It was a really nice party and Alec liked to see his brother being happy. Magnus talked a lot with Noah and Alec talked pretty much the whole time with Jacob. Alec was surprised when he realized that he and Magnus were the only adults there with Jacob and Noah but he didn't mind that. Max came up the little stairs that led to the garden and Alec saw already by Maxs look something wasn't right. "You're thristy?" Alec asked Max with a soft smile and Max came closer to him while the others looked at them. "Can we go home?" Max asked looking pleadingly at Alex who was confused and worried that something happened that upset his little brother. "Why? Don't you enjoy to play with the others?" Alec asked with a frown on his forehead and Max avoided to look at his bigger brother. "I just want to go home." Max insisted forming his little hands to fists and Magnus was concerned about him but he wasn't sure what he should do. "Please..." Max added softly and his voice was really quiet but Alec wanted to know the reason. "Come here, Max." Alec answered with a little smile and opened his arms for Max who quickly came in his arms. "We'll be right back." Alec excused them and left to the house with Max in his arms so Max could talk freerly. "You wanna tell me now what happened?" Alec asked still holding Max and Max shook his head violently. "I just want to go home...please." Max voice was begging and it was really quiet because he pressed his face against Alecs shoulder so Alec couldn't see him. Alec suddenly felt how his shirt got wet on his shoulder and then he heard little sniffles filling the air. "Hei, Buddy. What did happen...did any of the boys hurt you?" Alec was really worried about him and rubbed his back comfortingly but Max didn't answer so the room stayed silent for a few minutes. "Please stop crying, Maxi. Tell me what happened." Alec asked after he let Max calm down and caressed Max hair hoping it would make him feel better. "Carter...he...said that dancing is just for girls...he said that I'm a girl." Max finally explained what upset him so much and by now he was only hiccuping. A huge frown covered Alecs forehead and when he looked to the door he saw Noah standing there also with a big frown. Both of them actually couldn't believe that Carter would say something like that since Carter actually used to tell Max that he really liked his dancing. "I'm sure it is a missunderstanding...Carter wouldn't say that." Alec answered but that only seemed to make Max more upset and Max looked with narrowed eyes at him. "You think I'm a liar? You know I don't lie!" Max excalaimed and raised his tiny voice his eyes a little puffy from crying. Magnus heard Max yelling and rushed inside to see what was going on. "Hei...what's going on?" Magnus asked with a small smile and ruffled Max hair but Max only crossed his arms pouting angrly. "He said I'm a liar!" Max complained pointing at Alec who shook his head and sighed. "I didn't say that. Maybe you heard wrong or something." Alec answered but he would never say his brother was a liar even sometimes he was a little and Max face softened. "Can we just go home now?" Max asked with a calm voice again and Noah came back with Carter following him. "Max! There you are!" Carter explained when he saw Max in Alecs arms and run to them almost trpping over his own feet. "I think you own him an apologize." Noah said giving Carter a stern look while he crossed his arms over his chest and Carter looked back at him in confusion. "Max...what did I do?" Carter asked worried and upset with himself when he saw that he caused Max crying. "Oh you know pretty well what you did! You know we don't accept judging other people." Noah snapped a little but he hated it when people judged others and he wouldn't accept that from his own son. "But...I don't know what I did." Carter answered and Max trashed around a little in Alecs arms so he let him down on the ground. "You said that I'm a girl because I dance!" Max said quietly clearly hurt about it and Carter got huge eyes. "I didn't say that...well I did but it's not like that. Ian said that and I just aped him to show how stupid he actually is." Carter explained feeling really bad that Max heard him saying that and Max looked guiltily at him. "I'm sorry, Carter! I just heard you and thought you really mean it." Max felt bad now for believing Carter would really say that but Carter smiled brightly at him. "It's okay...I guess I would have reacted the same." Carter shurgged and Alec was relived when he saw how a smile apeared on Max face again. "So you forgive me?" Max asked hopefully and Carter pulled him in a bone crushing hug while the adults just watched them. "Of course I do! We are best friends, we will always forgive each other." Carter chuckled happily pulling back from the hug and they both grinned brightly at each other. "Let's go and push Ian in mud." Carter giggled but when he turned around to do so he bumped into Noahs leg. "No you won't push him into mud. But I'm sorry, Buddy that I really thought you would really mean what you said." Noah apologized and Carter shrugged before he wrapped his arms around Noahs legs. "I still love you even you are...hm...how did Papa say...ah right! I still love you even you are a dickhead sometimes, Daddy." Carter giggled before he run off with Max and Noah stood there with a shocked face. "Did he just..." "Call you a dickhead? Yes...yes he did." Alec finished Noahs senteces who couldn't believe Charter learned that from Jacob. Magnus was just standing there and thought about Carters words. Best friends always forgive each other...//tbc Do they? Please tell me what you think down below💞💕💕💞💕
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