For Your Consideration
Garrett then awoke from his meditation, and found himself back in the human world, his sister by his side. The moment he saw Sunset, the first thing Garrett said was, "okay, I talked with Princess Twilight. It turns out Spike accidentally put away the magic journal. It was an honest mistake. He's really sorry about the snafu." Sunset chuckled a little. "Oh Garrett," she said, "always trying to see the best in everyone." Garrett hesitated and then asked, "Sunset... Have you considered maybe coming back home to Equestria?" Sunset thought a moment and she said, "I don't know... I feel like a fool missing the opportunity to go back home. Part of me would would like to go back and start a new life... But I'm afraid to confront Princess Celestia and our parents. Especially since my relationship with Mom and Pop is strained at best... I'm amazed you managed to reconcile with them."
"It wasn't easy," admitted Garrett, "when I was younger, and I was still trapped in that prison, I resented Mom and Pop... I felt like they abandoned me... But those friends I told you about, they taught me that I shouldn't let hate consume me... And when I saw our parents, I saw two guilt-ridden ponies who would give anything to repair the damage... I'm not going to force you to reconcile with Mom and Pop if you don't feel comfortable. But if you want to talk to them, they'll be waiting..." Sunset looked down and said, "I'm also going to need to face Princess Celestia... What I did was no better than treason..." She gave a determined look on her face and said, "it's time I stopped running from my past and face what I did head on, no matter how severe the consequences will be. I need to hold myself accountable." Sunset looked at her brother and asked, "will you and Princess Twilight be with me through that?" Garrett nodded and said, "Always. I'm not turning my back on you anytime soon."
Sunset stood up and said, "okay then. I just need to recollect my possessions from my locker, and I also have to write a note, and then we can leave, once Princess Twilight comes here." Garrett stood up, and the two siblings went inside the school and into the library. Sunset got out a piece of paper and a pen and started writing a note. The note said...
To Canterlot High,
Well, I give up. You were right. I am just a monster. And for all the hate I've gotten, I have decided that I no longer want to attend this school. I did so many terrible things, I guess you don't want an explanation. But... I'm giving you one. You deserve to know why I did it all. After all, it affected all of you. You may not care, you will probably still hate me, but at least you'll finally know the truth. So if you're reading this note, here it is.
The truth is, I never wanted to brainwash you. All I ever wanted the crown for was to return to Equestria and prove I had magical potential. Obviously it backfired. In all honesty, I should have gone back to Equestria with Twilight and started over. It would have stopped you all from having me around, extremely unfortunate for you. As I wanted it for my benefit it... Sort of... Controlled me. I remember that I started having tears fall when I turned into a demon, seemingly happy with my transformation. In fact I'm happy I was defeated, it stopped me from doing something even worse. But I promise, I didn't want to hurt anyone.
Like I said, I should have gone back to Equestria with Twilight and started over. But now that I know my brother is alive, I'm not going to miss that opportunity again. School is hell if everyone hates you, hits you, and insults you. Even if you hate someone, even if they're worse than me... Please, don't do it to anyone. Still, I deserved it, even if my brother believes I didn't. I assure you, once my brother Garrett and I leave this dimension and go back to Equestria with Twilight, we're never coming back here again.
Sunset Shimmer
As soon as Sunset finished writing that goodbye note, she let out a heavy breath. "How do you feel after writing that?" Garrett asked. "I guess a little bit better," replied Sunset, "writing that felt a little bit therapeutic. It's only the beginning of letting go of my burdens. Come on, let's go to my locker." The siblings left the library and soon arrived to Sunset's locker. She opened it up and started collecting all of her possessions that were inside her locker. Garrett noticed that one of her possessions looked to be a journal, similar to the journal that he saw in Equestria. "Hey that looks just like the magical journal that's activating the Crystal Mirror in Equestria!" Garrett said jovially. Sunset looked at that journal with a hint of nostalgia and replied, "they're both connected. Back when I was a student of Princess Celestia's, I used to write to her in this journal and she would do the same with the other journal. When I ran away, I took this journal with me because a part of me felt that what I was doing was wrong and I wanted to reach out to Celestia if I ever stumbled or fell. I feel like such a fool not reaching out to her sooner." Garrett placed his hand on his sister's shoulder and said, "at least you want to reach out to her now. I'm sure she'll be relieved to know you're alive." A couple minutes later, Sunset had cleared her locker with all of her things, collecting them in a bag, with Garrett carrying the bag to help her. Sunset closed the locker and put the note in the front for anyone to read. "You ready?" Garrett asked. "Yes." Sunset replied without hesitation. They got outside the school and they noticed Princess Twilight coming out of the statue, this time in her human form. Garrett wandered over to her and asked, "Princess? I mean, Twilight? Is that you...?"
Sunset followed suit as Twilight replied, "yes it's me Garrett. I almost didn't recognize you..." Garrett blushed and said, "me neither. You look different Twilight..." She blushed and asked, "different bad?" Garrett shook his head and said, "no it's not bad. I still think you're pretty..." Twilight's blush grew even darker as Sunset teased, "therefore she has value?" Garrett's eyes widened and he stammered, "that's not what I meant, I, uh, uh, uh..." Sunset tussled Garrett's hair and chuckled, "I'm just teasing you." Twilight shyly said, "you look handsome as a human too, Garrett." She and Garrett stared at each other, violet eyes looking into cyan eyes. "Twilight, I just want to say thank you for making sure Garrett never gave up on me," said Sunset, "you're a better student of friendship than I could ever be... How did you find my brother?" Twilight looked at Sunset and said, "I didn't find Garrett. He found me." She gave Sunset a genuine and compassionate smile. "The portal's ready and activated," said Twilight. Sunset bravely said, "let's go home then." She, Garrett, and Twilight looked at the portal and then leapt in, forever leaving the human world.
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