority.

"Really, you have no right to tell me what to do," I bark back at him.

"I'm your father dammit," his voice coming out louder than expected. I wonder if the whole hospital floor could hear him.

"Like I said I don't have a dad; you left me years ago so don't come in here and freaking pretend that you actually give a shit about me."

He leans over and runs his hands through his hair, practically pulling it out. "I do actually care about you; I always have."

"Bullshit...if you cared about me you wouldn't have left. If you cared about me maybe you would have taken me with you." My voice gets louder and louder and now I'm practically screaming back at him. "If you care about me you would have saved me from him."

The room goes quite, and he is actually crying, real tears this time. I guess I struck a nerve or hit a part in his heart that might actually care. He doesn't say a word as he sits in the chair. He is looking at the floor and muttering something under his breath.

A nurse comes in to check on me. "Is everything alright?" She looks at me and then glares at my farther.

They both nod their heads and I blurt out, "No, I want them to leave, please make them go away."

"Wait!" My moma finally speaks up. "We will leave in a second; we just need to talk with our daughter for a second can you please excuse us for a second."

"Yes ma'am," says the nurse, then looks at me, "Star press the button if you need anything." She looks at my dad then back to my moma. "And please keep it down you are disturbing the whole floor." She walks back out slowly, closing the door behind her.

We all sit and look at each other waiting on someone to talk; my dad finally breaks the silence.

"Look, we won't stay long. We both know you have been through a lot and were both sorry for this whole ordeal. I'm sorry that I cannot change the past. And I'm sure your mother never meant for any of this to ever happen." He looks over at her. Are they actually trying to be friends or something, really?

She tries to reach out for my hand but I pull away.

"Star, I should have been there for you and Storm, River and Dawn. I know that now. I'm a bad mother, I know I am. When I start drinking I zone out and the drugs do other things to me. I swear I didn't know he was hurting you. I'm getting help; I'm getting myself cleaned out. I know you don't believe it, but I'm going on a month now."

I just shake my head and look down at my trembling hands. I pray silently from them to just go away.

"I want us to be a happy family again." She is now playing with the blanket on the bed and trying so hard not to reach out to me again. She is wiping her tears, but a part of me feels that she is just putting on a show.

"We will never be a happy family moma. You can't get back what has been shattered into a million pieces, it's not like you can fix this."

"Can't we at least try; I'm willing to give it my all." A few more tears fall.

I don't want to see her cry. Not because I care about her because I don't, I just don't love her anymore and she has no right to shed tears for herself or for me.

"Moma stop the crying act- just stop it. You called me a lying bitch to my face; you don't believe a word that I tell you. You can't accept the fact that I was molested for years and then raped repeatedly by a man that you loved."

She cries harder now.

I don't give in. "You have no idea what I have gone through- this- me falling off of a stupid roof is nothing compared to what he done to me. And you can sit here and not believe me and you can judge me all you want but I'm over it, I'm done."

She stops crying and between sniffles she says, "I should have believed you. I know a good mother would believe her child her own daughter. I'm sorry for calling you that. I was still pretty high that day in court and you are not what I said you were. You're nothing like that. I'm sorry for not protecting you, I'm so sorry."

"You can say it over and over till your blue in the face. You can say it a million time moma but it aint gonna change anything. I'm sorry I can't forgive you right now and I don't know if I ever will be able to."

"Enough!" My dad butts in. "Enough she said she was sorry. She is getting the help she needs; she is trying to fix things and make them better."

I am about to explode. "Why are you here?" I stare at him with a look to kill; thankfully I don't have a dagger. "I seen you at court a while back; I looked for you afterwards but you were nowhere to be seen, you were gone like a ghost. You have a family; why are you here?"

My dad starts talking again, "I kept taps on you guys for years. I knew when Jackson moved in the house. I know your mom was trying to do the best she could. She told me to leave on several occasions. I'm sorry I didn't know he was hurting you. I would have killed the bastard myself, if he wasn't already dead." He pauses for a second and then continues, "Look your mom wants things like they use to be, back when everyone was happy. Yes, I have a family but they are a part of you just as much as you are them. I want you to meet your other sister and brother."

"Wow...I don't know what to say. Honestly I just don't want to meet them right now. I'm not ready to do that."

"Ok I understand, but Star you got to give us both another chance to make things right again."

"No I don't, I'm not ready to just forget what happened to me. You weren't there when she hit us for stupid shit. You weren't there to try to pick up the pieces every time she was passed out or when we thought she was dead. You weren't there dad to protect any of us."

Moma sits there in the chair and cries more, I guess hearing it again maybe she is realizing what she really did to us. I want to say more but I don't.

"We came here because we wanted to talk to you because we know what ever you decide is what the rest will decide. They look up to you and we know that they would not have run away and stole things if you hadn't."

I shake my head and start to argue back, "We didn't run away. We needed a safe place to stay and we knew the neighbors down the street were on vacation. Yes we broke in and yes we ate their food and used their stuff but at least we were safe. What were we supposed to do call the cops and tell them Storm killed Jackson so he could go to jail; we took care of each other because the two of you couldn't do it."

I stop and then look at my moma getting her full attention. "And it's not like you would have backed us up saying we did it self defense, you always stood on his side."

"I was wrong, I'm sorry." She is sobbing more now and dad hands her some more tissues. "So what happens now, where do we go from here?"

"I don't know, let the trial finish, see what the jury decides and the judge. I'm not ready to move back home."

"You would rather stay in foster care than come home to live with your own family." She continues to wipe her tears.

"At the moment yes, because at least with them I feel safe."

"Safe!" my dad laughs, "Safe then how do you explain why you're in a hospital?"

"I slipped alright, accidents happen. The Shaw's are really good people. They don't smoke, drink, heck they don't even cuss. However I wish Storm, River and Dawn were with me. I wish we could all be together; I miss them."

There is a light knock at the door and then it opens. Hayden is now in the doorway; he looks nervous as he looks at my moma and my dad and then he looks at me and sees that I have been crying.

He comes closer to the bed and reaches out to touch my foot and say, "Everything alright Lib?" He stares at me, not taking his eyes off of mine.

"Not really, but it will be you're here now."

I see the look in my dad's eyes ready to pounce, so I quickly introduce them.

"Hayden this is my dad and that's my moma, guys this is Hayden."

My dad tries to reach out to shake his hand, but Hayden nods instead, refusing to touch my dad. Instead he looks at me again and says, "Are you sure you're alright, Lib."

"I will be."

"Why do you keep calling her Lib?" My dad asks in frustration.

Hayden is just about to tell him when I interrupt him again. "Because he likes the name Liberty and he just started calling me Lib one day and honestly I like it, but he is the only one allowed to call me that." I smile at Hayden.

"What's wrong with Star?" My dad turns to look at me.

"Nothing, Everything, I hate my name and and..."

This time Hayden interrupts me changing the subjects, "So what is going in here anyway?"

I pray to myself, thank you for changing the subjects, thank you for being here.

"We heard she fell off of a roof and we came first thing this morning to check on her."

"Really?" Hayden smirks. God he gets me, I don't have to say anything and he gets me.

My dad now looks more pissed off and agitated, "I guess we should be going but first you need to think it over, do you want to live with your mom after the trial is over or do you want to move in with me for awhile until she is completely healed?"

I shake my head in disbelief; I mean really you got to be kidding me. That's why they are really here. They want me to tell them what to do and the rest will follow me. But I don't want to live with either one of them. I don't say a word.

"Just think about it." He reaches out to touch me, but then pats the side of the bed. He looks at my moma and asked her if she was ready to go. She stands up and almost reaches over to give me a hug but refrains herself. She sniffles a few more times and they walk out the door and didn't even bother looking back. When they are out the door, Hayden steps over and shuts the door.


So what do you think of her parents...Are they the same parents or are they changing for the better. Uhm!

And I just like Hayden...he seems to be the one for her.

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