I remember when she died. The whole town took on a depressing aura. The adults never had a normal conversation one would always say 'I feel bad for the Winston's, she was such a beautiful young girl.' The Winston's had their 17-year-old daughter pass away later that month. She had committed suicide. I had never spoken more than a few polite greetings to her myself, but the town reacted she was an extravagant young lady. Or maybe it was the cause of death that brought this on, either way, the whole town took effect.
I was a fifteen. I lead a seemingly normal life. I lived in a small two-story victorian styled home. It was an off white color with navy blue shutters.
The day after the funeral I had received a letter. Written in clumsy scrawl was my name.
Carson Lancaster
When I opened the letter it was dated three months before Albany's suicide....
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