To The Human World
For the next couple of minutes, Garrett was traveling through the vortex to the human dimension. Soon it ended, and Garrett got out of the portal and found himself in the human world. Garrett was disoriented and dizzy at first. "Did it work?" Garrett groggily thought. Garrett looked at his right hoof and noticed that it was a human's hand with five fingers. "Yep, it definitely worked," he thought, "now to get up and stand on just my hind legs... You've seen Capper and Billy do it, heck, you've seen Mero stand on two legs before, you've got this." Garrett then got on his hind legs, standing up on his own two feet. He noticed that he was wearing a yellow shirt with a red music note (his Cutie Mark), a blue jacket with red undertones and red music notes, blue pants, and red sneakers with black shoelaces. Garrett looked at his human reflection.
"Huh, so that's what I look like as a human in this dimension," thought Garrett, "okay, now I just need to walk on my two hind legs, put one foot in front of the other and try not to fall down... You've seen Billy and Capper walk on two legs like it's nothing, so you can do it..." Garrett then took his first steps on his human legs, and he smiled. "I think I got the hang of this..." Garrett took one look at Canterlot High School and all the human students wandering about, chatting and such. "So this is where my sister resides," thought Garrett, "Canterlot High School... guess this is going to be the closest I'll get to going to a school, given how limited I was back then..." As he wandered to the front doors, he noticed three young women around his age chatting at the front entrance of the school. It was the human doppelgangers of Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack. Garrett wandered to the ladies and awkwardly said while smiling, "hello there, human females! I'm a human male and not from this town. Is this Canterlot High School?" The three ladies looked at Garrett, befuddled by the way he was talking. It was more awkward than the way Princess Twilight interacted with them. And less subtle. And it was so strange how he almost looked like Sunset. Rarity cleared her throat and said, "why yes, you're at Canterlot High School, darling. Where exactly are you from, handsome?"
Garrett panicked, trying to cover the fact that he was a pony from another dimension. He couldn't blow his cover! "Think of some random country to ensure you don't arouse any attention!" Garrett thought and he lied, "uh... Abu Dhabi! Yeah my family and I came back from Abu Dhabi, and I'd like to register and attend this school, please." Applejack looked at Garrett with skepticism, knowing he was lying. Fluttershy then said, "I can guide you to Principal Celestia's office if you wish to apply there as a student. I'm Fluttershy, by the way." Garrett smiled and said, "hi Fluttershy. Nice to meet ya. I'm happy to know you're willing to guide me to Princess- I mean, Principal Celestia's office. I appreciate that as a human." He gave a nervous smile. "Right this way," said Fluttershy as she guided Garrett inside the school. Applejack and Rarity watched Garrett get inside the school and Applejack said, "that guy ain't from around here. And he sure ain't from Abu Dhabi. He's an odd fellow and Ah can tell he's lying from a mile away. He's about as subtle as a bull in a china shop."
"I agree Applejack," said Rarity, "he reminds me of Sunset for some reason. But I just can't put my finger as to why. Although he's certainly as handsome as that Andrew Garfield darling." Inside, all the other students noticed Garrett following Fluttershy, puzzled at his appearance. He had the same hair color, skin tone, and eye color as Sunset. Could it be a coincidence? The only one not to notice was of course Sunset. A couple minutes later, Fluttershy took Garrett to the principal's office and said to the secretary, "this young man would like to speak to Principal Celestia." The secretary looked at Garrett and said, "thank you for letting me know, Fluttershy. I'll inform Principal Celestia immediately." Fluttershy looked at Garrett and said, "good luck!" She then left the principal's office to meet up with her friends. "What a nice girl," thought Garrett, "I wonder if Sunset knows her?" His thoughts were put aside as a familiar voice asked, "are you the young man Fluttershy told the secretary about?" Garrett looked at the source of the voice and noticed the human doppelganger of Princess Celestia. This was Principal Celestia. "Why yes," replied Garrett, "you must be Principal Celestia. I'd like to attend your school as a student."
"Very well then, step into my office and we can speak," ordered Celestia as she guided Garrett to her office, Garrett sitting on the chair. "So you wish to attend Canterlot High as a student, is this correct?" Celestia questioned. "Yes, that's correct," said Garrett. "What might your name be?" Celestia asked. Garrett pondered what kind of name to use for the time being. He hesitated and said, "uh... My name is... Billy. Billy... Mero... Capper. My name's Billy Mero Capper." Celestia wrote that down and said, "alright Mr. Capper, what classes would you like to attend?"
"Is there a way I could attend the same classes as Sunset Shimmer?" Garrett asked, hoping this wouldn't arouse any suspicion. At first Celestia thought that this was an eerie coincidence. Especially due to the boy's resemblance to Shimmer. But she shrugged it off and said, "very well then Mr. Capper. I will assign you to these specific classes. I'm sure the teachers will allow you to sit at any random desk of your choice. We look forward to having you as a student here." Garrett then blurted out, "is there a way I could volunteer after school? I heard that the back of the school got destroyed somehow, and I'd be willing to help clean up any damage." Now this request was making Celestia suspicious. Perhaps it was the lack of subtlety. "Very well then Mr. Capper," said Celestia, "you have permission to help clean up the school. Here's your schedule, do have a nice day." Garrett took the schedule and said, "thanks Principal Celestia!" He left her office, and Celestia thought to herself, "that boy is obviously not from around here... I doubt Billy Mero Capper is even his real name. For all I know, he could be from that same dimension that Twilight and Sunset originated from... That seems more likely, especially since he looks like he could be related to Sunset... It's been almost two weeks since that Fall Formal, and Sunset has suffered more punishment than she should have, especially from the students. Whoever that boy is, human or not, it's clear he's looking for Sunset. I just hope his motive is to help her..."
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