Next Step
"Mags, are you ready?" Alec asked knocking at the bathroom door because Magnus was in there for quiet a while. "Yeah just give me two more minutes." Magnus yelled and Alec chuckled a little because for him it was not understandtable how people could take so long but he didn't complain about it. "Sorry, I tried it without the bandage because it looked a bit silly but it hurts and I don't want to ruin our date." Magnus said apologizing but Alec was way to lost in his gaze to hear Magnus. In the second Magnus came out it was like all air was knocked out of his lungs and he couldn't help to look at Magnus. Magnus smiled with a little blush and tried not to freak out because Alec looked so damn good in his outfit. "" Alec stuttered after a few seconds and got bright red in his face but Magnus also had to blush. It was so freaking adorable how Alec stood there shyly peaking with his eyes at him and swinging a little on his feet right and left. "You are so damn adorable and sexy." Magnus chuckled and walked closer pressing a kiss on the blushing mans lips. "Thanks." Alec almost whispered when they pulled back and Magnus smiled at him. They areived at the restaurant and of course there were 100 of paparazzis already waiting. The bodyguards of Magnus build a way so they could easlily walk to the entrance. Not once Alec let go of Magnus hand because he still felt uncomfortable with all the hustle but with Magnus on his side it was okay. "Wow all this just for two guys who go for dinner." Magnus chuckled when they stood inside and Alec chuckled too. But both were somehow happy that they didn't have to hide their relationship anymore and could just show the world that they were happy with each other. The waiter showed them their table and they both sat down. They got a booth where the light was a bit dimmed down and they could sit a bit closer to each other. Their knees were touching and the atmosphere of the room was really beautiful. "It is really beautiful here." Alec said after they just looked through the menu in silence. "Yes...I really like it. Did you already decided what you will take?" Magnus asked placing his menu on the table and Alec shook his head slowly. "I never was in an asian restaurant." Alec answered with a bit embarressed voice and Magnus smiled softly at him. "Don't worry, we will find the right meal for you." Magnus said with a little chuckle at the end and Alec was glad Magnus didn't make jokes about him. "So number 23 it is and a salad?" Magnus asked after he and Alec looked through the card and Magnus told Alec what he liked. "But just a small one." Alec answered and Magnus nodded closing the menu card. After the waiter took their order they had time to talk about the last few days. "We can start in two weeks with the training but you have to promise me if it hurts to much we will leave the show." Alec said and Magnus nodded with a little eyesroll. Magnus wasn't really used to people caring about him that much. Of course Ragnor cared for him but Alec aslo cared for him when it was just about little things and that made Magnus feel special. "I will...but don't worry I will be fine." Magnus answered with a smile and placed his hand over Alecs which was resting on the table. Alecs heart beat faster when he felt Magnus soft hand brushing over his and the warm smile of Magnus brought butterflies in his stomach. "But I love you and I will always put your health and hapiness first." Alec said with a soft voice and Magnus heart was almsot beaiting out of his chest. "I'm happy when I'm with you." Magnus answered with a small voice and squeezed Alecs hand softly. They enjoyed the beautiful dinner with talking and laughing a lot. Again Alec felt how he was getting happier and happier with every second he spend with Magnus. This dinner made Alec even more sure in his decision but he was still nervous to talk about it. What if Magnus rejected him? What if Magnus didn't want him in that way? These were questions Alec wasn't able yet to shut out of his brain. Magnus could see how Alecs brain was working and a frown apeard on Alecs forehead. "Alexander, penny for you thoughts?" Magnus asked with a little smile and Alec blinked himself back to reality. Alec felt so nervouse and he didn't know how to start so he bit his lower lip shyly. "Hei, what is it? You can talk with me about everything, right?" Magnus asked softly and took Alecs hand with both of his hand. "Uh...ahm...sure I do. I just...well I wanted know...take next step." Alec mumbled under his breath and Magnus had a hard time understanding him but he did. Magnus was surprised by this but he was surprised in best ways. Magnus was happy Alec was comfortable enough and that Alec wanted to be with him in this way made Magnus so proud of him but he knew he still had to take things slow. "I know that you think you are ready and I really want it too but I don't want you to push yourself from level 1 to levle 100." Magnus answered with a little smile and Alec was really touched about how much Magnus wanted the best for him. "'re right...but maybe we can go a bit future." Alec said shyly and a little blsuh covered his cheeks. "Of course we can and I'm really happy that you want it. I just want you to get 100% comfortable with yourself because I don't want you to get hurt because we went too fast." Magnus replied and Alec was relieved that Magnus didn't reject him or put him down. Magnus lifted Alecs when and kissed Alecs palm making Alec blush even more. "Babe, no matter what we do I want you to feel save and we will make steps. I will help you and we will get you to the point you want." Magnus added and Alec could scream from happiness when Magnus called him babe. "I love you." Alec only answered because in his eyes that was the best answer to everything Magnus just said and Magnus thought that too. "I love you too." Magnus smiled and leaned in to kiss Alec softly...//tbc I love fluff and love to write it🌸🌸🌸❤❤❤❤❤❤ I hope you like it🌸🌸🌸
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