Stunts PT. 2 (Noriaki Kakyoin X Reader) Soul mate AU

A soulmate AU where you can feel physical damages your soulmate is taking.

For example, Soulmate A broke their ankle. Soulmate B would then feel the physical damage, as well as show the effects of those damage.

Death, however, is a different case. If soulmate A would die, B would feel the pain but won't die.

WARNING this chapter will contain explicit details about injuries, constant bleeding, and etc. If you are particularly sensitive about these type of things, please read with caution!

SPOILER warning. If you haven't finished/watched Part 3 please read with caution.

With books and notebooks scattered about the table, there were also snacks and drink that can power an army. As your friend chewed on a sugared rainbow strip, you taught her a rousing topic about philosophy, a subject she often yawned at.

"As I was saying, Holism is something like... Hmmm..." You explained to your friend, as she continued to look up at you as she chews on the sweet treat with her chin atop her palm. "To put an example of Holism, let's use the clock. A clock contains numerous gears and screws and one shouldn't define it by them and- are you even listening?" You glanced up to glare at her, her gaze directed to the side with puffed cheeks. Here you were putting an effort to discuss the matter, straining your already strained voice just to make her understand the lesson and yet here she is, looking like she barely gave a fuck.

"S-sorry, Y/N," she sighs, wrapping an arm around her abdomen with a wince. You noticed a teardrop that fell from her eye, it was subtle and yet you picked up the smallest detail. "My lower abdomen has been feeling funky... Period cramps sorta way..."

"O-oh... That's understandable..." The angry expression softened into a more sympathetic one. Oh you know how that feels, your soulmate was giving you hell and she's always been there by your side. "Do you want anything? Water? Soda?"

"Nah, I'm fine with candies," she weakly smiles, taking a bite from one of the rainbow belts. "So how's your soulmate doing? I have not seen a new bandage wrapping to add to your collection. Have they toned down?" she asked in curiosity, leaning forward to hunch in an attempt to find ways to ease the cramping.

"Yeah-" you chuckled in amusement. "-a little bit and that's honestly gre-" before you could finish your sentence, blood shot out from your eyes, forcing you to scream out in an unimaginable pain and immediately clamped your eyes close out of instinct. The blood against your eyes stung in a way you have never felt before and it felt like someone threw razorblades on your eyes. Suffice to say, you were not intending to get injured by your soulmate in this typical Tuesday. "AGHHHH!"

"WHAT HAPPENED?" you never realized how loud you were when a nearby teacher passed by and saw you bent down, attempting to stop the bleeding from your eyes until you passed out once again.

You deeply sighed, attempting to look around just incase you have unlocked your secret ability to see through darkness, but to no avail, this was no fantasy. The doctors said you have visitors today, but they've silently entered the room and you don't know where the hell they were.

"So... How are you holding up?" You asked, trying to pick up where your friend would've sat. You barely saw through the darkness, but your senses has been recently heightened due to your lack of sight and perhaps the side effects of some medications.

"I'm... I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that." You can hear the sheepish demeanor of hers in her tone of voice, and you can only assumed she's rubbing the back of her neck with a slightly pink cheeks.

"I see..." You hummed, cringing internally from the mistake you've made when you clearly couldn't-

A small snicker was coming from your right, and you immediately knew who it was. You crossed your arms with a pout.

"It was unintentional, please don't tease me, I know I won't hear the end of it." You'd roll your eyes if you were capable, but it hurts like a bitch. Being your friend for a long time, (friend's name) knew your urge to roll your eyes. "Let's just move on. Doc said I was lucky my corneas weren't hit meaning I'd still have my sight, but it'll certainly leave a scar and I need to have my eyes bandaged for a few days."

"Ahh, that's great. At least you weren't blinded," she sighs in relief. "So what do you think your soulmate did? Can you summarise it for one word?"

You groaned, lasting for about more than thirty seconds. It wasn't a word, but it was about right. Oh how could you not forget it was your soulmate's doing? Unfortunately, you never had the answer to why they keep running into these sort of troubles. I mean, in a span of a few weeks you've encountered near-death experience as if you were a soldier clad with zero armours and lacked weapons to defend yourself with in a middle of an active battlefield.

You heard your friend sheepishly laugh. "I'm guessing you don't know... Heh, didn't see that coming..." You turned to 'her' with furrowed brows.

"Did you just???"

"Sorry not sorry, Y/N."

Only the pair of friends came early to the class as usual. You have just been released from the hospital after the incident happened and boy oh boy were the doctors weren't happy at your recent visits. It was quite concerning for them to say the least, both for you and your soulmate, and as well as your insurance. Well, whadda y'know? Some doctors actually care for your well being instead of your medical insurance. To say the least, the doctors have been concerned for you and your soulmate. What ever they were doing, they were clearly harmful. Thankfully the wounds in your eyes were not severe enough for you to lose your sight, but then again, you needed to wear sunglasses to slowly be accustomed to natural day light. You were sure you'd only need them for maybe a day or two, so there's no biggie. And besides, your teachers and classmates were very aware to what happened to you. By now, you were always at the risk of danger just because of your soulmate and you were quite well known for that by now.

Oh dear soulmate... Where should I start? You haven't met them, but you were just wishing that they aren't someone from an illegal crime syndicate, oh that'd be hot but horrendous. They've been unscathed for the past of couple days, considering they're probably in a hospital as well, but eh, whatever at least they're not doing anything to harm themselves and affect you with it.

"Ahhh, it feels good to see your ugly mugs again..." you uttered, crossing your arms before putting your feet up your desk in an attempt to make your friend laugh after she claimed that you looked like a gangster with your sunglasses. "Hey you? What are you laughing at you punk?" You attempted to make your voice sound like you've ingested a whole factory of testosterone and protein shakes, glaring at your friend with a mock scowl.

"Oh gosh, you're starting to sound like Jotaro!" she laughs, putting a hand on her stomach as she attempts to stifle her laughter. Huh... you haven't seen the guy for quite a while... Where could he be?

"Oh yeah... He's been absent ever since I lost my headache... I wonder where he went..." you whispered to yourself in wonder and curiosity.

"Yeah, a lot of girls found themselves missing the behemoth too! You have noooo idea!" (Friend's name) said, leaning on her seat and putting her feet up her desk. "Rumours says that he ran away. I mean, I also heard he was arrested! He probably committed a homicide!"

"Oh don't say that!" you dismissively waved at her. "He may be disrespectful to people around him, but I don't think he's capable of committing something. Violent assault, yes he's been in trouble for that, but I doubt that he'd commit a homicide."

"Well I didn't say that I believed it, dummy! I'm just repeating things I've heard from his fan girls!" She insists, her light snack landing on your shoulder. "But seriously! The last time he was seen was like, what was it? A few weeks ago? A month? Like, the day when you received the first bloody injury you had!"

You winced. It somehow felt like yesterday when you had that. "Yikes... These days honestly feels too short for me." You sighed, finally putting your feet down to avoid being seen by faculty members and getting into trouble. "I don't why, maybe it's because I always bleed and spend my time in hospitals... Oh and (Friends name)?"


"Don't we have a transferee too?" You asked, glancing at her, squinting through the dark lenses of your sunglasses to spy on her expression. His sudden intrusion in the middle of the school year was strange, to say the least. What sort of student transfers in those years? Ahh, you weren't in the place to question such things, you never knew of his circumstances.

"Oh yeah, I heard from the fan girls that he rivals Jotaro's looks! Oh the debates that ensued, you have no idea how crazed they are. But here's the thing," she explained, seating herself on your table as she contorted to her chit-chatty persona. "Noriaki Kakyoin is the name, he's been absent like Kujo. I suspect they're involved with each other, but that's just my crazy conspiracy theorist showing up!"

"Ah... If the girls compares this Kakyoin guy to their beloved delinquent Jotaro, he looks handsome indeed." You said you thoughts out loud. "Weren't you following Jotaro that day along with the girls?" She isn't a particular fan girl of his, but she lost a bet against one of the fan girls and was dared to do some errands for her the whole day.

"Well, yep! I remember it as clear as day! No-boobs and ugly were out and about their shenanigans, got yelled at Joot- as usual- and then Jotaro tripped down the stairs with a bleeding leg and then Kakyoin came." She elaborated, twirling her hair with her finger as she recalls what happened. "He's... Cute I guess. I don't know why, but he looks annoyingly arrogant with him looking down at people from his nose and the way he held himself with grace and regality... It just feels so... Fake. Then I left." She glances at you with a questioning gaze. "Why the sudden interest, Y/N?"

"Oh, um..." You cleared your throat, shaking your head. "Well... I'm just curious. I never met the guy and teachers would call on his name during attendance checking and he is always absent. But enough about him, didn't you say we have an upcoming school trip?" You glanced at her.

"Oh yeah, we're going on a trio for three days to some- uhhh, retreat house? Something like that. It's a thing where students can 'spiritually heal' apparently." Your friend explains with a shrug. "I say, it's a way to get another way to earn money from us students."

You chose to ignore her additional remark, finding this school trip more interesting since it was unusual for the school to plan such a trip. "So where are we going?"

"Ahhh, I don't actually remember. I was paying attention at all." You rolled your eyes at her, before taking the sun glasses off to try and scan your surroundings to see if you can finally see things without the help of your sunglasses, nor squinting. No luck, everything was bright. You hugged, before putting your sunglasses back again.

"Ahhh, classes are starting again and Miss Bitch is our first class. Wanna skip?" You turned to your friend with a smirk as you offered the notion of skipping class. She returns the gesture before sitting up, the screeching of her chair was abrupt and loud.

"Let's go. School rooftops?"

"As usual," you smirked, shouldering your bag before turning to her. "Let's go~"

Noriaki Kakyoin... You somehow felt something when you heard his name. Ahhh, certainly one of those jittery premonition you randomly get out of nowhere, it surely means nothing. He does sound interesting though. For him to compete against Kujo's looks and fanbase? Oh isn't he quite the looker, but you haven't seen him yet. Ahhh, maybe one of these days you'll be able to see him for yourself.

"Okay soulmate. It's night time, what are you doing?" You stumbled out of the shower, harshly pulling the curtains whilst your body dripped with excess water that clung onto you. Pressing your hands to the cold, porcelain sink, you stared deep within your eyes to see the light being drained from it.

Dizziness and fatigue was regular for you to experience as an anemic, especially during random moments where you'd get up too quick and experience something you can only describe as experiencing a drug hallucinations, so disorienting and unpleasant.

You could've washed yourself off if you weren't feeling like fainting, you didn't want to pass out while you showered, fearing the worst scenario of slipping and hitting your head... And you didn't want that, as much as you want to retaliate against your soulmate who did nothing but to get themselves injured. With eyes tightly shut, you wrapped yourself with your towel before your hand found its way to the doorknob, twisting it open and slamming the door open. You were fortunate enough to land and fall on your bed once you've lost control of your footing, thanking which ever god was watching over you.

And just like that, your consciousness slipped as if your soul was confiscated from your body. You fell into a peaceful, and unwilling slumber for an unknown reason and you hoped that it'd be over soon.

One of these days, you swore. You hoped to meet your soulmate one day, and you always found yourself imagining the circumstances of how you'd meet. Would it be at the coffee shop where they'd be a barista? Would they be another one of the students who'd commute in the train? Would the meeting be magically romantic? Painfully awkward? You never know. But you can only hope they'd stay in one piece and not die, with all the injuries they're acquiring you found yourself concerned over their well-being instead of yours despite being affected by their physical pain.

An hour or two passed, and you found yourself waking up. It felt as if your soul was returned to your body and it was honestly a relief. You groaned as you were rubbing your head, you got off your bed to change into something decent since all you had to cover yourself was the towel you've wrapped yourself with prior before you lost consciousness.

"Soulmate... You better take care of yourself, or I am beating your ass to the ground with love and kisses and words of fluffy intoxication, quit hurting yourself." You whispered to yourself as if they'd hear it, but to no avail. Sighing, you got dressed into your typical sleep wear and caught a glimpse of your reflection. Two identical, vertical slash marks were on your eyes. Surely it'd be easy to spot your soulmate with these unique type of scars they possess, it's oddly symmetrical for a cut.

You sighed, before pulling yourself together and collapsing on your bed once more, glancing over your clock. It was quite early, it was usually your dinner time but you didn't feel particularly famished nor tired when you had just taken an hour long wink of a nap. What the heck did your soulmate do to fall asleep with all the sudden? As if they were injected with a sleep inducing drug, but it felt like your soul was being absorbed and placed elsewhere. You shook your head to rid yourself with any thoughts.

What's important is that they're safe... That's what's important.

You sat up, rubbing your eyes before proceeding to do your mount Everest height of homework piled before your study table and got your back into it. You huffed your cheeks, begrudgingly dropping your notebook by your table before you selected a cassette tape of your favourite band and placing it on a cassette player. You can be as loud as you want, your parents were home and you can blast the damn thing. With your favourite band playing in the background, you got to work with your homework starting with your least favourite subject.

You never realized how many homework you needed to get done was long enough for you to finish a one hundred and twenty minutes of songs from your cassette, and it was quite frustrating and shocking at the same time.

You cracked your knuckles after shoving the pile of papers away from your sight, leaning your shoulders into your chair with a groan. "I think that'll do for now..." you glanced over the clock and noticed how time's passed, as you've passed your typical sleep schedule but no matter. It's the weekend anyways, and your parents are gone for the time being. Nothing can stop you from staying up doing nothing and just straight up vibing.

You sat up, stretching your back when you felt a blunt sensation on your upper back, as if you forcefully bumped into a metallic post, before you felt another blow to the head. You exclaimed out in shock and pain, doubling over as blood slowly crept out of your forehead and began dripping down on the floor.

"Ahh, for god's sake what now?" You groaned in pain, running towards your bathroom to inspect the injuries they caused. Blunt trauma to the head and back, definitely would bruise tomorrow. "Ahhh, I shouldn't sleep then, I might have a concussion if I did." You sighed, unraveling the roll of toilet paper in your hand before dabbing it on your head wound.

"You really should take care of yourself, soulmate. You never know one day you'll suddenly die because of the things you're doing." You sternly (softly) scolded the nonexistent presence of your soulmate as you lightly touched upon your wound with outmost care and softness you never knew you possessed.

Once you were finished, you chucked the bloodied tissue on the trashcan, before proceeding out of the bathroom. Thinking of ways you should pass the time, you decided to play another one of your cassette from a second band you admire whilst you decide to finish your homework. It's not like you had something to do, you weren't exhausted at all and you don't plan to sleep just yet.

As you inserted the cassette in the player, the music played in a moderate volume, while you started your homework. Other than scanning your school work, you found yourself often glancing at the clock to check the time and it was approaching midnight.

A small yawn broke out your throat, as you scribbled notes on a blank piece of paper when you felt something in the out of your stomach, as if your cuts were performing flips and jumps. Uncomfortable, to say the least and it was unpleasant. Your mind churned with thoughts of warning.

Your wrist halted from writing, as millions of thoughts wildly ran through your head. Your brows furrowed together in confusion, palms clammy from anxiety as adrenaline pumped through your veins. Your chest felt tight, as if you've forgotten how to breathe. Fingers trembled, resulting for you to drop your pencil.

Warning... From what? What was happening? Warning... What do you need to be cautious about? Why was it warning you? What's going on? Why were you feeling like this all of the sudden? Is it your soulmate that's in danger? Was it you? Why are you so in high alert? Wh-

Within a second, a hole appears in your stomach, leaking with blood. The pain... undescribably grotesque but you were unable to feel it from intense adrenaline. Out of fear, you stood from your seat, the sudden force applied to the chair sent it falling backwards as your stumbled on your bed to wrap your wound with your blanket. You wrapped the white sheets around your stomach, tightening it like a corset around your figure to stop the bleeding, as crimson blossomed through the pure white fabric and began to seep through it.

"Wh-what-" you coughed out blood, the cooper tang filling your mouth as a crimson colour tinted your mouth. "-s-soulmate-" you spat out the blood, before you crawled to your nearest landline to call an ambulance. The ring of your phone kept you in the edge, before it was finally answered.

"I live in (Insert address) and a hole appeared in my stomach." You spoke the moment the other line picked up, as you panted, out of breathe. Cold sweat coated your whole figure, as your concentration drifted elsewhere that you couldn't hear what the other person from the other line was saying. "Pl-please hurry..." You weakly whispered, out of breathe and energy, as blood pooled under your body. Despite the tight tourniquet, blood still seeped out of your wound like a punctured water tower, the water content vigorously spilling out in your wake. Soon, you found yourself bleeding out to the point of being disoriented.

As your vision spun, you couldn't help but to close your eyes for a moment. An accept of defeat, you let darkness engulf you within its dark comforts and you were once again consumed by darkness.

To be continued →→→

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