Stunts (??? X Reader) Soulmate AU
A soulmate AU where you can feel physical damages your soulmate is taking.
For example, Soulmate A broke their ankle. Soulmate B would then feel the physical damage, as well as show the effects of those damage.
Death, however, is a different case. If soulmate A would die, B would feel the pain but won't die.
Also! You're going to have to guess which Stardust Crusader is your soulmate! It's pretty obvious tho uwu
WARNING this chapter will contain explicit details about injuries, constant bleeding, and etc. If you are particularly sensitive about these type of things, please read with caution!
SPOILER warning. If you haven't finished/watches Part 3 please read with caution.
Now onwards!
"Ugh..." You grunted, lowering your fork whilst your friend watches with concern. Your vision spun around, as if you were strapped on an endless ride on a vigorously twirling carousel, or perhaps the feeling of someone grabbing (or biting you) by the head and shaking you around. And here you thought it was only a headache with your vein frantically pulsing in your temple. "I don't feeling like eating... I'm hungry and all, but I feel like throwing up when I eat for some reason..."
"Is it because of the headache?" Your friend puts a hand atop yours with concern. "You've had that since like, maybe a few months ago. Shouldn't you get that professionally checked? For all we know you could be harbouring a tumor."
"Oh, I already had it checked last week," you brushed her concerns away with reassurance. "They said that it has probably something to do with my soulmate. Whatever situation they're in, it isn't pleasant. I think they're the one harbouring that so-called 'tumor'."
She sighs. "I wonder what your soulmate is experiencing right now. Holy heck they must be in a bad state. I mean look at you-!" She exclaims, as she gestures you. "- you haven't been feeling well for like- two? Three? Three months! You could barely stood straight from the headache and even eat. You're begining to reassemble a malnourished beggar!"
"Oh relax, (friend's name)," you rubbed her shoulder, setting your lunchbox aside for a moment. "I know my soulmate would go through this! I'm going to bare it like I always do!"
"Does it still hurt? Like, does it hurt like it used to?" She asks.
"Not really," you placed a finger by your pulsing temple with pursued lips to conceal a wince of pain. "The first time it occurred it hurt like a bitch. It was like... Oh I don't know how to describe the pain. It felt like... When a sharp and sudden pain hitting my head, then it proceeds to make me hear ringing, then I got so dizzy that I lost my perception of the world and I couldn't control my limbs... Then I remember vomitting my soul out."
"Yes I remember that. You fainted in the middle of cleaning our class with me and other two classmates. I still remember what you looked like..." (Friend's name) reminisces with a concerned look. "Your face was so pale and your lips and your eyes... Your eyes looked like your soul was sucked out. When I caught you, your skin was so cold and your sweat was cold too. You didn't respond to any of my questions, I figured that you were too disoriented that you weren't responsive."
"Ahh, yes." You recalled. You were cold that moment, your perception was spinning and your vision was dotted with dark spots of ink-like substances. "Ahh, recalling it feels like I am experiencing it again." You shook your head, clutching your head. Your mouth started to flood with your own saliva, a bile flavour rising at the back of your throat but thank the heavens above you were able to hold yourself together.
"It was scary to be honest..." She sighed, rubbing her arm. "Whatever your soulmate is going through, they're probably suffering a lot."
"Yeah... I know..." You agreed with a hum. You glanced at your watch, before wincing. "It's time for class again. I think we should be going." You closed your unboxed lunch box, securing and bagging the thing. You watched your friend pack her things in her bag, before securing the straps on her shoulder. Admittedly, it wasn't easy to stand up, you felt like tumbling to the side once you stood up but showed no hints of it. By then the both of you started to walk towards your assigned classroom. You just wanted to cut class to avoid the teacher you despised, along with your friend as all your teacher to do was to be hostile towards you in every way.
Idle footsteps echoed along the school rooftop beneath a cloudy day, where the sun didn't shine today. The shady environment was a perfect spot for hangouts, skipping classes, and apparently, a perfect place for your lungs to give out.
(Friend's name) paused, realising your footsteps halted and you were no longer matching her pace. She glanced behind her, just to see you haunched over whilst you clutched at your own neck and struggled to breathe. Your ears began to rang after hearing all of the windows in the school break with seemingly air itself, but you were too focused in the myriads of unknown injuries placed in your body.
"O-okay what the fuck-" you choked on your words. "- what the fuck is that bitch up to now?"
"A-are you okay? Can you breathe?" She shook her head, realising her attempts of identifying your circumstance as futile, she decided to put your arm atop her shoulder to prop you up and walk you towards the school clinic. "Let's get you to the clinic. Your soulmate is doing things against, aren't they?" She grunts upon the struggle of assisting you to the clinic, as her figure was built like a twig and possessed zero ounce of muscle in her body.
"(Friend's name) I-I don't..." You halted in your tracks, subconsciously leaning heavily on your friend and almost made her stumble on her side. "I don't feel so good-" she almost screamed the moment you started to puke blood, the scarlet projectile incredibly strong and sharp that it managed to stain her uniform as well.
"Oh-oh-," she immediately laid you down. "Oh MY GOD-" she screamed out of panic, her mind running wild as you writhe on the ground, appearing as if you were having a seizure.
Your body aches with sharp pain, as if a hundred fists decided to punch you and mark it's damage on your flesh again and again, until your body eventually burst with blood. You coughed on your own blood, spitting it out as you almost chokes from it. The cooper flavoured fluid flooded your mouth with its metallic tang and you doubt that even brushing your teeth would make the taste go away.
"I-I'm going to call the teacher! Please stay there!" Your friend shouts, taking her one inched heeled shoes before bolting the down the stairs with concerning intents of reaching the faculty.
You have never felt more miserable until now. Your body was intense pain and what the heck is your soulmate doing? Are they even aware of what you were feeling? Do they even care at all?
"Okay what the fuck do you do for a living? A fucking street fighter?" You weakly coughed, the crimson fluid leaking from the corner of your mouth. Your breathe came out as a pathetic wheeze, your heart rate gallivanting like a horse on a race.
After teachers reached you, they resorted to bring you in the hospital after seeing the pristine white tiles of the roof top stained with your very own blood. Other than that, a dead body was also found in the school infirmary, the doctor's unconscious, bloodied body.
"Ah, L/N-san... Didn't thought you'd be here again. Is it your soulmate again?" The nurse nonchalantly spoke, flipping through his clipboard. "You've been here for about fifteen minutes. It's a good thing your school is near the hospital."
Your eyes twitched at the sudden pain within your whole body, you knew you'd feel the pain for weeks. The metallic taste still unpleasantly lingered in your mouth as your vision spun around, although it wasn't as worse as it was before. And the mentioned headache for the past three months was still in your head.
"How are you feeling?" The nurse asked, tipping his glasses down. You closed your eyes for a moment and sighed.
"I'm fi- o-OW!" Your voice broke out with a shriek, the sharp pain of the headache intensifying with great pain and agony, the nurse immediately reacted, leaving your room and rushed to the doctor. "Seriously soulmate, what the fuck are you thinking?!" You cried, tears leaking out of your eyes out of pain.
The pain lasted for a few seconds, although the pain felt eternal for you. It felt like someone was ripping a piece of your brains out with their sharp fingernails... When the sensation suddenly vanished. Like it wasn't there. You panted, attempting to catch your breathe as your eyes darted from left to right, up and down in an attempt to grown yourself to reality. The headache you've been feeling for three months straight has suddenly vanished as if nothing happened. There were no after feeling, there were no trace of headache lingering within your head.
Once you caught your breathe, you simply closed your eyes with a sigh. You opened your eyes once more to scan the extent of your injuries, or rather, your soulmate's injuries. You can feel myriads of bandage wrapped around your head, some were on your abdomen, then in your chest... Maybe a few cuts on your legs, arms and major bruises in your cheek.
Whatever the fuck your soulmate was doing, they are seriously injuring themselves and you. And here you were, always the cautious little worry wart who always thought about your soulmate every damn minute, keeping in mind that every damage you make to your body will affect them as well. But they don't seem to keep the same sentiment and care as you do.
You sighed, leaning your head to your pillow whilst you closed your eyes swollen from crying. "I swear to god... Whoever my soulmate is, I will make sure they take care of their body."
A hum of confusion erupted from your throat, realising a fresh stain of blood on the collar of your hospital scrub, dripping from your forehead. You gently laid your finger on the middle of your forehead, as the steady stream of blood streaked down your face with a sigh.
"Seriously soulmate... What are you up to?"
"My soulmate is concerning, I swear to the god of all living things," you grunted, taking a handkerchief from your dresser and began to wrap it around your palms, mumbling incoherent things under your breathe. "I just washed my sheets, goddammit, now you have the nerve to cut your hand? You monster, my sheets are white and not easy to wash. My mom is going to kill me if I showed her my sheets."
Once the tight wrappings was to your liking, you immediately pulled your blanket and sheets off your bed before dumping it on the laundry basket. As you pulled the sheets, the old blood stains that leaked through the mattress showed itself as an obnoxious brown stain. You bent over your closet and retrieved new sheets from it.
"Maybe I'll ask mom to buy me darker colours as sheets..." You considered to yourself, before fixing the new sheets on your bed. Once you were finished, you immediately took the white handkerchief off your hand, only intending for it to stop the bleeding before dumping the newly bloodstained handkerchief of yours on the laundry basket. "Remind me to buy a whole gallon of bleach to wash them myself..."
Once you were finished with your predicament, you prepared yourself to go to school.
"Hey Y/N..." Your friend waved at your direction, clasping the strap of her bag as she waited for you to match her pace. Her eyes immediately wandered and noticed the new addition on your palm. "I see your soulmate gave you a mark once again to add to your collection."
You sighed, shaking your head. "If they don't stop acting up like this, I will ingest bleach just to get back at them." You grumbled, clenching your bandaged hand and immediately regretting it as the wound stretched open upon your force. The red stain became brighter from the bandage, more prominent and easy to see. You sighed once more, rubbing your eyes.
"No worries Y/N... At least they're not dead... Right?" She nervously chuckled. "I heard that once your soulmate dies without meeting them, you'd feel numb. Emotionally and mentally and psychologically- like, to the point of not even caring about what you feel too... So like technically, you're numb both physically and mentally!"
"How does one even know their soulmate is dead without meeting them?" You were curious to how it goes, since it wasn't difficult to find soulmates. Everyone around you barely glanced at their shoulder and could easily spot their other halves with no effort whatsoever. It's easy to tell, especially when they have basically the same scars. Yours would be easy to find alright, you have millions of bandaged covering every inch of your body, they would be probably wearing something that doesn't show off the skin too much if you missed them. And you were confident you'd meet yours within a blink... Someday.
"Well..." Your friend ponders, putting a hand on the corner of their lip. "They said that you'd know. I don't really know, I just heard it from somewhere."
"So how's you're soulmate doing?" You asked, glancing over her. She sighs, before pulling her wrist to reveal a horizontal line on her wrist, just below her palm.
"The guy is giving me steam burns. They're probably into cooking. I constantly feel my wrist burning." She lowers her sleeves with hum.
Once you arrived in class, you wasted no time to seat down to ease the increasing fatigue. The classes started as it does usually, the teacher speaking in a matter that is soothing and suitable to tell a bed time story. Heck, the lesson about biogenetic seems to be a bed time story rather than a complicated science to be confused about... For you at least, you couldn't understand what the hell she was saying, but you were glad your teacher has a soothing voice. Although your eyes hung low and you craved for sleep, your brain keeps trying to try and keep you awake, much to your dismay.
As you put your chin atop you palm, you silently winced at hissed when you completely forgot of the cut your soulmate caused. You mentally cursed, before switching your chin to your uninjured hand. Fatigue overcame your senses due to the anemia you've contracted after losing too much blood from your soulmate's injuries, always losing blood as if their life depended on it. Seriously, waking up with blood on the sheets should be extremely alarming for you, especially when you're not on the time of the month yet/not capable of having periods. At this point, you were only half alarmed and more annoyed.
Not only was it a big bother to always leave strains everywhere you go, it also drains your allowance. you were always in need to buy a bottle of bleach every three days, and additionally, buying iron supplements wasn't cheap at all. You wanted to take care of your body as much as you can, because clearly your soulmate of yours doesn't seem to mind catching a blade with an open palm. Your only way of retaliation without needing an object to harm you was having anemia that they caused in the first place.
"... Alright class, to those of you who joined at the dance festival you can now change out of your uniform into a more fitting outfit." Your teacher announced. Mindlessly, you turned to your bag and dug for your spare clothing to wear for this specific moment and bring some bandages along with you as well. Because you never know.
"Come on, Y/N!" Your friend waves at you. "Let's go, or we might run out of stalls to change into!"
"Oh um," You'd love to accompany her, but you couldn't seem to find the extra roll of bandage you packed earlier before you went to school. "I-l- oh you go on ahead! I'm just looking for something." you uttered, whilst you pulled the contents out of your bag to try and find the roll of bandage, just in case they decided to take a knife in their open palm.
"Alright then!" (Friend's name) beams, before running along the corridor to get a stall for herself.
As soon as you finally found the roll of bandage, you wasted no time to rush into the rest room. Once you finished into changing into a comfortable black long sleeved shirt and black jogging pants, you were off to go to the venue of the practice where you saw your friend waiting for you. Good thing you were able to reach there in time, or else you would have been punished by your trainer once again.
The sun scorched your skin, but it was really nothing new. As you've performed alongside your fellow trainee's, you made sure to make sure your mistakes were clean and subtle to avoid being called out by the trainer. You weren't that good if a dancer, but at least it's a way to get out of class without cutting classes and it was an extra curricular that can provide you extra grades and an exemption from all tests, quizzes and activities.
The dance was going as usual, the beat of the music reverberating throughout the school's outdoor basketball court, when your arm was uncomfortably soaked with sticky, wet fluid. It stung, sure you were certain it was just sunburn due to the exposure to the sun... But it felt a little odd. You felt annoyed for a moment, ignoring the sweaty feeling on your arm. The dance repeats again and again, prompting you not to try and investigate the strange wetness in your arm out of fear of having to start the choreography once again. You were nonchalant about the weird wetness on your arm, when the wet fluid began to drip on the ground. Within a moment of realization, you grasped your hand and stopped dancing, since the blood was being flung everywhere as you moved.
The trainer immediately took notice of your sudden halt and stopped the music, prompting the other dancers to groan, expecting him to yell out for the dancers to start the choreography from the top, when the dancer beside you noticed the blood dripping off your arm.
"What happened?" The trainer asked, watching you stare at the blood leaking out of your sleeve. Biting the bullet, you decided to roll your sleeves. Your arm was covered with a dried layer of blood, before your mind immediately registers what the fuck was going in with your arm, you noticed it. On your arm, was a carving. A handwriting so precise and legible... They have such a nice handwriting but this wasn't fucking normal.
Without any other words, your vision darkens upon shock and your muscles felt nonexistent and gave out, causing panic to stir within the students and trainers alike. Shallow breathes were made as you collapsed on your classmates sloppy catch, your eyes shielded from the bright lights as a crowd formed around your figure whilst a student was yelled at to fetch help. You arm laid beside you, still bleeding on the pavement while your consciousness started to slip, but not enough for you to be knocked out.
Just another typical Wednesday.
Once you finally gathered your thoughts from the infirmary, you were excused from classes and practice for today. Nothing rare, it was one of those days again. It was you, the infirmary, and your soulmates injuries. Your teacher was thankfully kind enough to lend you a shirt, since your spare one was soaked with your blood. But you couldn't help but to think about what was written in your arm.
Baby stand...
What the fuck does that supposed to mean? Are they trying to be edgy by carving names on their arm? Is this a message from them to you? A way to communicate?
"Am I... Your baby?" You asked, staring at your newly bandaged arm with wonder. "Stand? Baby stand? Are you... Trying to say that you can't wait for our baby to stand up?" You said to no one in particular, before groaning and started realising it was stupid.
"I am seriously going to take multiple PhD's just to take care of your sorry ass. If I meet you and you'd end up in the hospital, I'd know it's you and make sure you aren't using yourself as a pin cushion." You glared at the ceiling, before pinching your own cheek to make your soulmate feel it. "You better not act up anymore."
Within your seventeen years old existence, this year seems to be chaotic. Your soulmate has been sick a few times and you'd feel it, but no matter you immune system needed a nudge so you're thankful for it. They would occasionally scrape their knee, but at least it was rare. Paper cuts, they're painful but no problem. Broken arm? Got it, it only occured once. Bruises? Basic. But now? What the fuck are they doing to themselves? One of these days, you somehow knew they have not reached the peak of their dumbassery. If you'd meet them, you'd automatically scold them to take care of themselves and if they do not, oh well you'd figure that out soon or make a retaliation on the spot.
You narrowed your gaze on the ceiling, before sitting up on the school infirmary's bed. You held you uninjured arm up, raising it high, before harshly bringing your elbow on a wooden surface. It was painful to say the least, but at least you weren't the only one feeling it. Feeling unsatisfied, you stood up and purposefully bumped your toe (especially the pinky one) on the leg of the bed. Satisfied, you laid back on your bed with a hmmmp.
You opened your eyes and your first instinct was to pull the blanket that concealed your body. There were no trace of blood today, that's great. Satisfied with this, you yawned as you stretched your arms above your head, cracking your fingers before you sat up and rubbed the lingering sleepiness that rested in your eyelids. Glancing over your bandaged arm, you poked to see how much it hurts. Suffice to say you were surprised you felt nothing. You shrugged, thinking you must've missed the wound. You poked your arm once more, only to feel nothing.
Confused, you hunted for the pair of scissors you kept in your drawers before snipping the bandage open... Clean. Your arm was clean from the words horrifyingly carved on your arm.
"W-wha-?" You gasped, pulling the remains of the bandage and gauze off your arm with wide eyes. "Okay, soulmate, this is getting out of hand!" You exclaimed, voice wavering from shock and in disbelief, rubbing your previously injured arm just to make sure it wasn't an illusion, nor were you hallucinating.
Your arm felt normal to say the least, but you were still confused, but at the same time, relieved. You don't know what sort of deal they made with the devil to do this, but the wounds weren't there. And here you thought you'd have a weird looking scar to cover with tattoo. You let the breathe you were holding pass your lips, throwing the brown stained bandage and gauze on the nearest trash can, before you proceeded to prepare yourself for school.
"Maybe you should often do that... I don't know what you're doing soulmate, but it's kinda cool I guess." You shrugged, whilst you inspected your arm clean from the strange carvings. You smiled at the refreshing turn of events and hoped it will remain the same way.
To be continued →→→
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