Chapter 16: Days of Rest pt 2, Beach outing
Within the living room, Alt. Lori, Alt. Luan and Anna were waiting as Lincoln and Lucy came downstairs with items needed for the beach outing. Fangs also came downstairs in a giant bat form, carrying an unconscious Alt. Luna.
Alt. Lori: Why is Fangs carrying Luna down here? She needs to rest.
Lucy: Sigh... I decided that Alt. Luna is coming with us. Fangs volunteered to watch her in case she... changes again.
Alt. Lori: Oh ok. Got everything? Swimwear, Cooler full of drinks, towels, umbrella, grill, food items?
Lincoln nods.
Lucy: Yeah.
Alt. Luan: It's 4:30 now.
Anna: Alright, time to party!
Then a portal opens in front of the group.
Lucy: And there's our entrance.
Lincoln, Lucy, Alt. Luan, Alt. Lori, Anna and Fangs, who was carrying Alt. Luna all gathered their things and walked through the portal as it closed behind them.
In an unknown location...
We see a lone male figure sitting on the throne with the shadows hiding his appearance as Black Skull Reaper guards were present, bowing to him.
???: So General Broodclaw has fallen....?
Black Skull Reaper 1: Indeed, my emperor...
Black Skull Reaper 2: The southern base has been completely destroyed as well. And the two louds along with the acolytes managed to free everyone there, including Lori, Luan and Luna of the Louds clan.
???: I see... so the others weren't kidding about another Lincoln and Lucy running around and causing trouble in my territory... (narrows his cold, dark blue eyes) Hmmmm... Seems the rebels were desperate if they've brought another loud nuisance from a different world to stop me...
Black Skull Reaper 3: What do we do, Black Moon Emperor?
Black Skull Reaper 4: Should we hunt them down?
Black Moon Emperor: No. For now remain on standby until further notice. I've already disposed of the Lincoln and Lucy of this world, these second ones will be no different, you may leave.
The black skull reapers: Yes, my emperor.
Meanwhile, we see a massive beach along with a gothic looking beach house in the distance. A portal opened up as Lincoln, Lucy, Anna, Alt. Lori & Alt. Luan with their things and Fangs who was carrying the unconscious Alt. Luna, all came out of the portal which closed behind them.
Anna: Would you look at that.
Lincoln: This is quite the beach, looks rather nice than the last ones I've been to.
Lucy: Sigh... And more peaceful.
Alt. Haiku's voice: Ah, you've finally arrived.
The group turn to see Alt. Haiku and Liz walking towards them.
Alt. Haiku: Welcome to my private beach. It's one of my secret lands I own, no one aligned with the Black Moon Emperor nor the emperor himself knows about this place so we won't have any problems.
Lincoln: That's quite impressive.
Alt. Luan: Yep, we don't need the flawed law coming down on us here, hehehehe.
Alt. Lori: After years of being in the southern base unable to see the light of day, I'd say we deserve a break.
Liz: Indeed, the acolytes, Sid and allies outside of us are here as well.
The group notices the acolytes, men and women out in swimwear enjoying themselves on the beach.
Anna: Where is Sid Qrow anyway?
Liz: In the Beach house, while he's still recovering from the battle with Broodclaw, he's relaxing his body in the healing pool.
Alt. Luan: Healing pool? That actually make those?
Alt. Lori: I hope you don't mind if we brought Luna here, we didn't want to risk turning into that... monster again while left alone.
Alt. Haiku: It's fine Lori, you can place Luna in one of the guest rooms in my beach house.
Alt. Lori: Thank you.
Alt. Lori and Fangs carry the unconscious Alt. Luna off to the beach house. Alt. Haiku then showed the group of the separate dressing rooms to change into their swimwear. After a few minutes, the group came out wearing their bathing suits.
Lincoln was wearing an open short sleeve black shirt with a skull ace symbol on the back & black swimming trunks with white side stripes on the shorts.
Lucy was wearing a black one piece swimsuit with red web patterns.
Anna was a black and white bikini top, black trunks with the words 'buns of steel' in white on the back and was wearing sunglasses.
Alt. Lori was a sleeveless black hoodie, a light blue & white sports bra, white and black swim trunks and wearing sunglasses.
And Alt. Luan was wearing a black and yellow one piece swimsuit with a chest window.
Anna: Ready to Par-Tay!
Alt. Luan: (starts up the grill) Lori & I are setting up the grill with some burgers, hot dogs, ribs and chicken. I have some special seasonings and sauce I've been meaning to try for this occasion, especially with grilled fish!
Alt. Lori: We need have any fish on us, Luan.
Alt. Luan: (holds up a knife from her dark aura; smiles widely and creepily) Not yeeeeeeeeeet~!
Alt. Luan laughs and did a mighty jump from the front of the beach house, her laughter echoing into the air as she swan dived into the ocean.
Lucy: Sigh... And I thought our Luan was crazy during April Fool's day.
Alt. Lori: Oh, you guys too huh?
Lincoln: Don't remind us.
Anna: I had to deal Alt. Luan's pranks when visiting the Lincoln of our world, I was doused in honey & feathers and a bear came & bit me on the ass. She apologized for that and didn't mean for a bear to get involved but I got even with her and pinned her with my giant buns of steel on her back, making us even.
Alt. Lori: So that's why Luan was walking awkwardly with a painful and winced expression for 2 weeks back then in our teen years.
Anna: Yep, I destroyed her back.
They gave her strange looks.
Anna: What?
Then Liz and Alt. Haiku came by. Liz was wearing a black & silver trim one piece swimsuit and had black shade glasses on.
And Alt. Haiku was wearing an alluring gothic black two piece swimsuit with matching purple web patterns with a silver spider symbol on the bikini top and the back of the bikini bottom.
Liz: Now that we're all dressed for the occasion, shall we join the other acolytes in our beach outing?
Alt. Lori: Literally.
Alt. Haiku was silently staring at Lincoln, while she knew the white haired man had an impressive physique in athleticism from years of training but seeing the exposed chest and splendid abs was causing the goth woman to sigh in swooning.
Lincoln: Haiku? Haiku???
Liz: Mistress?
Alt. Haiku: Gasp! Uh, what? What is it?
Liz: You spaced out for a moment there, Mistress. Is everything okay?
Alt. Haiku had a little blush and looked away.
Alt. Haiku: Ahem. S-Sorry about that, had some things on my mind...
Then a portal opened near them, getting the attention of Liz, Alt. Haiku, Alt. Lori, Anna, Lucy and Lincoln as two silhouettes were seen appearing through it.
Lucy: Who's that?
Alt. Haiku: Ah, two familiar faces of my division.
Out of the portal appeared two figures with the portal closing. The first one was a 6 ft 2 tall man with short dark brown hair with a small ponytail, light olive skin tone, green/blue eyes and possesses a very impressive athletic body. He was wearing a white shirt with a black trim design on the chest over a red leather jacket with angel wings designs on the back, black jeans and black boots.
The second one was a 6 ft 9 tall (7 ft 2 with heels) goth woman with long jet black hair with green highlights on her bangs, beautiful pale skin tone & emerald green eyes, has a very curvaceous & chubby physique with very large breasts, a large gut, massive hips, thighs & a very massive & plump rear. She was wearing a black dress with a white flower design on the left chest area, dual black flowing arm sleeves & black knee high heeled boots.
Alt. Haiku: Ah, welcome to my beach outing. (To Lucy, Lincoln, Anna and Alt. Lori) I would love for you to meet some very good friends of mine & allies of the Acolytes of light and darkness. The Man on the left is Angel Guerrero and the Woman on the right is his girlfriend, Elena Armbrüster.
(The two OCS Angel Guerrero and Elena Armbrüster belong to my friend, AizakkuVerse209. Credit goes to him.)
Angel: (calm male tone) Hello there. Good to meet you.
Elena: (spoke with a German accent) Greetings Haiku und nice to meet everyvone. Ve vould have gotten here sooner but zhe Black Moon Emperor's forces got in zhe vay.
Liz: Did they give you trouble?
Angel: It was nothing, they were using hostages to get us to surrender... Oh it didn't end well for the mindless followers of the Black Moon Emperor.
Alt. Haiku: Indeed. Anyway, you are already aware of the Louds I told you about?
Angel: Why yes? I've heard you speak about them.
Elena: Yes, Zheir family vere one of zhe most skilled dark und light users but vere hunted und captured. Lincoln und Lucy fought zhe Black Moon Emperor to zhe death but both perished in zhe process, it vas very unfortunate.
Alt. Haiku: Well, I like to introduce you to Lincoln Loud and Lucy Loud.
Lincoln: Hey.
Lucy: Sigh, hello.
Alt. Haiku: Sigh, I've brought them from their own dimension to help us out on our mission to bring down the Black Moon Emperor. So far, we've managed to defeat Broodclaw of the 5 Great Moon Generals & the southern base was reduced to ashes as well as freeing the prisoners there, including Lori Loud (points to Alt. Lori), Luna Loud, who is resting in the beach house & Luan Loud (points to Alt. Luan, who was swimming & hunting a gigantic looking fish)
Angel: Well good, that's one part of the corrupted emperor's army we don't have to worry about (cold stare) but he and his forces will answer for this injustice.
Elena comforts Angel with a hug from behind, wrapping her arms around him with her large chest pressing against the back of his head.
Elena: Now now my love, ve vill have zhem answer für zheir crimes but für now, let us relax und enjoy zhe party.
Angel huffed with a sigh, unsure about this but Elena kneels down from behind and whispers in his ear.
Elena: (seductively) It'll be very fun... Zhink of it as a special occasion vhere ve have a vonderful romantic treat~....
Angel's eyes widened with a blush. Lincoln, Lucy and Alt. Lori chuckled at this..
Elena: Please beloved, für me~?
Angel facepalms and mutters a 'yes my love'. He loves Elena so much but she can be very, veeeeeeery teasing to the core. Elena gave him a thank you kiss on the cheek.
Elena: Zhank you, now let's go change für the beach outing.
Angel nods and picks up Elena bridal style, making the big goth woman smile slyly and lovingly as he walks off to the beach house while carrying Elena.
Lucy: Gasp, he is able to carry her like that?
Liz: Despite the difference in size and height between Angel and Elena, he is a very strong individual born a dark and light user.
Lincoln: Like Anna.
Alt. Lori: Wait, where is Anna?
Lucy: She was here a second ago-oh wait, there she is.
Anna was seen dancing with some of the acolytes to the beat while shaking her big rump.
Lucy: Anyways, Elena is a dark user, correct?
Alt. Haiku: Why yes she is. She is quite at one with the dark like Liz, Sid and myself.
Lucy: (slowly smiles) Wicked. I think I'm going to like her.
The Beach outing begins to with a few acolytes as well as Alt. Lori starting up their grill and placing burgers, ribs, hot dogs and chicken on their grills one at a time. Alt. Luan soon came back to shore dragging 3 gigantic looking fish in dark aura chains while cracking some fish puns.
Angel and Elena soon came back in their swimwear. Angel was wearing a dark red open dress shirt with a white shirt underneath & black shorts. And Elena was wearing a black one piece bathing suit white flowers designs like her dress did. Angel started his grill and brought the steaks and bratwursts with exquisite seasonings.
Anna was playing volleyball with some of the acolytes, both teams displaying good effort in interceptions and scoring for one another with the point board neck in neck until Anna leaps up and nails the volleyball with great force to score the final point to win the game.
Anna: WOOHOOOOOOOO!!! We won the game, wanna go 2 out of 3, 4 out of 5, 10 out of 20, I don't care! I'll still beat ya, Oh yeah! Woo!!
Some of the acolytes look at her funny but laughs it off as they decided to play again with her. Lucy was seen waiting on a surfboard as a growing wave rose from the ocean as she got ready with the wave reaching massive proportions, Lucy stood on her surfboard and rode the wave while performing tricks.
Lucy: (smiles a little with a monotone voice) Cowabungaaaaaaaaaa...
But Lucy wasn't alone as Alt. Luan was riding the massive wave with her on her surfboard doing a handstand.
Alt. Luan: Surf's up, hehehehehe! I remember a great white shark giving a fish a 'Wave' goodbye before eating it, hahaha! Get it?
Lincoln soon appeared besides the two women, meditating on his surfboard while riding the massive wave.
Lincoln: This is fun.
Lucy: Very true, my brother.
Alt. Luan: Wipe out, hahahahahaha!!!
After doing a couple of surfing poses and tricks, Lucy, Lincoln and Alt. Luan landed perfectly well on the beach sand as the wave depleted.
Lincoln: Excellent work, you two.
Lucy: You weren't so bad yourself, Lincoln.
Alt. Luan: Hahahaha!
Liz was sculpting and building something out of sand, a male & female acolyte walks up to Liz and spots what she was making.
Female Acolyte: Whoa, what are you making Liz?
Liz: A coliseum.
Male Acolyte: Wow. You got skills.
And she was, it was a massive and a well made sculpture of a sand coliseum. Liz then takes a couple of photos of it, inside and outside of it.
Liz: Magnificent.
Elena approached Liz.
Elena: Not bad. Not bad at all. Now check out zhe vork I've done.
Liz then turns and sees Elena's sand sculpture of a hooded figure holding an angelic sword in it's right hand and a demonic sword in it's left hand while having a right angel wing & a left demon wing.
Liz: Astonishing.
Elena: Zhank you, I've practiced zhat für a vhile on my spare time. (Takes photos of her masterpiece)
Liz smiles a little, taking a photo as well. The two giant goths then begin sculpting more sand statues and taking photos of their handiwork. Meanwhile, Angel and Alt. Lori were barbequing their meats on their own grills, some were already done and placed on a few plates.
Alt. Lori: (flipping a burger) I must say that those steaks and bratwursts smell very enticing, ten times better than how a normal steak or bratwurst, Angel.
Angel: Yep, I've covered the steaks & bratwursts in a special spice and sauce that's a family recipe and I'm sorry but no, I can't reveal the secret.
Alt. Lori: It's fine, really.
A hand reached out and grabs a plate of hot dogs, munching can be heard under the grill.
Alt. Lori: (smirks) I understand if it's a family recipe. Some people tried to take my dad's food recipes and my sisters & I wounded up chasing them out.
Angel: (chuckles) Yeah. It's a secret family recipe for a reason, if you're not family, you can't know about it.
Alt. Lori smiles turns and finds the plate of hot dogs gone.
Alt. Lori: Huh?
Angel: What's wrong?
Alt. Lori: The hot dogs, (turns to Angel) an entire plate for a whole group is gone!
Angel: Are you sure? Some of the acolytes would have came by and had some hot dogs?
Alt. Lori: No because one, they would've lined up and asked me first and not just take them & two, they wouldn't have been finished so fast!
A hand reached out and grabs a huge plate of hamburgers and cheeseburgers with quiet munching sounds heard under the grill.
Alt. Lori: Sigh... Luckily, I have more to cook and-hey!
Angel: What happened?
Alt. Lori: Now an entire plate of Ham & Cheeseburgers are gone now! Who's stealing my food?!
Angel: Hmmm....
Then he noticed a hand reaching out to grab his streaks & bratwursts but grabs the hand in a vise grip, making a yelp sound heard.
Angel: Got the culprit.
Alt. Lori then saw another hand reaching for another plate of burgers and immediately caught the hand, twisting it as a yelp sound was heard. Picking up the hand while the silhouette looked invisible, Alt. Lori ripped the clear cloak, revealing an older and very obese version of Papa Wheelie.
Alt. Lori: (glares coldly with a snarl) ...
Papa Wheelie: (laughs nervously) Hehehehe... Past the barbeque sauce...?
Angel rips off the clear cloak, revealing an older and skinny yet athletic version of Flat tire.
Flat Tire: Oh crap...
Angel: (glared ominously) Party crashers, eh?
Then Alt. Lori and Angel heard loud screams, seeing 10 female acolytes and Lucy was seen struggling, gasping and moaning with distressed & embarrassed looks on their faces.
Alt. Lori: What the?!
Liz: Something's going on in the water...
Elena: Zhe vater... It's groping zhem?!
From what Elena was saying, everyone was seeing hands of water with mini lights of aura, squeezing, fondling and groping Lucy and the 10 female acolytes.
Female acolyte: Hey S-Stop!
Female acolyte 2: Ah! Something's grabbing my boobs!
Female acolyte 3: K-Keep your hands to yourself whatever you are!
Female acolyte 4: Help! Someone H-Help us!
Female acolyte 5: Pervert! It's a pervert, he grabbed my ass!!!
Lucy gasped in embarrassment as the watery hands were groping her chest and rear, she tries to use her power to escape but she, like the female acolytes were feeling their powers getting drained by the hands of water.
Lucy: (telepathic) L-Lincoln... Brother... H-Help...
Lincoln's eyes widened, arising from being buried in the sand by Alt. Luan.
Alt. Luan: Linc, what's wrong?!
Lincoln glares coldly at the humiliating and embarrassing position his sister and the 10 female acolytes are in. He runs towards the ocean followed by Alt. Haiku. Lincoln's hands glowed white with immense light aura and slams them into the ocean.
Lincoln: Light Eruption!
The ocean glowed and erupted in a massive explosive wave, Lucy and the 10 acolytes all flew out of the ocean as Lincoln caught his sister while Liz, Elena, Anna & Alt. Luan caught the 10 female acolytes, who thanked them while Lucy hugged her big brother.
Lucy: Thank you...
Lincoln hugs her back to comfort the goth woman.
Alt. Haiku then sensed a presence in the remaining water in the air.
Alt. Haiku: I see it...
Forming dark aura with a tint of green, Alt. Haiku readies her attack and fires it.
Alt. Haiku: Dark Negation Barrier.
The Barrier caught the figure of water, which was struggling to escape but it proved useless as the barrier landed in front of Alt. Haiku and the others. The figure of started to take shape to reveal it's true form. It was a man who was Lincoln's age, height and body type, looking like a almost exact lookalike of Lincoln, the only difference is that his hair is blonde, he still has a chipped overbite, no freckles and wore a white beanie on his head and wearing black and orange trunks.
Lincoln recognize the man right away, he was the alternate version of Chase (made up name for him), The Bratty Kid who he tangoed with back at his world when they were kids, fighting over the zombie bran cereal but chase got in trouble and was banned from the store.
Alt. Haiku: (glares coldly) Chase... I don't recall seeing your name on the guest list...
Chase winced at Alt. Haiku's glare and also felt the glares of Elena, Anna, Alt. Luan, the 10 female acolytes and the rest of the acolytes who appeared.
Angel: He's not the only one.
Angel and Alt. Lori are seen dragging Alt. Papa Wheelie and Flat tire in negation chains.
Lincoln: (annoyed) Of course...
Alt. Lori: They were using a special cloak to mask their aura so they couldn't be sensed but they failed to keep their hands to themselves.
Alt. Haiku: You two as well...
Liz: You know these three, Mistress Haiku?
Alt. Haiku: These three were former members of the acolytes, Papa Wheelie and Flat tire dark users and Chase a light user but were kicked out due to maximum property damage as well as stealing various items from innocent people to sell for money & drugs.
Alt. Flat tire: But that wasn't our fault.
Elena: Zhat be a lie.
Liz: He nearly messed up a stealth mission because he was high on drugs (sends a disapproving glare to Alt. Flat tire)
Alt. Haiku: Devastating the entire dinner from the last few parties before the other guests even arrived as well as raiding food storages when we try to assist those who were low on supplies when the Black Moon Emperor's forces took everything from the innocent.
Alt. Papa Wheelie: B-But I was hungry!
Alt. Lori knees him in his large gut.
Alt. Lori: You ate two large plates of hot dogs and burgers for the entire party, you bloated, gluttonous pig!
Liz: Plus, you ruined my prized winning dark chocolate Halloween cake for the whole spooktacular 3 years ago (glares hauntingly at Alt. Papa Wheelie) remember that...?
Alt. Papa Wheelie whimpers, remembering that he ate a gargantuan cake for the entire party, also accidentally splattering cake on Alt. Haiku and Liz chased him out with a dark aura whip, wincing from the painful lashing she gave him.
Alt. Haiku: Also for killing innocent people in our name, claiming they were evil.
Alt. Chase: You didn't know they were innocent, they were scum who would turn on us! Plus, they were beneath me!
Alt. Haiku: I can tell who's good and evil by their aura, nature and soul and you aimlessly and recklessly killed many innocent people, families, women and children. You, however, can't tell the difference due to your ignorance and arrogance.
Lincoln glares at Alt. Chase, wanting nothing more than to deal with this alt. grown up of the bratty kid for his actions.
Alt. Haiku: And let's not forget the numerous times you would sexually harass women left & right, whether it's a single woman, a married woman or our own acolytes, you have no right, no remorse and no shame.
Alt. Chase: What? The ladies love me! And I give them what they want in exchange for my demands!
Elena: (angry) You delusional, egotistical, vaste of a man. You have no clue how to treat a woman right. Zhe women don't love you, Zhey downright hate und are disgusted by you.
Alt. Chase: Who asked you, ya overgrown, german goth b***h!
Elena gasped and glared ominously at Alt. Chase, forming dark aura daggers but before she could retaliate, Angel marches over and threw a solid fist through the barrier and into Alt. Chase's face, earning a pained yell from him as the hole in the barrier closed up.
Angel: (cold tone) Speak like that to my girlfriend again and I'll do worse to you than a single punch...
Alt. Chase rubs his jaw, wanting to yell angrily at Angel but the man's haunting glare alone made him rethink his words carefully or it might be his last.
Elena: Zhank you, Angel.
Angel nods.
Lucy: (disgusted tone at Alt. Chase) You nearly violated us and tried to drain our aura while doing it you pervert.
Alt. Haiku: Your parents thought by bringing you three into the acolytes of light and darkness would straighten you three out and become true individuals but alas there are some things beyond even my power to heal...
Liz: What shall we do with them?
Alt. Luan: Shoot them out of a cannon into a darkness volcano?
Alt. Lori: Put them in a void prison forever?
Anna: Crush them and send them to the scrap?
Elena: Feed zhem to zhe sea beasts?
Alt. Haiku: I know just the punishment.
Lincoln: Wait, before you do that... I want to teach this bastard a lesson.
Alt. Chase glared at Lincoln.
Alt. Chase: (snarls) I thought you were dead, Beaver boy.
Lincoln: (cold glare) I'm a different lincoln than the one in your world. Haiku release him.
Alt. Haiku: Fine but his powers will be sealed permanently.
Alt. Chase: What?!
The barrier was down as Alt. Chase felt his powers sealed, he glared angrily at Lincoln.
Alt. Chase: Screw it, I don't need my powers kick your ass!
Lincoln: I can say the same thing about you...
Alt. Chase: Grrr so that white haired bastard is dead already in this world then you're gonna be joining him!
Alt. Chase charged at Lincoln with a flurry of punches and kicks but the white haired man dodged them all and delivered a reverse elbow shot to the face, knocking out a couple of chase's teeth, a swift kick to his right side and breaking a few ribs, a knee to the gut, palms to the chest and a straight shot to the nose, breaking it and drawing blood.
The 10 female acolytes along with the rest of the other female and male acolytes were cheering for Lincoln to give that disgusting pervert what he deserves.
Alt. Chase stumbled back, holding his nose in pain as Lincoln approached him with the same cold stare. Alt. Chase growls furiously and went for a left shot at Lincoln, who caught the left fist and twists it counterclockwise, breaking it in an unusual manner.
Alt. Chase uses his right hand to try to punch Lincoln only for the white haired man to side step and knees the weak point in the blonde haired man's arm, shattering it.
Alt. Chase was screaming in agony as he fell to his knees only to be picked up by the neck with Lincoln staring him in the eyes with a calm yet haunting expression.
Lincoln: Never, ever touch my sister or any women again...
He released Alt. Chase and within slow motion, Lincoln busts his jaw with a solid right knee, shattering said jaw as the blonde haired man fell to the ground, unconscious. Alt. Papa Wheelie and Flat tire were horrified by what they just saw & silently hope they weren't next.
Lincoln turns to Alt. Haiku.
Lincoln: I'm done, you can take it from here.
Alt. Haiku: Good work Lincoln, now for their punishment.
Alt. Papa Wheelie and Flat tire screamed 'No!!' before a black and purple light engulfed them and Alt. Chase, making the three men vanished.
Alt. Lori: Where did you send them?
Alt. Haiku: I'll tell you where they're not... Safe...
Alt. Luan: Hahahahaha! Could've said it better myself.
Anna: Well now that the party crashers are out, LET'S PARTY!!!!
Everyone cheered in agreement.
The party continues with the acolytes swimming in the ocean, splashing one another, doing chicken fights or racing via speed boats & jet skis while some were surfing, Angel was performing wicked surfing moves while carrying and/or holding Elena in perfect poses. Alt. Lori, Alt. Luan, Lucy and Lincoln were playing volleyball. Anna was arm wrestling with two strong male acolytes double time.
Liz went in the beach house and checks on Alt. Luna, who was still asleep with Fangs who was in giant form, watching her while enjoying a fruit blood smoothie. She then goes to check on her brother, seeing Sid Qrow who was wearing black shades and black and gray trunks was relaxing in a healing pool.
Liz: Are you feeling, my brother?
Sid: Just... Peachy... so reeeeelaxed...
Liz: I see the pool is working on your wounds well but also eased your mind too well, a mere side effect.
Sid: Liz, sis... you just gotta chillllllll... sis... Clear your mind of in and outside distractions. Goooooooo with the floooooow... Feeeeeel the flooooow....
Liz chuckles.
Liz: You'll be back to normal in a few hours.
Liz then takes her leave.
Later, Lucy was seen laying down with Liz, Alt. Haiku and Elena in the shade.
Lucy: Sigh... This feels nice to rest in the shade.
Alt. Haiku: I agree. The beach is really astonishing but still there's too much of the sun to gaze upon us.
Elena: True, Zhe sun can be too bright vithin the eyesight.
Liz: Yes. But I can fix the problem for awhile.
Liz then shoots a wave of smoke, forming a black cloud above the four goths to block the sun in their direction.
Elena: Ah, now Zhat is vonderful.
Lucy: Thank you Liz.
Liz: You're welcome.
The four goths noticed Lincoln and Angel walking by, having a conversation.
Elena: Beloved.
Angel and Lincoln turn to the four goths with Elena smiling mischievously at Angel.
Elena: Can you be a dear und kindly give me a massage, please?
Angel: Sure, my sweet.
Angel walks towards his girlfriend, kneeling next to her. He applied his hands on the big goth beauty's back, massaging her.
Elena: Mmmmm~... Oh Zhat is it, much appreciated beloved~
Angel: It's my pleasure.
Alt. Haiku had a thought come to mind, seeing Elena and Angel and slowly turns to Lincoln who to about to leave for the ocean.
Alt. Haiku: Lincoln.
Lincoln stops and turns to her.
Lincoln: What's up?
Alt. Haiku had a small blush.
Alt. Haiku: Sigh... Could you give me a massage, please...?
Lincoln: (shrugs) Sure, why not.
Lincoln walks towards Alt. Haiku, entering a lotus position next to her and places his hands on her back, massaging her back.
Alt. Haiku: (in her mind) Gasp. His hands are so strong and firm yet gentle, Sigh~.... That's the spot...
Lucy saw Alt. Haiku's expression and smiles at this moment. She remembered once she was young, she along with Luna, Luan and Lynn got Lincoln dates including her friend Haiku in the Sadie Hawkins dance, while she felt bad for getting him a date without his knowledge and her along with her three sisters leaving him to juggle four dates, including the Haiku in her world, at least it worked out where Lincoln set Haiku up with Clyde and her sisters' friends with Liam, Rusty and Zach.
Maybe a dark spark is slowly forming between her brother and Alt. Haiku. She's not sure when it'll happen but the goth woman can assure that her brother will be happy.
The sun was setting as everyone was enjoying the barbeque, Alt. Lori made extra hot dogs and burgers to replace the ones Alt. Papa Wheelie ate. Angel was offering steaks and bratwursts with his secret family seasonings and sauce. And Alt. Luan offering grilled fish as well.
Anna: This is delicious! You've really outdone yourselves with the goods here!
Liz: Indeed.
Lincoln: Very good.
Alt. Lori: Why thank you all.
Alt. Luan: No problem.
Elena: Mmmmm... Zhe steaks are truly a glorious sight und the flavor is mostly magnificent, I don't zhink I can refrain from eating more, beloved.
Lucy: Sigh, what a delicacy and even the bratwursts too, you're impressive.
Angel: Why thank you my dark goddess and thank you Lucy.
Alt. Haiku was silently staring at Lincoln while eating a cut up bloody steak, strange thoughts appeared in her head, not weird thoughts but passionate and genuine ones. While she was clinging to her thoughts, she invertedly and accidentally ate a piece of steak with a bone in it and swallowed it but ends up coughing roughly and gasping rapidly as she grabs her neck in panic, choking.
Liz: Mistress Haiku?
Elena: She's choking!
Lucy: Brother, give her heimlich maneuver.
Lincoln: Got it.
Lincoln disappeared and reappeared behind the choking haiku, wrapping his arms around her midsection and apply the heimlich maneuver. Alt. Haiku grunts and groans, the white haired man adding pressure to the heimlich maneuver for a few minutes before Alt. Haiku coughs up the steak piece with the bone which went flying to the ocean where a shark jumps out of the water and caught the piece in it's jaws before diving back into the ocean, Anna and Alt. Luan laughed at that part.
Alt. Haiku catches her breath a bit.
Liz: Mistress Haiku, are you okay?
Alt. Haiku: (breathes heavily) Sigh... I'm okay, my apologies for the sudden choking, my thoughts was... elsewhere, failing to notice the bone within a steak slice...
Alt. Luan was about to make a pun but the glare from Alt. Lori shut her up.
Lucy: Luckily, big brother managed to stop you from choking.
Alt. Haiku turns to Lincoln behind her.
Alt. Haiku: Sigh... My hero, thank you.
Lincoln: It was nothing, couldn't leave ya choking and taking a trip to an early grave.
Alt. Haiku lightly chuckles with a little blush.
Alt. Haiku: Again, thank you.
Lucy smiled a little wide at this.
It was night with the acolytes laying down on their beach towels, either staring at the stars in the sky, resting or sitting by the bonfire as Angel was playing a beautiful and relaxing melody on his guitar he brought with him while Elena was beside him in a cuddling manner.
Anna was passed out asleep with a full stomach, Alt. Lori, Alt. Luan, Liz, Lucy and Lincoln and Alt. Haiku along with a couple of acolytes clapped for Angel's performance as he takes a bow while Elena rewards him with a loving kiss.
Lucy: Sigh... What a cold, beautiful night with an alluring melody.
Alt. Luan: And I thought Luna can work a guitar but you really have a hand for the guitar.
Angel: Why thank you, I've been practicing for a while back when I was young.
Elena: Und he's grown into quite a natural vith zhe music. It's vonderful to hear, especially at nightfall.
Alt. Haiku: The night is truly beautiful.
Angel: Truly when the moon is out.
Everyone looks up in the sky, seeing the full moon out in the night, it was glowing white but with a strange yet beautiful shade of purple.
Alt. Haiku leans her against Lincoln's shoulder.
Lincoln: Hmm?
Alt. Haiku: Oh, uh Sorry...
Lincoln: Eh. It's fine, don't worry about it.
Elena: Beloved, I believe zhis calls für an encore.
Angel: Right you are.
Angel plays a different beautiful and alluring melody on his guitar, everyone relaxing under the tone while some were watching the performance. Lincoln and Alt. Haiku were staring at the moonlight in the sky.
Alt. Haiku: It's quite beautiful, isn't it?
Lincoln: Yeah, it's unlike any moon I've seen before.
Alt. Haiku then looks at the white haired man for a moment as he turns to him.
Lincoln: You okay there, mistress?
The goth woman's dark heart fluttered upon hearing that, calling her mistress. She's used to everyone calling her mistress but it sounds different to her in emotion when he does it.
Alt. Haiku: I'm okay...
Then she decided to give him something.
Alt. Haiku: I haven't properly thanked you for helping me.
Lincoln: No need for that, it's fine.
Alt. Haiku chuckled as she slowly leans forward and give him a kiss on the cheek, making the white haired man blush a little.
Alt. Haiku: Consider that as a reward for the save.
Lincoln: .... Well sure, no problem mistress.
Alt. Haiku smiles while leaning her head on Lincoln's shoulder, Lincoln places a hand on his cheek where Alt. Haiku kissed in silence, he was lost in thought for a moment before he left it at that and stared at the moonlight with Alt. Haiku. Lucy was lying on her beach towel, spotting what went down and couldn't help but grin.
Lucy: (in her mind) Sigh... What a start of a romantic bond of dark & light, while it was a kiss on the cheek, it doesn't confirm that they are a couple now but in time, I hope big brother will let Alt. Haiku in his heart. After the fallout with Cristina and Ronnie Anne in our old world when we were young, perhaps now he will find true happiness in my counterpart friend...
To be continued...
(Chapter 16 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Lincoln, Lucy and the group have a nice day off at Alt. Haiku's beach. Angel Guerrero and Elena Armbrüster make their debut, the OCS Angel and Elena & everything about them belongs to my friend AizakkuVerse209, credit for the two OCs go to him, give him a follow and check out his awesome stories! What's gonna happen now on their days off? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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