Chapter 15: Days of Rest pt 1

After the fall of General Broodclaw and the infamous southern base, the light and dark user prisoners were now taking refuge with the acolytes of light and darkness in their hideout to be tended to, Alt. Haiku sends Lincoln, Lucy, Anna, Alt. Luan, Alt. Lori and Alt. Luna who was unconscious to the two louds home in the middle of the forest while she & liz head back to the hideout to treat Sid Qrow's wounds.


Narrator: 2 days later....


Meanwhile in the home of Lincoln and Lucy as morning arose....

The scene cuts to Alt. Lori who was meditating out on the front porch as the cold wind brush passed her hair, Alt. Luan walks out of the house and sat next to Alt. Lori.

Alt. Lori: How is she?

Alt. Luan: Luna's still resting in the guest room, Haiku did heal her before she left two days ago & according to Liz, that attack she unleashed on Dark Moon to change her back to Luna will keep her out of action for a while.

Alt. Lori: I see. Ok then, as long as she's alright.

Alt. Luan: Physically yes but... I'm not sure about her mentality. She had a lot of dark aura forced into her body and her mind, breaking her down and turning her into this... monster of the Cursed Berserker Project.

Alt. Lori: I'm aware, Broodclaw created a monster out of our sister and probably was going to do the same to us & the others if Lincoln and Lucy haven't shown up to save us.

Alt. Luan: Yeah, I'm quite surprised Haiku would bring another Lincoln & Lucy from a different world to help us out.

Alt. Lori: Yes.... it's like having OUR little brother and sister around here again....

Alt. Luan had a saddened look.

Alt. Luan: Yeah... If it wasn't for the wretched Black Moon Emperor and his accursed amulet, our Lincoln and Lucy would be alive.....

Alt. Lori: I know... the southern base and General Broodclaw are no more. However, there's still the northern, eastern and western base as well as the Five now to Four Great Moon Generals we need to deal with in order to get to the Black Moon Emperor and it's not going to be an easy task.

Alt. Luan: I get that which is why I'm going to get that amulet from the corrupted emperor.

Alt. Lori: Luan, No!

Alt. Luan: I have to! With that relic, the Black Moon Emperor will rob a light user and dark user of their powers as a cowardice tactic! Our Lincoln and Lucy were close to beating him until he used that amulet on them in a resort of a sore loser & his trick! I will not allow him to pull that trick again with another Lincoln and Lucy!

Alt. Lori: Luan I understand your anger, believe me. I'm angry as well but just invading the Black Moon Emperor's kingdom without a plan & strategy will be asking for a death sentence!

Alt. Luan: That's where you're wrong, Lori.... sigh, fine I won't go now but I'm getting that amulet & destroying it... (grins) and I already have a plan to get it, Hehehehe.

She got up and walked back into the house. Alt. Lori sighs as she goes back to her meditation.


Within the kitchen, we see Lincoln making one of his special sandwiches while Anna walks in, heads to the fridge and grabs a soda. She opens said soda and drinks it, soon letting out a loud belch.

Anna: Aaah, refreshing.

Anna turns to Lincoln, who finished making his sandwich.

Anna: Hey.

Lincoln: (Turns to Anna) Hey.

Anna: Enjoying lunch I see?

Lincoln: Yep.

Anna: That's nice. So.... what's next on the agenda since the southern base is history?

Lincoln: Well for now, we're taking it easy. A few days of rest and relaxation. 

Anna: That's good to hear. Say, you wanna wrestle?

Lincoln: No thanks.

Anna: Aww c'mon, me and the other Lincoln would wrestle each other a lot, throw hands, grapple in a test of strength and I would pin him down by sitting on his back.

Lincoln: (glares sternly) Last I checked, I'm not the Lincoln of your world.

Anna: (pouts) Well you're no fun....

Lincoln takes a bite out of his sandwich. Lucy then walks in, wearing a long sleeved, black gown as she was looking around for something.

Lucy: Fangs...? Faaaaangs...? Sigh... Where did you go?

Lincoln: Good morning, Lucy. What's wrong?

Lucy: Good morning. It's Fangs, I can't find him anywhere. Sigh... He was in bed in my arms last night, I woke up and he's nowhere to be found.

Lincoln: You sure? You checked the-

Lucy: I checked everywhere in my room, the attic, the fireplace, the basement and even the underground lair and still I can't find fangs... (getting worried) it's not him to up and vanish so suddenly...

Lincoln walks towards Lucy, comforting the 20 year old goth woman.

Lincoln: Easy there, spooky. I'm sure Fangs wouldn't up and leave you without a word. Try to feel out his aura and you'll find him.

Anna: Yeah, even your pet has some dark aura to feel out.

Lucy: Don't you think I tried that? It feels like fangs is close to me but where? 

Lucy turns to leave as Anna turns to the retreating goth and quickly noticed something..... the Axis woman's face slowly begins to twitch with a funny smile with some chuckles escaping her lips which didn't go unnoticed by Lucy as Anna was trying and failing not to laugh loudly.

Lucy: Is something funny, Anna?

Anna: Hehehehe... Lucy... you said that fangs... hehe... was close by, right?

Lucy: Yeah... but I'm not sure where, it's like he's somewhere in front of me or above.

Anna tries to hold in her full laughter.

Anna: Have you looked behind you?

Lucy: I'm looking at you in that direction, yes but no fangs.

Anna: No... hehehehe... I mean have you looked 'behind' you, hehehe....  Hahahahahaha!!

Lucy was a bit confused but more annoyed to what Anna was implying and why was she laughing?

Lucy: I fail to see any humor in what joke you're trying to tell me. Have you seen fangs or not?

Hannah: Hahahahahaha, I don't know! Hehehe! Why don't you ask him, he's behind you... literally! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Anna fell to the ground, holding her sides and kicking her feet laughing like a hyena, much to Lucy's annoyance. Lincoln sighs and forms a mirror of light & gestured Lucy to turn her head towards him & the mirror. The goth woman turns her head and when she got a good look in the mirror.... she let out a loud gasp and since the bangs cover the eyes, no one could see Lucy's eyes went as wide as dinner plates.

In the mirror showed Lucy's reflection but it also.... It also showed a reflection of Fangs, who was completely flat & stuck on the goth's huge ass like a bumper sticker.

Anna: Hahahahahaha! Oh my god, I didn't know there were bat pancakes, hehehehe! And Lucy's big ass is the pancakes maker, hehehe!

Anna kept laughing her head of as Lucy tries to reach for Fangs quickly and carefully with a very red blushing look of embarrassment and worry, she reached the left wing and carefully removes fangs from her rear end as if she was peeling off a sticker and carries the bat in her arm to heal him with her dark aura.

Lucy: (worried) Fangs... speak to me...!

Regaining his original shape & form, fangs slowly opened his eyes as he let out a weak squeak.

Lucy: Oh thank the spirits, Fangs I'm deeply sorry. How did you even... (blushes harder) get back there?

Fangs squeaks as Lucy understood the bat's language while Lincoln also translated for him.

Lincoln: According to Fangs, he was sleeping in your arms for comfort last night but got hungry and went to get a late night bite of the blood fruit special you made. When he came back, fangs saw you tossing and turning while groaning & mumbling, having a nightmare. Fangs tried to wake you up a few times but you wouldn't wake up, when he tries again & got too close.... you rolled over and crushed him with your ass.

Anna: Talk about a-

Lincoln shoved a slice of pizza from a nearby box into Anna's mouth to stop her ass puns. The white haired woman would've been offended but she shrugged it off and enjoyed the pizza, also grabbing the box to eat the rest.

Lucy: (cradled fangs in her arms) Sigh, I'm sorry I worried you fangs and I'm oh so sorry for flattening you with my... ample rear. Can you forgive me?

Fangs squeaks with a nod. Lucy smiled a little and ruffles his head.

Lincoln: By the way, what kind of nightmare did you have last night?

Lucy: I'd... rather not talk about it. Fangs and I have to go freshen up, be right back.

Lucy fled the kitchen with fangs. Lincoln narrowed his eyes in suspicion but decided to figure it out later as he went back to his lunch.


A few minutes later....

Lucy came out of her room, now dressed for the day while feeding some rare blood fruit to fangs. She spots Luna in the guest room still knocked out, it's been two days and the alternate rocker hasn't awoken from her slumber.

Lucy: Sigh.... hopefully, she'll pull through. All that dark inside of her... it's completely terrifying even when she's asleep.

Fangs squeaks.

Lucy: I know fangs. We just have to wait until she awakes.

Lucy and Fangs head downstairs as the camera zoomed in on Alt. Luna's unconscious body but also taking a journey inside her mind.


Within the mind, we see Alt. Luna wandering through a nearly dark, blood stained and eerie hallway as it looked like some sort of asylum for monsters.

Alt. Luna: Where... where am I?

Alt. Luna was startled by the inhuman screams and wails beyond the walls and inside the caged doors far or near her. She felt her ears ringing from that as the alternate rocker tries to ignore it and walk forward.

Alt. Luna: What is this place? I remember seeing... Lincoln again, then everything went dark...

Alt. Luna kept walking upon noticed something up ahead, it looked like a giant cage as darkness filled the inside, giving no sign of what could be in it and Alt. Luna felt like she didn't want to know either.

Alt. Luna: (gulps) Definitely not going near that...

???: Too late...

Alt. Luna gulps nervously as a pair of red eyes & a menacing grin appeared in the shadows of the cage, heavy stomps were heard as it felt like an earthquake was happening in each stomp. Out of the darkness of the cage appeared Dark Moon herself, the Cursed Berserker's grin growing wider upon seeing Alt. Luna's terrified face.

Dark Moon: First time seeing me and you look like you're about to run for the hills.

Alt. Luna: You... I... I remember now. I morphed into you.

Dark Moon: (rolls her eyes) Thank you for pointing out the obvious.

Alt. Luna: Where are we?

Dark Moon: Are you really that moronic? We're in your head, your inner world or whatever. After I blew the southern base to kingdom come, I was about to have more fun.... unfortunately, Gothzilla (Liz) knocked us out for a while. It's been two days now and you haven't awakened.

Alt. Luna: That's why I felt a sore pain in my gut. Well... I'm getting out of here.

Dark Moon: Leaving so soon?

Alt. Luna: Yeah, I am. Last I checked, you're a ruthless monster that tried to control me and kill people, including my brother.

Dark Moon: (sarcastic) Oh boo hoo.... let me pull out a piano and play a sad song. I am a ruthless monster, your inner demon who loves to enjoy the destruction. And you know that snowball ain't your actual brother.

Alt. Luna: No, you're wrong!

Dark Moon: And you're already in denial. Listen rocker reject, that Lincoln and Lucy ain't your actual brother and sister, don't you remember? They're dead, killed, six feet under.

Alt. Luna: Shut up... shut up!

Dark Moon: Hahahaha! You and your other sisters felt immense grief ever since that day, because you all let your baby bro & sis down... (grins grows wider) because you're all weak, broken and total failures, especially you...


Dark Moon: Suddenly growing a backbone, eh? I'll be more than happy to rip it out of you.


Dark Moon: You realize that you insulted yourself? I'm you after all.


Dark Moon let out a haunting laugh that shook the entire asylum like world to its core, figuratively and very literally.

Dark Moon: Still in denial of the truth, the accursed eyes that forced the demonic aura into your body didn't just create me out of nothing or dark aura build up. I represent the deepest & darkest parts of your mind & soul hidden, when the unstable aura acted on those parts... I was born. In short terms, YOU. ARE. LIKE. ME!

Alt. Luna gasped.

Alt. Luna: No...

Dark Moon: Yes...

By just saying 'Yes', an unseen wave of sound broke the cage entrance, shocking Alt. Luna as Dark Moon stomps on the cage, eclipsing Alt. Luna with her giant shadow, looming over her.

Dark Moon: So, how about we get to reeeeeeeeally know each other, Hehehehehahahahahahahaha....

Alt. Luna slowly backs away and turns to run away from the berserker.

Dark Moon: (grins sadistically) Oh I love it when they run....

Alt. Luna was running through the halls, covering her ears from the horrifying screams, moans and wails, she turns to the right corner only to run into a grinning Dark Moon.

Dark Moon: Hiiiiiiiiii~

Alt. Luna: AAAH!!

Alt. Luna turns to run down the halls, trying to get away and find a way out of this nightmarish place but no matter where she goes, Dark Moon would appear to block her path as the game of cat & mouse continued for about a few hours until the berserker grew bored out of it.

Dark Moon: Alright, enough of this.

Dark Moon grabs Alt. Luna, bringing her up to her level.

Alt. Luna: Please, d-don't kill me!

Dark Moon: Oh quit your whining. If I wanted to kill you, you would've been dead the moment you found my cage.

Alt. Luna: S-So you're not....?

Dark Moon: No. It pains me to say it and it really does.... but their lives are linked, if you die, I die. But hey, I don't fear death. (Smiles creepily at Alt. Luna) Do you....?

Alt. Luna: ........

Dark Moon: I'll be more than happy to test that theory....

Alt. Luna: Nononono! No testing that! No testing that!

Dark Moon puts Alt. Luna down.

Dark Moon: But since we're going to be here for a while, we're gonna have a hell of a sparring match.

Alt. Luna: Me... fight you? Naw, I think I'll go-

Dark Moon: Hehehe, you make it sound like you have a choice..... which you don't. You're sparring with me whether you like it or not & don't worry, it won't affect your bod on the outside world.

Alt. Luna: Gulp....

Dark Moon: To paraphrase a random reference, for the next few days you're my b***h, Luna.

Alt. Luna: What-

Dark Moon: (punched her in the gut) SHUT UP B***H!!

Alt. Luna was sent flying through numerous walls.

Dark Moon: (cracks her knuckles) Ah... this is gonna be fun.


We then see Lincoln finished writing in his thoughts in his special journal again. Just as he closed the book, Lucy appeared next to her big brother.

Lucy: Hey Lincoln.

Lincoln: Greetings Lucy. What is it that you need?

Lucy: I got a call from Alt. Haiku.

Lincoln: Another mission we have to do?

Lucy: No. She's inviting us to a beach outing.

Lincoln: A Beach outing? Never pegged Haiku for a beach type.

Lucy: There's a lot of things you don't know about Haiku, alternate and original. I remember when at first the Morticians club or I didn't like the beach at Lake St. Barron that much but in time we learned to try new things & enjoy yourself even if you're a goth.

Lincoln: Like when you wore a regular swimsuit with dolphins instead of black & white when you were young.

Lucy: GAAAAAASP.... who told you that...?

Lincoln: Fangs might have let one or two things slip during his accident with that blood wine during that one party we've been at the alternate royal woods restaurant, Midnight Bite.

Lucy sends a stern glare to Fangs, who smiled nervously.

Lucy: Groan....

Lincoln: No need to be embarrassed, spooky. Anyways, where's the beach located and when do we meet her there?

Lucy: Sigh... where, she hasn't revealed it to me yet and when, at 4:30 pm.

Lincoln looks at the clock, it was 4:25.

Lincoln: Almost time.

Lucy: I already told Alt. Lori, Alt. Luan and Anna the news, they've already left to royal woods to buy their bathing suits, they should be here any-

The door opens as Alt. Lori, Alt. Luan and Anna came in wearing cloaks and carrying a lot of bags.

Lincoln: Geez, I'm not surprised but did you have to go overboard with the shopping?

Alt. Lori: What? We literally don't have much clothes as it is so we decided to buy more than a swimsuit.

Alt. Luan: We also got new clothes for Luna too but I'll put them over by the couch.

Anna: Can't wait for this beach party! I already got the cooler full of ice cold drinks, the grill and the meats for it!

Lucy: You didn't have to do that Anna but okay. I'll go get my swimsuit, umbrella and towels.

Lincoln: I'll get my trunks.

Lincoln and Lucy went upstairs.

To be continued....

(Chapter 15 is finished! Please let me know what you think of it! After the events of the Southern Base, Lincoln, Lucy and the group are looking for some R&R as Alt. Haiku has invited them to a beach outing, could it be that the Mistress of the acolytes has something planned for Lincoln at the beach. Meanwhile, Alt. Luna has her hands full with her berserker persona, Dark Moon. Will she wake up from this nightmare? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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