"What's happening here?" Rio asked a bit confused on why I was being surrounded by others in their full beastform while I had a huge grin on my face and my cubs were busy trying to bite Marlo, which they didn't succeed at so they just tried to find their next victim. Which was unfortunately Calvin.
"Nothing?" I answered, although it came out more like a question as I blinked and stared at him, Kali and Denver who stood there confused as hell on what's going on right now.
"Alright thats enough little mate. Time for us to prepare your food so you can eat" Tora said after he shifted back to his human form.
"Alright, fine" I huffed but still refused to let both Kei and Florence go. "Little mate" Tora said making me pout as I released my two wolfs.
"That's not fair that they get to have pets while we don't" Rio said as he gave the deer that he caught to Archie since Calvin was still busy being bullied by my three cubs.
"Alright come here then" I said which made Rio grin as he immediately went to me and shifted into his peacock form. "Maybe I should really get more peacock male since I am from the peacock tribe after all" I muttered as I began petting Rio.
I then looked at Kali and Denver, tilting my head to them to which they smiled at and went to me. "We'll call you when food is done okay? Just call for us if you need anything" Lucas said and I hummed and reached out to touch Denver's wool with my other hand.
"It is soft and fluffy" I let out a tiny gasp as my hands touched his wool. "What color do most sheep beastman are? White right?" I asked, tilting my head a little.
"Hm if your speaking about their beastform then yes. Most of them are white while some are black and occasionally have brown wool" Rio answered as he nuzzled his head against my cheeks.
"But if your talking about human form then their hair color varies. Like the two from yesterday, the one the rabbit hf beast had, they had purple and cyan colored hair" Rio said and I nodded.
"I haven't seen a brown sheep before" I mumbled making Rio shake his head and I can feel that he was smiling. "Maybe you'll get to see one if you explore the whole content and visit some sheep villages, there's bound to be at least a few brown one" Rio said and I nodded, removing my hands from him to pet Kali next, who immediately leaned forward to my touch.
"Sera! There you are! We've been looking for you" I turned my head to look backwards when I heard Serenity call. "Hi" I waved at them as I continued to pet my three mates.
Calvin was also still there, watching over the cubs who immediately went to greet Serenity and the others. "Hello there cubs" Serenity smiled and bend down a bit to pet the three of them.
"Spoiling your mates I see" Serenity laughed as she looked at her cub with a raised brow. "Your lucky your mate spoils you little brat" Serenity said as she look at Rio and I let out a small snicker besides him.
"Hey, I can hear you" Rio huffed as he nudge me with his head. "Anyways, do you need anything?" I asked, tilting my head to look at Serenity and the others.
"Well actually, we wanted to know if you can ask you mate if there are any available dens in the city? Fara and Vivian wants to move here instead of going back to the village" Serenity said as she glance at both Fara and Vivian who gave me a sheepish smile.
"Alright I'll go ask Kenji later" I said and they gave me a nod before I turned my attention to the others. "How about you guys? Any plan? You wanna go back to the village or stay here?" I asked them.
"I wanna go back to the village and occasionally visit here" Serenity said and I nodded in understanding. "I'll also be going back to the village" Amy said and I nodded before my attention turned to Bailey, Lydia and Hannah.
"Well, we decided to go explore the whole continent" Lydia answered and nodded with a small smile, already expecting it as an answer. "We'll see each other again right?" Hannah said and I smiled.
"Of course. If the beast goddess fates us to meet again we will. It's all up to destiny to decide" I chuckled as I went to hug Hannah. "Keep safe out there okay? And remember don't do anything stupid" I said which made her huff and Lydia snicker besides her.
"That same goes to you and your reckless ass. You better stay out of trouble, or better yet go find a strong mate before you do something stupid. Maybe a prince or a king would be good, and maybe take several of them too" I said with a shrug as I look at Lydia who hummed with a smirk.
"Of course, that's why I want to travel around. I heard there are several mountain lions and otters in this one village. And some hyenas and coyotes too, so maybe I'll go there first and find a mate or two from the village" Lydia said and I smiled with a nod.
"Think I'll go to the city where one of my mate grew up in. I'll try finding more mates there first and then continue exploring around" Hannah said and I nodded before turning to Bailey.
"I'm going to another city with my mother once the weather is fine. We'll settle there, but I think I might travel from time to time in order to gain a few more mates" Bailey answered and I hummed.
"Seems like all of you have decided on what to do huh" I chuckled and they nodded with smiles. "What about you? What's your plan?" Serenity asked.
"I was planning on visiting Autumn city with Kenji and a few of my mates since Xavier is a prince there and hopefully I can snatch some his brothers while I'm there, wouldn't hurt to have a few more mates" I said with a shrug and they just nodded with smiles on their faces.
We then continued on talking about our future plans until Kenji came to pick me up since food was ready. "We'll continue the talk later girls" I said as Kenji picked me up.
"Alright! See you later Sera" Bailey waved at me and one of her new male, a cheetah, picked her up and left. Soon the others followed suit in leaving and Kenji also took this as a sign to leave.
"What did you guys cook?" I asked as I began to play with Kenji's white hair. 'So fluffy and soft' I thought as I happily continued on what I was doing.
Kali, Rio and Denver had also transformed back into their human form. "Roasted the deer meat and made mushroom stew" Kenji said and I hummed. "You also have some sliced apples, oranges and peaches" he added and I nodded, still playing with his hair.
"Hey Kenji, can I braide your hair?" I asked making him nod. "Do whatever you want little mate" he chuckled and I grinned. "You three watch and learn so I can ask someone to braide my hair next time" I said and turned to Kali and the others who just nodded in response.
We then went upstairs to the third floor where the other's were already waiting. Somehow the Calvin and the cubs got there before us.
"Eat up little mate, you'll need that energy later" Tora said and the others just chuckled as I sent him a small glare and huffed as Kenji sat down, placing me on his lap.
We then grabbed some food and enjoyed our meal in a happy and comfortable silence, well except for the occasional banter of Archie and Carlos.
"Awe, don't worry little mate we'll be gentle we promise" Xavier said as he and Lucas stood in front of me. It was now night time and these two decided to go first.
"Hmph I doubt that, remember how rough you were last time?" I raised a brow at Lucas who just chuckled. "Well I'm here too, so don't worry about that" Xavier cooed as he moved towards my back and hugged me before nuzzling his cheeks on my hairs.
"Now relax and let us do the work" Lucas smirked and before I knew it I was in bed with two handsome men towering over me.
'Fuck, this is going to be a long night' I thought and welcomed both of their embraces.
"And where did your 'we'll be gentle' go last night?" I huffed as I looked at Xavier who sheepishly smile at me while he prepared my bath. "Come on now little mate, don't blame him. We couldn't stop ourselves last night. Especially with how alluring your voice was yesterday" Lucas said with a chuckle as he fed me some grapes that he got while I wait for my bath and breakfast.
"Hmph" I huffed again as I ate the grapes that he fed me. "Come on now little mate, I'll buy you anything you want later after breakfast" Xavier cooed as he finished preparing my bath.
"Fine" I grumbled and he chuckled as stole a quick kiss on my lips before rushing out of the door. Lucas let out a laugh as I say there, trying to process what just happened.
"Xavier!!!" I yelled out, only to hear laughter down the hallway along with Lucas laugh besides me. "Shush" I said and playfully slapped his shoulder, to which he just chuckled at.
"Alright, I'll leave you alone and wait outside until you finish your bath" Lucas said as he placed at kiss on my forehead before leaving.
'Damn males, they don't know they're effect on me' I sighed before a smile appeared on my face as I walked towards my bath.
'But at least they're mine and they only show that side of them to me and no one else' I thought and got inside the bath before relaxing, thinking of what could the day bring me.
"What do you want to buy little mate?" Xavier asked as he carried me in his arms while we walked around the crowded market place. Kali and Lucas were walking behind us, while Florence and Rio were walking in front leaving Xavier who was holding me in the middle.
"I don't know, let's just walk around for now?" I said and he hummed in response and continue to just walk around, looking from stall to stall.
[ 3rd Person's POV ]
As Sera was happily checking around the market with some of her mates, a certain bear was quietly trailing behind them. Not near enough to cause her mates to growl or get angry at him but he wasn't also to far either.
'Should I just ask her? Will she accept me?' The bear beastman thought to himself with a sigh. After getting this scar on his eye and lip he got rejected by several females since they deemed him ugly.
After that, he just devoted his life in saving females and guarding villages he was assigned at. But even then, not even the females he saved would be so willing on accepting him due to his scars.
He did have a few females that wanted him but he turned them down, he knew what they wanted from him, he can see it in their eyes. How they look down on him and gave him fake smiles, trying to have him accept them.
So he just decided that maybe having a mate wasn't for him, that was until he saw her.
When he first saw her being carried by Calvin he felt a pang of jealousy and paid that the beastman he was close with has his own mate now, and maybe potential cubs in the future if his female was willing to give him.
He did admit that he was shock when he saw how polite she was, and he was even more shock to see that she had also accepted Archie.
He then felt hope that maybe, just maybe, she can accept him too. That she was willing to see pass his scar and accept him for who he was not for his power or crystals.
'Maybe I'll take this chance, I'm even willing to accept if my mark will end up in her wrist or below her knees, as long as I can stay close to her' he thought to himself as he slightly picked up pace to catch up on the female he wanted.
That was until another female blocked his way. He wanted to growl at her but stopped himself, knowing that she was a female and her mates could get upset at him for disrespecting their mate.
"Can I help you female?" He asked as his eyes flicked to the female in front of him, who was a blonde hair fox half beast with around 18 males trailing not far from her, and back to the female he wanted to chase.
"Hi, my name is Cassie" the fox female, Cassie, introduced herself with a shy smile. "I wanted to ask if you want to be my mate" Cassie said, twirling a few strands of her hair on her finger.
The bear beastman look at the female in front of him with a small frown. He knew who she was, so he was guessing that she just wanted to be mates with him for his power or crystal, that was the only reason he could think of.
"I'm sorry female but I already have a female that I like and I'm planning on courting her" The bear beastman said making the female in front of his pout.
"What makes you think that the female you like would be willing to accept you? Females deemed you ugly because of your scars so be greatful that my female even wanted you" One of the female's mate scoffed as he stared at the male in front of him with a growl.
"Yeah, just like he said. You don't have a guarantee that she will accept you so why not become my mate instead?" Cassie smiled at him as she grabbed his arm and hugged it and leaned in closer to him.
The bear beastman wanted nothing more than to pull his hands away but he refrained himself from doing that because he would be kicked out of the city for harming a female in case she fell she he pulled his arms away and she lost her balance.
"Female please let me go" The bear beastman said causing the female who was holding him to pout. Just as she was about to open her mouth, another voice interrupted her.
All heads turned to see who it was and Cassie can feel her blood boil when she spotted the female she hated the most.
She can feel the beastman she was holding shift and her frown deepen. 'Why? Why does she always get the strong males while I'm left picking up a bunch of weak ones?! Why do all beastman like her anyways?!! I'm better than her!!' Cassie thought.
"Sera" Roscoe said, his voice noticeably soften when he called her name, unlike when he was talking to Cassie just a few moments ago.
"What are doing here?" Sera asked, ignoring Cassie as she focused her gaze on the bear beastman in front of her, the one she was waiting to approach her earlier when her mates told her he was following them.
"I wanted to go see you since I wanted to ask you something" Roscoe said as he fully turned his attention to the female he liked.
"Something to ask me?" Sera tilted her head a bit, a small smile appeared on her delicate face that made his heart beat a little faster than it would normally have.
"Yes" Roscoe nodded, his own face forming the tiniest smile. "What is it?" Sera asked, although she already guess what it was she just wanted to hear it coming from him.
"Would you allow me to court you?" Roscoe asked, hoping she won't turn him down. "Your asking me this yet there's another female clinging on you?" Sera asked with a small pout making him flinched as he quickly pulled his arms away from Cassie, all the fear of being kicked out from the city long gone from his mind as he didn't really care for the female.
"I'm sorry, that won't happen again. But are you willing to accept me?" Roscoe asked as he rubbed the place where Cassie had been clinging on.
"Alright, I'm willing to accept you" Sera said, a soft smile appearing on her face as Roscoe walked towards her. Xavier, who was still carrying her, set her down and allowed her to grab the male and hugged his arms just like what Cassie did.
"Your mine now, am I clear? So if that female goes near you again just ignore her" Sera said as she glanced at Cassie who was fuming as she watch her.
Cassie's mate tried their best to calm her down. 'I won again this time bitch' Sera thought as she looked at Roscoe and smiled at him.
Roscoe on the other hand couldn't be more happier right now. After being rejected so many times he finally found a female that was willing to accept him. And at this point he really didn't care on where his mark will end up in as long as he was with her that was more than enough for him.
"Cassie please calm down" They heard a wolf beastman who was Cassie's mate say, trying his beast to calm his mate by combing her hair but he accidentally combed through a knot which made Cassie growl.
He flinched, ready to apologize but before he can he dropped to his knees, his mouth hung open and tears fell from his eyes. Pain shot through his body and a weird sensation rushed deep inside him, like he being ripped apart.
Everybody was staring at Cassie and the male in shock and disbelief. Sera was shock at what she just witness, she stared at the male in pity knowing what ever was done can't be turn back.
Cassie just cut his mark, rendering him markless thus it officially made him a rootless beast.
Okay, I got a little carried with writing with this one but hey! At least it's long :3
And damn!! Cassie just cut a mark! Oh my! What will happen next?!
Stay tuned to find out!!
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