Chapter 7: the whole story
"It all Started a year ago..."
No year ago
Alicia PoV
"I was a geneticist for a foundation called 'Knight's Blade' they said they were a secret organisation that is tasked with keeping the nation safe, at firat I thought that it was all just a sick joke or a prank on me... but no... it turns out that... they were serious about all this keeping the nation safe s**t... of course I decided to decline their offer since I had no real interest in keeping the world safe, I was a scientist not a soldier... but then thay gave me this... this weird purple gas that shined like the galaxy... being the scientist that I am I was intrigued... I askes them if they can give it to me... but they would only do it if I joined their foundation." Alicia said as she remembered how the foundation first came to her.
"And let me guess... you joined?" Ahri replied.
"-sigh- Sadly." Alicia said with a deep sigh.
"Why would you even do that if you thought that those guys were sketchy?" Akali asked.
"My thirst for science got the better of me." Alicia said.
"Of course it did." Kai'sa said with adeadpan expression.
"You have to be the dumbess genius I have ever met." Evelynn said.
"Watch it missy, I will still kick you out." She said glaring as Evelynn, who inturn gulped a bit.
"Now where was I again... oh right... my first day in the foundation." Alicia said.
Alicia could be seen pacing back and foray from her computer to the desk where there was a giant glass container containing some very toxic gas that she had dubbed 'Nebula gas', she has been keeping a log of her finding and journal of possible applications for the gas.
"Log 5 of 'Nebula Gas' research: through my extensive researcher I have concluded that the 'Nebula Gas' is a highly toxic gas that originated... from somewhere off this world... I know it may sound insane... however the chemical composition of the gas is something that has never been seen of, along with the fact that the gas seem to be... somewhat sentient, the proof is in the pudding as they say... throu my research I have noticed that the gas is drawn to anything organic, this ks the reason why I wear a Hazmat suit, to protect me from the gas... but I digress, after the gas has found an organic being... it seems to suck the life out of it... I still dont know if this is harmful to humans... but I will continue my research." Alicia said as he stopped recording and looked at the Gas infront of her.
"What is this thing?" Alicia said as she looked at the container.
Suddenly the doors open to reveal a man with a long white coat, his face was covered with a black face mask and gray sunglasses, he also wore a white hat with a feather on it.
'Great this guy again.' Alicia thought.
"Hello Mr. White, how may I be of help to you today?" Alicia asked with a fake smile on her face.
"Hello dear Alicia, I am here today to ahow you this." The man said as he handed Alicia a folder.
"What may this be sir?" Alicia asked.
"The real reason why we allowed you to research the 'Nebula gas'." He responded.
Alicia then opened the folder and what she saw shocked her... these were plans... to creat 20 bio-weapons.
"S-Sir... these are bio-weapons." She said in shock.
"I know deary, now I want you to build these bio-weapons and use the Nebula gas a power source." He said.
"Sir with all due respect I dont think this is a great idea, the gas is still too much of a mystery to us, I don't think it is safe to use these to power something capable of destroying a city." Alicia said as she saw the destructive capabilities of no.05, no.10, no.15, and no.20.
"Dear the world is in peril and we need weapons that hit hard, fast and doesn't feel or fear pain." The man said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Sir what war are you exactly trying to win?" Alicia asked.
"The future wars my dear, the war that is yet to begin." He said.
"Sir when someone tries to win a war that hasn't start innocent people die... always." Alicia said hoping that the man would back off and stop this bio-weapon nonsense.
"My dear... innocent people will always get hurt... no matter how hard you try someone will ALWAYS get hurt, but with your research and my foundations tech... we can lessen the amount of people who will get hurt... so what do you say?" He said.
"... Very well sir." Alicia said.
Back withthe girls.
"Wait wait wait... you agreed... JUST LIKE THAT!?" Ahri yelled.
"Yeah ms. Alicia, why did ypu agree to make the bio-weapons?" Seraphine asked.
"Because... he was going to kill me if I didn't do it." Alicia said.
"What?" All of them asked.
"The reason I tried so hard to get him to stop the project is for another reason... if I refuse... then he'd... he'd kill me and my family." Alicia said.
"Wow that's horrible." Akali said.
"I agree." Kai'sa said.
"Yes very much so... after that I began the production of the Bio-weapons." Alicia said.
Back to Flashback
It has now been a few months and with help of the foundations seemingly endless supply of money and personnel all the bodies of the bio-weapons were completed, all that is left now is to add the power source.
"Log 24 of 'Nebula gas' research: I have struck a breakthrough, I have finally found a way to synthesise the Nebula gas to enhance one's physical capabilities, however this research is highly confidential as of now, Why you may ask? Well I am starting to think that the good people here at 'Knight's Blade foundation' aren't really good people, but this is what I have learned so far, the gas reacts to organic life and strengthens them however due to the fragility of organic molecules they overstrethen them causing them to self deteriorate, but thanks to my research, I synthesised what I am now calling 'Nebula Steam' a safer version of Nebula gas... but since I do not trust the people here I cannot test the 'Nebula steam' that is it for now, I have a feeling that Mr. White is starting to suspect me as well, but I have to play along for now, end of log." Alicia said as she stopped her recording.
"Doctor you have a phone call." A guard said as he handed Alicia a phone.
"Hello?" Alicia asked.
'Mommy HI!" A little boy from the other line said.
Back with the girl.
"WAIT YOUR A MOM!?" Akali yelled.
"Honey you didn't believe this is what I truly looked like right?" She asked with a smile.
"Wait so this isn't what you look like?" Ahri asked.
"Nope, this is what I REALLY look like." Alicia said as she showed them a picture of her.
"HO-" Ahri began.
"-LY!" Seraphine continued.
"CRAP!" Athe reat of the girls yelled.
"Is this really you! What happened?" Akali yelled.
"Its... a longer story... than the one I am telling you." Alicia said.
Back to flashback
"Oh my baby how have you been?" She asked with a wide smile.
'I've beem ok.' The boy said.
'I'm home Ethan I bought you donuts... hey who are you talking to?' A voice of an older girl was heard.
"Maria is that you honey?" Alicia asked.
"Mom? MOM IS THAT YOU!? I miss you so much mom." The girl said, longioclear in her tone.
"I miss you kids too, and your father as well... speaking of which where is your father and how did you call me?" She asked.
'Dad's in the hospital cus aunt Rachel hurt her leg and uncle Jimmy is in a business meeting that wouldn't allow his to leave.' Maria said.
"I see... well kids I need to go now, I have alot of work to do." Alicia said with a smile.
'Awww but we haven't talked to you for weeks now mom... we really miss you.' Ethan said.
"I know sweeties Mommy misses you too, but I am very busy at the moment, but I promise when I get a day off we will go to the park, aquarium, and all the placess you wanna go." Alicia said.
'Promise?' Ethan asked.
"Promise." Alicia said.
'Ok thanks mom.' Ethana said.
"Can you guve the phone to your sister, Ethan." Alicia said.
'Hi mom, whats up?' Maria said.
"Mari Honey take care of your brother and father for me ok, and tell him I miss all of you." Alicia said.
'Will do mom, and don't worry leave the house and my goofy father and brother to me.' Maria said.
"Thats my girl see you soon, bye." Alicia said as she turned the phone off and gave it back to the guard.
"Thanks." Alicia said.
Time skip in a time skip
Its been 2 days now and all 20 bio-weapons are now all lined up and ready to receive Nebula gas to power them up.
But before that Mr. White was currently infront of his employees and other members of his board.
"Welcome everyone to this momentous occasion, a few months ago we discovered a large quantity of purple gas that was believed to be of extra terrestrial origin, our top scientists have dubbed this gas 'Nebula Gas' at first we didn't know what the capabilities of the gas was or how we can harness it... but with our genius minds working nonstop we managed to make them... our bio-weapons set to keep our planet at peace!" He yelled as the curtains behind him fell revealing all 20 bio-weapons.
"Now Dr. Montreal, please do the honours." Mr. White said.
"Before I do I wanna say something." Alicia said.
"What are you doing?" Mr. White said.
"I am telling them what is gonna happen sir." She said.
"Please listen I am not sure what will happen if I inject the Nebula gas into the Bio-weapons, it may yeald great results... but it may also cause devastating damage... so please I wasn't able to stop this but you can, please for the love of all that is holy, stop this project." Alicia said.
But those words of warning only fell on deff ears as they eagerly watched the machines turn on.
"That's enough guards please bring the good doctor bact to her lab." Mr. White said.
A few guards then grabbed her hands and escorted her out the main lab.
With Alicia
"Hey Sam go back to the main hall I'll take the doctor back." The guard said.
"Sure thanks Max." The other guard said as he went back.
"Doc you ok?" Max asked the doctor as he let her go.
"I'm fine Max... but we need to leave now, I do not know what will happen to the bio-weapons." Alicia said.
"Don't worry I've gathered up all the scientists in the building and told them to run, I too have a bad feeling about today." Max said.
Suddenly a loud explosion was heard, Max and Alicia ran back to the hall and saw... that it was on fire... they peered inside and saw all the Bio-weapons rampaging and killing everyone in their sight.
Suddenly another explosion was heard this time it came from the transport bay where all the scientists were gathered, Alicia and Max then ran towards the. And saw the other Bio-weapons have already killed the other scientists.
Max then grabbed Alicia's hand and led her back to her lab and closed the door, he then pushed a few buttons and a secret tunnel opened up.
"Doctor take this tunned it will lead you straight into the forrest after that just keep running north then you'll be back into the city." Max said.
"But what about ylu Max!?" Alicia asked.
Suddenly a loud thid came from the door.
"I need to stay here and make sure none of them follow you." He said as he readied his gun.
"No you can't, think about your parents Max, you can't leave them!" Alicia said.
"I'm sorry Doc... but you need to live and stop these things... your the only one who can." Max said as he pushed her into the tunnel and closed the door.
"MAX! MAX! OPEN THIS DOOR!" Alicia yelled as she banged on the door.
"Max... I promise!" Alicia said as she ran towards the exit.
Back to the girls
"After that I spent the next 2 days running back to civilisation." Alicia said.
"I remember that day, but they said that it was caused by a gas leak... was that just a cover up?" Ahri asked.
"Yes... they also said that everyone in the building died that day... which worked for me since I needed to find a way to stop the monsters I have created, I tgen remembered thai lab that my old friends used to use... I then spent a lot of money to make this lab to what you see here today." Alicia said.
"But where does Nate come i to all of this?" Seraphine asked.
"Well you see-" Alicia began only to be cut off.
"I was the one who volunteered to undergo the Nebula steam injection." Nate said as he walked out the med bay with some bandages.
"NATE!" Seraphine yelled as she hugged Nate.
"Hey Sera, sorry I worried and lied to you." Nate said.
"No it's fine, just as long as your ok." Seraphine replied.
"Glad to see your awake... also..." Alicia then walked towards Nate and kicked him in the shin full force.
"OWWWWWW!" Nate yelled as he cluched his leg in lain as he hopped around.
"That is for worrying me!" Alicia said.
"Come on doc I'm hurt here!" Nate whinned.
"And whose fault is that!?" She said angrily.
"M-Mine... I'm sorry." Nate said.
"-sigh- Nate your a wonderful kid, so I understand why you felt the need to proteynot only your friends but those people coming as well, but what you did was very reckless and not to mention dangerous, so this time promise me that you will never EVER do something like that again." Alicia said.
"I promise I will try doc." Nate said.
"Thats good enough I guess, now I believe you have some explanations to give to these ladies." Alicia said as she gestured to the K/DA group.
"Yeah... so what do you girls wanna know?" Nate asked.
"The only thing we wanna know is HOW did you get yourself mixed up in all this crazy stuff." Akali said.
"-sigh- Ok." Nate said.
Nate Flashback
We now see Nate taking pictures of wildlife and flora in the park, it was a bit of a rainy day, but that was perfect since his client wanted rainy season photos.
Suddenly his little photoshoot aas disrupted by the sound of screaming, being the kind and curious guy he is, Nate quickly oacked up and ran towards the scream, he then arrived and saw a couple... and they were face to face with a anthropomorphic metal rabbit with a sword and a shield.
"The heck is that!?" Nate yelled.
The Rabbit then began inching closer to the couple as they backed away in fear.
Nate then began looking around for something he can throw, he then spotted a descently sized rock and chucked it at the metal bunny of doom to get its attention.
"Yo bugs bunny over here, 'Ehhh whats up doc'!" Nate yelled.
The rabbit then began to run towards Nate.
"Well step one is done... whats step 2?" Nate asked himself as he began to run."
Nate tne bagan running for his life as the rabbit tried to shoot him with red electricity which thank god missed him, but his luck soon ran out as he tripped on a rock and begam stumbling downhill.
He then stopped riling and began togroan in pain, suddenly he looked up and saw the rabbit about to make kebab out of him so he decided to roll out the way.
"I am not a kebab you maniac bunny!" Nate yelled.
With Nate and the girls
"Yup leave it to Nate to fight a killer robot bunny with a sword bear handed and still have the bravery to crack jokes." Seraphine said.
"Well you know me, I find jokes in even the most seruof times." Nate said.
"Even in a funeral?" Akali asked.
"Don't get him started." Seraphine said.
"Wait you even crack jokes during a funeral?" Ahri asked.
"Just to lighten up the mood, besides I inly tell none offensive jokes, I dont have the gal to joke about the dead." Nate said.
Back to the flashback
Nate was now face to face with the metal rabbit as they just stood there sizing each other up... when suddenly the metal rabbit was hit on the face by a rocket that caused it to fly back.
Nate's eyes then shot wide open in shock, he then looked to the side and saw a woman in a lab coat holding a rocket launcher.
"Thanks kid, now get out of here before you get hurt." She said.
"I am not gonna leave you alone here to fight that thing maam." Nate said as he walked towards her.
"Listen kid you look like a nice boy, but listen there is alot riding on here that you don't know about." She said.
Nate was about to tell her off but instead pushed her to the ground.
"GET DOWN!" Nate yelled as a bolt of electricity almost hit the woman.
"Holy... thanks kid." The woman said.
The two of them then looked at the mechanical rabbit and saw that it didn't have dent in it.
"It didn't even leave a scratch... looks like I have to use this." The woman said as she pulled out a vial filled with shinning white smoke.
However before she can use it the Rabbit dashed forward and tried to stab her, but at the last moment... Nate jumped in and saved her by taking in the blade.
The rabbit then hoisted him up and threw him to the side.
The woman then ran towards Nate with haste, she then turned him around and saw the large hole in his chest.
"Oh god, oh god please no, not an innocent kid." She said.
"A-Are y-you o-o-ok?" Nate asked.
"You just got stabbed and your worried about me!?" She asked in tears.
"Hahaha y-yeah, I-I'm c-charming t-that way." Nate said with a bloody smile.
The woman then fished something out of her bag, it was the vial/syringe filled with white smoke, she then clutches it in her hand and looked at the slowly dying boy in front of her.
"No... not again, no one is dying because of me cer again!" She yelled as she inject Nate with it.
However the rabbit finally found her and saw eager to kebeb her as well.
The woman then stood upa nd began running with the bunny in townas she tried to give the boy some time.
After running the rabbit finally caught up to her.
"Well looks like you caught me... what are hou gonna do now?" She asked.
The rabbit then dashed forward with the pointy end of its blade pointed at the woman, however before it can reach her the blade was grabbed by a hand, The woman looked up and saw tabt it was the boy that he injected with Nebula steam.
"Your ok." She said.
"And thats all thanks to you doc, now leave the rest to me!" Nate said as he cracked his fist together.
End of flashback
"After that I just proceeded to beat the crap out of it until we were able to extract the Nebula gas in it and synthesisean my armour out of it, and thats how I became Steam Knight." Nate said finishing his story.
"So all the times you were gone to do your 'Photoshoot' in reality you were fighting these bio-weapons?" Seraphine asked.
"Yes and No, some of those were actual phorshoots, but yeah thats about it, also I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this." Nate said.
"We wouldn't, trust us." Ahri said.
"You also can't tell the Ace of Spades." Nate added.
"What?" Ahri said.
"But their our guys, we tell them everything." Akali said.
"It's either that or you get memory wiped and trust me... the memory wipe will not tickle." Nate said.
"-sigh- Fine." Ahri said.
"I guess." Akali said.
"So you still up for tomorrow?" Evelynn asked.
You mean a while day with you guys, yeah I'm down, my sister was really looking forward for that as well." Nate said.
"Are you sure your well enough?" Kai'sa asked.
"Yeah we can just reschedule it if you want." Seraphine said.
"I'm fine, the Nebula Steam did the trick." Nate said as he began to do some windmills.
"Ok ok we get it your ok, now please stop before yoi break something... again." Alicia said.
"Haha Sorry doc." Nate said.
"Thats fine, you kids go home now, Nate your motorcycle is fixed and is in the bay area, and you ladies I have a car waiting for you go take you home." Alicia said.
"Thank you so much Doctor Alicia." Seraphine said.
"Please just call me doc." Alice said.
"Ok thanks doc." Seraphine said.
"Goodbye." Ahri said while waving.
"See you around." Kai'sa said.
"Bye doc." Akali waved.
"See ya squirt." Evelynn said.
They all said their goodbyes as they all went back to the bay area to get their respective vehicles and go on home after such a long day... and it's only 10:24 in the morning.
Done hope you guys like the little back story behind steam knight.
Stay home and stay safe!
MigyTheWorld out PEACE!
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