Night walked around the halls of Five Nights High, her gray-green eyes shining behind her gray glasses. She stopped at her locker and grabbed her pack from inside, closing the door. It was after school and most of the other kids had left, except for the ones that either had practice or detention. Night walked out of the school, her fox tail floating in the light wind as she made her way to the football field. She sat herself in her favorite spot underneath the bleachers and opened up her pack, pulling out her sketchbook and pencil. She reached into her hoodie pocket and grabbed her phone and headphones. She plugged the headphones into her phone and put them into her ears, turning on one of her favorite playlists. She opened up her sketchbook to the next open page and started drawing. It started with some ears, fox ears to the exact. Then it trailed to the bangs, snout, and eyes. She concentrated hard and soon she was done. She took a look at what she drew and frowned, for it was the same thing that she has been drawing for a while now. Axel Funtime, Captain of the Five Nights High Football Team. She never really wanted to admit it, but she fell for the star. She had gone to every one of his home games just to stare at him. Her favorite spot underneath the bleachers has a perfect view of the football field, perfect for when she wants to gawk at Axel from a safe distance without being seen. She watched as the football team came out to the field for practice, eying her crush carefully. She loved everything about this boy. His eyes, the way he smiles, how he talks... Everything. She wiped her mouth when she felt a bit of drool come out of it, shaking her head. Who was she kidding..? There's no way the star football player likes her back. She might as well forget about the whole crush thing. Night put her sketchbook and pencil back into her pack, pulling the straps over her shoulders. She took one last look at Axel before turning her back and walking away. What she didn't know was that Axel had seen her.
The next day rolls around. All of the football players are in their jerseys for the big game tonight at Five Nights High. Night put her pack in her locker, pulling out her drumsticks and percussion music book. She closed her locker to come face to face with Axel, jumping because he had just showed up.
"O-oh! Axel, you scared the shit out of me." Night said, placing a hand on her chest and trying to steady her breathing. Axel gave her a small smile.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to give you a fright." He said, laughing slightly. Night laughed a little as well.
"So, what brings you by my locker?" She asked, tightening the grip on her sticks and music book.
"Just a question. What were you doing underneath the bleachers yesterday?"
"I was just clearing my head." Night replied, brushing her bangs from her eyes. "It's where I go to relax and draw."
"Oh that's cool. You planning on coming to the game tonight?" Axel asked.
"Yeah! Actually. I heard it's a big one tonight." She said.
"Yep, we're up against Baldwin tonight. They're pretty tough."
"So I've heard..." Night looked at the clock when she heard the bell ring. "I should go. I'm about to be late for band." She said, turning and walking away.
"Yeah I better go too. See ya at the game?" Axel said. Night smiled as she turned back to him.
"Totally!" She called, heading to band.
In band, Night and her best friend Plushie were talking a bit.
"So, I seen you talking to Foxelle's brother..." Plushie said, smirking at Night. The apricot fox blushed lightly, turning back to the xylophone.
"S-so? I don't see a problem w-with me talking to him..." Night replied, playing some notes.
"Oh there's no problem with it. But I know you've been crushing of him!" She squealed. Night looked at her, her gray-green eyes wide.
"How did you know?" She asked the golden bear.
"I didn't, you just told me. Now spill!"
'I just got played...' Night thought. "There's nothing that you need to know." Plushie made a noise of disapproval.
"No fair! You can't do that to me!" Plushie said. Night raised an eyebrow.
"Wanna bet?" She asked, causing Plushie to punch her arm softly, which made her laugh.
Night looked around as she sat underneath the bleachers. It's about thirty minutes before the game starts, giving Night a little time to draw. Once again, she pulled her sketchbook from her pack and opened it up. She picked up her pencil and began to draw.
Axel was on his way to the locker room to get the rest of his football gear on. He passed by the bleachers, only to stop when he seen the familiar apricot fox.
'What is she doing under the bleachers again?' He asked himself. He changed direction and made his way over to Night.
Night growled when she realized she drew the football star again. A shadow came up behind her, causing her to whip around. She placed a hand on her chest when she seen it was just Axel.
"Jesus Christ dude... You're gonna give a girl a heart attack if you keep doing that." She said, steadying her breathing.
"Sorry, I was just coming to see what you were up to." Axel said. Night shrugged.
"Just doing a bit of drawing before the game..." She replied, closing the cover to her sketchbook.
"Can I see?" Axel asked. Night's breath hitched in her throat.
"U-uh... Y-you see... They aren't a-actually quite good! I-i don't think you'll like them!" She stuttered, her cheeks flushing a bright pink. She nearly lost it when Axel had plucked the sketchbook from her hands, opening the front cover. The two were silent as Axel flipped through the pages carefully, his eyes going over every detail in each picture. He closed the book and looked at her.
"Why did you say they weren't good? Those were amazing!" Axel asked, handing it back to her. Night shook slightly as her ears dropped a bit.
"I-I just don't like when people ask to see my art..." She said, looking down. Axel gave her a reassuring smile.
"I thought they were incredible. I especially love that they were all this one specific character. Who is he?" He asked. Night's trembling worsened slightly.
"J-just a character..." She replied, giving a nervous smile.
"Well, yeah. But what's his name?"
Night debated in her head, trying to come up with a name. Once she found one, she went to say it, only it came out the wrong name.
"Axel." She said. Her eyes went wide as she bit her finger, turning around.
"You've been drawing me?" Axel asked behind her. Night nodded, turning back to him.
"I-it's been the only thing that's on my mind lately..." She said. Axel looked at her.
"Oh? Why's that?" The older male asked. Night gulped, fearing that he didn't feel the same. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"I had always had a crush on you..." She admitted. She opened her eyes to see Axel standing there, a small smile creeping on his face.
"I always had a crush on you too, Night. I was just too scared to even admit it because I thought you didn't like me back and then it was just going to be awkward between us and with you being my sister's best friend, it would've ruined your relationship with her an-" He rambled. Night grabbed him by his jersey and pulled him to her, their bodies pressed together, their noses touching, and their lips mere inches from each other. Golden stared wide into gray-green as Night had a smirk on her face, a light blush with it.
"Just kiss me ya damn fool..." She said softly, Axel's cheeks burning bright. The older male leaned in, his lips connecting to Night's in a sweet and passionate kiss. Night happily kissed him back, releasing her grip on his jersey and reaching her arms around his neck. Axel brought his hands down to her hips, gripping them and pulling her closer. The older male pulled away from Night's lips, smiling at her with half-lidded eyes. Night smiled back at him, running her fingers through his white and purple bangs. Axel kissed her cheek then started trailing down her jaw, chin, and neck. Night let out a small moan, gripping his jersey again.
"A-Axel... Don't you have a game?" She asked shakily, shivering when she felt him lick her neck. Axel suddenly pulled away.
"Oh shit! I forgot!" He said. Night laughed a little.
"Go. I'll see you after the game." Axel smiled at her and gave her another quick kiss, then ran off.
Night cheered as she watched Axel run down the field, leaving Baldwin in the dust as he scored the game winning touchdown. The crowd went absolutely crazy, for FNH hasn't beaten Baldwin since 2012. Night ran down the bleachers, hopping the fence, then running down the field. Axel took off his helmet and threw it to the side, catching Night as she ran into him, her legs wrapped around his waist. The football player smiled at her, connecting their lips in another passion filled kiss. They pulled apart and smiled at each other when they heard 'aww's around them.
"I love you, Night..." Axel said. The apricot fox's smile widened.
"I love you too, my football star..." She said, giving him another passionate kiss.
NightBear15 signing off...
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