The Unicorn And The Alicorn

Princess Twilight Sparkle flew over to Canterlot Castle, where Princess Luna and Garrett Shimmer were waiting for her. When Garrett saw Princess Twilight, he could feel his heart beat aflutter. When his cyan eyes looked into Twilight's lovely violet eyes, there was practically a zing between them. Garrett blushed and smiled like a dope, and Twilight nervously smiled as well. "My goodness, he's cute," she thought, "wait, why am I thinking that? I just met him!" Luna chuckled and said to Celestia, "Somepony is in love..." Twilight and Garrett both snapped back to reality. "I am honored to meet you Princess Twilight," said Garrett, trying to stay steady, "my name is Garrett Shimmer..." Twilight giggled and said, "Oh, you can call me Twilight. I see you're Sunset's younger brother. I can see a family resemblance."

"Why thank you," said Garrett as he blushed, "so you've been to where Sunset is at?" Twilight nodded and said, "Yes, I have. It's a bit of a long story. Would you like some tea? I'll explain everything. Maybe we could get to know each other." They were in Celestia's library, drinking cups of tea. Garrett explained his life's story, including how he was imprisoned at a young age and escaped as well. After Twilight listened to Garrett's tragic story, she said, "I'm very sorry you endured such cruelty at a young age. No pony deserved what you went through. But I think you're very strong for overcoming that personal darkness and reconciling with your family." Her right wing tenderly touched Garrett's face to comfort him. "Thanks Twilight," said Garrett, "I'm glad you understand. Do tell me more about yourself, Twilight. So you became Princess Celestia's student after Sunset left? How did you become the Princess of Friendship?" Twilight brightened up and replied, "well I'd be glad to tell you..." Twilight then told Garrett the story of how she became Princess Celestia's student and learned the magic of friendship, and as the two ponies interacted, they instantly liked each other.

Twilight showed Garrett a piece of human anatomy. "This is fascinating to look at," thought Garrett as he looked at the human body, "The head looks to be different from a pony's head, the muzzle is shorter, and so are the ears... Their body shape is similar to Capper and Billy, having top hooves known as hands with five fingers, and lower hooves known as feet with five toes. They stand on their hind legs like Cap and Billy, but they don't have tails or fur..."

"That's what my sister became in the other dimension?" Garrett asked, astonished. "Yes," said Twilight, "your sister knew one could become an Alicorn princess. But your sister was arrogant and cruel, and when Celestia denied her the crown and expelled her, Sunset was so enraged, she ran away to the human world. Her motivation was to gain popularity and power. She gained those, but in the cruelest ways possible. She bullied her way to the top in a way. She stole my crown, and I had to go into the human world to stop her. Thankfully I befriended the human counterparts of my five best friends. They helped me adjust to their world. But your sister wore the crown, and the magic overwhelmed her, corrupting her, and turning her into a demon. She turned the entire school into zombies, and she was planning on ruling Equestria, and taking down Celestia."

Garrett couldn't believe this was his sister Twilight was talking about! It almost sounded like she was talking about someone completely different. But Garrett knew she was telling the truth. "Thankfully, my newfound friends and I were the only ones that weren't zombified," continued Twilight, "we used the power of Friendship to defeat her. I was able to reach out to your sister, give her the chance to redeem herself. I hope she does, and I hope my new friends will help her learn about friendship." Garrett looked at Twilight, amazed by her story. "And I thought my prison escape was a punishable offense," thought Garrett.

"She doesn't belong there..." admitted Garrett, "I feel that she needs to come home..." Twilight nodded and said, "I have to agree Garrett... I wish I'd offered her the chance to come with Spike and I, maybe reconcile with Celestia. But now that you're here, I'm sure Sunset would be ecstatic if she knew you're alive." Garrett nodded and said, "then we should go into the magic portal to find her."

"I do agree that it is a good idea," said Twilight,"but the mirror only works once every full moon here in Equestria..."

"Right, and full moons only last two nights usually," pointed Garrett. "Of course there is a Equestrian magic running amuck in that other dimension," stated Twilight, "I could use a magical device linked to the other world that could activate the portal without the use of the full moon..." Garrett pondered this and said, "that's a smart idea. You're a genius, your highness. I mean, Princess Twilight. I mean, just Twilight." He chuckled and blushed while Twilight gushed and giggled all shy at Garrett's compliment. She smiled, her cheeks cherub and blushing. "Let's go find something," said Twilight while looking at Garrett with affection. Eventually Garrett and Twilight were able to find an Equestrian book that Celestia used to use with Sunset that could connect to the human world. When Twilight put the magical journal into the Crystal Mirror, the portal activated. "It works!" Twilight cheered with giddy enthusiasm. "Alright, let's go to the human world!" Garrett said enthusiastically. "As much as I would like to come with you to the other world, I can't," said Twilight, "I have responsibilities as a princess here, so you will have to reach out to your sister on your own. I'm sorry Garrett."

"No I understand," said Garrett, "when it comes to being royalty, it takes a lot of responsibility. Even so, I'll have to take this slowly. I haven't seen my sister in 10 years, so there's a high likelihood Sunny won't believe me if I said I'm her brother." Suddenly, Celestia and Luna walked in, and the younger princess asked, "perhaps we could be of assistance?" Twilight looked at the princesses and asked, "how so?"

"Luna and I know of a way for you to keep in touch, even when you're far away and in the other world," explained Celestia, "Luna and I shall use our power to make it possible to communicate long distance in a literal sense." Celestia and Luna both kissed Garrett's forehead, and then the sisters kissed Twilight on the forehead too. "There," said Luna, "now you will both be able to communicate with each other through dreams." Garrett gave a look of amazement and said, "wow, that's incredible! Thank you so much your highnesses."

"It is greatly appreciated," agreed Twilight, "thank you both." Celestia and Luna beamed proudly. Twilight looked at Garrett and placed her wing around his shoulder and said, "take all the time you need. I wish you the best of luck. And I do hope you succeed in reuniting with your sister." Garrett smiled and said, "thanks Twilight. See you later tonight. Alright, I'm ready." Garrett then ran into the portal, going into the other dimension.

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