Getting too know each other

"Magnus, what is it like to be a celebrity?" Max asked while he ate his ice cream and Magnus was a bit surprised that Max asked such a question. "'s different. You travel a lot and you can barly go to places because of fans. Even I really like my fans sometimes it's a bit too much. But the best thing about being a celebrity is that...actaully there are a lot of things." Nagnus answered but the last part was a lie. In the last few weeks being a celebrity felt more like a burden than a dream. "I heard about Corys death...I'm sorry." Alec suddenly said and looked at Magnus with a sad smile. "Thanks but it isn't your fault...he chose the wrong way." Magnus sighed and hoped they wouldn't ask more about it. He hated to talk about Cory because even Magnus couldn't reach out to Cory anymore after he started to do drugs it still felt like Magnus could have done more. "Where are you from?" Alec aksed because he sensed Magnus didn't want to talk about that and also he decided to talk now. He couldn't just sit there and say nothing but it was hard for him to come out of his shell. Magnus was thankful that Alec changed the subject and finally wanted to talk with him. It made Magnus quiet happy that Alec asked him that because somehow he knew that for Alec it was a big deal to talk with him. "I'm from Jakarta Indonesia." Magnus answered with a smile and Max looked with huge eyes at him. "You mean...I was there. We were there for holidays when I was 5." Max almost shouted and Alec chuckled. Magnus thought Alecs chuckle was really beautiful and it seemed so rare. Suddenly another question came to Magnus. 'Was Alec into men or into women?' Magnus asked himself but he knew he couldn't just ask this out of nowhere. "I guess you visited the rich part of the city but I was born really outside of the city." Magnus explained with a weak smile and Alecs smile dropped because when they visited Jakarta he also visited the outside of the city. "You were born in a slum?" Alec asked with a unreadable expression. "Yup but it wasn't that bad. I had a lot of friends and well...we knew how rough life can be. I guess that's why I never was the one who liked to stay at a 5 star Hotels." Magnus chuckled but he lied. The life there was terrible and he didn't have any friends but he didn't want to ruin the mood. "I was born in New York Manhattan." Alec said and Magnus smiled at him which caused Alecs heart to make this weird thing again but he pushed it away. "Wait...this may sounds strange but weren't you in that tv show?" Magnus suddenly remembered why Alec looked so familiar to him and Alec didn't like that Magnus knew it. All this was a part of his past he tried too hard to forget but he didn't want to be rude to this beautiful man in front of him. "I was in a lot of tv shows. People said I was a wonder child even I don't think so." Alec answered polite and licked on his ice cream which already melted. "You were my insperation...I can't believe I didn't notice it earlier...damn. I was so amazed by your dance choreographys. I wanted to be like you." Magnus answered and Alec bit his inner cheek. He didn't think that anyone would see him as an insperation and now Magnus Bane was the one who said that. Magnus knew now who Alec was and he couldn't believe that he would dance with this person he looked up to. Magnus was really sad when Alec just disapeared but then Magnus got famous and the memory of Alec faded. But he would never forget how he saw Alec for the first time and fall in love with his choreographys. Magnus looked in Alecs eyes who stared back in Magnus deep brown eyes. "That's really... wow. Magnus Bane wants to be like my brother." Max breathed and leaned back in his seat while he had ice cream all over his face. "How small the world can be." Magnus said with a low and thoughtful voice while Alec was quiet till he saw Max face. Alec looked at his little brother and brusted out in wild laughter. "What? Do I have something in my face?" Max asked and rubbed his hand over his face but it only made it worse. The ice cream was in his whole face and in his hair. Magnus chuckled and Max pouted because he didn't see what was in his face. "Here, let me help you." Alec laught and kneeled down in front of Max. He took out a tissue and started to clean Max face from the ice cream. Magnus watched them in awe and didn't know what was cuter Alecs action or Alec by himself. 'Damn stop thinking that he is cute. You can't do that!' Magnus thought to himself and was angry about himself. He just got out of a relationship and dating again wasn't even on his display. "There you go. All clean again." Alec chuckled and sat down again on his seat. "Why did you want to be a part of this show?" Alec asked and tried to seem not too interessted but he was. He wanted to know more about Magnus even it scared the shit out of him. "After I became an actor I forgot what it meant to just dance. I want to find that passion again and this show seems like a good option. Learing from you is just the cherry on the ic cream." Magnus answered with a goofy smile and Alec smiled back. "Why do you want to be a part of it?" Magnus asked casually and Alec froze because of this question. He didn't know what to say but saying the truth wasn't even an option for him. "I love to dance and the show seems like fun. Dancing with you is just the cherry on the ice cream." Alec answered and was shocked by his last sentence. Did he just say that? What was wrong with him? He never did something like that since...well since forever. He was always really shy and to talk with other men scared the hell out of him. But now he flirted. He flirted with a man and in that moment Alec knew he was screwed. Alec couldn't let this happen and he would do everything to keep Magnus away from him. Letting people so close to him wasn't something Alec did everyday and he knew he would fuck up. He knew this whole thing would ruin his perfect little world to protect himself. Magnus couldn't believe Alec just said that but he could also see the regrett in his eyes. Alec regretted to say these words and even it hurt a little Magnus wouldn't mention it. Alec seemed so closed and he didn't want to make the relationship between them complicated so he simply ignored it. Something about Alec was odd and even Magnus knew Alec only for a hour he knew there were a few things that were really bad about Alec. Something about Alec was terrible sad and no matter how hard Alec tried to hide it Magnus saw it and that was the problem. Magnus saw something in Alec no one saw and right now Alec hated it...//tbc Oh. Alec what will you do now? What will Magnus do? Do you like this ff so fare?💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😚💕💕

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