Chapter 2: I'm going with you brother

Lincoln was walking downstairs with his backpack full of his stuff for his journey. A lot of things were on his mind at the moment as he thought about everything and everyone he was leaving behind... his friends and family.

A part of him wanted to stay but he wanted to not spend his life as a failure. He wanted to be someone his family and friends can be proud of. He knew it was stupid but it was for the best. Besides, lincoln wasn't going to be gone forever... this is a temporary deal, a long temporary deal.

Lincoln: sigh... goodbye loud house... one day, I'll be back...

Lincoln went to the front door and just when he was about to open it, a monotone voice was heard.

???: where are you going?

Lincoln was spooked as he quickly turns around to see his goth sister lucy standing there on the first step of the stairs. Lincoln felt his heart pounding like crazy from the eight year old goth's sudden disappearing and reappearing outta nowhere act but he calms down as he whispers.

Lincoln: lucy... what are you doing up?

Lucy: I was about to ask you the same question. What are you doing up in the middle of the night with your backpack?

Lincoln tries to come up with a lie to fool the goth.

Lincoln: I'm uhhhhh.... going to clyde's for a sleepover, yeah.

Lucy: clyde is on vacation with his dads out of town... remember?

Lincoln: dang it.

Lincoln gulps as he sees lucy walking towards him. Though he can't see through lucy's bangs but he can tell that the goth was glaring coldly at him and that frown of hers deepened, meaning she was getting more and more suspicious.

Lucy: where are you really going lincoln...?

Lincoln flinched at the cold tone in lucy's voice.

Lincoln: n-nowhere lucy, just taking a-a-a w-walk, yeah! Just taking a walk-

Lincoln was cut off when lucy grabs him by the front of his shirt, pulling his face closer to hers as she spoke in a chilling, eerie tone.

Lucy: Don't. Lie. To. Me....

Lucy pulls something out of her pajama pants pocket and it was revealed to be lincoln's goodbye note as lincoln looks at it and back at lucy with a shocked and horrified expression that lucy knows about him going away.

Lincoln: I-I... uuuuhhhh...

Lucy: I saw and heard everything in the vents... you're leaving the loud house... you're leaving our family... you're leaving me... without even saying goodbye property...?

Lincoln was shaking but he sensed the hurt and sadness in lucy's voice. He gave in as he sighed.

Lincoln: yeah, I'm leaving the loud house... I'm sorry...

Lucy: that's it... that's all you have to say to me is that you're sorry...? You're leaving your own family behind because you think you'll never amount to anything and remain in our shadows?

Lincoln: I-

Lucy: shut it. Lincoln if you were feeling this way, you could've talked to us about it.

Lincoln: that's the problem, I couldn't because I was worried that you guys would brush it off like nothing was wrong. When I look at the trophy case from all of you and the sisters talents and hard work... I feel left out, I feel like I'm never going to catch up with you guys as you have a bright future and I don't. I'm happy for you guys but... I just want to accomplish something in life so I can make you guys proud.

Lucy: but you've done a lot of good things for us at times, you're our brother... and I'd hate to lose you...

Lincoln: yeah but... sometimes my help and plans would sometimes lead to bad things like the sweet spot, the money incident, the girl guru act and the one time I posted embarrassing videos of you and the others online to win a trophy I clearly didn't deserve because I almost lost the love and trust of my sisters that day, including you. I still feel terrible about that.... even though you've forgave me. Then there's the trophy you guys made me... the most improved brother award... I loved it very much but... I realize that it was a trophy out of pity...

Lucy: l-lincoln... don't...

Lincoln: I want to do this so I can make you guys proud... it ain't just about the trophy, it's about the accomplishments and hard work put into it to be remembered for. Call it a stupid or crazy reason to leave but I'm going out that door so I can find what I'm good at so I can be somebody like all of you guys..

Lucy hugs lincoln, surprising him.

Lucy: (sobs silently) but... you are somebody... y-you're lincoln loud, my big brother, s-sure you mess up sometimes... so do the rest of us but you're always there for us... for m-me... sob, sob... p-please don't go... please...

Lincoln: I'm so sorry luce... but I have to do this...

Lucy: what is a lie....? What the time you said you would always have my back all a lie...?!

Lincoln: no, no, no it wasn't...! Sigh... Lucy, I don't have time for this. If you wanna wake mom, dad and the other sisters, go ahead. I'll run out that door, long gone the moment you do...

Lucy, still hugging lincoln tight, slowly looks at him with black tears streaming.

Lucy: then... I'm going with you brother...

Lincoln: w-what?

Lucy: if I can't stop you from leaving, I'll go with you...

Lincoln: lucy you can't.

Lucy: I can and I will...

Lincoln: I'm serious about this lucy...!

Lucy: I'm dead serious... if you go by yourself, who will watch your back...?

Lincoln's eyes widened in shock as lucy pulls up her bangs, revealing her big, beautiful blue eyes.

Lucy: when you took the blame for me on the clogged toilet incident, you said that you would always watch my back... I want to do the same for you. I'm going with you and I'm not taking No for an answer..

Lincoln was shocked by lucy's words. Letting them process and echo through his mind, lincoln sighed as he gave in, not wanting to argue any further.

Lincoln: ok fine... you can go with me.

Lucy smiled a bit.

Lincoln: go get dressed and get your stuff ready, I'll be waiting on the porch.

Lucy: ok... thanks lincoln.

Lincoln: no problem...

Lucy quickly heads upstairs as lincoln sighs to himself.

Lincoln: well lincoln... you didn't expect this to happen but it did.

Lincoln heads out the door, closing the door behind him as he sits on the front porch to wait for lucy. He looks at the night sky, the air was cold and clear as he can't believe that lucy is going with him on his own journey, one part of him wanted lucy to stay home to be safe but... another part of him was glad that lucy wanted to go with him, it showed that she cares deeply as he and lucy have a close bond with one another as siblings besides with luna, lynn, lana, etc in different fashion but he loves his sisters and hopefully one day he'll see them once his journey ends.

Lucy: (appeared out of nowhere) I'm here.

Lincoln: (spooked) Gyaahh!!! Lucy!

Lincoln sees lucy in her normal attire and black hoodie with her backpack and her pet bat fangs on her head.

Lincoln: ok... ready to go?

Lucy: yeah but let's walk through the cemetery.

Lincoln: why...?

Lucy: sigh... sometimes I would take a night walk through the cemetery to talk to some spirits.

Lincoln: ok then.

Lincoln and Lucy begin walking as they took one last look at the loud house before running away into the night.

Narrator: a few hours later.

After walking halfway across town, lincoln and lucy made their way to the royal woods cemetery with the gates open as they went in. Lincoln was a bit creeped out by the eerie cemetery... the fog rolling in, the spooky dead trees, the numerous gravestones of the deceased and the eerie moonlight shining through the dark clouds.

Lincoln: this place gives me the creeps...

Lucy: I know... I like it. I come here sometimes to speak with the spirits... some are good conversationalists.

Lincoln: okayyy.... and fangs is coming too.

Lucy: where ever I go, fangs follows...

Lincoln: ok, do you have everything you need packed? Money included?

Lucy pulls out a huge wad of cash.

Lucy: yeah, I've been saving my money instead of spending it out the blue.

Lincoln: oh, me too.

Lucy: so... where are we going?

Lincoln: well... I was thinking of finding a motel to stay at or something before taking a bus out of royal woods.

Lucy: or we could stay here for tonight and head for the bus stop in the morning.

Lincoln looks at lucy like she was crazy.

Lincoln: (nervous) stay... at a spooky graveyard for the night? I don't think that's a good idea.

Lucy: sigh... it's fine, lincoln. There's no evil spirits here, plus, I have a secret spot that only myself and haiku know of it's existence. We can stay there for the time being and we'll be safe.

Lincoln: you sure?

Lucy: I am...

Lincoln: ok... lead the way.

The two siblings walked through the graveyard with lucy leading the way to one of the cemetery crypts. Lucy and lincoln pull the door open as they went inside with lucy closing the door behind her.

Lincoln gazed upon the inside of the crypt as it looked brand new like a man cave, a gothic man cave. Eerie lighting, black wallpaper with spider webs, blood velvet red carpeting, a fortune teller booth with a crystal ball, a large table with books of spells, a mini-fridge, coffin like beds and a tv.

Lincoln: whoa... Lucy when did you-

Lucy: 4 weeks ago. Sigh... haiku, my goth friends and I made this special spot to either hangout, sleepover, write our poems, etc. No one but us knows about it... except you now.

Lincoln: oh. Love the work you guys put into this.

Lucy: (slightly smiles) thanks lincoln.

The two sets their backpacks down as lucy walked to one of the coffin like beds and layed down on it while fangs flies up to the ceiling, wrapping it's wings around him as the bat sleeps.

Lucy: sigh... still comfy. Lincoln... you should try one of the coffin beds.

Lincoln slowly walks towards one of the coffin like beds next to lucy as he hops on and lays down, feeling comfortable.

Lincoln: wow... this is comfy.

Lucy: yep, haiku thought of the idea.

Lincoln: well... yawn... she was a genius... goodnight lucy.

Lucy: goodnight lincoln.

The two siblings fell asleep but were unaware of the crystal ball at the fortune teller booth was faintly glowing an aura of black and white.

To be continued...

(Chapter 2 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter and let me know what you think of it. What's next for lincoln and lucy, find out next chapter. This is omegacrow fading to black....)

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