Letter 25
Luke 9:62 Jesus said to him, "Anyone who puts his hand on a plow and looks back at the things behind is of no use in the holy nation of God."
Lord, do not let my focus be distracted from You to make me unworthy of Your kingdom after You have already called me to You and chosen me.
Lead me, Jesus, to leave behind the old person with all her sins and burdens in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Let me keep my eyes facing forward.
Thank you, Lord, that I can hear Your voice through Your Word. Thank You for Your will, wisdom, discernment, and insight that You give to me through Your Word and the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus, for forgiveness and mercy. Your advice is precious to me, Father.
Lead me through this day, and let me find You in everything I do. Be with me in every step I take, every breath, and every thought. Never let me wander from You, and if I do, I know You will come after me and return me to You. I never want to be away from You, Lord, and I know You will never let my hand slip from Yours. Nothing can tear me away from you, no power or principally, just give me enough grace to not let go.
Thank You, God, for hearing my prayers, listening to me, and talking to me. Bless those whom you've called to you. Forgive those who have sinned against You. Show mercy to those who search for Your presence. Give Grace to those who walk your path to keep walking it. Let us live in the light of Your love, never forgetting that the darkness can't overpower the light.
Help us to trust in You and not our own understanding. Guide us to look to you, not ourselves or the world, for what we need. Let us not forget who we are and to whom we belong.
We are chosen. A holy priesthood. Greatly loved by the God that created the universe. Highly favored by the one who created us in His image. We are children of the living God. No weapon formed against us will prosper. No plague will come near our dwelling. No flaming arrow of the dark will touch us. The words of those who condemn us will be overturned. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Created with a purpose. Heirs to the kingdom of God. Streams of Living Water flow through us. We are forgiven. We are saved. Declared righteous.
We are a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old has gone; the new has come. Let us take possession of who we are. Let us accept the gifts You have given us. Let us see ourselves through Your eyes, Jesus, not through the eyes of the world.
Fill us with the Holy Spirit. Give us Godfidence. Where our faith falls short, shore it up with Yours, Jesus. Where our strength fails, give us Your strength.
Dress us in the full armor of God, Jesus. The helmet of salvation. The breastplate of righteousness. The belt of truth. The shield of faith. The sword of your word that pierces through marrow and bone. The shoes of the gospel.
Let us fulfill our purpose in You, through You, and for You, Holy Father, in Jesus' mighty name, amen.
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