Dancing with Max
Max and Alec sarted to dance the performance Alec created for Max a year ago. Since this year Max and Alec trained that dance to make it look perfect but never showed anyone...not even their family. Magnus would be the first one to see it and Magnus was really excited to see Alec and Max dance. Max was grinning the whole dance and Magnus mouth almost started to water when Alec moved his hips right and left in such a hot way. Alec smiled at Magnus who was watching them with a huge smile. "That was awsome!" Magnus yelled when the dance was over and went to hug Max. "You were so great, Max. It looked so beautiful." Magnus said while he hugged the boy tightly and Alec watched them with a happy smile. "All thanks to Alec...he did all the work." Max giggled and wrapped his arms around Magnus as good as possible. "Well then. It was amazing, Alexander. You and Max were perfect and it was so beautiful!" Magnus told Alec when he pulled back from the hug with Max and Alec blushed. He was really happy that Magnus liked their dance and it gave him a warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach. "Thank you, Magnus." Alec answered shyly and Magnus smiled softly at him before their lips met for a soft and gentle kiss. "We should train now." Alec said with red cheeks when they pulled back and Magnus nodded smiling happily.
The training was pretty hard and exhausting but they also had a lot of fun. They decided to take it easy for today but tomorrow they would start with the harder moves and Alec was really sure that Magnus could easily learn them. Max was watching them the whole time and sometimes he trained his own dance for the school. Alec felt a bit stupid that he needed Max to be here even he really tried to trust Magnus 100% it wasn't possible yet. He couldn't give up such a huge assurance of safety but he was hopefully getting there. Alec was also thankful that Magnus gave him the time he needed and that they took it really slow. "You want to go to my place? We could go for a walk with the dogs." Alec asked because he didn't want to say goodbye to Magnus yet. "Sure but maybe we can take a nao first." Magnus answered making Alec chuckle. "Sure." Alec said with a smile and everyone got inside the car. "You were really great by the way." Alec said not taking his eyes away from the rode but Magnus was glad because this way Alec couldn't see his blush. "Thanks...you were great too." Magnus answered with a smile and looked at Alecs hand on the gear shifter. It was like a magnet that was pulling Magnus hand slowly to Alecs and Magnus carefully placed his hand over Alec. Magnus was watching Alecs face to see his reaction and he softly brushed his thumb over the back of Alecs hand. Alec tensed a bit at first but then he got a warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach and a smile crossed his lips. Magnus saw the smile in Alecs face and his lips curled up to the brightest smile he wore today. With every other one Magnus had been this would be nothing but with Alec is was special and that was what Magnus liked. Everything with Alec was special and new to him too in some ways. They areived at Alecs place and both got out but Max didn't come out because he fell alseep. "He got up really early...I guess he needed a nap too." Alec chuckled and opened the door of Max side picking him up. They walked to the front door with Max in Alecs arm and Magnus smiled at them. It was so cute how serious Alec took his role as a big brother and that he was so caring. "Can Bear go in your room?" Magnus asked when they brought Max to the couch in the livingroom and Alec was kind of relieved when Magnus asked that. Magnus didn't have a problem that Alec wasn't feeling 100% save around him because after what Alec had to go through Magnus understood his fears. "Yeah...thank you, Magnus." Alec answered with a little smile and just when Magnus wanted to answer 3 big dogs ran towards them. After they played for a few minutes with the dogs they went with Bear to Alecs room and Bear quickly made himself a home on the smal couch in Alecs room. "I like the view and the windows." Magnus sighed softly when they stood side by side in front of the windows.
"Magnus...can we try something?" Alec asked when they just stood in front of the windows for good 5 minutes. "Sure. What is it?" Magnus asked a bit confused but his heart seemed to know what Alec meant and beat faster. They both turned a bit to look each other straight in the eyes and Magnus could see this weird spark in Alecs eyes. It was this moment again everything around them stopped and turned completely quiet. Alec stepped closer to Magnus and now their chests were touching scarying them the other one could feel their fast heart beat. They leaned in and closed their eyes before their lips met. Alec was really nervous but he was sure of it and slwoly moved his lips over Magnus soft lips. Magnus was surprised by the sudden move but almsot moaned by how good it felt just to feel Alecs perfect lips moving over his. Alec placed his hands shyly around Magnus neck and Magnus placed his gentely on Alecs hips. Alec felt his heart rising and he didn't know what got into him but he felt better than he ever felt before and it gave him even more courage. Alec slowly run his tongue over Magnus lips who lightly partned his lips for Alec. The tip of Alecs hot tongue was slowly entering Magnus mouth and Magnus thought his legs would give in. The kiss wasn't fast or messy but slow and gentle and Alec melted in the kiss. The fear was there but it wasn't as huge as he thought and the warm feeling in his stomach turned into thousand little butterflies. Magnus heart almsot exploded from happiness and he just let Alecs kiss him knocking all the air out of his lungs. Alec pulled back after a few seconds but neither of them opened their eyes and they leand their foreheads together. Alecs and Magnus breath was quick and loud but the smile on their face was huge even they couldn't see the smile of the other one...//tbc The Video is the over the chapter and I hope you like it💕🌸🌸💕🌸💕🌸💕
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