Max parents?
"Mh...this is so yummy." Carter exclaimed with a full mouth and rubbed his tummy but he earned a glare from his dad. "Carter, we don't speak with a full mouth!" Noah warned his son who nodded and Max started to giggle this time Alec was the one to glare. "Max, why are you laughing?" Alec asked and Max almost couldn't stop to laugh but at some point he stopped to answer Alecs question. "He sounds like you." Max said still out of breath from the laughing and now both Carter and Max giggled again. Harper was first watching them confused but then she started to laugh too. "Where he is right he is right." Jacob shrugged and continued to eat his dinner. "Yes you really sound like Noah, Alexander." Magnus chuckled a little and Alec pouted but he could never be mad at a Magnus who smiled so softly like right now. "But Carter is right, Magnus. The dinner is really delicious." Noah said after the laughing of the kids slowed down and a comfortable silence filled the room. "Thank you. It's and indosesian meal I learnd to make a few years ago." Magnus answered with a smile and Noah looked with a teasing smile at Jacob. "Jacob can cook too. He is a chef at the reaturante...the Le Bon Vivant." Noah said and Magnus almost choked on the chicken when he heard the name of the restaurant. "You are the Chef there? Oh my god! I love the food there?" Magnus exclaimed and Jacob was blushing furiosly. "Only from 8am to 2pm. But right now I don't work at all because of Harper." Jacob answered with a little embaressed smile and Noah smiled proudly at his husband. "You get all my respect for that. I couldn't cook even if my life depended on it." Alec chuckled and Magnus rolled his eyes before he looked at Alec. "I could always teach you but you don't want me to." Magnus complained with a dramtic sigh at the end and Alec chuckled softly. "Yes because I don't want to poisen anyone and it's the best for everyone if I stay away from the kitchen." Alec answered and Noah nodded in agreement. "Yeah it was the same with me before Carter but this little monster forced me to learn cooking." Noah chuckled and Carter lifted his head when he heard his name. "You learned cooking? Doesn't taste like it." Carter said with a frown on his face and the whole room was filled with laughter shortly after the little boy said these words. "Oh before I forget it I wanted to ask where the house should be you want to live in." Alec asked and Jacob had a little frown on his forehead. "Oh and Noah there is something I would really like to ask you." Magnus added and now Noah also frowned while Max and Carter continued to eat. "Okay." Noah answered and Magnus showed Alec to speak first who smiled at Magnus. "Because of the house...we still have the house of my grandparents. It's not really huge but it has 3 bedrooms a livingroom and also 2 bathrooms. The garden of the house is pretty huge and we still don't have a purchaser for it...if you want you can have a look at it." Alec explained and Noah exchanged a quick look with Jacob who gave him a quick nod and a smile. "That would be amazing...where is the house?" Noah asked and Jacob also had a bright smile in his face. "It is only 30 minutes away from your place and I can send you all details tomorrow." Alec answered with a smile and Jacob nodded happily but now it was Magnus time to speak. "So...I guess it's my turn. Well what I want to ask you Noah if you would like to change your job." Magnus started and a frown covered Noahs face again while Jacob looked really interested. "What do you mean?" Noah asked and Alec also looked confused at Magnus. "The head of my security team will go in pension I need a new one. You seem like a great person and I would really like you to think about pressure of course." Magnus answered and Noah looked stunned at Magnus while Jacob smiled brightly. "Wow...that's wow. You really mean that?" Noah asked with a shocked expression and Magnus nodded suddenly feeling a hand on his thigh. Magnus laid his hand over Alecs to give it a soft squeez and also flashing him a quick smile. "Damn...that's a big offer, Magnus. Would you mind if I think about it?" Noah asked making Jacob look a little bit upset. "No! You can give me your answer when ever you decided. But I would like to have a meeting with you to talk about important things." Magnus answered but their conversation was interrupted from a painful little cry. "Oh baby, what's wrong?" Jacob asked with a sad face and picked a crying Harper up from her chair. "Oh my god. Jacob, I can smell her problem till here!" Noah exclaimed and in the same second Noah and Carter were pinching their nose to prevent the smell from entering their nose. "Don't be so dramatic it's just a little bit of poop. By the way she is only a baby she doesn't smel that bad!" Jacob sighed while Magnus and Alec were chuckling. "Wait till you get a little sibling!" Carter told Max who laughed loudly. "I don't think my Mommy will get another baby!" Max giggled and Carter frowned at Max looking really confused. "Your mommy?" Carter asked and Max nodded with a happy smile. "My mommy is called Maryse." Max answered and now Carter looked only more confused. He titled his head a bit to the side and rose an eyebrow. "So Magnus and Alec aren't your parents?" Carter asked making everyones jaw dropp and Max let fall down his fork...//tbc ohhh what will happen now??😨🌸❤🌸❤🎊🎊
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