Chapter 6: A Doctor Inside VShojo Group
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(It seems like you've been trying to alternate one each chapter per story)
(A/N): I know, i'm still trying to find a way to keep this story up, if it doesn't work, then i will either delete it or give it to someone
(Nonsense, this story is quite interesting, especially that our main protagonist is about to be a Vtuber)
(A/N): Except he and 2BDamned are the only males in that industry
(Which is why you're trying to get this story in check, right Author?)
(A/N): Yup! Now, let's skip the recap and jump straight into the story instead!
(Hmm...Very well, we shall jump straight to the point, after all...
The two of them are about to have a crazy adventure...)
-Vshojo Building-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the screen turns on, the camera shows Y/N, aka: Deimos and 2BDamned, alias: Doc, walking down the street to head towards Vshojo HQ...
On their way, they were walking with Kson and Hajime since they happen to cross paths with the former mercenaries...
The girls immediately started asking questions about 2BDamned's acquaintance with Y/N)
Kson: "You two go way back at Nevada? How was that like back there?"
Y/N: "A whole fucking wasteland where chaos is everywhere, even if you have to face a crazy ass zombie clown with godlike power that can nuke the whole state"
2BDamned: "He's not wrong, Nevada isn't a good place to live...So we thought of escaping from that state and now here we are"
Hajime: "It must've been hard for you two to survive like that..."
Y/N: *shrugs* "You gotta you whatcha gotta do, it was either killed or be killed"
2BDamned: "Amen to that..."
Kson: "Oh well, now you guys are here with your new jobs!"
2BDamned: "Which i'm quite surprised you got hired"
Y/N: "They will pay us good! As long as i don't get caught smoking"
2BDamned: "Have you thought of using Vape?"
Y/N: "Fuck that shit! You bring one of those and i will shove it up in your ass!"
2BDamned: "No wonder Sanford tried multiple times to make you stop smoking"
Y/N: *sighs* "Blame Tricky for killing him"
2BDamned: "...I know"
Hajime: "Was Sanford your friend?"
Y/N: "Heh, he was like a brother to me, we were the best duo on our mercs life!"
2BDamned: "Should i remind you almost got shot by him when you scared him while wearing an Engineer's mask?"
Y/N: *laughs* "Yeah! I also got bonked by his revolver for scaring his ass off!"
Kson: "Are you THAT crazy?"
Y/N: "As crazy i want to take you in an alleyway and fuck you without giving a flying fuck about the world"
2BDamned: *sighs* "Should've expected from you, Deimos..."
(Y/N was laughing while Kson's face was beet red as Hajime was pouting out of jealousy...
After their walk and talk, the four of them walked inside Vshojo building and they were greeted by Froot and Zentreya)
Froot: "Hi guys!"
Zentreya: "What took you so long?"
Y/N: "I brought a new member of Vshojo! Meet my ex-superior, 2BDamned aka Doc!"
2BDamned: "Nice to meet you all, i hope Y/N didn't cause any trouble"
Froot: "He didn't! He actually was really nice to us!"
Zentreya: "Except he keeps teasing Mousey"
Y/N: "It's called: Manners"
(He then gets slapped by 2BDamned, making Deimos yelp in pain)
Y/N: "Dafuq man?!"
2BDamned: "What does she mean by teasing their friends?"
Y/N: "By calling her names in a friendly way! Jeez, take a fucking pill"
2BDamned: *sighs* "Same way you keep annoying Sanford?"
Y/N: "I wasn't raised to be a rapist bitch"
2BDamned: "Then i apologize for misunderstanding you"
Y/N: *looks at Zentreya* "Next time you throw me under the bus, i will knock you up till you pass out"
(The girls were jealous at Zentreya as she was blushing hard)
Y/N: "What?"
2BDamned: "You didn't actually say what i just heard!?"
Y/N: "Doc, take a look and tell me that i'm not wrong about my statement"
(He sighs and takes a look at the girls, especially at their outfits...
After a few seconds, he understood what Y/N just said and nods his head)
2BDamned: "Point taken...But don't make another joke like that, especially when you're going to stream"
Y/N: "Scared of random group of fat virgins might cyber bullying me whenever i'm with the girls?"
2BDamned: "That and also you lose your job if you have a relationship in the same workplace"
Y/N: "I'm not like a random couple from a restaurant who actually banged in the restroom while there were customers waiting for their food"
2BDamned: "How many references are you going to make?"
Y/N: "Yes" *looks at Froot and Zentreya* "Brits, Zen, where's the boss?"
Froot: "He said he'll be back soon"
Zentreya: "He's in the middle of an interview with another Vtuber"
2BDamned: "Have you girls heard of disguise?"
Vshojo: "What's that?"
2BDamned: "...don't tell me-"
Y/N: "No disguises, they give zero fucks"
(2BDamned then facepalms as he sighs deeply as he remembers his first days with Sanford and Deimos)
2BDamned: "...i need a fucking raise if i get hired"
theGunrun: "Are you looking for a job?"
(Everyone look over and they see theGunrun with a stack of papers on his hands)
Y/N: "Hey boss! This guy is an old friend of mine and i was wondering if you can hire him!"
theGunrun: "Wow, more people! Where did you find him?"
2BDamned: "More like the opposite, i found Y/N instead" *holds his hand out* "My name's 2BDamned, Doc is just my nickname"
theGunrun: *shakes his hand* "Nice to meet you, how about we talk in my office"
2BDamned: "Lead the way sir"
(The duo started heading to theGunrun's office, leaving the merc and the girls by themselves)
Y/N: "Hope he gets hired"
Kson: "Ehhh~ Are you two into that?"
Y/N: "Hell no! What the fuck?! I'm not dealing with another Rule34 artist!"
Hajime: "Then why are you saying that?"
Y/N: "...Besides Sanford, Doc was also another guy who is close to me, he may serious and strict when he works, but he does care about me and Sanford..."
Froot: "Aww Deimos" *hugs him* "I'm really sorry to hear that..."
Y/N: *pats her head* "It's fine Froot, i'm hanging in there"
Kson: "You have a yakuza on your side! You should be pleased!"
Y/N: "Oh yeah, you're a gangster, i forgot about that"
Zentreya: "How about we go to the cafeteria and talk about your backstory?"
Y/N: "Sure, let's go"
(With that, the five of them started heading to the cafeteria as they were talking to each other...)
-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(Me and the girls were eating and talking, i was telling them my background when i was at Nevada
Silver, Melody, Mousey, Nyanners, Veibae and Nazuna also joined at the conversation
Kson was translating the story for Nazuna since the angel is the only japanese member of this group, i should learn japanese as well)
"And then after i got Hank inside this capsule, a fucker got me from behind and drop me dead"
Kson: "Wait what?! You died?!"
"I did and somehow my ass woke up in the Parallel World or Other Place or whatever that fucking hellhole was"
Melody: "How did you escape from that place?"
"I found a way with lots of corpses all over the place, i jumped through that hole and here i am"
(I grab my drink and drinks through the straw, making the girls confused by how i can eat and drink)
Nyanners: "How can you even do that?"
Ironmouse: "How can you even breathe?!?!"
Y/N: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Veibae: "After that, you got away from Nevada and arrived here"
Y/N: "Yup, the rest is history" *eats his food*
Hajime: *smiles slyly* "Can you even pleasure a girl with that hardened rock mouth of yours?~"
Y/N: "Spread your legs and let's find that out, hotshot~"
(The girls started blushing hard about me being so daring about that...
Hajime was about to sit up on the table, but she was stopped by Silvervale and Veibae)
Silvervale: "S-Stop it!"
Veibae: "N-Not infront of Froot!"
(The poor apricot was crazily blushing hard as her eyes were comically dizzing...
I was laughing hard at their reactions, he then calms down and drinks my drink to catch my breath)
"Hahahaha! The look of your faces!"
Ironmouse: "Not cool, pendejo!"
"Fuck off, puta! Admit i got y'all asses good!"
Zentreya: *blushing* "Huh, you sure know how to be daring"
"Puh-lease, i'm into that kind of shit! The adrenaline is my medicine! Not that kind of adrenaline"
Nyanners: "W-what about going s-stealth?"
"Then i will take all of my time to tease you~"
Kson: "Are you horny right now?"
"Nah, i just like teasing people in general, like La gran puta over there" *points at Ironmouse*
Ironmouse: "Hey!!!"
(Heh, i love this place, and i'll be damned if that clown fuckhead will try to take these girls away from me
So far, the most fuckable girl will be Hime, if she's into that kind of shit where she can "give me a hand" without giving a fuck about the people around us, sign my ass up for having a fuck buddy...or a girlfriend
Hmm...the latter sounds better, but i ain't that guy who likes to play with a girl's heart)
Silvervale: "Something wrong?"
"Not really, just thinking"
Kson: *smirks* "Having eyes on one of us already?~"
*chuckles* "I'll be fucked if i have to choose only one of you, we've just met anyway"
Kson: "Hey, anything is possible, Ironmouse has a crush on Connor"
Ironmouse: "HE'S NOT MY CRUSH! DAMN IT!"
"They've been teasing you because of that?"
Ironmouse: "...Connor is just a real friend...He worked so hard to make some streams where he would take me on some places in Japan"
"...Heh...sounds like a good bro who keeps his words"
Ironmouse: *smiles* "Yeah! He's exactly like that!"
"Instead of crush, you admire him, right?"
Ironmouse: "YES! Finally someone who really understands my feelings!"
Froot: "Awwww, that's so cute!"
Melody: "I know right!"
*looks at Kson* "You know how to tease people but not knowing their feelings?"
Kson: "Fuck you!"
(I laughed at the gangster as she lightly punches on my shoulder
After calming down, i see Doc walking towards us with a drink on his hand)
"Waddup Doc! How was the interview?"
2BDamned: "It was alright, i got it as your manager during your streams, while in this facility, we both are securities"
"Huh?! Double work?!"
2BDamned: "Take it or leave it"
"For fuck's sake...Time to work my ass off on this one, aren't i?"
2BDamned: "I'll do most of the work, you'll be needed either for any collab stream or your brute force on any psycho fans"
"Do i get double paid for that?"
2BDamned: "Figured you would say that, and yes, you will get double paid"
"Hell yeah!!! Welcome to VShojo, Doc!"
2BDamned: "Also, i informed about your interaction with the girls, he said to keep it professional whenever you all are streaming"
"When are we not gonna be professional?"
2BDamned: *surprised* "You really like this place?"
"Duh! Look around! We can finally have some peace for once! No more fighting, no more chasing, no more killing spree, We. Are. Free!"
(Come on, Doc! Trust me!
We can enjoy this peace as long as we can!
We can even throw a party and celebrating for our new lives!)
2BDamned: "..." *smiles under his mask* "...You know what, you're right, let's enjoy this peaceful moment"
"That's what i'm talking about! How about we throw a party for our arrival?!"
Kson: "Woooo!!! I'm in!!!"
Melody: "Me too!"
(Soon after, everyone is agreeing with me about joining at the party
Seriously, in my whole life growing up at Nevada, i've never felt this feelings of being free from the madness
It feels so fucking awesome! I get to go to all the places where i've always wanted to be!
Hope Doc can feel the same way because right now, WE are going to get lit!!!
(A/N): *inserts Cartman's voice* God fucking damn it!
A short chapter has been spotted!
I really need to step up on this story!
I'm really sorry for this
If you wish to "buy" this story or want me to handed over, feel free to ask
As always, hope you enjoyed this story and I'll see you in the next chapter, bye!!!
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