Chapter 8: An encounter with a ghost from an alternate past

In the isolated dark forest, Lincoln and Lucy returned to their new home in the woods which belonged to their alternate selves who fell at the hands of the black moon emperor but now these two siblings have been given these powers and trained by alternate haiku to become the anti-heroes of this world, the guardians of light and darkness.


The door opens as Lincoln and Lucy headed inside, closing the door behind them. Lincoln walks towards the living room and plops on the couch, taking out a black journal and a pencil, writing in it while Lucy and fangs went to the kitchen.

Lucy: Sigh... ya want anything from the fridge Lincoln?

Lincoln: (writing in his journal) Naw Luce, I'm good.

Lucy nods before heading to the kitchen and opening the fridge, taking out a blood steak and some blood drinks for fangs.

She heads back to the living room, sitting next to Lincoln on the couch as she places the blood drinks on the coffee table while fangs flew off lucy's head to the table to drink the blood.

Lucy cuts a slice of her blood steak with a knife and pick up a piece with her fork, eating the piece.

Lucy: Sigh... Exquisite. (Looks at Lincoln) Writing in your journal again Lincoln?

Lincoln Nods.

Lucy eats another piece of her steak.

Lincoln: So... how long until Haiku and her forces approach?

Lucy: (Eats another piece of her blood steak) in about 10 minutes... she had other assignments to attend to.

Lincoln: Uh-huh..

Lucy: Sigh... So whatcha writing in there?

Lincoln: Just thoughts of our time in this world, 13 years and counting. So far, it's been a grueling journey as learning these powers.

Lucy: Sigh... I agree. We've had quite the 13 years here, learned a lot about this world, the origin of light users and dark users taught to us by Alt. Haiku and the powers we possessed from our deceased alternate selves. And you managed to find out what you were good at.

Lincoln: Yeah...

Lucy places a hand on his shoulder.

Lucy: You're thinking about the others, right?

Lincoln: Yeah... through the past 13 years, I managed to find what I was good at... yet I didn't count on going to another dimension to do it...

Lucy: Sigh... it's okay brother, once our job is done here in this world, we'll head back home.

Lincoln: Heh, thanks luce.

Lucy slightly smiles as she gave her brother a hug.

Lucy: No problem.

Lincoln places his journal on the table as he got up went to the kitchen. He took a couple of things out of the fridge as he started to make his lunch. Soon, he was done making his lunch, it was an exquisite Philly cheesesteak sandwich.

Lincoln: (takes a bite) Delicious.

Then a noise outside caught his attention.

Lincoln: Hmm?

Lincoln puts his lunch down as he heads to the back door, opening it as he stepped outside. He looks around to see who or what made that noise but found nothing. Lincoln had a suspicious look as he then tries to feel out any aura of light or darkness... but there was no one in the area.

Lincoln narrows his eyes suspiciously before turning around to head back in the house, closing the door behind him.

Just then... someone appeared out of the shadows, giggling like a maniac as the figure had a chilling female voice.

???: Hehehehe.... that's him... that's really him... Hehehe... I hope you're ready cause I'm coming for ya... Hahahaha....

The figure disappeared into the darkness.


After Lincoln was done with his lunch, he went to the living room as Lucy was waiting for him.

Lucy: Sigh... Haiku has arrived.

Lincoln: Alright then.

The two siblings head to the door as Lincoln opens it, revealing a pale skinned woman about his age at the door, she was slightly tall, long black hair covering her left eye, a graceful figure with a large chest and was very bottom heavy. She was wearing a black dress, black gloves, black and white striped leggings and black boots.

She was Alternate Haiku.

Lincoln: Hello Alt. Haiku.

Alt. Haiku: Greetings Lincoln, Lucy. I would like to introduce you two to my forces.

Alt. Haiku steps aside as Lincoln and Lucy noticed a numerous group of cloaked figures with black and white skull like masks. The one in the center stepped forward, he was a slightly tall, pale skinned man with short black hair, wearing a black hooded jacket, a black shirt, pants and black boots.

Alt. Haiku: Allow me to introduce you to the Revolution Acolytes of light and darkness and the one in the middle is Sid Qrow, the leader of the legion. He is a dark user/professional Assassin.

Lincoln then looks at Sid, who had a calm look.

Lincoln: Sup, I'm Lincoln.

Sid: (dark, slightly deep voice in monotone) I'm aware of who you are, Light user. Mistress speaks a lot of you...

Alt. Haiku: .....!

Lincoln: Mistress?

Sid points to Alt. Haiku, who was turning away from him as she tries to hide her blush.

Alt. Haiku: Ahem! Could we continue with what we came here for?

Sid nods.

Lincoln: Yeah.

Lucy: Sigh... sure.

Alt. Haiku: Ok... anyways, Sid and his acolytes were scoping out the scene through the stronghold of the black moon emperor, infiltrating the base though we haven't seen any of the loud sisters of this world in the prison cells.

Lincoln: I see...

Sid: However, we managed to get a copy of the black moon emperor's empire on a colossal map.

Sid pulls out a device, pressing a button as a colossal, holographic map image of the kingdom and various bases appears.

Sid: There are several bases scattered across the kingdom, each guarded with the most deadliest light and dark users who joined the emperor's corrupted cause, meaning that this won't be a cake walk.

Lincoln: No sh*t.

Lincoln soon saw a mystic looking black blade near his throat as he looks at an ominous looking Sid.

Sid: (dark voice) I appreciate that you keep your remarks to yourself or else you'll lose that head of yours...

Lincoln: (unfazed) I'm only stating the obvious. You wanna fight....?

Lucy: (sternly) Lincoln....

Alt. Haiku: (sternly) Sid....

Lincoln: Ok, ok...

Sid: Fine..... anyway, these bases contain the loud sisters and various light and dark users captured by the emperor and his forces. The closest we are is the southern base where one of my acolytes informed me that Lori, Luan, Luna and my big sister Liz Qrow are imprisoned in the southern base so that's where we strike first...

Lucy: Lori... Luan... Luna...

Lincoln: I see.

Alt. Haiku: We're also looking for the right spell book to see what will nullify and destroy the dreaded amulet the Black Moon Emperor uses to take away one's light or dark aura, we can't risk running into his trap.

Lucy: Indeed.

Lincoln: Then it's settled, we-

Lincoln was cut off by the sound of eerie, insane giggling.

???: Hehehehe.... Hehehehehehe... Hehehehehehehehe....

Sid and his acolytes kept their guard up as well as Lincoln, Alt. Haiku and Lucy.

Lucy: Were you guys followed?

Sid: No and even if we were, they would of been dead in seconds. Someone's been here before we arrived...

Alt. Haiku: Impossible, no can enter this forest except us since a spell's been put over this forest unless...

???: Hehehehe.... Hehehehehahaha....

Alt. Haiku: Oh my....  not that woman....

Lucy: What's going on Haiku?

Lincoln: Look... over there.

Everyone looks to the left side of the forest, seeing glowing red eyes in the shadows.

Sid: Come out, or we'll use force.

The insane giggling continues as someone slowly appeared out of the shadows. It was a slightly pale skin woman who was slightly taller than Lincoln, a hourglass and muscular physique with a massive rear end, messy white hair in a bob and red eyes. She was wearing a sleeveless black leather jacket with spikes, dark grey sports bra, red and black gloves, white ripped jean shorts that hugs her big butt and black boots.

She had a sadistic smile on her face.

Alt. Haiku: Anna Axis....

Anna: Hehehehe.... good to see you again linc... I missed you....

Lincoln: Ok... who is this?

Alt. Haiku: Anna Axis... a rival of you, well... alternate Lincoln, those two always been matching each other blow for blow, you guys were kinda like siblings. After your alternate self's death... she went mad and insane, becoming a deadly mercenary that hunts light and dark users for either money, sport or the sheer fun of it.

Lucy: (looks at Anna) Sigh... why do I feel both light and dark aura coming from her....?

Anna: Hehehehe... you're back, you're actually back... Hehehehe... (right hand glowes white aura while the left hand glowes black aura) Now let's play..... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

She lunged at Lincoln.

Lincoln: Sigh... Damn it.

To be continued...

(Chapter 8 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter as well as my sketch of Anna Axis, who the OC itself is owned by NeutralonallTopics, who gave me the idea of having her as a rival of Lincoln. So the credit goes to him and I thank him for it, also check out his stories too. Also, Lincoln finally found what he was good at as Lucy mentioned, Is he an A. A writer, B. A racer, C. An MMA fighter or D. An instructor, Guess to see which is it. Next chapter will be Lincoln vs Anna, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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