//Kapitel Zwei//

A/N: New cover by arctic_beatles.


"Richie! This is Paul, my boyfriend. Paul, this s my son Ritchie." The man had doe brown eyes, short black hair, and cherub cheeks. "Won't you be late for the race dear?" His mother asked with concern.

"George jus' told me that Eppy was sick, so it was cancelled today. Nice to meet you Paul." Richard walked up to him and extended a hand for him to shake. He took it and shook firmly.

"As I to you, Ritchie. Let me guess, Alice in Wonderland?" A warm smile out shined his features and Richard blushed, remembering his outfit.

"Y-yeah, me and my boyfriend attend the drag races at the LGBT+ center. They raise money for disowned minors' housing." Richard fiddled with his fingers in front of his stomach. Paul took a moment to look him over. Ritchie had droopy blue eyes that were like sapphires, light brown hair that looked like it was often quiffed like those teddy boys, and a large nose over a coy smile. He was wearing what the animated version of Alice would wear, white stockings and mary jane shoes as well. Ritchie looked utterly adorable. But he snapped away from his thoughts when he saw a hand wave in front of his face. "Helloooo... Earth to Paul?"

"Oh sorry, I just liked your dress Ritchie."

"Thank you." He said shyly, blue eyes downcast but a smile on his lips.

"Hey Paul?" Elsie asked.

"Yes love?"

"Since the race has been cancelled, how about you guys go out for lunch? Some bonding time for my boys." Paul put on a thoughtful expression.

"Sure! Fish 'n chips on me Ritchie." He beamed.

"Oh no, I wouldn't expect you to pay. I'll get my purse"

"Nonsense, I insist. First impressions are everything. My treat. Would you care to join us dear?" Paul asked Elsie.

"You guys go without me. Like I said, some grown-up girl bonding time." She insisted.

"Mum." Ritchie rolled his eyes. Elsie pretended not to notice.

"Are you going in drag dear?"

"No, I don't want it to get dirty. I'll go change and we can go." Ritchie went to his room to change into more casual clothes. Something inside Paul deflated at the loss of the young teen in the dress that fit him perfectly. But he did his best to shove those thoughts away to the dark corner in the attic of his mind.

"Who's this George bloke?"

"Oh, that's Ritchie's boyfriend. He's a good lad. They met at the drag race and the rest is history."

"How old is Richard anyway?" He asked.

"17. He's quite mature for his age y'know." Elsie stated fondly.

"Oh I'll bet." Paul said more to himself than Elsie. After a couple of minuets, Ritchie came back wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt tucked into them, clean high-tops on his feet.

"It's a bit cold out dear, take a coat or something." His mother told him, quickly pecking Paul on the cheek before going to the coat rack. She came back with a leather jacket and handed it to her son. He slipped it on, it was adorned with several pride flag patches, bringing more color to his outfit.

"Thanks mum." He said, shoving his hands in the pockets. "You ready to go Paul?" Paul patted his trouser pockets, making sure he had his wallet and keys with him.

"All good, bye love." He gave elsie a quick goodbye kiss and Richard let the way to the door. Paul noticed the seal-like design on the back of the teen's jacket "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band?" he read aloud, making Ritchie turn around.

"That's the name of our charity group. Were not really an instrumental band, it's more of a metaphor. George, my friend Mo, and I made the design, we sell them on jackets for charity." Paul smiled at Ritchie's enthusiasm. His passion made his eyes light up, an he just radiated joy in general. Richard was surprised at how fast he was warming up to Paul. He wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about this brown-eyed man that made his young heart flutter. They reached Paul's car and got in. He pulled his keys out of his pocket, they slipped out and landed in the footwell.

"Crap." They ended up underneath the seat where he couldn't see them.

"Here, let me." Richard offered. He leaned over the stick shift and felt around underneath Paul's seat. Head facing towards Paul, his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and his cheek was touching Paul's knee. He hoped that Ritchie couldn't hear his heart pounding against his chest. Richard's face was dangerously close to Paul's crotch and he felt his face heat up as he bit his lip.

"F-found 'em yet Ritchie?" Paul mentally cursed at his so obviously flustered stutter.

"Uhm... not yet-No wait. I found the bugger." He sat up and tossed the keys on Paul's lap. He breathed in deeply, quickly composing himself, and started the car.

The drive there was mostly silent, Paul being the only one who found the silence awkward, Richard was on his phone texting. Occasionally, Paul could hear stifled giggling from the passenger seat.

"What's got ye so giggly Ritchie?" Paul asked, trying to make small talk.

"Oh it's just George." He continued to giggle. His cheeks were pink and his lips were pulled up into a giddy smile. Somewhere in the dark attic of Paul's mind, a twisted sense of jealousy threatened itself to come from the shadows.

"Control yourself Macca. Richard could be your step-son in a year or so."

He mentally told himself and relaxed the grip he wasn't aware of on the steering wheel.

"Hey Paul?" Richard asked, his voice suddenly small.

"Something on your mind?"

"Are you going to marry me mum?" His eyes were wide with curiosity. Paul's heart melted when he saw the almost concerned look on his face.

"I plan to, yes. But a couple more years at the most love. I'm not one to rush things."

"Yeah right McCartney." Paul's subconscious sassed.

"Ah, here we are." Paul said, wanting to avoid this conversation by pointing out their arrival at the fish 'n chips place.


-Onision, our Lord and Savior

Also, whuddup with Paulie? Do I see some dark flashbacks in our future? Oh hell yes, prepare yourselves.

-Maggs xoxo

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