Helping Mewtwo

" Mia, I think you and everyone else should get some rest and prepare for what's coming!" Misty said. " It looks like we may have to call on you for help again in the future!"

I didn't budge

I didn't even hear her.

Because I was deep in thought.

Mewtwo.... I thought. I know you can hear me. I just want to tell you... We did not want to beat you. But we had to. It was because you were on the rampage. Please, calm down. I promise, we can be friends.

I turned to Pikachu. " Think it heard?"

" Chuuu!" She replied.

I sighed.." I hope so."

" Earth to Miaaaa? Come on Miaaaa!"

I snapped out of my daze and turned my attention to Misty, who was waving her hand in front of me. " Are you okay?"

I nodded. " Yeah. Sorry. I ju-"

How do I know you're telling the truth?

My eyes widened.

" Wow....." I muttered.

I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut.


There was a silence, and I didn't think he heard me.


So you can hear me? I thought.

Do you think I would answer if I couldn't?

I let out a nervous chuckle. Sorry.

What is it you were trying to tell me, young girl? About trust?

I smiled. Not everyone is bad like your current train-

Don't call him a trainer! Mewtwo said fiercely. He's a criminal.

I smirked. How about we talk in person. What time are you available?

There was a pause before Mewtwo spoke again.


Twelve?! I don't thi-

Twelve or no time.

I sighed. Oh, fine.

Good. See you then.

I sighed and shared a look with Pikachu. " Teenagers." I said, shaking my head.

Blue cleared his throat. " Mia?"

I froze and turned to my brother, Blue and Leaf looking at me.

" Sorry sorry sorry!" I exclaimed. " I... I didn't mean-"

" Pika pi!"

I looked at my watch.


I needed to get to the forest in less than a minute.

" Uh... I'm coming!" I yelled, running out the door. " Don't follow! It's a surprise for all of you!"

Everyone shared a look and shrugged.

I panted heavily as I finally stepped into a secluded clearing on the forest. " Twelve.... O.... One...." I panted. " Good timing."

" You're finally here."

The voice was calm, yet it carried an immense power that sent shivers down my spine. I looked up, wiping the sweat from my forehead, and there he was—Mewtwo. His piercing, glowing eyes locked onto mine, and for a moment, I felt completely exposed, like he could see through every thought in my head.

"You're finally here," he repeated, arms crossed and his tail swishing faintly behind him.

I straightened up, trying to compose myself despite being out of breath. "Yeah," I replied. "You said twelve. I’m here at twelve."

"One minute late," Mewtwo said, raising an eyebrow. "Your sense of time is as fleeting as your sense of fear, it seems."

I smirked, leaning against a tree. "Cut me some slack, okay? I had to run past Misty, Blue, and Leaf without them following me. That’s no easy feat."

Mewtwo’s eyes narrowed slightly. "You told them nothing?"

"Nothing," I assured him. "This is between you and me. I didn’t want anyone interfering."

He regarded me silently for a moment, then nodded. "Good."

There was a heavy pause as we both stood there, the sounds of the forest filling the space between us. Pikachu climbed up onto my shoulder, her cheeks sparking faintly as if ready for anything.

"So..." I began, taking a cautious step forward. "About what I said earlier—about trust. I meant it. Not everyone is like... him." I said the word carefully, knowing full well it would spark a reaction.

Mewtwo’s expression darkened. "Do not speak of him in my presence," he said coldly. "He is a reminder of humanity's cruelty and greed."

I held my hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. No need to fry me with Psychic. But you have to understand—not all humans are like that. Some of us... well, we just want to make things right. To help."

"Help?" Mewtwo scoffed, turning his back to me. "You think battling me—hurting me—was help? You’re no different from him."

His words stung, but I stood my ground. "You were out of control, Mewtwo," I said firmly. "If we didn’t stop you, more Pokémon and people would’ve been hurt. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want to help you now."

He turned back to me, his eyes narrowing as if searching for any hint of deception. "Help me? And how do you propose to do that?"

I hesitated, then took a deep breath. "By being your friend."

Mewtwo blinked, clearly not expecting that answer. "Friend?" he echoed, his voice laced with disbelief.

"Yeah," I said, stepping closer. "Friends don’t use each other. They don’t treat each other like tools. They’re there for each other, no matter what. And I’m willing to be that for you."

For a long moment, Mewtwo said nothing. His gaze softened slightly, but the skepticism was still there. "You are... an enigma," he finally said. "I don’t understand you."

I shrugged, smiling faintly. "You don’t have to. You just have to trust me."

Mewtwo looked down, his expression unreadable. When he finally spoke, his voice was quieter. "Trust is not something I give freely."

"I know," I said. "But it’s a start."

Pikachu let out a soft "Pika!" in agreement, and Mewtwo’s gaze shifted to her. He studied her for a moment before nodding slowly. "Very well. I will... consider your offer."

"That’s all I ask," I said with a grin. "Oh, and by the way, you owe me one for this meeting. I almost got grounded running out here."

Mewtwo tilted his head, confused. "Grounded?"

"Don’t worry about it," I said, waving him off. "Teenagers, right?"

Mewtwo actually smirked at that, a small, almost imperceptible curve of his lips. "Perhaps you are not as foolish as I thought."

I laughed, relieved. "I’ll take that as a compliment."

As I turned to leave, I looked back over my shoulder. "See you around, Mewtwo."

"Goodbye... Mia," he said, his voice softer now.

Pikachu and I made our way back to the group, my heart feeling lighter than it had in days. Maybe, just maybe, we were finally on the path to something better.

I cheerfully are my sugar coated donut as the teenagers walked in. Red looked at what I was eating and gave me a look.

" Whaaaaat?" I asked, my mouth half full. " Cut me some slack."

Red crossed his arms.

" I had a grape, okay?"

Red still stared at me.

I sighed. " Oh fine. I'll have some more later."

His gaze softened, and he reached out the ruffle my hair. I giggled.

Come quickly.

I froze. That voice.....

Come quickly. It repeated.

I abruptly stood up. " Sorry, Red. I have to go. I just remembered I have to meet with someone. It's a surprise!" I called back as I exited the Pokemon Center.

Everyone shrugged at one another.

I panted heavily, leaning on the tree. " I came faster today...." I said. " What happened?"

" The man is forcing Pokemon to Gignantimax."

I gasped as Mewtwo stepped from the clearing. " You're late."

I blinked, still catching my breath. "Late? I ran all the way here without stopping! You could've given me a bit more warning, you know."

Mewtwo raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Excuses do not change the fact that you are late. Again."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, fine. I’m late. But what’s this about someone forcing Pokémon to Gigantamax? How is that even possible?"

Mewtwo’s eyes glowed faintly, his expression serious. "Humans have developed a device—one that manipulates the Dynamax energy within Pokémon. It forcibly triggers their transformation, regardless of their will."

My stomach twisted at his words. "That’s... horrible. No Pokémon should have to go through that. It sounds painful."

"It is," Mewtwo said grimly. "And the energy imbalance it creates puts both Pokémon and their environment at risk. If this continues, the damage will be irreversible."

I clenched my fists. "We can’t let this happen. Do you know where they’re doing this?"

Mewtwo nodded. "There is a facility hidden deep within the forest. I can sense the suffering of the Pokémon trapped there. I called you because I cannot do this alone."

I tilted my head, surprised. "Wait—you’re asking for my help? Aren’t you, like, the strongest Pokémon alive?"

Mewtwo’s eyes narrowed slightly. "Strength alone is not always the answer. These humans have technology designed to counter my power. I need someone they will not expect. Someone like you."

I swallowed hard, the weight of his words sinking in. "Okay," I said, my voice steady. "I’ll do it. But I’ll need a plan. And... maybe some backup."

Mewtwo tilted his head. "Backup?"

I grinned. "Yeah. You didn’t think I’d take on a whole facility by myself, did you? Let me grab Red and the others. We’ll take them down together."

Mewtwo hesitated, clearly reluctant. "Humans... cannot be trusted."

"Not all humans," I said firmly. "Red, Blue, and the others—they’re my family. They’ll help us."

Mewtwo studied me for a moment, then sighed. "Very well. But I will hold you responsible for their actions."

"Fair enough," I said, already turning back toward the Pokémon Center. "Give me ten minutes, and we’ll be ready to go."

As I ran back, Pikachu bounding beside me, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and dread. This was going to be dangerous, no doubt about it. But if it meant saving those Pokémon and proving to Mewtwo that trust and teamwork could make a difference, I was all in.

When we met back in the clearing, Mewtwo's expression was as stony as ever, his piercing gaze making even the wind feel heavy. I nervously rubbed the back of my neck as I approached, Red and the others trailing behind me.

Mewtwo crossed his arms and glared. "You brought them."

"Hey, don’t look at me like that!" I said, throwing my hands up. "I told you I’d need backup. You’re the one who said this facility is dangerous. And besides," I added with a grin, "I’m here, aren’t I? That should count for something!"

Mewtwo let out a deep sigh, his psychic aura flickering faintly. "You are insufferable, girl. But your presence does seem to... temper my irritation."

"See? That’s why you keep calling me back," I teased. "You like me."

"I tolerate you," Mewtwo corrected, though there was a faint twitch at the corner of his mouth—almost a smile. Almost.

Blue stepped forward, clearly unimpressed by the exchange. "Okay, so what’s the plan, big guy? You’re the one with all the intel, right?"

Mewtwo’s eyes flicked to Blue, narrowing slightly. "You humans are far too confident. Very well. The facility is heavily guarded by technology and trainers alike. The man running it is relentless and will not hesitate to harm anyone who gets in his way."

"Sounds like a party," Leaf said, her hand resting on her Pokéballs. "Do we crash it or sneak in?"

"Both," Mewtwo replied. "The direct approach will draw attention, but we need stealth to reach the core where the device is located. That is where you come in, Mia."

"Me?!" I asked, pointing to myself.

"Yes, you," Mewtwo said, his tone firm. "Your small size and resourcefulness make you ideal for infiltrating the facility while the others create a distraction."

I exchanged a look with Red, who nodded his silent encouragement. "Okay," I said, swallowing hard. "I’ll do it. But only if you promise to trust my team."

Mewtwo regarded me for a long moment before finally nodding. "Very well. But if they jeopardize the mission—"

"They won’t," I interrupted. "I promise."

"Then we move," Mewtwo said, turning toward the forest. "Prepare yourselves. This will not be easy."

As we followed him into the shadows, I couldn’t help but feel a spark of hope. For all his grumpiness, Mewtwo was starting to trust us—or at least, starting to trust me. And if I could prove that humans and Pokémon could work together, maybe we’d have a chance to save those trapped inside.

As the facility crumbled around us, alarms blaring and smoke filling the air, I raced through the narrow corridors, my heart pounding. Mewtwo's voice echoed in my mind, urging me to hurry, but I couldn't leave—not yet.

Most of the Pokemon had been released- but I just wanted to check something.

I rounded a corner and froze when I saw it. A small, trembling Charmander huddled in the corner of a glass enclosure, its flame tail flickering weakly. Its wide, scared eyes locked onto mine, and my heart broke.

"Oh, you poor thing," I whispered, kneeling by the glass. The Charmander flinched, pressing itself further into the corner.

"It's okay," I said softly, pressing my hand to the glass. "I'm here to help. I promise I won't hurt you."

Behind me, the building groaned, and debris rained down. I winced but stayed focused. Charmander needed me more than I needed to run.

With a quick glance, I noticed the lock mechanism. It was high-tech but nothing a little creative thinking couldn't solve. I grabbed Pikachu's Pokéball.

"Pikachu, Thunder Shock, light but precise," I instructed as I released her. She sparked eagerly, targeting the panel. A surge of electricity zapped the lock, and the glass slid open with a hiss.

The Charmander whimpered, its tail flickering dangerously low. "It's okay," I repeated, reaching out slowly. "Come on, buddy. We have to get out of here."

It hesitated for a moment before taking a shaky step forward. Then another. Finally, it leaped into my arms, its tiny claws gripping my shirt as it buried its face against me.

I stood, clutching the little Pokémon tightly. "You're safe now," I whispered, feeling its warmth against me.

"Mia!" Mewtwo's voice rang sharply in my head. "The structure will collapse in moments!"

"I'm coming!" I shouted back, bolting down the corridor with Charmander in my arms and Pikachu on my heels.

The exit was just ahead, the bright sunlight almost blinding after the smoky darkness. I burst through the doors just as the facility gave one last, deafening groan and collapsed behind us in a cloud of dust and rubble.

Everyone turned to look at me, their expressions a mix of relief and disbelief. Red stepped forward, his arms outstretched. "Mia! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said breathlessly, holding up Charmander. "But look who I found."

Charmander peeked out from my arms, its flame tail now burning a little brighter. Red's usually stoic expression softened, and even Mewtwo paused to regard the tiny Pokémon with something like approval.

"You risked much for one Pokémon," Mewtwo said, his tone unreadable.

I smiled, stroking Charmander's head. "One Pokémon is worth it. Every single one of them is."

For a moment, I thought I saw the faintest flicker of a smile on Mewtwo's face. "You are... persistent, human. Perhaps there is hope for your kind after all."

Charmander nuzzled into my chest, and I laughed softly. "Thanks, buddy. You're safe now. Let's get you somewhere warm."

As I handed the trembling Charmander to Red, Pikachu suddenly tugged at my sleeve, sparking nervously and pointing back at the ruins of the facility.

I froze, my eyes widening. "Wait... you mean to tell me there's more Pokémon in there? A baby Eevee, a Vulpix, and an Alolan Raichu?!"

Pikachu nodded frantically, its tiny cheeks crackling.

"Oh no, no, no—I'm not leaving them!" I shouted, spinning on my heel.

"Mia, wait!" Red called, reaching out, but I was already running, my heart pounding as I bolted back into the collapsing structure.

"Mia, are you insane?!" Misty's voice echoed behind me, but I didn't stop.

The smoke stung my eyes, and the heat was almost unbearable as I navigated through the crumbling hallways. My breath came in short gasps, but I couldn’t let those Pokémon be trapped. Not if I could help it.

"Pikachu, lead me to them!" I called, and she darted ahead, sparks flying as she lit the way.

We reached a damaged lab room, where the three Pokémon were trapped inside small, reinforced glass cages. The baby Eevee was whimpering, its tiny body trembling with fear. The Vulpix was pawing desperately at the glass, its tails limp. The Alolan Raichu was circling nervously, its psychic energy sparking sporadically.

"It's okay, I'm here!" I yelled, running to the cages. I frantically searched for a way to open them but saw no visible mechanism. My heart sank.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt the locks! Now!" I shouted.

Pikachu nodded, unleashing a surge of electricity at the control panel. Sparks flew as the locks disengaged, and the glass doors hissed open.

The baby Eevee leapt into my arms, its tiny cries breaking my heart. The Vulpix nuzzled my leg, its body trembling. The Alolan Raichu floated unsteadily on its psychic energy, nudging me toward the exit.

"You're all safe now," I whispered, clutching the Eevee tightly. "But we've got to get out of here!"

The ceiling groaned ominously, and chunks of debris started falling around us. I grabbed Vulpix in one arm while Alolan Raichu hovered protectively beside us.

"Mewtwo!" I called out in my mind. "I could use some help here!"

"On my way," his voice echoed back.

Just as the ceiling gave way above us, a surge of psychic energy enveloped us, and we were lifted off the ground. Mewtwo appeared in the doorway, his eyes glowing as he shielded us from the debris.

"You truly are reckless," he said, exasperated, as he floated us out of the collapsing structure.

"Reckless but successful," I said with a grin, holding up the three rescued Pokémon.

Outside, everyone stared as Mewtwo gently set us down. The Eevee, Vulpix, and Alolan Raichu clung to me, their fear slowly fading.

Red crossed his arms, giving me his usual stern look. "You could've been crushed."

I smiled sheepishly. "But I wasn’t."

Misty shook her head. "You’re impossible."

Mewtwo sighed. "You humans never cease to amaze... or frustrate."

I beamed, looking down at the three Pokémon I’d saved. "Hey, someone's gotta look out for the little ones."

As I cradled the rescued Eevee, Vulpix, and Alolan Raichu, I turned back toward the ruins, a sense of relief washing over me. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flicker of movement. My heart skipped a beat.

Something was still in there.

I squinted, focusing through the swirling smoke and debris, and then I saw it—zigzag fur darting between the shadows. My breath caught. "A Growlithe...?" I whispered. But no, it wasn’t just one. As the smoke shifted, I realized there were more. Based on their small sizes, it was an entire colony of Growlithe pups, huddled together in fear.

My stomach sank. "Oh no, no, no... they’re still in there!"

Red reached out. "Mia, don't—"

But I was already running.

"Mia! Are you crazy?!" Misty screamed after me.

"Stay back!" I shouted without looking back. "I’ll get them out!"

The smoke burned my lungs as I sprinted inside, weaving through crumbling hallways and dodging falling debris. The cries of the Growlithe pups grew louder, guiding me deeper into the ruins.

"There you are," I breathed when I found them, all huddled together in a corner. They were trembling, their large eyes filled with fear.

"It’s okay," I soothed, crouching down. "I’m here to help."

One pup hesitantly stepped forward, sniffing my hand, and the others slowly followed. My heart broke seeing how terrified they were.

"All right, little ones, let’s get you out of here," I said softly.

I scooped up as many as I could carry, while the rest trailed behind me. But as I turned to leave, a loud CRACK echoed above me. The ceiling groaned and began to collapse.

"Not now!" I yelled, bracing myself to shield the pups.

But then, just as the debris came crashing down, a powerful wave of psychic energy surrounded us. I gasped as we were lifted off the ground, and when I looked up, I saw Mewtwo hovering above us, his eyes glowing with intensity.

"You’re insufferable," he muttered, though his tone held a hint of exasperated admiration.

"Thank you," I said breathlessly as he guided us safely out of the ruins.

Once we were outside, I collapsed onto the ground, clutching the rescued Growlithe pups as the rest of the group rushed over.

"Mia, you’re insane!" Misty scolded, but her worried expression betrayed her relief.

"Are you okay?" Red asked, kneeling beside me.

I nodded, panting heavily. "All the Pokémon... they’re safe."

The pups nuzzled against me, their soft whimpers turning into contented yips.

"How do you always manage to pull off these stunts?" Leaf asked, shaking her head.

I grinned weakly. "I guess... I just don’t know how to quit."

Mewtwo hovered nearby, watching silently. Finally, he spoke, his voice echoing in my mind.

"You’re reckless, human... but your heart is in the right place."

I smiled, glancing up at him. "Thanks for saving me. Again."

Mewtwo gave a small nod before disappearing into the forest.

As I looked around at the rescued Pokémon and my worried friends, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride. We’d done it. Everyone was safe, and that was all that mattered.

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