Chapter 4

Once Blue Flame and his group went through the exit door they suddenly felt some cool air blow against their faces. They all looked around and saw they was outside somewhere Blue recognized it as a suburban landscape

"Where are we?" Rachel asked looking around

"From what it looks like, we're in some sort of suburban landscape" Blue said looking around at the many houses

"But why is it so dark?" Silky asked confused

"I don't know but I don't like it, it's scary" Cameron said with a terrified look on his face

"Don't worry Cameron, as long as we stick together we'll be able to figure out how to get outta this place" Blue said smiling Cameron nodded as they soon started walking around

"Man, these houses look like they've been abandoned for years, then again I shouldn't be surprised" Blue said

"Hey, look over there!" Silky points at something in the distance everyone else looks at it

"That house looks like it could be a perfect rest stop" Rachel said with a smile

"Let's go inside then, I'm getting very tired and I need a shower!" Blue said everyone else nodded and they all went to the house. Once they got to the house Blue tried the doorknob surprisingly the door was unlocked when they got inside Blue felt around for a light switch he eventually finds it and flicks it on.

"Whoa, this is beautiful!" Cameron said looking around

"It also looks very cozy, good job on picking this house Silky!" Blue said smiling at her she smiled back fluttering her wings happily

"You all go rest, I'm going to go take a shower!" Blue said setting the duffle bag down near the staircase he then goes up the stairs and into the bathroom he flips the lights on and looked around

"Wow, even this bathroom is beautiful!" Blue said smiling he soon takes off his clothes,hangs them on the rail near the,placed his shoes under them and turned on the shower he goes over to counter, grabs a washing towel,a bar of soap and went inside the shower and closed the curtains and started to clean himself

With the others........

"So, who is that guy you two are traveling with?" Silky asked

"His name is Blue Flame, basically he arrived at this dimension by accident and he's pretty much trying to get back home" Rachel said Kiara nodded confirming what Rachel said was true

"I must say, he is quite dominant yet nice" Cameron said blushing everyone else also blushes as well

"I'm going to be honest tho, I didn't know he would be able to tame a big thing like Kiara" Rachel said

"Speaking of names, what's your name?" Cameron asked

"Blue named me Rachel" Rachel said smiling

"That's a nice name!" Silky said smiling back

"I'm going to check on Blue" Cameron said getting up from one of the chairs and flying up to the second floor he hears the shower running in the bathroom he gently opens up the door

Back with Blue Flame........

Blue had finished rinsing the conditioner he had found on a stand he found in the shower he soon hears the door opening

"Who is it?" Blue asked

"It's me, I was just coming in here to check up on you" Cameron said from the other side of the shower curtain

"Yeah I'm doing alright, is everyone doing okay and resting up?" Blue asked

"Yeah everyone is doing alright, we're just sitting and chatting" Cameron said smiling

"I'm glad everyone is getting along" Blue said

"So after we rest up and everything, what're we going to do next?" Cameron asked

"The only thing we can do is move forward" Blue said

"Alright then, I'm going to go back to everyone, have a good rest of your shower" Cameron said before walking out and closing the door behind him

Back with the others.......

Cameron flies back down from the second floor to the first floor

"Everything alright, Cameron?" Silky asked

"Yeah everything is alright, Blue said the best thing we can do is more forward since that's pretty much all we can do" Cameron said

"Well what he's saying is true, that's all we can do" Rachel said nodding

"It'll be better than just staying in one place forever, especially since we don't know if someone or something could be out there waiting for us" Silky said

"Please don't say that, I'm already scared enough as it is!" Cameron said shaking

"Right, sorry Cameron" Silky said comforting him

"Well, all we can do is wait for Blue to get out of the shower" Rachel said everyone nodded and decided to wait

Back with Blue.......

Blue getting out the shower,grabbed a big towel and started to dry himself off after he dried himself off he put his clothes back on and walked out the bathroom closing the door behind him he then walks down the stairs and sat down next to Kiara on the couch

"Woo! I feel refreshed now!" Blue said with a smile on his face

"You sound refreshed too!" Rachel said smiling back

"Yeah, also is it okay I take a nap?" Blue asked

"Sure Blue, go right ahead" Silky said nodding

"But one thing before I go to bed: if you see or hear anything disturbing don't hesitate to wake me up okay?" Blue asked everyone nodded he nodded back before leaning his head back and closed his eyes drifting off to sleep everyone else except Silky and Cameron decided to go to sleep as well

"Well Cameron, it's just me and you, what do you wanna do?" Silky asked

"Wanna go outside for some fresh air?" Cameron asked Silky nodded and went outside they breathed in the air and exhaled relaxing themselves

"This is nice, it sure beats being in that cramped area we was in, right Cameron?" Silky said

"It sure does I..........S-Silky?" Cameron said suddenly terrified Silky looked at him confused he then points over to something she looks over and her face changed into a look of fear they then run back into the house,slammed the door behind them and locked the door. Blue, Rachel and Kiara jolted up and looked at them

"Silky, Cameron, what's wrong?!" Blue asked worried

"There was a thing outside!" Silky said extremely scared

"It had a big creepy wide smile!" Cameron said equally as scared

"And it was looking right at us!" They both said at the same time Blue gets up from the couch and put on his shoes and walked up to the door

"Alright Kiara come with me, Rachel stay here and calm those two down, I'll be outside with Kiara just in case we need to fight!" Blue ordered Rachel nodded Silky and Cameron go over to Rachel and sat with her. Blue look at Kiara and nodded to her she nods back before Blue unlocked the door and went outside with her and looked around Kiara growled behind Blue he felt another presence other than Kiara's. He turned around and was horrified at what he saw

"What the heck is that?!" Blue shouted the entity lunged at him but he dodged. Kiara got on all fours and charged at the entity and tackled it to the ground growling at it the entity hisses at her before kicking her off it got up, looked over and charged at Blue again he waited for a good second the entity leaped at him but he ducked and it faceplants into the ground he looked over at the entity he notices that it's vagina was leaking and it was whining.

Blue looked over and saw Kiara charging but she stops when Blue held out his hand to stop her

"Hold on Kiara, I know why it's attacking I think it's because it wants a mate, think about it, it's kinda like what you did when we first met" Blue said Kiara let out a hum like she was thinking about it she looks at Blue and nodded before sitting and letting Blue take charge of the situation. Blue looks over at the entity and walked up to her and kneeled down behind her looking at her vagina

(Lemon start! 🍋)

Blue leans into the entity's vagina and started licking he hears it whimper in pleasure he continues to lick more and more as he started to gently massage it's butt before giving it a firm spank. The entity let yelp in both surprise and pleasure Blue pulled away and started to unzip his pants he cock flops out he lines it up with the entity's vagina and plunges it inside. The entity let out a short screech as Blue started thrusting he grips the hips of the entity while continuing to thrusting more and more the entity's tongue hung out loving every powerful thrust Blue was giving to it. Blue soon plunges his whole cock into the entity it screeched in surprise at the sudden and squirted out it's juices onto Blue's upper thigh

"Hm, cumming already?" Blue asked in a very husky voice his voice sent chills down the entity's spine. He then started to pound the entity's vagina and grabbed ahold of it's breasts the entity whimpered loudly in pleasure as Blue continues to dominate it into submission while giving it's butt a big spank. Blue gave the entity one last thrust before emptying his load inside the entity's vagina making to dump every drop into it. After about a few seconds he pulled out after shooting his seed into the entity.

(Lemon over! 🍋)

Blue got up,zipped up his pants and looked at the entity as it got up it looks at Blue before rubbing it's head against him

"You feel better now?" Blue asked the entity it responded with a gentle nod

"Hmmm, you'll need a name, how about I call you, Jenny?* Blue asked the entity now named Jenny purred in delight Blue looked over and saw Kiara nuzzling his other side and he pets them both

"Don't worry Kiara, I haven't forgotten you, now come on let's go inside" Blue said to them they both nodded and followed Blue back inside the house

"You're back! Did everything go well?" Rachel asked

"Yeah everything went okay, meet our newest member of the team, Jenny!" Blue said smiling

"I don't know if it's a good idea to have her on our team" Silky said still terrified

"Trust me Silky, I'll keep her under control, right Kiara?* Blue asked looking over at Kiara she responded with a nod

"Well, okay, but I'm not going to trust her fully yet" Silky said

"I understand Silky, let's just all go back to sleep" Blue said smiling everyone else nodded as they all went back to their sleeping spots and fell asleep with Jenny sleeping next to Kiara


A/N: I've hoped you enjoyed this new chapter of The Lewdrooms I was a little bit stumped on what picture I should use for the Smiler but I just went with the flow. Anyway I want to thank you all again for the recent support on this story and my others it makes me really happy to know you people enjoy them. Make sure to vote and follow me if you want to! Stay awesome out there you beautiful people!

Art of the Smiler belongs to an unknown artist since I couldn't find their name!

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