Smokescreen opened fire as he ran forward and as he got closer and closer....he dove in between Breakdown's pedes and shot the back of his helm.
Growling, Breakdown turned around and slammed his hammer down but Smokescreen back flipped away dodging it.
Inside Smokescreen, Evelyn yelped as she felt her world spin.
Smokescreen blocked a punch from Breakdown and retaliated with a jab to the chassis and a knee to the midriff. He ducked under Knockout's buzzsaw and swept the con's pedes out from under him.
Getting back up quickly he jumped back to avoid Breakdown's hammer and grunted as the massive con slammed his other fist into his chest.
Evelyn was thrown back inside him. She fumbled and managed to get her torchlight out. She turned it on and gasped when she saw the dent in front of her. The bent metal was just inches away from her face.
Smokescreen covered his chest and felt the dent in it and oh god, "Eve!" he whispered shouted.
Evelyn knocked from the inside to signal she was okay. Smokescreen released a breath of relief.
He jumped up and spun around slamming a kick onto Breakdown's faceplate and pivoting on his pede, elbowed Knockout who was trying to sneak up behind him.
Smokescreen aimed a kick at Breakdown but he twisted his body to dodge and grabbed onto Smokescreen's leg.
With a roar he lifted Smokescreen up and slammed him around the place. Smokescreen grunted as he was thrown up and down and felt his body slam against the grainy sand, said sand entering his optics and mouth.
Evelyn yelped as she felt herself get thrown up and down and cried out in pain as her head collided on the ceiling. She was thrown sideways as Breakdown threw Smokescreen away like a rag doll.
Smokescreen tumbled in the sand before righting himself and getting up. Evelyn felt his chest rise and fall as he panted heavily.
He was hurt and tired, he couldn't keep this up. He was running on stubborn determination and adrenaline. He had to retreat.
"Hang on Eve." He told her.
"I'm already hanging on!" she said.
"Hang tighter!" Smokescreen said. He charged forwards to clash with Knockout. 'Gotta time this right....' he thought as he readied his blade.
Knockout lashed out with his energon prod. Smokescreen swayed sideways to avoid it and swung his blade....
The sound of metal slicing through metal was heard and soon, Knockout was staring at the end of his energon prod in shock as the electrified tip spun in mid-air before burying itself in the sand 3 feet away from them.
Smokescreen smirked and mentally gave himself a pat on the back for that awesome move and kicked him in the chassis. Smokescreen swung his pede back and brought it down in an axe kick before front kicking Knockout with all his might sending him flying into Breakdown.
Breakdown caught him and glared at Smokescreen before activating his shoulder cannon.
"Scrap." Smokescreen said before he had to jump and roll out of the way. He ran and shot at the same time and did a front flip to dodge another blast.
Inside him, Evelyn was getting queasy from all the tossing and turning. 'It's like I'm inside a bloody laundry machine!' she thought. She felt her world tumble again and blanched. She covered a hand over her mouth as her face got a bit pale. 'Uh oh.' She thought. Evelyn took deep breaths in an attempt to hold it in.....she failed.
"I don't feel so good." She groaned.
Smokescreen heard her and his optics widened. He leaped back to avoid a blast. "Eve, don't, please don't, not in-"
"Blergh!" Evelyn promptly lost the lunch she had.....and her breakfast.
"Aw c'mon!" Smokescreen cried and tried not to grimace as he felt her spew. 'I'm definitely goanna need a wash after this.' he thought.
Smokescreen ducked under a blast and saw that Knockout was firing at him too. Then he got an idea.
'Let's hope my aim has improved.' He thought.
Smokescreen jumped back to avoid a blast and he turned his body in mid-air until he was facing the two cons.
He cocked his blaster up, took aim and fired. His energon blast traveled through the air......and entered the muzzle of Breakdown's cannon.
There was an explosion and cries of pain and shock as the cannon exploded. Smokescreen landed on his aft and looked at his handiwork and grinned.
"Now that was good aim!" he said with a pumped fist. Smokescreen wasted no time in transforming and speeding off.
Evelyn released a long breath of relief when she felt herself in solid seats again.
"May have heaved on your floor mats, sorry mate." Evelyn said her face still slightly green.
"Don't mention it. Ratchet? We could use that bridge NOW!" Smokescreen said.
The familiar swirling green and blue vortex appeared. Smokescreen pushed his gauge to the limit and sped through it.
The groundbridge disappeared just as Knockout and Breakdown appeared.
"Scrap." Knockout said as he realized they'd gotten away.
"Megatron's not goanna be happy." Breakdown said.
"Not as unhappy as me because they oh I don't know scratched the paint!" Knockout said as he gestured to his finish which was now scratched.
Meanwhile back at the Autobot base......
Smokescreen sped through the bridge and came to a halt, leaving tire marks on the ground as they screeched against it. The door opened and Evelyn stumbled out.
"Eve!" Miko cried and ran over to hug her cousin.
"Are you okay? We got worried when you didn't call back." Jack said with Raf behind him.
"I'm fine, thanks to my guardian." Evelyn said and smiled at Smokescreen. He transformed back and gave her a thumbs up.
"Just doing my job...Eve." He said before stumbling forward a bit. The adrenaline was beginning to leave his systems leaving him exhausted.
Ratchet rushed forward and supported him. "Whoa, take it easy." He said. Then he looked at Smokescreen's injuries from the dents and scratches to the energon dripping down his helm to his split lip.
"By the AllSpark, kid, what happened?" Ratchet asked as he guided Smokescreen to a medical cot with the other members of Team Prime following in concern.
"Bumped into a friend of yours Bulk." Smokescreen said sarcastically. Ratchet handed him a microfiber cloth. Smokescreen mumbled a small 'thank you' and pressed it against his split lip and tried not to wince.
"A friend?" Bulkhead asked in confusion.
"Yeah." Smokescreen said and took the cloth away so his words weren't muffled. "Big, mean, wore an eyepatch, swung a big aft hammer around, any of this ring a bell?"
"Lots of em'. Breakdown." Bulkhead said darkly.
"Woah, you've already met Bulk's arch-con-nemesis?" Miko said.
"You know the big scoundrel, Bulk?" Evelyn asked.
"We have a history." The Autobot wrecker said.
"Speaking of history, I have to ask, did the two of you really see the picture of an Alterare?" Optimus asked.
"Es' ir." Smokescreen said, his words muffled by the microfiber cloth. Due to his vorns of Elite Guard training, Smokescreen naturally tried to stand and salute to give Optimus his report but his injuries were harsher than he thought. With the adrenaline gone, he was becoming more aware of the pain.
Optimus rushed forward and gently pushed him back down. "Don't push yourself, soldier." He said.
Bumblebee beeped in response. :You should rest.: he said.
Ratchet set to work on welding the cuts shut and fixing Smokescreen up as best as he could. Ratchet brought Smokescreen's right servo up to inspect.
"Can you still move it? Do you feel any numbness?" Ratchet asked as he prodded.
"It's sore but I can still move it." Smokescreen replied, bending his digits. Ratchet nodded and put a small splint on it.
"Here, I took a picture of the picture." Evelyn said and showed Optimus the image on her phone. The Autobot leader knelt down and leaned forward. He had to squint his optics a bit to get a better look.
"Here, I can load it onto the screens." Raf said. Evelyn placed her phone in his hand and Raf set to work.
He linked the screens up to the phone and brought the picture up for everyone to see.
"There, zoom in that area." Optimus said and pointed a digit to the image. Ratchet zoomed in and everyone saw the magnified image of the Egyptian man wearing his white and bright blue robes brandishing the black and blue hammer proudly.
"Zoom in closer." Optimus said. As Ratchet zoomed in even more, it was then they could make out the tiny, almost invisible Cybertronian symbol. Beside it was a logo that vaguely resembled the Autobot and Decepticon's logo.
"By the AllSpark...." Ratchet breathed out in shock.
"That's the symbol Solus Prime used herself." Arcee said.
"Solus who?" Raf asked as Jack, Miko and Evelyn also looked at them faces etched in question.
"Solus Prime is one of the Thirteen Primes created by Primus. Unlike the others, she was a femme and the only one who was a Prime no less. Solus Prime was the maker of ancient Cybertronian weapons and relics. The arsenals of weaponry used by the original Thirteen Primes are her most impressive handiwork.
"Among all the relics and weapons she's forged, there was a rumor that said among them was a hammer that could apparently, transmute one matter into another-The Alterare." Optimus explained.
Miko whistled. "Talk about girl power." She said.
"Wait, why haven't we heard about it till now? Shouldn't a relic as powerful as this been recorded?" Jack pointed out.
"That's because the records for it were vague and made-up most of the time. The only solid proof of its existence was how Solus Prime once used it to turn a barrier of the strongest steel into glass....or so the records say." Ratchet explained.
"Scroll down, I see a message down there." Optimus said and scrolling down, the Morse code message came into view.
.... . .- -.. - --- - .... . .-.. .- -. -.. --- ..-. - .... . .-. .. ... .. -. --. ... ..- -. - --- ..-. .. -. -.. - .... . .... .- -- -- . .-. .-.. . ..-. - -... -.-- --. --- -.. ·----· ... ... --- -. - .... . -. -.-- --- ..- .-. --.- ..- . ... - ... .... .- .-.. .-.. -... . -.. --- -. .
"Head to the land of the rising sun, to find the hammer left by god's son and your quest shall be done." Evelyn recited. "Smokes translated it earlier already, I just memorized it."
Optimus nodded. "Excellent job Smokescreen and Eve."
"So....this....Alterare? Does it really exist?" Raf asked.
"I think that symbol pretty much sends out the message. No way could some random human could've just doodled it out." Bulkhead said.
"Question is, where is it?" Arcee said.
:The land of the rising sun?: Bumblebee said.
Jack looked over to the others to ask for their options and saw a rare focused, thoughtful look on Miko's face. Evelyn had the same thoughtful expression. Both girls had one arm crossed and a hand under their chins as they thought about it making them look like twins again.
Then their eyes widened as the pieces clicked and they looked at each other.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" they both asked.
"We know where it is!"Evelyn said.
"You do?" Jack, Raf, Arcee and Ratchet asked in shock.
"It's in Japan, I'm sure of it." Miko said confidently.
:Japan? What makes you say that?: Bumblebee asked
"Um....pardon?" Evelyn asked, she felt a bit rude saying that but she honestly couldn't make heads or tails out of what the Autobot scout just said.
"Bee asked why you guys think its Japan." Raf said.
"Because Japan is also known as 'The Land of the Rising Sun' because the country is close to where the sun rises. The name stuck so the world referred to Japan as Nippon." Evelyn explained.
"And Nippon translates to land of the rising sun. Plus, back in the past, like a really really really long time ago when people were wearing robes and farming and samurai and stuff, Japan was well known in many fields, medicine, culture, technology and........drum roll, blacksmith!" Miko added.
"You see, back then Japanese were well known for their weapons like the katana. It was lighter compared to other swords, making it easier to use and the materials used to make them could crack a broadsword! They were made of different blade thickness, different profiles and varying amounts of grind."
Everyone in Team Prime, excluding Optimus, was looking at Miko as though she just grew a second head.
"What? This is basic knowledge of my country. I'm not that stupid you know." Miko huffed and crossed her arms.
"The point is," Evelyn said getting them back on track before an argument broke. "We think the Alterare is in Japan."
"Um, I hate to be a wet blanket and all but where in Japan exactly?" Jack asked. He hasn't been there before but from what he's heard on the Internet and from basic Geography textbooks, it was a pretty big place.
The base when quiet at that.
"Perhaps there is a clue hidden within the picture." Optimus said. "Jack, Rafael, Miko and Eve, could you help us search?"
"Us?" Raf asked pointing at himself.
Optimus nodded. "An extra set of eyes would be an immense help. Considering the size of the image, you four may have a better chance of finding a clue."
"We would be honored to help." Evelyn said.
Raf brought the picture up onto his laptop screen and Jack, Miko and Evelyn huddled around to help.
"In the meantime, Autobots prepare to roll out. Ratchet, send us back to Smokescreen's location in Egypt." Optimus said.
"Why would you want to go back there?" Ratchet asked as he typed on the counsel.
"There might be clues there." Optimus said.
"What about me?" Smokescreen asked.
"You are to remain at base and rest." Optimus said.
"No offence, hot shot but you're tired and hurt." Arcee said. "You'll just hurt yourself."
"Please, Smokes listen to them. They're right and after everything you deserve a break." Evelyn said.
"....fine." Smokescreen said. "But be careful, Knockout and Breakdown might still be hanging around."
"Bad news for them then." Bulkhead said and cracked his knuckles.
"Activating groundbridge." Ratchet said and pulled the lever.
"Autobots, roll out!" Optimus commanded and they transformed into their alt-modes before driving off into the groundbridge, leaving Jack, Miko, Raf, Evelyn, Smokescreen and Ratchet.
"This is like those hidden object finding books Ed and I would do till it drives us mad." Evelyn said as she continued to scan the image with the others. It's been a solid thirty minutes since they've been searching the image.
"Yeah." Jack mumbled and rubbed his eyes which were starting to get sore from staring at the screen for so long.
Miko groaned. "Things were unnecessarily complicated even in ancient times!" she said exasperated.
"On the bright side, it means the cons might not have any luck either." Raf said.
"Can I help?" Smokescreen asked propping himself up.
"Smokes, you should be resting." Evelyn scolded.
"So should the rest of you. C'mon guys, it won't kill ya to take a break. Your eyes look like they're goanna pop soon." Smokescreen said.
"I'll run the image through some scans. Now get some rest, I'm not goanna help inspect human eyeballs anytime soon." Ratchet grumbled.
Already used to his gruffness, the four humans knew Ratchet was actually saying 'I'll help so you all can rest.'
Raf rubbed his eyes behind his glasses and sighed. He closed his laptop shut. "He's right. I could use a break." Raf said.
Jack nodded and stifled a yawn. "And a nap." He said before making his way to the couch. Having to stay up late last night to finish his homework and his shift at KO Burgers was taking its toll. "Thanks, Ratchet." Jack said before lying down and getting some shut eye.
Miko got up and went to play her guitar in the corner.
Evelyn on the other hand, climbed up the medical cot and walked over to sit beside Smokescreen.
"You feeling alright, mate? You look pretty knackered." she asked. Smokescreen's upper body was propped up a bit making it easier to talk to him.
"I'm fine. I'm tougher than I look, you know." Smokescreen said in his usual cocky tone. "Its goanna take more than two lugnuts to beat me."
"Yeah, hey, thanks for protecting me back there. I owe you one." Evelyn said.
"Don't mention it. Are you okay?" Smokescreen asked.
"I'm fine." Evelyn said. Then she remembered something. "Um, Smokes, I....I wanted to say sorry."
"For what?" Smokescreen asked.
"For vomiting on your floor mats." Evelyn said sheepishly and fidgeted with her belt.
Smokescreen waved her off. "It's cool. Also check it out." He pointed to his mouth where there was a thin, short jagged line on his lip. "Finally got my first battle scar!" he said with an enthusiastic grin. "Got another here too." he said and turned his helm sideways so Evelyn could see the crescent line scar on the side of his helm. It wasn't that obvious and Evelyn had to squint a bit to see it.
Evelyn grinned and whipped her phone out to take a picture. "Wicked." She said. Then she walked forward and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for protecting, my knight in shining armor." She said dramatically and pretended to do a curtsy.
Smokescreen turned around to hide his red faceplate. "You're welcome, your majesty." He joked back.
The two of them grinned and laughed.
"I'm goanna go check out the picture again. Get some sleep or um....recharge as you call it. We'll chat later. Ciao." Evelyn said before climbing off the medical cot.
Smokescreen smiled and gently touched his cheek where Evelyn's lips had kissed. 'Her lips are really soft.' He thought. 'Wait, what?! Did I just think that?!' he asked himself. Again, he felt his spark race as he thought about it.
Smokescreen shook his helm. 'It-it's nothing. She's just thanking you. Yeah, that's it. I'm just not used to this.' He told himself before closing his optics and going to sleep.
Meanwhile back in Egypt......
"Looks like we missed the party." Bulkhead said as he surveyed the ancient Egyptian houses. Some were crumbling but even he could see the bullet holes and burnt marks left from energon blasts.
"Found the picture." Arcee called from where she was at.
The Autobots observed the picture.
:It looks real. What do you think, Optimus?: Bumblebee asked.
"There's no doubt. I believe that this is genuine and that the Alterare does in fact exist." Optimus said. He gazed at the picture intently, looking for a clue.
"You think the cons know about this?" Arcee asked.
"There may be a chance they do." Optimus said not taking his optics off the picture. He gently pressed a servo against the picture. Then he noticed something. Optimus gently wiped some sand and dust away to reveal a painting.
It was different from the other images. Unlike the others that were 2 dimensional and etched into stone with simple lines and curves, this one was painted on and made finely with strokes of a brush. The strokes were of varying shades, creating a texture of sorts giving a sense of liveliness to the painting.
"It looks like a mountain." Bulkhead said.
"Mount Fuji." Optimus said. "I once heard Miko telling me about it. If I remember correctly, it is the highest volcano in Japan."
"So the relic is at Mount Fuji?" Arcee asked.
:I don't think so.: Bumblebee said.
"Why?" Arcee asked.
"I believe he means that the relic isn't merely at Mount Fuji but rather, it is inside it." Optimus said.
Meanwhile back at the Autobot base......
"Nani?!" Miko said in surprise. "Wait, you're telling me this relic is inside Mount Fuji?"
"That is correct." Optimus said. They had just returned to base and wasted no time in telling them about their discovery.
"What makes you think it's inside it?" Ratchet asked.
"In all honesty, old friend, I cannot say I have any solid proof to back this up as it's a hunch more than anything." Optimus admitted.
"But he does have a point. I mean, Mount Fuji was a volcano filled with lava and stuff and blacksmiths needed that for their crafts. So it has to have some kind of connection, right?" Evelyn suggested.
"Plus, no one would suspect it to even be there! If you were Solus Prime I doubt you'd just put it there in plain sight." Smokescreen said. "And if it was an active volcano at one point then the lava probably would've protected it from others who tried to get their hands on it while not causing any to damage to the relic itself. A win-win."
"For once, I'm with the kid on this one." Arcee said.
"He has a point. Didn't some weapon makers back on Cybertron use a similar way?" Bulkhead added.
"Even so, we should head to Mount Fuji immediately to investigate. The Decepticons might know about it and it is best if we get to it before they do." Optimus said.
"Can I come with?" Miko asked.
Bulkhead sighed. "Miko, we've talked about this." He said.
"No, you don't get it. I can help! I grew up in Japan, I know it like the back of my hand." Miko said.
"I think she should go." Evelyn said. "Japan's a big place, trust me, you're going to need a guide and a translator."
"Please." Miko pleaded and clasped her hands together.
Everyone glanced at their leader for the decision. "Very well, however you will have to return the moment we find the relic, is that clear?" Optimus said.
"Yes sir!" Miko said with a salute.
"But Miko, Japan is freezing! You're not even equipped for a hike!" Raf pointed out.
"You don't even have a jacket for extra warmth." Evelyn added.
"Actually we do." Jack said. He walked up to the rec-center and revealed the small cabinets built into the wall.
"Wasn't aware of those." Evelyn said slightly surprised about the interior reveal.
"When Agent Fowler and my mom found out about us being involved in all this, they stocked this place with all kinds of supplies in case of emergencies." Jack explained as he opened different drawers.
"Bingo." He said as he opened one to reveal anoraks and other winter wear. He pulled out a purple winter anorak and a pair of black snow pants. "It should be your size."
Miko took the winter wear and wore it over her clothes. "More than enough to keep me nice and toasty." She said.
"I don't know, Miko. Maybe this isn't such a good idea..." Bulkhead said already dreading the mission ahead.
"Don't worry, I've got four giant robot warriors to protect me, I'm more than prepared for this." Miko said.
"Miko, if you do not come back, I swear to god that I'll burn your guitar." Evelyn said. Then she hugged her. "Be careful and try not to die, you crazy chic."
Miko hugged her back. "Don't worry, cuz. Bulk's got my back." She reassured.
"I sure do." Bulkhead said before offering her his servo. Miko climbed onto it and Bulkhead transformed.
"Activating groundbridge." Ratchet said and pulled the lever down.
"Autobots, roll out!" Optimus commanded.
Evelyn watched as they once again sped through the familiar green and blue vortex.
Except this time her cousin was with them and she wasn't.
'Welp, Mount Fuji is a pretty nice place to go sightseeing.' She told herself in an attempt to calm herself down.
She didn't feel that calmed down.
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