Chapter 2
After Blue and Kiara walked through the miscolored section of the wall Blue was surprised to find that they're in some sort of partyroom of some kind. Blue was very confused.
"What the heck is going on?" Blue asked himself, he went over to one of the party tables and sat down to think Kiara comes up and sits next to him on the floor. But as they was about to rest up Blue heard a cheerful voice behind him
"Hey there!" Blue jumped up and looked behind him in fright
"Oh my gosh, you scared the heck outta me" Blue said as held his chest to calm
"Oh I'm sorry little guy, I didn't mean to scare you" The entity with the balloon said upset
"No no it's fine, ummm who are you exactly?" Blue asked
"I don't really have a name, but you can call me Partygoer" She said smiling
"I see, well my name is Blue and this is Kiara" Blue said as Kiara came up to beside him checking to see if he was alright from getting scared by Partygoer
"Well it's nice to meet you two!" Partygoer said back in her cheerful mood, Blue's stomach started to growl
"Oh man I'm hungry, hey Partygoer is there any food around here?" Blue asked as he rubbed his stomach
"Oh yes! I have pepperoni pizza! Will that work?" Partygoer asked Blue nodded very fast she giggled and went off somewhere, Blue sat back down at the table with Kiara sitting back next to him he pets her and she growled in enjoyment they waited a few minutes and Partygoer comes out and sets the pepperoni pizza on a plate onto the table.
"There you go! One pepperoni pizza!" Partygoer said smiling, Blue took a piece and started eating, he saw Kiara looking at him licking her lips
"You want a piece too?" Blue asked, Kiara nodded he picks up a piece and puts it front of her she takes it and starts eating he goes back to eating the piece he had in his hand they both hummed happily as they ate
"Thank you, Partygoer this pizza is delicious!" Blue said happily
"Thank you so much! It's homemade you can't go wrong with a homemade pizza!" Partygoer said smiling
"So, Partygoer, are you here by yourself or are there others?" Blue asked
"There were others here, but they all left a long time ago all I have is this balloon" Partygoer said as she looked up at the balloon, Blue looked at the balloon as well and he was suspicious about it
"I've never seen a type of balloon like that it must be special" Blue said Partygoer smiled and nodded
"Yes it is, I've always had it with me wherever I go it's been with me for such a long time" Partygoer said, Blue nodded and continued to eat the pizza with Kiara after about a few seconds the pizza was all done. Blue and Kiara rubbed their bellies satisfied
"Thank you so much again for the pizza Partygoer!" Blue said smiling Partygoer smiled back and nodded
"It's no problem Blue, I'm glad you and Kiara enjoyed it!" Partygoer said Kiara let her enjoyment known with a happy little roar Blue smiled and petted her head
"What're you two going to do now?" Partygoer asked
"Well, we're just going to rest up here and move on because I need to find a way home" Blue said Partygoer looked and tilted her head in confusion
"Home?" Partygoer asked
"Well, you see it's a bit of a long story but basically I was in my house watching videos I went to go to the kitchen and then all of a sudden I started to sink into my floor and I ended up here in this dimension" Blue said
"Wow that's a lot to take in" Partygoer said
"I tried to find my way out but I kept running in circles that was until I mey Kiara here. I thought she was going to kill me but we did something else" Blue said blushing
"What was it?" Partygoer asked Blue leaned over and whispered Partygoer blushed as red as a tomato
"Oh my you two had sex? Was it good?" Partygoer asked Blue and Kiara looked at each and back at Partygoer and they nodded Partygoer
"To be honest, it was amazing!" Blue said smirking
"I bet it was! Hey speaking of which, check this out!" Partygoer said as she stood up,grabbed the balloon by it's side and squeezed she compressed it into a big pair of wet,got puckered lips with a big smile on her face
Blue was in complete shock, before he could ask how she did that Partygoer pushed the lips onto Blue's face the lips made a long kissing noise before it was pulled back off his face. Blue didn't know what to say he just blushed
"What did you think? Pretty cool huh?" Partygoer asked still having the big smile on her face
"W-wait how'd you do that were they was always able to do that?" Blue asked still in shock about what just happened Partygoer nodded happily
"Yep! I bet they felt good huh?" Partygoer asked Blue nodded
"Yeah they felt nice" Blue admitted smiling
"Well I'm glad you like it" Partygoer said with a seductive smirk on her face, Kiara had noticed a bulge in Blue's pants,went up to it and nuzzles against it Blue looked down and saw Kiara looking at him with a lustful gaze Blue smirked
"You're a horny monster aren't you?" Blue asked smirking he then looks at Partygoer
"You got any bedrooms in this place?" Blue asked Partygoer nodded Blue gets up and he and Kiara followed Partygoer, after a few minutes she goes up to a door and opens it both Blue and Kiara looked inside
"This is perfect, thanks Partygoer" Blue said smiling Partygoer smiled back and nodded as she walked away Kiara rushed Blue into the bedroom Blue laughed
"Okay, okay, let me at least close the door!" Blue laughed as he went over and closes the door Blue looked over and saw Kiara was on the bed with her butt was in the air wiggling at him Blue smirked and stripped outta his clothes he put his clothes on the chair and went behind Kiara licking his lips
(Lemon start!🍋)
Blue started licking Kiara's vagina to start things off, Kiara growled in pleasure as Blue swirled his tongue around her vagina lips. He pulled away and plunges his cock into her she roared as Blue grabbed her hips and started pounding her. Kiara's vagina made a lot of wet "plap" sounds as Blue thrusted more and more. Kiara let out growls and grunts of pleasure as Blue started thrusting harder and faster Blue thrust in all the way and hit Kiara's g-spot Kiara roared loudly and squirted on juices onto Blue's cock panting.
"Looks like I found the sweet spot" Blue said chuckling as he kept hitting Kiara's g-spot as he thrusted
(Lemon pause🍋!)
Blue heard the door creaking open he looked over to see Partygoer peeking in
"Partygoer, I see you what's wrong?" Blue asked Partygoer comes in shyly and looked at him
"C-can I join?" Partygoer asked very shyly, Blue looked at Kiara she nodded Blue then looked back over to Partygoer and nodded she smiles excited and came over
(Lemon continue🍋!)
"Lay on top of Kiara's back with your back and face your lower half towards me" Blue said Partygoer did what he said, he then leaned forward and started licking Partygoer's vagina she let out a squeak of surprise but started moaning when he kept licking. Blue went back to thrusting inside Kiara he heard both of them moaning and groaning in immense pleasure. Blue then grunted as he released his seed inside of Kiara she let out a roar before panting. Blue pulled away from Partygoer's vagina and looked at her
"You want a turn?" Blue asked Partygoer nodded real fast, Blue pulled outta Kiara still hard he climbs on top of Kiara's back and slowly inserted his cock into Partygoer she moaned as he plunges his cock all the way in. Blue started thrusting he leaned forward and started sucking on one of her breasts. Partygoer loudly moaned as Blue sucked and thrusted.
"Oh my gosh it feels so good! Please keep going!" Partygoer moaned at Blue kept going he eventually hits her g-spot and she screams
"Yes! More! Give me more Blue!" Partygoer said as she was losing her mind in the pleasure, Blue pinches her other breasts's nipple she moaned more and more as Blue pleasures her all over her body he then stops sucking,thrusting and let go of her nipple he pulls his cock out.
"Turn over please" Blue said Partygoer did what she was told once she did Blue gave her her butt a slap she moaned and looked back at him with a lustful stare.
"Naughty boy!" Partygoer said wiggling her butt, he spanks it again and she let out another moan she moaned loudly as Blue thrusted his cock back into her vagina and started thrusting again he pounded her as he spanked her more
"Blue! I can't take this anymore I'm going to cum!" Partygoer said through her moans
"Me too! I feel it coming!" Blue grunted as he and Partygoer came at the same time Partygoer screamed as she fell down on Kiara's back panting
(Lemon end🍋!)
Blue panted as he pulled his cock out once he fixed himself up he put on his boxers and muscle shirt back on and laid back on the empty spot of the bed
"Blue that was amazing thank you so much you have no idea how sexually frustrated I was" Partygoer said
"It's no problem Partygoer. Hmmm I should give you a name instead of Partygoer. I know! I'll call you Rachel!" Blue said smiling
"I love that name! Thank you!" Rachel said happily
"Let's get some sleep I'm really tired." Blue said while yawning Rachel nodded
"Have a good sleep Blue" Rachel said before drifting off to sleep
"You too Rachel" Blue said as he snuggled against Kiara and fell asleep as well
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter of The Lewdrooms, I was pretty stumped on how I should make this chapter so I just went with the flow! Make sure to favorite and follow me if you feel like it!
Catch you on the flip side!
The art of the Partygoer belongs to Walter Sache!
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