Father-Son Talk

"So...it's getting serious between you and Magnus?" Robert tried to asked casually when he and Alec stood in the kitchen doing the dishes. "Uhm...well I guess." Alec answered not quiet sure what else to say because he never was in that kind of situation. "Did you take things future?" Robert asked carefully not looking at Alec and Alec got bright red when he got what his dad asked about. "Dad...don't ask me such a question." Alec answered with a grimace and Robert chuckled a little bit. "You know I was the one who told you about the flowers and the beans." Robert chuckled when he remembered that conversation and Alec covered his face with his hands. "Oh god...but yes...we slowly take things future." Alec finally answered and even it was really weird to talk with his dad about that he was glad he could talk about it. "That's...great." Robert said and Alec rose an eyebrow because he felt there was more. "What is it, Dad? I know there is more." Alec answered with a firm voice and Robert sighed a little. "Just don't push yourself too fare just because you love him, okay? If you aren't ready then you aren't and I'm sure Magnus understands that." Robert said softly and Alec smiled shyly at his dad maybe a bit embarressed when he thought about what he and Magnus already did. "Don't worry, Dad. I know where my limits are and we are slowly making steps." Alec answered with a smal smile and Robert returned it. "I feel good when I'm with him and when I'm with him I feel like I get the peace I want inside of me." Alec added because he felt good to talk about his relationship and feelings with someone else he trusted.
Suddenly Alec felt two hands carefully sneaking around his waist and a body pressed against his. "What are you talking about?" Magnus asked and usually Alec would flinch by the sudden aperance but this time he didn't. "God and the world." Robert answered not wanting to embaress his son and Alec smiled thankfully at him. "Mhh...interesting. Izzy showed me your baby pictures...you looked really adorable." Magnus chuckled and he felt Alec tense a bit but the cute blush on his cheeks showed Magnus he didn't tense because he was uncomfortable. "I will kill her!" Alec mumbled under his breath and Magnus grinned a little. "Once I came home and saw the whole wall was covered with hand prints. Alec colered the whole wall with his fingers with the colors we got him to his 4th birthday." Robert suddenly said and Magnus looked at Alec rasing an eyebrow. "So the innocent Alexander isn't as innocent as I thought." Magnus answered making Alec blush furiously. At first Alec was a bit shy around his family with Magnus but after a few family dinners it became pretty causal. He wasn't afarid anymore to flirt in front of his family with Magnus and neither did he hesitat to kiss Magnus in front of family memebers. "Magnus, you need to see this!" Izzy laughed walking inside the kitchen with a picture in her hand. "No! Not this picture!" Alec tried to complain but it was too late anyway because Magnus already held it in his hand. "Oh my god Alexander, you were such a cute little pumpkin!" Magnus said with hearteyes when he saw the little Alec dressed in a cute pumkin costume. "I was 3! Mom forced me to wear it!" Alec defended himself but he didn't expect Maryse to walk in and telling the truth. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood, don't dare to lie about this. Alec was crying 10 minutes in the store because he wanted that Pumpkin costume. His grandma had sewed him a cool spiderman costume but no Alec wanted the pumkin." Maryse chuckled and Magnus could see how the shade of Alecs cheeks became a deeper red with every word his mother said. Magnus thought Alec was so adorable in his little pumpkin costume and the Alec right now was also pretty cute. "Oh Alexander, now I know as what you will go at helloween!" Magnus answered with a bright smile and Alec grumbled a little from embaressement. "Enought with embaressing me. My dog needs to take a bath and you know what that means!" Alec sighed and Max came in with huge eyes already excited about it. "Yeiii bathparty!" Max cheered with a huge grin over his face and Magnus rose an eyebrow. "Why bathparty?" Magnus asked confused and looked around seeing that Bear really really slowly left the room. "Bear hates bathing and don't you dare to hide, Bear. I see you." Alec answered looking at Bear with a serious face and Bear froce on his place. "Oh..." Magnus said and Max walked to the big dog hugging him and whispering something in his ear. "It always gets a huge mess and usually Max ends up with him in the tube." Alec chuckled a little bit and Magnus also had to laugh a little when he imagined Bear and Max in the tube. "Then we should get ready." Magnus chuckled and let go of Alec already ready for the mess. But of course he didn't thought about Alecs white shirt that could get wet and of course Alec didn't think about Magnus removing his shirt so it wouldn't get wet...//tbc sorry that it is so short but I hope you like it❤❤❤❤

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