Chapter 22

Jimin opened his eyes slowly, lips turning up to a soft smile when he laid eyes on the girl in front of him. He raised the hand that was placed on her waist, softly caressing her face which stirred the sleeping girl awake. Chaeyoung's eyes were hazy with sleep as she looked up at Jimin. He chuckled, fingers continuing to trace the features of her face. "Good morning, Chaeyoung. How did you sleep?" he softly asked her. Chaeyoung was still in a haze but managed to lean into his touch and smile gently at him. "I slept really well. Thank you, oppa." Jimin chuckled at her response, eyes lowering to her arms that were wrapped tightly around his body.

"I can see you slept really well...I'm glad I could help with that." he teased, making Chaeyoung blush furiously and release her grip from his body. She hid her face on his chest and Jimin just caressed her hair, twirling some strands around his fingers. Chaeyoung was so embarrassed that she let herself get carried away like she did. She slept with Jimin on the same bed and cuddled all night long.

She suddenly recalled the kiss she secretly gave him and sat up, hiding her face in her hands. She was rapidly losing control over her emotions for the playful guy next to her. She needed to keep her feelings inside herself until she was one hundred percent positive that he liked her back. Chaeyoung turned to look down at Jimin who was just staring at her in amusement. She wanted to ask him how he felt about her, but she didn't have the courage to do that at the moment; she just sighed and shook her head.

Jimin noticed her conflicted expression and sat up as well, placing a hand on Chaeyoung's face to turn her to him. He gazed into her eyes, a worried expression plastered on his face. "What's wrong?" he questioned. Chaeyoung just smiled and placed her hand on top of his. "Nothing's wrong, don't worry about it." Jimin was sure something was up but he didn't want to push her and ruin the good atmosphere they had going on.

Jimin just returned her smile, leaning towards her until their foreheads and noses touched. Their eyes bored into each other's, Chaeyoung had frozen once again at his advances, her stomach full of butterflies that fluttered around uncontrollably. Jimin just closed his eyes and nuzzled their noses, earning a surprised gasp from Chaeyoung who eventually returned the gesture shyly.

"You're too cute for your own good, Chaeyoung. Come on, we should go and freshen up. I'll race you!" Jimin jumped out of bed and rushed out, leaving a stunned Chaeyoung behind. After getting back to her senses, she jumped out of the bed as well, her competitive spirit taking over as she ran towards the bathroom. Jimin who had already arrived was smirking at Chaeyoung with a toothbrush in his hand. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and fetched her own toothbrush, both individuals bumping hips playfully as they attempted to share the small area.

Chaeyoung's insides were bursting with joy as she laughed and joked around with Jimin. He stared at her lovingly, unable to comprehend how this girl was the same he had met back in school. She was so different now and he couldn't help the protective flame burning inside his heart. He would do anything he possibly could in order to protect Chaeyoung; to allow her to smile without a care in the world. He would make sure his mother's words would not come true; Chaeyoung would definitely not die.


Once the playful duo was done washing their faces and brushing their teeth, after a bit of a water splashing war that is, they both walked back together to Jimin's room. "Wait for me in the living room, Chaeyoung. I'm just going to head to bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I'm out I'll make some breakfast for us." He left soon after gathering some things from his room, leaving Chaeyoung alone once again. She tried to control her rapidly beating heart, hands slapping her heated cheeks to snap herself out of the lovely daydream she found herself in. She was having too much of a good time and she was scared of getting used to it after the life she had lived so far.

Chaeyoung sighed, taking the time to look around Jimin's room now that he was gone. Her eyes took in every detail, pausing when she noticed two familiar things neatly placed on the desk in his room. She walked closer to get a better look, the smile on her face growing wider when her hands captured the pastel pink envelope and the cute handmade plush-dog keychain with a now broken strap (A/N: The apology gifts from Chapter 9). "He kept them..." she happily muttered to herself, feeling her heart skip a beat yet again. She was feeling all warm and fuzzy as she set the items back to where they belonged.

She then walked out of Jimin's room and made her way to the kitchen, the sounds of a running shower in the distance. She smiled to herself as she opened Jimin's fridge to check up on his stock. She frowned when she noticed how empty his fridge was, so it left her with little options on what to make for breakfast. She knew that Jimin had said he would prepare something for her but she didn't want to just sit around. She also wanted to officially thank him, so what better way to make your way to a man's heart than by food? At least that is what the dramas she watched with Jungkook taught her.

Chaeyoung left the kitchen in search of her distressed coat, picking the messed-up cloth and digging through the pockets to grab her phone. She made her way to the kitchen once again, snapping pictures of the ingredients available and then sending them to a trusted someone that could help her out. After a few minutes, she got a message from Jin that made her blush and almost throw her phone to the ground.

Handsome Jin🤴😘:

Good morning, Chaeyoungie! Ohhhh~ you're just like a newlywedded wife! Don't worry, I have a few recipes to share with the few ingredients available. 😉

She cleared her throat, regretting asking Jin for help in the first place. After a few exchanged messages, Chaeyoung decided on the easiest recipe Jin had offered. She placed her phone to the side and raised the sleeves of Jimin's sweater, so they wouldn't get in the way. Now all she had to do was figure out where all the pans and stuff were so that she could actually get started.


Jimin had just finished changing his clothes and drying his hair, winking at his reflection on the partially fogged-up mirror. He exited the bathroom, the smell of smoke instantly hitting his nostrils. He ran towards the source in a hurry, adrenaline kicking in from worry. Once he made it to the room where the main source was coming from, he couldn't help but sigh in relief and smile widely. He watched as a frantic Chaeyoung attempted to fan away the smoke coming from the toaster in front of her. Anyone who walked into the room could see Jimin's lovestruck face as he stared at the back of the panicked girl.

He quietly made his way to Chaeyoung, trying to hold in his laughter when he saw the several pieces of burnt toast on a plate. His arms carefully wrapped around her small waist, placing his chin on the girl's left shoulder. Chaeyoung jumped a bit, her already rapidly beating heart hammering in her chest when she heard Jimin speak right by her ear. "Making breakfast? It smells really nice, Chaeyoung." he complimented despite the obvious smell of smoke in the room.

Chaeyoung blushed, unable to form any words due to their intimate position. She would have thought that things like this would make her uncomfortable, but the shock was that she felt more comfortable than anything. It was like it was a normal thing that should have always happened between them, maybe it was the dramas that brought all those ideas into her head. She should really stop indulging Jungkook by watching them with him.

Jimin swayed their bodies for a few seconds before the toaster with more burnt toast spooked the both of them. Chaeyoung reached out to hide the evidence of her struggles but Jimin was too quick and snatched the toast away from her. "I've already seen the other similar pieces of toast on the plate. No need to hide these new additions." Chaeyoung moved away and watched as Jimin placed the new pieces of toast onto the plate, bringing it over to the table where the other food was already waiting.

Chaeyoung walked to the table, feeling self-conscious as she saw him admire the food prepared by her. To be honest, she was a pretty good cook since she lived alone most of her life, but she also couldn't work her way around a toaster to save her life. "I-I'm so-" before she had to time to apologize Jimin leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, smiling sweetly at her when she looked at him in shock. Her hand touched her kissed cheek, blush becoming much more prominent. "Thank you for the food, Chaeyoung. I really appreciate it. No need to feel embarrassed or anything. Everything you do is perfect to me." Jimin sat down, looking up at Chaeyoung as he waited for her to sit as well.

Chaeyoung quickly recovered and sat down, shyly picking at her own food which Jimin kept happily gushing over. "I-I just wanted to thank you for everything. I would have been a mess if you weren't with me. I'm glad you persisted and became my f-friend. Thank you for not running away, oppa. Thank you for running with me instead." Jimin stopped stuffing his cheeks and stared at Chaeyoung, his face turning serious for a moment. "I will never leave you, Chaeyoung. We're a team now, remember? Together we will end this all. Someway somehow, we will make this stop." Chaeyoung felt like crying but she held her tears back and smiled brightly at him. "Besides, you already gave me your thank you gift last night." Jimin whispered, laughing when Chaeyoung spat out her drink. He got out of his chair and sweetly rubbed Chaeyoung's back once she had finished coughing.


"So what do you plan on doing now that you are no longer a student?" Jimin asked as he passed Chaeyoung a dish for her to dry. She contemplated for a moment before answering his question, "I haven't asked Jin oppa or Jungkook yet but I plan on getting a job somewhere. I don't want to sulk around at home all day like I used to." Jimin nodded at her words, a bright smile forming on his face when he thought of something. "Why not ask Jin hyung to hire you at the café? It would be a good idea to work in a place where we are around you in case something were to happen." Chaeyoung thought about his idea for a minute before smiling. "You know, I never thought of that. I think I'll ask Jin oppa about it when we see him. Jungkook will be happy too since he worries about me all the time."

"Jungkook sounds like a good guy." Chaeyoung nodded at Jimin's statement. "He became my best friend for a reason. He likes to annoy me most of the time but he means well and isn't afraid to snap at me when I need it. I'm glad he's still around. I don't think I would have recovered if he hadn't shown up as a ghost in front of me. I'm sure you would have gotten along with him well." Even though Jungkook likes to insult you every two minutes. Chaeyoung thought. Jimin smiled at her, turning back to finish cleaning up all the dishes.


Chaeyoung was afraid to step out of Jimin's apartment building but Jimin held her hand tightly in support. Jin was waiting for them outside his car by the front door of the building, walking towards them when he saw them. "It's alright, Chaeyoung. No birds are in sight. There was a video posted about the birds and the government sent out people to clean the streets so they got rid of the ones on the pavement." She looked around finally deciding to step out towards Jin's car where Jungkook patiently waited on the passenger's seat. He moved away when Chaeyoung approached, settling on her lap once everyone was all settled.

"Jungkook get off my lap." Chaeyoung whined but Jungkook shook his head with a pout as he glared at a confused Jimin. "H-hi, name is Park Jimin but you probably already know that. It's nice to meet you?...Umm." Jimin reached out a hand towards Chaeyoung's direction in an attempt to get Jungkook to shake it. Jin stared at Jimin through the rearview mirror and then changed his gaze towards Chaeyoung, surprised she had even told Jimin about Jungkook. 

Jungkook gazed at Jimin's hand and turned his head away from him, it's not like he could even touch it in the first place so what was the point. "He says hi back..." Chaeyoung lied, trying to make the situation less awkward for everyone. The rest of the car ride consisted of Jin and Jimin talking about random things with a few Jungkook memories being shared by Jin since he never told Jimin he even had a brother before so he was excited. 


Once at the café, Chaeyoung sat in her usual corner while Jimin and Jin got to work along with another person that was working there. She glanced around, Jimin's idea to ask Jin for a job burning in her mind.

"What's up with you?" Jungkook finally spoke to her after having been annoyed at her for telling Jimin he existed. He didn't want the guy to attempt to talk to him ever again since he wasn't going to respond anytime soon. It just felt strange to know that Jimin was now aware that Jungkook was around. It didn't really affect him in anyway necessarily but Jungkook just didn't want Jimin to think that they could be friends, he was sulky to say the least. "I want to get a job and Jimin oppa thought it would be a good idea to ask Jin oppa about hiring me at the café." Jungkook almost gagged at her use of the honorific "oppa" after Jimin's name. He hadn't gotten used to her calling him that yet even though he has heard her say it multiple times.

"Well ask him about it then. He doesn't look busy to me. I mean look at him winking at all those people. I don't think that's a part of a normal owner job description but then again, he's the boss." Jungkook watched as a tall guy with purple hair ran away to his seat, extremely flustered after Jin winked at him. Chaeyoung smiled towards Jungkook, "you know, I spoke well about you to him. I'm sure you two could have been good friends at some point. No need to be so sour towards Jimin oppa. He's just trying to be nice by acknowledging your presence." Chaeyoung quickly remarked before getting up and heading towards Jin's direction. "Oppa, can I speak with you real quick?" Chaeyoung asked, unintentionally using the tone that Jin could not refuse.

Jin brought Chaeyoung to the employee resting area, sending Jimin out to the front. Jimin gave her a thumbs up which she laughed at before addressing Jin with her question. "Oppa, now that I am no longer a student, I really want to get a job to get out of the house. I don't want to just sit around all day by myself like I used to. Jimin gave me the idea but do you mind if I-" before she could ask the question, Jin had picked her up and spun her around confusing the poor girl. "Say no more, Chaengie! I would love for you to work here! You know I've offered the opportunity to you before but you didn't want to ever leave the house so you had declined. I'm glad you don't want to stay cooped up at home anymore. That's such a good sign! Jimin is sure leaving a good impact on you. He'll be in charge of your training. Prepare to work your cute booty off, Chaeyoungie. The training is intense~" Jin smirked before leaving a gulping Chaeyoung behind. What exactly did I get myself into? 


Author's Note: 


I just wanted to give you guys something quick! 

Things will be picking up soon. 🙃

Some interesting things are coming your way. 

Not too many chapters left now. 

I'll see you guys later! 

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