Another Day IDEK
Professor Oak's brow furrowed as he tried to piece together what was going on. "Alright, Mia, I need you to stay calm for a moment. Let me think. You said they haven't returned—did they leave any clue as to where they were going?"
"NO! NOTHING!" I screamed, shaking Gary's arm furiously. "I tried calling them a million times, but neither of them is picking up! They're just GONE!"
Gary let out an exasperated sigh. "Mia, please... We need to think clearly. Yelling won't help. Professor, we need a plan."
Professor Oak nodded thoughtfully. "Okay. Let's go over this logically. If they went out for training, then they're likely still somewhere nearby. Maybe they got caught up in something, or maybe they're just waiting for help."
Gary facepalmed. "Mia, for the last time—calm down! No one's been kidnapped. I'm sure they're fine."
I ignored him, already heading toward Oak's freezer. "Well, I'll just raid your freezer then and eat my feelings," I muttered, opening it to reveal a treasure trove of ice cream. I grabbed the biggest tub and began scooping large portions into a bowl, grumbling all the while.
Gary crossed his arms and shook his head. "You're impossible."
Professor Oak, meanwhile, was scanning a set of reports that had come in earlier that day. "Hmm, these reports... They're interesting."
"What do you mean?" Gary asked, walking over to Oak's desk.
"Nothing major, but there's been some unusual activity reported in the area," Oak said slowly, scanning through the pages. "I wouldn't jump to conclusions, but there's been an uptick in strange reports coming from the outskirts of town. Wild Pokémon sightings, odd weather patterns..."
"Wait," Gary said, eyes narrowing. "You think they might have gotten caught up in something like that?"
"Possibly," Oak replied, pushing his glasses up his nose. "But we'll need to investigate further. Let's go check the last location they were seen at."
I sat at the table, spooning a large mouthful of ice cream into my mouth as I pondered the situation. The cold sweetness was helping to calm my nerves a little, but the thought of Red and Blue being in trouble still gnawed at me. "What if they're really in danger?" I mumbled.
"You're really taking this overboard," Gary sighed, sitting down next to me. "But... I guess it's good that you're so invested in them. I'll go with Professor Oak and check things out. You stay here, alright?"
"Stay here?!" I exclaimed, my mouth full of ice cream. "But I have to be with you! What if something happens to you, too?!"
Gary grinned at me, clearly amused by my antics. "Mia, I'm perfectly capable of handling myself. You, on the other hand, might do better to stay behind. We'll call if anything happens."
I crossed my arms and pouted. "Fine, but I'm not staying out of this completely. I'll keep checking for updates, and if something happens, I'll come running."
Oak and Gary exchanged a knowing look, but Gary simply ruffled my hair. "Deal. Just try not to eat all of Professor Oak's ice cream while we're gone."
"I'll leave you some," I said, sticking my tongue out at him before returning to my bowl.
Gary and Professor Oak left, and I was left to pace anxiously, half-heartedly checking the reports and waiting for any sign of news. I couldn't help but feel uneasy—something wasn't right, and I knew I had to do more than just sit here and eat ice cream.
I sat at the desk, twirling my spoon in the now-empty ice cream bowl, staring blankly at the reports. The room was eerily quiet without Gary's exasperated sighs or Professor Oak's muttering to himself as he pieced together clues.
One of Oak's assistants, a timid-looking guy named Tom, cautiously approached me. "Uh, Mia? Maybe you should, um, go get some help. You know, just in case."
I perked up, dropping the spoon with a clatter. "Help? You mean, like reinforcements?"
Tomnodded nervously. "Y-Yeah, reinforcements. Just, uh, someone who might be able to help track down Red and Blue."
"Good idea!" I exclaimed, bolting upright. "I'll go round up the best help I can find. Sit tight!"
Without waiting for a response, I dashed out the door. My mind raced as I ran through the possibilities. Who could help in a situation like this? Then, inspiration struck like a Thunderbolt. Surge. He'd know exactly what to do.
When I returned to the lab about an hour later, I didn't walk through the door—I burst through it. The assistants, who had been quietly working, froze and turned to stare.
Because I wasn't just back.
I was riding Lt. Surge like a horse.
"YEEHAW!" I hollered, waving an imaginary lasso. "Look what I found!"
Surge, on his hands and knees, was wearing a makeshift harness and leash. His face was a mix of irritation and resigned amusement. "Kid," he growled, "remind me again why I agreed to this?"
"Because I said it was an emergency, and you said you owed me one!" I replied cheerfully, steering him toward the center of the room like a champion jockey. "Plus, you didn't really fight me when I slapped the leash on."
The assistants stared, their mouths hanging open. One of them dropped their clipboard, and another muttered, "What... what are we even looking at right now?"
"HELP HAS ARRIVED!" I announced, sliding off Surge's back with a triumphant grin. "This is Lt. Surge. He's a Gym Leader, a military guy, and my new steed in the battle to find Red and Blue!"
"I am not your steed," Surge growled, standing up and dusting himself off. "But yeah, I'm here to help. Where are the brats?"
Professor Oak's assistants continued to gape, clearly unsure how to process the situation. Finally, Tom spoke up, his voice a mix of disbelief and awe. "I... I don't even know where to start with this..."
"Start with the clues!" I declared, pointing dramatically at the reports on the desk. "Come on, team! We've got Pokémon Trainers to save, and time is wasting!"
Surge crossed his arms and smirked. "Kid's got spunk, I'll give her that. Let's get to work."
The assistants exchanged glances before nodding hesitantly. I could tell they were still processing the sight of me riding Surge into the lab, but at least they were on board.
I grinned to myself. This was going to be one for the history books.
The lab door flew open yet again, and this time, the assistants didn't even bother hiding their expressions of shock. I barged in triumphantly, holding two leashes in my hands.
Behind me, Koga and Brock stumbled in, each tethered like overgrown, reluctant sled dogs. They looked equal parts humiliated and annoyed, their hands loosely gripping the leashes to avoid being dragged face-first across the floor.
"LOOK WHO I FOUND!" I announced, planting my hands on my hips like I'd just saved the day. "More help! Meet Team Tracking Dogs!"
Koga glared at me, his voice low and dangerous. "I am not a dog, Mia."
"Quiet, Fluffy," I said, patting his head. "You're a ninja, right? Ninjas track things. You'll do great!"
Brock, who had been silently fuming, finally spoke up. "Mia, I'm a Rock-type Trainer, not some Arcanine. Why do I have to wear a leash?"
I turned to him, hands still firmly gripping both leashes. "Because you both need to be part of the theme, obviously! Besides, I need you to follow orders. Can't have you running off on your own."
Professor Oak's assistants were, once again, utterly baffled. Tom let out a weak laugh. "You... you just keep raising the bar for unexpected entrances, don't you?"
"Thank you!" I replied cheerfully, as if he'd paid me a genuine compliment. "Now, Surge, Fluffy, and Rocky here are all ready for action. What's the plan?"
Surge, still rubbing his temples from earlier, gave me a sidelong glance. "Kid, do you just have a knack for getting Gym Leaders to do ridiculous things?"
"Ridiculous? This is called teamwork, Surge," I replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Besides, they were free. And bored."
Koga muttered something under his breath about payback, while Brock looked like he was seriously reconsidering his life choices.
Tom finally broke the tension by clearing his throat. "Well... unconventional methods aside, I suppose this is a capable group. Let's focus on the matter at hand. We need to retrace Red and Blue's steps and determine if these reports of strange activity are connected."
"Exactly!" I said, giving the leashes a tug to get my team moving. "Come on, dogs—I mean, allies! We've got Trainers to save!"
As I marched forward, Koga and Brock reluctantly followed, their leashes taut. The assistants, barely holding back laughter, whispered among themselves as we made our way out of the lab.
Behind me, Brock sighed. "I'm never letting Misty hear about this..."
"And I'm never letting my students see me like this," Koga grumbled.
"Less whining, more tracking!" I called over my shoulder. "This is serious business, people!"
The door to the lab creaked open, and in walked Gary and Professor Oak, looking slightly disheveled from their search. Both of them wore expressions that could only be described as exhausted curiosity when they saw the scene before them.
I stood proudly in the center of the room, holding three leashes: Surge, still grumbling under his breath, Koga, who looked like he was plotting a thousand ways to make me regret this, and Brock, who had resigned himself to his fate and was quietly munching on a sandwich he'd brought along.
Gary froze mid-step, his jaw dropping. "Mia... what the heck is this?"
"Reinforcements!" I declared, gesturing grandly to my assembled crew. "Meet Surge, Fluffy, and Rocky! The best search team in the region."
Gary blinked. "You leashed Gym Leaders?"
"They're working dogs now," I replied, ignoring the twitch in Koga's eye. "We've been preparing to track Red and Blue."
Professor Oak removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly trying to process the situation. "Mia... I don't even know where to start. Why are they wearing leashes?"
"It's part of the strategy!" I said, as if it were obvious. "Leashes keep everyone together. Plus, it's symbolic. We're all connected in this mission!"
"Symbolic, my foot," Koga muttered, yanking at his leash. "This is absurd."
Surge crossed his arms. "And how exactly is this helping us find Red and Blue, kid?"
"I was just about to explain my genius plan," I said with a dramatic flair. "But since you're back, I'm guessing you found the boys?"
Gary shook his head, his exasperation evident. "No. We checked their usual training spots and followed up on those weird reports, but there was no sign of them."
"They've vanished," Professor Oak added gravely. "We may need to expand our search."
I gasped, clutching Brock's leash like it was a lifeline. "They're REALLY missing?! This is worse than I thought! They could be trapped! Or kidnapped! Or—"
"Mia, breathe," Gary interrupted, holding up his hands. "We'll find them. We just need to stay calm and focused."
"Calm?! Focused?! My boys are missing, Gary!" I wailed dramatically, pointing an accusing finger at him. "You're not taking this seriously!"
Gary sighed. "I'm taking this very seriously. I'm just not sure how leashing Gym Leaders is going to help."
"You'll see," I huffed, crossing my arms. "My team is the key to cracking this case. Right, guys?"
Surge and Brock exchanged glances, and Koga just sighed. "Let's get this over with."
Professor Oak looked like he was fighting the urge to laugh. "Well, Mia, you certainly know how to keep things interesting. Let's hope your... unique approach leads us to some answers."
Gary muttered something about needing more patience before heading to the map on the desk. Meanwhile, I tightened my grip on the leashes, determined to prove that my unconventional methods would save the day.
We stepped out of the lab, ready to embark on our grand quest, and that's when the magic truly happened. Well, my magic, to be exact. With a dramatic wave of my hands (and maybe a sprinkle of imagination), I had transformed everyone into either a dog or a camel.
Yes, you heard that right. Dogs and camels.
Professor Oak? Camel.
Gary? Camel.
Surge? Surprisingly, camel.
Koga? Grumpy dog.
Brock? Camel, obviously.
And Oak's assistants? A mix of dogs and camels, just to keep things exciting.
I stood at the forefront, my chest puffed out with pride. "Now THIS is a search party!" I exclaimed, beaming as I surveyed my pack.
Gary, now a particularly lanky camel, craned his neck down to glare at me. "Mia, what have you DONE?"
"You're all part of the team now!" I replied cheerfully, tugging on one of the many leashes in my hands. "Camels for stamina, dogs for sniffing out clues. It's the perfect balance!"
Oak, the distinguished camel he was, let out a weary sigh. "Mia, I don't think this is scientifically possible. And why a camel of all things?"
"Because camels are resilient!" I replied, patting his side affectionately. "And you're carrying the supplies."
"What supplies?" Brock asked, looking baffled as a camel could look.
"This," I said, gesturing to a pile of snacks, water bottles, maps, and even a foldable chair that I'd strapped to Oak's back. "See? Perfect plan."
Koga, still a dog, growled softly. "And why am I a dog? I demand an explanation."
"Because you're stealthy and fast, duh," I said, rolling my eyes. "Now stop questioning everything and start embracing your inner canine. I expect loyalty and dedication from you."
Surge, who had finally accepted his fate as a camel, grumbled, "I'm not carrying anyone, just so we're clear."
"You'll do whatever the mission requires," I replied with a wink, snapping the leash. "Alright, team! Let's move out!"
The townsfolk gathered around to watch as I paraded through the streets with a leash in each hand, a hodgepodge of dogs and camels trailing behind me. Some people stared, others whispered, and a few even applauded. It was clear that I had their support—or at least their amusement.
Gary muttered, "This is humiliating."
"It's heroic," I corrected. "We're on a noble quest to find Red and Blue. Now onward, my mighty caravan!"
And so we marched—well, I marched, and my assortment of dogs and camels begrudgingly followed. It was the start of the most epic search party ever assembled. Whether we'd actually find Red and Blue or not... well, that was a problem for Future Mia to solve. For now, I was too busy being the leader of this beautifully bizarre pack.
We were a sight to behold.
By the time I had rounded up all the gym leaders—yes, all of them—they were in full support of my, uh, unconventional plan. Well, maybe "support" isn't the right word. They were... there, and they had no choice but to participate. Each one begrudgingly carried someone else bridal style as we set out on our grand quest.
Misty hoisted Professor Oak in her arms with surprising ease. "You'd think he'd be lighter," she grumbled, shifting his weight slightly.
"Careful, young lady," Oak said, mildly affronted. "This is a very dignified transport method."
Sabrina carried Gary as if he were a delicate vase. Her expression was as unreadable as ever, though Gary looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole. "I swear, if anyone gets a picture of this..."
"Smile, Gary!" I shouted from the front, waving cheerfully. "This is history in the making!"
Erika, with her usual grace, carried Surge as if he weighed nothing. The contrast between her serene expression and his grumpy one was downright hilarious. "This is ridiculous," Surge grunted.
"Better than being a camel," Erika replied, her calm tone unshaken.
Janine carried her father, Koga, and the irony of a ninja being carried by his own apprentice was not lost on anyone. "I'll never live this down," Koga muttered under his breath.
"Probably not," Janine agreed with a smirk.
Meanwhile, Blaine carried Brock, whose face was a mix of embarrassment and resignation. "I'm way too old for this," Blaine muttered, adjusting his grip.
"Speak for yourself," Brock replied, blushing furiously.
As for me? I marched proudly ahead of the group, holding a banner I had hastily painted with the words: "MIA'S EPIC RESCUE SQUAD" in big, bold letters. It fluttered dramatically in the wind as I led the way through the streets, the gym leaders trailing behind me with their awkward bridal-style cargo.
The townsfolk gathered once again to watch us pass. Some clapped, others laughed, and a few even joined in to cheer us on. I waved graciously at my adoring public. "Fear not, everyone! We're going to save Red and Blue!"
"I'm starting to think we're the ones who need saving," Gary muttered, earning a snicker from Sabrina.
Despite the absurdity of it all, there was a strange sense of camaraderie in our mismatched group. We were united by one goal: to find Red and Blue. And if we looked like the most ridiculous rescue team ever assembled? Well, that was just part of the charm.
"Onward, squad!" I shouted, lifting my banner high. "Adventure awaits!"
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