Chapter 5

Blue wakes up to Kiara shaking him, when he fully opened up his eyes he looked over at Kiara.

"Kiara, what's wrong?" Blue asked groggily Kiara looked over towards the door

"You sense something outside?" Blue asked Kiara nodded he gets up and walked over to the door with Kiara right by his side and leaned his ear to the door to listen for any danger after about a few seconds he and Kiara jumped back to the sound of banging on the door. They slowly moved back as the banging on the door got more violent, everyone else in the house woke up and saw them

"Blue, what's going on?" Rachel asked

"Someone or something is at that front door!" Blue said as he then noticed the door was almost off it's hinges he looked around for something to barricade the door with he smiled when he saw a book shelf

"Kiara, help me barricade the door with that book shelf!" Blue said Kiara nodded as they went over to the book shelf they then pushed it in front of the door they then moved back watching the book shelf wobble from the banging

"What're we going to do Blue?" Cameron asked scared

"I don't know, I'm trying to think but that banging is distracting me!" Blue said he then hears the giant glass window shatter

"B-Blue, behind you!" Rachel said stuttering Blue slowly turned around and his eyes went wide when he saw a blue armored humanoid pointing it's gun at him

"Stay right where you are, monsters!" The blue armored humanoid said in a threatening tone

"What're you doing?!" Blue asked holding his hands up

"I'm doing what's right and that's getting rid of these monsters!" The blue armored humanoid said

"Well, that's not going to happen, you're going to have to go through me if you want them" Blue said with a angry look on his face

"Very well then, have at you!" The blue armored humanoid said before firing it's gun at him Blue dodged and sweep kicked making the humanoid fall over he took this time to run and grab the duffle bag

"Let's get outta here!" Blue shouted to everyone to which they all nodded but before they was about to jump through the window the door and book shelf got busted down Blue looked over and was horrified to see another one of those humanoid but this one had a sword

"Stop right there you monsters!" The red armored humanoid said running towards them

"Go, go, go!" Blue shouted to everyone and they all jumped out the side of the house and started running Blue looked back to see the blue and red armored humanoids chasing after them

"Cease your running!" The red armored humanoid shouted

"Come on, let's see if we can try to lose them!" Blue said everyone else nodded as they began to run faster after about a few minutes of trying to get away from the armored humanoids they soon come across two doors

"Which door do we take?!" Cameron asked looking at both doors

"I have an idea! But you all probably won't like it" Blue said

"What is it?" Silky asked

"You all take the left door and I'll take the right door" Blue said everyone else was shocked

"B-Blue, are you saying we should separate?!" Rachel asked

"Listen guys, I don't want you all to get hurt, if we separate those two won't be able to catch all of us in one go!" Blue said everyone slowly started to understand

"B-Blue, are you sure you want to do this?" Cameron asked

"Yes I do, I know we only met so many rooms ago, but you all are important to me and I love you all" Blue said smiling everyone else smiled and teared up they then all hugged

"We love you too Blue!" Silky said

"There they are!" Everyone looked and saw the armored humanoids running at them they then release each other from the group hug

"Alright everyone, let's go and I promise to try my best to find you all, okay?" Blue asked everyone else nodded Blue nodded back as he watched them go through the left door once they was through he went through the other door and kept running. Once Blue was through the door he looked and walked and saw he was in a forest

"Man this forest sure is dark, I wish I had a flashlight with me" Blue said as he continued to walk around the forest had a nice cool breeze blowing much to Blue's enjoyment but his enjoyment was cut short when he heard some footsteps behind him. He turned around only see nothing there

"I must be hearing things, I guess all that running must've messed with my head" Blue said rubbing his forehead and continued on his way after only a few seconds he heard the footsteps again he looked behind him and for a split second he thought he saw something quickly hide behind a tree

"Umm hello? Is someone there?" Blue asked but he was only met with silence so he shrugged and continued on his way he glanced back for a little bit then looked forward. After about a few minutes Blue started to feel tired from all the walking and running he did so he decided to sit down under one of the many trees

"I hope everyone is okay, I just didn't want them to get hurt and those.... armored humanoids, what were those things I've never seen anything like them" Blue said talking to himself he sighed and closed his eyes he then quickly opened them back up when he heard those footsteps again he looked around and got up

"Alright that's it! Whoever you are you better show yourself now!" Blue said looking around fast to see if he saw anything he suddenly felt a presences behind him he gulped and slowly turned around and the color drained from his face when he saw a tall, furry mammal creature staring down at him the creature looked almost as tall as Kiara

Blue didn't want to make any sudden movements so they continued to stare each other down. The creature leaned towards Blue and sniffed him but it was interrupted when it started growling Blue thought it was growling at him but then he slowly realized the creature was looking behind him. He turned around and saw the red armored humanoid was running towards him.

"There you are, now it's time to strike you down!" The red armored humanoid shouted and raised it's sword at Blue it was about to strike him when the creature dashed at it and smacked it away with it's giant arm. Blue watched as the red armored humanoid was flung back several feet and into the the ground it got back up groaning but not giving up

"If that's how you want it, then have at you!" The red armored humanoid rushed back at them Blue ran to help the creature out. The red armored humanoid slashed at Blue but he slides under the humanoid and kicks him towards the creature to which it punched the humanoid into a tree making it drop it's sword. Blue ran over and picked it up

"Wow this sword is nice!" Blue said smiling at it he looked up to see that the humanoid was too weak to get up he also saw the creature staring the humanoid down making sure it doesn't get up the humanoid was about to say something but it passed out due to the pain. Blue walks over to the creature and looked up at it

"Hey, thanks for saving me, if it wasn't for you I would've been dead" Blue smiled at the creature he then saw it sit down like a dog and nuzzle it's face into his chest. He decided to pet the creature's head and it started purring the creature then suddenly nuzzled Blue's crotch area

"H-hey, what're you doing?" Blue said due to him being surprised he dropped the sword he then suddenly got pinned down when the creature pounced on him.

(Lemon start!)

Blue watched as the creature started to undo his pants his cock comes out but it wasn't erect yet the creature then started to lick Blue's flaccid cock. Soon the once flaccid cock was now fully erect the creature licked it's lips and started to deepthroat his entire length Blue moaned at how good it felt as he watched the creature's head bob up and down with it's tongue swirling around the base of his cock. The creature releases Blue's cock from it's drooling maw and wrapped it between it's huge breasts Blue felt a shiver of pleasure at how soft they felt. The creature started to move it's breasts up and down making Blue moan as his cock was engulfed into the valley of the creature's cleavage

"I'm about to cum!" Blue said the creature let go of it's breasts and started sucking his cock again Blue released his load inside the creature's mouth the creature gulped down every single drop. Blue panted as the creature pulled it's mouth off his cock it then crawled up Blue's body slowly inserted his still erect cock into it's vagina it then started to move it hips up and down Blue decided to start thrusting at the same rhythm the creature was going. The creature's breasts jiggled on Blue's face he leaned over and started to suck on one of the nipples the creature let out a whimper of pleasure as Blue continued to suck on the nipple he then used his hand to fondle the other breast and play with the nipple on the free breast making the creature whimper.

"You like that?" Blue asked after he pulled away from the nipple he was suck on he saw the creature nod at him he then went back to what he was doing to the creature's breasts. The creature sat up and started roughly bouncing on Blue's cock. Just at the sight of the creature's bouncing breasts and how rough the creature was almost enough to make Blue cum.

"I'm about to cum again!" Blue shouted the creature starts to go faster and rougher Blue soon released his second load inside the creature's vagina. The creature then up,turned around, got on all fours and presented Blue with it's huge puffy butthole

"Wait, you sure you want to stick it in there?" Blue asked the creature looked back and nodded at him. Blue gets up and walked over to the creature and shoved his cock into the creature's butthole. The creature let out a surprised yelp. Blue grabbed the creature's hips and started thrusting

"Man, you're tight!" Blue said as he continued to to thrust the creature's tongue hangs out it's mouth as Blue started pounding away at it's huge puffy butthole. The sound of plapping filled the area due to Blue's hips smacked against the creature's 's huge butt cheeks. Blue started to speed up the thrusting making his balls slap against the creature's vagina. Due to how sensitive his cock had gotten Blue released his third load inside the creature's huge butt

(Lemon over!)

Blue finishes fixing up his clothes and dusting himself off he then goes over to the creature and pets it's head it let out a purr

"I'm going to call you Fluffy!" Blue said smiling Fluffy wagged it's little tail at Blue and nuzzled his chest

"Now come on, let's get outta here before that thing wakes up" Blue said as he picked up his stuff and the sword Fluffy nodded and they started making their way through the forest leaving the red armored humanoid all by itself


A/N: I've hoped you enjoyed this next chapter of "The Lewdrooms" I'm sorry it took me so long to get another chapter out for you all. I was feeling lazy but I decided you all waited long enough I also want to thank you all for the amazing support on my books it shows me that you all love em and I'm glad you all do! Make sure to follow me and favorite! Catch you on the flip side you beautiful people!

Art of Fluffy(not her real name) belongs to: zeblackballd (artist)!

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