It was a week later, bright and early on Monday morning, and Aurora was due to head to the Gala sometime in the evening on Wednesday, it was a weekend long affair of bullshit parties, dances and all the above. But it was her fault in all honestly, to dive into the land of politics and fund so greatly, to become this sort of advocate for the underlings.
However, it became heavily apparent when Olivia started sending dresses after dresses that she had managed to pick up for her. She huffed into her morning tea as it was widely obnoxious to think about before Herbology.
"Are you sporting any red colors in there? All I'm seeing is silvers, blacks and...I guess blue." Sirius had turned his head slightly due to the fact he heard his last name, but it was the color they were referring to. Not himself.
"I guess I'll bring a red dress, red seems like such a statement piece though. I want to make my speech, in out and done. I rather not linger and get questioned." Alice was very helpful in terms of coordinating which dress would go for which, something Sirius could've helped with as well considering he has been to the same about as she. Perhaps even more.
Alice however lifted up one of the letters in the bundle and started giggling. "Oh sod off Alice."
"Oh come on Rory, read it...I won't be able to focus today." She chuckled, ripping open the sealed letter and beginning to dive in.
The poor girl beside Aurora flared in the single moment as Aurora seemed somewhat proud that she even managed to read a bit. "Merlin, what were you up to in the states?" The roll of Aurora's eyes continued, but it was no longer an embarrassing story that she had been reading. Or at least that's what Sirius brought himself to think it was.
In all honesty, Aurora had brought smut to the Gryffindor table that morning. Rather she was sent it, but after all was said and done, it was Aurora's turn to grow red in the face as Jacob made the point in wanting her to wear the certain black dress...So he could rip it off when the night was done.
"Good letter Wells?" Sirius dwelled, and her head rose making her smile.
"Depends, fancy yourself a mix of dresses and a schedule for a busy week?" He groaned, it wasn't anything juicy. He pouted in thought before turning back to his mates for a planning session.
However, it was Lily who took over the girl's conversation as she was finally allowed to read one of the letters. Due to the fact it wasn't as graphic, but it was only deemable to read when Mary and Alice gave the okay on top of Aurora's.
"That's...That's actually very sweet, he can't wait to see you..." Lily mumbled, looking at Aurora who was now flushed in the face. Sirius had managed another glance before James came into the picture of wanting to know what brought the girls to very rosy red cheeks.
"Swooping dress ideas ladies?" James cooed, and it wasn't the worst of their comments. But Aurora nodded, however it was rather fitting that she felt a sort of rush in her body after remembering what Jacob had spoke about.
"Wouldn't you like to know Potter," Lily growled, and Aurora sighed with her eyes closed. Merlin, the last thing she wanted was to get the boys all interested in the letters. "Suppose I do, that a bloke from the states writing you fan letters?" Sirius and him started to laugh, but it was when James added: "Is that your boyfriend Wells?"
Lily knew she wanted to keep it a secret, but Remus was in clear hearing of the conversation and there was no bloody way she could make a witty remark. So she looked off towards Sirius and James with a very neutral yet pained expression.
Her keeping quiet was not denying the claims and it became very apparent to Sirius that that had been the issue all this time. Remus, who was frozen in place continued to stare at Aurora.
Merlin if he had known that she had a boyfriend he wouldn't have—
Sirius had come over and nicked the letter from Aurora's hand, and it was an all too suddenly flash as the girls were now called to the plate. He hadn't had all too much of a chance to read it, but he did read a few lines before it was wiped clean.
"Don't be a git Black." She growled, grabbing the rest of her belongings and stormed out of the grand hall before treading down to Herbology. The girls were glaring at the boy whilst hurrying about to follow, to calm down their friend in hopes of relieving some tension.
It left Sirius to stand where they had left, only to return with Remus' eyes still held in shock. James sort of understood what his mate was feeling.
"Moony, come on...it's—"
"I didn't know she...Had a boyfriend..." He mumbled, his head finally lying low, but the scoff Sirius issued wasn't all to keen.
"They're not together anymore, it's her ex." Peter dove in for the truth within the moment as Sirius relayed what he saw on the paper. They were going to the same parties when she was off in America.
"You see, this is why I left her alone with that rubbish Pads. Because she has other people back in America. You just haven't figured out that she was a different person beforehand...you shouldn't have read the letter." He growled, throwing his napkin down to the table before him and rush off to try and meet Aurora.
He found more than just Aurora in the classroom now, she was surrounded by her friends and he felt singled out. But when Alice nudged her to see that Remus was looking almost desperate to talk she sighed. Rising to her feet to grab onto Remus' arm and go into the hallway.
"What?" She growled.
Merlin was her hostile side not entertaining to be the front face of. "Is that why you regretted it..." He mumbled, and her eyes flare up in recognition. Perhaps Sirius didn't dive into all that he had read, but surely it must've been enough.
"Remus for the eighth time, I did not regret what happened. I regret letting Sirius get a hold of the note, I regret letting you hear about Jacob like this...But I don't regret it." Now he narrowed his brow, he was in the triangle of her cheating and she's okay with it?
"We broke up before I left, I haven't written to him since then, or since I told everyone that I'd be going for the gala...I didn't want to start anything with you because I didn't know you Remus, alright?" She seemed angry, and when he let out a hand she denied his affection.
"That isn't the best idea Remus." He looked at her in agony for causing her any sort of pain.
"Aurora please I just, I want to say sorry for—"
"Sorry for what? You didn't do anything. Stop apologizing, and don't feel guilty about a bloody thing. What we did during the summer is past us, what we did during the Halloween ball was—" His eyes popped up and his cheeks brightened.
"Y-you remember?" She rolled her eyes in pure annoyance now. "Yes, and you were a gentlemen, and so before I bloody curse your friends to oblivion please smile. You don't look so adorable when you frown." She tried her best to cheer him up but it was failing miserably.
He was feeling her anger, her ignoring him. Merlin was he feeling it, especially when they were partnered in Potions. No matter how many times she smiled, spoke or giggled. Well the laughter sounded better than everything else.
"Oi! Wells!" Aurora turns about as she was talking to Clementine, since she wasn't going to be here for the rest of the week she wanted to manage through and get a head start of what she will be missing. "Hm, come to bother me about what you read? I don't need your input." He grabbed her arm and looked down at her, but there was nothing he could say or do to change her mind.
"I am not dating Remus because you're telling me to Sirius, can you sod off. It's bloody annoying, I don't have time for—"
"Then what the bloody hell was he writing about then Aurora? Especially sharing that with Evans?"
She smiled, or smirked rather. "You think I'm an angel, don't you? Merlin Sirius please, I've shagged a bloke before. Lily already knows, I told her what happened over the summer, but I didn't say it was Remus." Sirius held in a breath, but finally exhaled.
The girl was experienced, something that most of the school's female population lacked. Or rather in the area of where Moony was concerned.
But he grew quiet uncomfortable hearing about this, but he did want to do it for Remus. "Not about that love, you're hurting him." She rolled her eyes.
"I'm hurting him now, really...He needs to gain a little courage Sirius, he's apologizing for things he shouldn't have to. He asked if I regretted it for the bloody twentieth time, I don't. He's handsome...But I just got out of a relationship and none of you lot seem to understand that." Sirius' eyes widened, realizing all the wrongs that they have put her through. Their arguments so bloody dumb in her eyes and he sighs.
"You were getting over the bloke, when you—"
"I told him I was angry when I was at the club...Why is he so attached? He barely knows me." Sirius' eyes popped up once again and they softened, it was part of the wolf inside Remus. They all challenged the theory again and again, but after Aurora had her given tutoring session with him, all the theories were confirmed as they had an easy following night.
"He's never fancy anyone like that Wells, it's like a first crush sort a deal going on...Besides, you went kinda far in—" She began to wave her arms back and forth to resume a proper conversation.
"I didn't want him to know that I was going to see Jacob there at the gala..." She spoke, licking her lips as well as looking about. Sirius knew that she fancied him, but other forces were causing her to stand clear.
Not anyones fault nor could she be pushed further. So he sighed and shrugged. "Your life remember, we don't know who you were back in America Wells." She blinked for a moment and huffed, she didn't need his input but was given never the less.
They begin in the unspoken truth, but even then seeing Aurora with a duffle bag was sort of challenging. Remus knew that her ex was in America, but he didn't know he'd be at the event with her.
Lily was struggling the most, walking her out of the common room and to the headmaster's office. "You aren't allowed to stay a minute more, is that understood." Aurora rolled her eyes and hugged Lily oh so tightly. "Take good potion notes for me Lilypads, and if the boys say one thing about Jake can you-" Lily let out a laugh, somewhere within there did she set out a promise to hex the boys in mere mention of it.
So off Aurora went, going to the headmaster's office and finding herself with a portkey and a quickly timed chain of swirls was she back to her flat in Salem.
Dust already collected within the stationed area, she planned to return for Christmas break if anything. But a quick wave of the wand did she clear it all up and settle her duffle bag on the bed of her room.
"You sure you'll be alright?" Seb questioned, he wasn't going to linger too much. She didn't need a babysitter for that long, however settling in and getting from one place to another...That worried her uncle indefinitely.
"Of course, just if those blokes I call friends back at Hogwarts weren't such gits." She growled, allowing the two dresses to hang on the closet door to air out and breath. "I won't even ask, have fun alright...Remember you can't drink here anymore." She yelled out words of profanity before he found himself returning on assignment to be somewhat close to Aurora, she was going to be at the given Gala.
Although he didn't babysit, he was one of the hired Aura's for the event anyhow. Making it all the more perfect for Albus to feel at ease.
Remus felt it in the instant when she left, whether it be by leaving the castle by foot, by fireplace or by whichever means. He felt it, but her emotions lingered. So much so that he groaned out into the room with his hands well into his hair as he couldn't manage anything more than thinking of her.
It's been nearly four hours, and Sirius had an idea of what she could be getting into in just four hours. "Merlin Moony, give it a rest. She gives a little speech, throws some money. Dances with a few sponsors and gets the bloody hell out of there, it's only three days." It was the truth, she'd be back before they'd all know it.
But to Remus, it was pure agony.
Aurora on the other hand, was living her best life entirely. It was coming home after such a long time, and it made it a hundred times better that her extra invitations were finally given to someone. Everyone wanted to see her, especially Jacob. He had put his best foot forward, but Rory was already planning her night entirely.
The second she was no longer needed to the event, she whispered to her date to leave to go back to her flat. She was a bit tipsy off champagne but he missed her translated words. She used to say it until apartment seemed to adapt into her vocabulary.
He wasn't complaining when they both stumbled into her apartment through the front door, her back so forcefully being pushed up against the door as it shut closed.
"Rory...Circi I—" His voice sent fires into her core as she already preemptively rocked against him. The slit in her dress revealing what she had been hiding underneath.
"May I?" He whispered, and she nodded. Desperate for him to continue. "You promised if you remember...Missed you Jake..." She mumbled, and he too felt the unlit flame starting to skyrocket.
His hands so quickly held the ends of her arse and pulled her up and around his waist, he wanted to ravish her just as much as he had in his letters. But hearing her, having her in his arms once again was a godsend.
Taking her at the door was an option, but to rekindle what they had, it was a special moment to return to her bedroom rather than just out in the hall. The last thing they needed was Seb to pop on into the apartment. It has happened on account a few times, and Aurora much rather not have it occur again.
"J-jake...Merlin I—Fuck." He had taken the liberty to squeeze her arse tight, through the silk of the dress he could feel the lack of panties. And she could feel all too easily what his reaction to that was.
"Planning this then?" Her giggling rang through as the straps of her dress were no longer planted on her shoulder, making it a delectable picking for Jacob to snatch her visible breast. The second his teeth had take a nip did her back arch of the bed, as she wanted to be much more closer to him.
"We have all the time in the world Jake, p-p-please..." She begged, and whether it was infatuation, the time spent apart, her outfit, the glint in her eye...All the above...
He just couldn't take it anymore.
Instead, he found himself diving in with her, ripping apart the fabric with ease. His beater's strength coming in for a moment to shine as he tore the dress into parts, allowing all but her gartners to be removed.
After shedding the loose fabric did he all too easily part her legs, and she teased too willingly as she tried to keep them together.
She had worked him up only to continue the waiting game, but Jacob no longer had any patience as he place himself between her legs with his entire body. Making it all the more easy for her to wrap her legs around him, as well as hook her arms to his back.
"Rory...W-wand..." He ushered, and she cursed. Holding up her hand did she summon her wand to place a protection spell on herself. And the second the light had simmered down, did she find him filling her in.
The moan was chopped, with all the nips he had produced, following said penetration. The rush of the moment was what both younglings craved, the sweat that came beating off them soon rallied as Jacob let out a growl.
"Don't turn into a panther on me now..." She teased, but his eyes mischievous turned into that of his spirit animal. So she followed in pursuit, although her wolf captures the grayness correct. It was the sharp pupil that drastically changed.
And once she had, a whine escaped her throat. Only in reaction to changing the plea once more. He was teasing, cruel, but all the more revenant.
She couldn't understand why she had been so hesitant before, why this sounded as a bad idea. But the pleasure coursing through her veins, and the whispers of sweet nothingness was all to exhilarating to even comprehend something so far away at the moment.
Jacob had held Aurora close to his chest as she continued to sleep peacefully, he had worried about being too rough. But he had forgotten how the girl could wild up anyone.
Throughout the night he had kissed her temple, her scent was enough to make his mouth water. Ether of the two would joke that their animals were seeping into their human parts. And there was no way to deny it anymore, especially during a shagging session as Aurora claimed to call it.
The letters he had written were a way of expressing his missing partner. It was just last year they had said they loved each other, and Christmas break when they found themselves entangled like they are at the current moment.
His hands careful traced around to get the soul image of her tattoo, graces it gently to line up with her panties as he remembered quite clearly her distaste for falling asleep without anything on.
She must've been tired, the portkey, the party...All of it, for she had fallen asleep so soon after. Not that Jacob was complaining, he adored these moments as they were always missed in Ilvermorny. Whether it was his or her dorm mates making racket to remove the singled out gender or whatever other issue that would arise.
However, Aurora's eyes began to flutter open, making her turn back in a haze as she allowed a smile to grace her lips. "Good morning..." She hummed about, earning herself a quick kiss on the cheeks.
"Sleep well?"
"Best I have in weeks, I missed this place." The boy pouted, and the smirk on Aurora's face showcased. A hand ruffled into his hair as she squirmed from his tightening hold.
"Yesyes I missed you too Panzer." He groaned and left Aurora to fend for her self against the cold air.
She had taken his body heat for granted and decided to lay onto her stomach and seek forgiveness. A small pout played on her face as he huffed and denied any affection. So that left two little fingers to silently walk up his arm, to his face to wipe his nose. Only to really find a trail down to a certain secret member underneath the blankets.
"Rory I wanted to take you out to breakfast..." He issued, but it wasn't much of a protest or a plea, so she let out a very beautiful smile.
"Then take me out for lunch instead." She spoke, letting her traveling hands speak for themselves, yet he didn't allow her to get the full taste. Claiming that she should 'save her appetite for lunch' making him get an entire swat towards him as he rushed into the other room for a quick drink. That and to wrangle up his given clothes from last night.
Ms.Halliwell was in the mist of her shower, her hand on the nozzle as it down poured enough hot water to warm her body up. Her eyes had remained closed for quite some time, but after relaying a given few flashes of last night they pinned open.
"Fuck..." She whispered, looking instantly at the door. It was as though the entire week leading up to her departure she had forgotten the promise to herself, to try and make this breakup as swiftly and lovingly as possible. But here they both were.
If she wasn't forced to move, they would've continued to date.
However, it was the second lump in her throat as she remembered about Remus. She hadn't thought much about Hogwarts or it's boy population as she had only explained to her friends about Lily and her roommates.
Everyone was so welcomed by the idea, but it was something about Livvy's comment about boys in the grade that stuck rather harshly now.
If one would count Zack as an attempt, or rather failed attempt then yeah suppose the number would be two instead of one. But what Remus doesn't understand is that Aurora still looked at Jacob the same way as when they first spoke the words 'i love you' to one another.
It was a larger issue that Aurora didn't trust many people in her lifetime either, seeing as to what had happened to her parents and all that? No.
Did she trust anyone? Yes. She did, and the number could be counted on one hand. She trust her Godparents. Seb. Alastor. That was accounted for four. And it was all to an extent.
She was loyal Jacob. Livy. Lilly was gaining it, as were Alice and Mary. But the boys, more important Remus? It wasn't cutting for her. She didn't trust them as they made so much bloody drama, and for what? To become their mate's girlfriend?
Was that all they saw her as? A piece of ass that he had managed? Her anger rallied further than expected, and probably further than one cared to admit. But she did remember truthfully of the many a given reasons why Lily did not speak or come close to the Marauders.
Arrogant beings they are, and they just proved it again. Perhaps not in Remus' case, but definitely in his friend's eyes.
Date Posted: 11-29-18
Time: 5:15
Word-Count: 3944
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