Chapter 12: Breaking into the Southern Base Pt 3

We cut to the acolytes of light and darkness, who were assisting Mistress Haiku and the light & dark user prisoners in escaping the southern base through the entrance tunnel they came from but they had to meet up with Lucy, Anna and the other prisoners as well as fight through general Broodclaw's black skull reaper guards.

Alt. Haiku performs a spell as her eyes glowed dark purple.

Alt. Haiku: Dark thorn vine...

A supernatural circle forms on the ground, glowing dark purple as a swarm of dark grey-ish green vines shot out and grabs a couple black skull reaper guards, making them drop their weapons as they were ensnared by the vines.

They struggled until thorns shot out of their bodies from the vines as their struggling ceased.

Alt. Haiku: Don't allow those hollow soldiers to stand in your way, my acolytes. We shall lead the dark and light users imprisoned here to freedom!

Acolytes: Yes mistress!

The dark and light user prisoners yelled in agreement as they assist Alt. Haiku and the acolytes of light and darkness in fighting their way out of this prison.


In another portion of the southern base, we see Lucy and Anna escorting the prisoners, including Alt. Lori & Luan to meet up with Alt. Haiku so they can escape from this base but they were stopped in their tracks by Lucy.

Anna: Ay, what's going on, spooky?

Lucy: Something's coming....

Alt. Lori: I sense it too.

Alt. Luan: I do as well.

A large stomp were heard coming their way as Alt. Lori told the rest of the prisoners to stay back and be on guard while a hulking shadow can be seen in the distance, getting closer to the group.

Anna: Fair warning...

Lucy: For what-

Anna: THIS!

Anna shot a bullet from her darkness gun at the hulking figure in the shadows. Everyone looked at Anna with mixed expression.

Alt. Lori: What the hell?!

Alt. Luan: Why'd you do that?!

Anna: What? I shoot first & ask for introductions later or never.

Out of the shadows appeared a 14 ft tall man dressed in all black armor with skeletal looking features, abnormally large muscles and skull like mask with dark eyes. The wound he got from Anna healed up as if it never happened.

Lucy: Gasp... what's that?

Alt. Lori: A Reaper Golem.

Alt. Luan: You could say that they're General Broodclaw's higher up guardians. While the black skull reaper guards are known for their stealth and speed, the reaper golems are known for their power & savagery.

Alt. Lori: One time three dark users attempted an escape and almost made it but the reaper golems were practically & literally waiting for them at the escape route.

Alt. Luan: Nothing was left of them afterwards.

The reaper golem let out a low moan as immense dark aura engulfed his large fists as he came charging for them, Lucy performs a spell as she uses her dark aura to form a barrier to block the attack. The reaper golem collided with the barrier as it shook immensely, Lucy attempts to hold the golem back but noticed that the barrier was weakening with cracks forming.

Lucy: Gasp... I can't... hold it....


Lucy turns around to see Alt. Lori forming a flow of light aura mixed with light blue in both hands.


Lucy undos the barrier as Alt. Lori fires the attack which forms into a mystical imagery of a dragon as the attack clashes with the reaper golem, who was trying to get closer to her.

Alt. Lori: I don't... think so! Haaa!!!

Alt. Lori pushes the attack back harder as it sends the reaper golem through the walls. Alt. Lori fell to one knee, breathing heavily.

Alt. Lori: Huff... huff... I'm still a bit drained from being in that cell...

Alt. Luan: (Helps her up) Here, I got ya.

A series of roars were heard from the hole in the wall where the reaper golem was sent.

Alt. Lori: Grrr... Looks like the golem's coming back with backup.

Lucy: Luan, take Lori and the prisoners and head on to the left direction to meet up with Haiku and the others, Anna and I will handle this.

Alt. Luan: You'll be Alright?

Anna: Don't worry, we got this. I've been itching for some more action.

Alt. Luan: Alright then, (To the prisoners) Everyone, follow me this way!

The Light and Dark user prisoners nodded as they followed Alt. Luan and Lori to the left path. The reaper golem was coming back with 5 more golems behind him as Lucy forms a dark aura scythe and Anna form a giant dark aura broadsword.

Lucy: Sigh... Get ready.

Anna: Oh... This is going to be oh so awesome.


Meanwhile in another portion of the southern base, we see Sid, who was carrying Liz, staring at General Broodclaw, who had a dark scowl.

General Broodclaw: The infamous commander of the revolution acolytes of light and darkness, Sid Qrow.... I'll be remembered as a hero for getting rid of you, you've been a major thorn in the Black moon emperor's side.

Sid: .....

General Broodclaw: What's the matter? You came all this way, invade my prison to free the the dark and light users I worked so hard to imprison, including your sister, who was the first commander of the acolytes & she fell to me in order for your useless hide to escape... (smirks) If the situation were reserved, you'd be the one rotting here instead of Liz because you are failure & a disgrace.

Liz: (glares coldly at the general) .....

Sid's expression darkened as he pulls out his blade.

Sid: I'm gonna enjoy ending your existence now.

General Broodclaw: (taking out a dark, curved blade.) I doubt you will even scratch me-

A creaking sound was heard below where General Broodclaw was standing as a series of cracks appeared on the floor, much to Sid and Liz's confusion as something shot out of the floor with great force, headbutting General Broodclaw up his jaw.

Sid and Liz's eyes widened as it was revealed to be Lincoln, surrounded by a light aura barrier, that headbutted General Broodclaw up his jaw as he fell to the ground while Lincoln lands on his feet, holding his head.

Lincoln: Agh! What is his jaw made of?

Sid: Light user?

Lincoln turns to Sid and Liz.

Lincoln: Oh hello Sid, I see you found your sister and whoa, she's huge.

Liz: ..... eh, hello?

Lincoln:  Oh sorry, my apologies. I'm Lincoln.

Liz: I'm Liz. Former Leader of the revolution acolytes of light and darkness.

Lincoln: Former Leader?

Liz: Yes, I gave my position to Sid as I was captured in order to keep him from getting abducted too. I could tell that he got stronger and lead the acolytes well, for that I'm proud of my younger brother.

Sid slightly smiles but then had a determined frown.

Sid: We need to leave now, cause I have a bad feeling that this prison won't be here for much longer due to Luna, who you faced.

Lincoln: I know, she sent me through the ceiling, she's undergone a monstrous transformation.

An enraged yell caught their attention as General Broodclaw arose from the ground, glaring at Lincoln.

General Broodclaw: (bitter tone) You dare strike me, impudent light user?! I'll see to it that you suffer for your actions!

Broodclaw lunged at Lincoln with his blade, clashing with the light user's light twin blades. The general growled as he delivers a heavy barrage of sword strikes to Lincoln, who was countering the hits with his own attack as both of them backed away from each other.

Lincoln: Damn... you're tough.

General Broodclaw: I am one of the strongest of the five great moon generals of the Black moon emperor, my offensive style is unmatched!

Lincoln: I see, so you're one of the strongest & not THE strongest then?

A tick mark appeared on Broodclaw's forehead... if he wasn't mad before, he certainly is now.

General Broodclaw: A funny guy, huh...? Well... we'll see who's laughing when you're broken & kneeling at my feet!

Dark aura erupted from General Broodclaw as he charges at Lincoln with an unbridled rage but he was blocked by Sid.

General Broodclaw: Grrrrrr!!

Sid: Lincoln, get my sister out of here, leave him to me.

Lincoln: You sure?

Sid: Yes, I'm sure. I owe him big time.

Lincoln: Alright then.

Lincoln runs over to Liz to help her up.

Lincoln: Man, you're heavy.

Liz: (upset pout) I'm not that heavy...

Lincoln takes Liz and leaves the room, general Broodclaw tries to keep them from escaping but once again Sid Qrow stands in his path, much to his anger as Sid stares at him with a cold glare.

Sid: Did I say you could leave?

General Broodclaw: Grrrrr, you are more trouble than your worth but if you want to die so badly, I'm be more than happy to oblige your wish!

The two got ready to fight but were interupted when an injured Dr. Scar ran in, missing an arm as well.

Dr. Scar: General Broodclaw, huff... huff... we have an emergency!

General Broodclaw: What is the meaning of this?! What happened to you?!

Dr. Scar: It's Luna, general. The Cursed Berserker Project worked wonders but all TOO well, The Berserker now called Dark Moon is loose in the base!

General Broodclaw: WHAT?!

Sid: .....

Dr. Scar: Her power is terrifying.... I witnessed it first hand, I was lucky to get away from her. I've never seen an entity this demonic, so much bloodlust and chaotic proportions... we created a true monster....!


We move to another portion of the southern base, where we see Dark Moon stomping through the halls as the area shook with each stomp, her clawed hands stained with blood and had the same murderous grin on her face.

Behind her was a path of horrific carnage, numerous bodies of black skull reaper guards were everywhere, completely brutalized and killed with blood painting the ground and walls with giant cracks and holes in the ground and walls.

Dark Moon: Hehehehe... That felt very good but my fun isn't done, I love this power & entertainment but I want more.... I need more.

Dark Moon then sensed something up ahead, coming her way as her grin widened. Appearing in her path was a couple of Reaper Golems, all radiating vast dark aura as their soulless eyes were locked on Dark Moon, who was grinning sadistically like a mad woman.

Dark Moon: Well whatta you know, ask and I shall receive.... hahaha, I hope you'll entertain me more than the small fry guards here.

The Reaper Golems then charged at Dark Moon, who lunges at them.

Dark Moon: Come on, show me your power and I'll show you your own blood, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

To be continued...

(Chapter 12 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. What's gonna happen next with the group? Sid takes on General Broodclaw while Dark Moon continues her rampage. Find out what else will happen next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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