Stray (Reimi Sugimoto X Fem Reader)

Because I like girls too.

Now onwards!

Being the vindictive spirit... It's just so... Exhausting. I've been doing this for about what now? A decade and a half?

Strolling along the desolate halls, the cold chills of the night blew at your direction, old and dusted curtains swaying along the motion. Wandering along the same old halls reduced into nothing but debris, hands idly running along the walls with chipped paints and peeling wallpapers as you walked along with no particular destination in mind. You couldn't help but to feel so... Weary.

The L/N family is one of the wealthiest family in Morioh. A family that lived off the old fortunes inherited from generations to generations, a wealth very well kept within the family with their family owning a clothing brand. One of the most prestigious, the wealthiest, respectable, honourable... Well, used to be.

That one stormy night, it all have changed. The night where they found Y/N L/N dead in the library with a slashed throat, the heinous murder remained uncaught all these years. It was the starting point of the fall of the beloved family, before they started spiralling down. Bankruptcy, extortion, alcoholism... Until the family patriarch decided to end it all with a murder-suicide.

And it all started in the dead of the night, you were peacefully leafing through educational tomes, those thick books people wouldn't see you open for fun. The innocent, recently-turned sixteen year old girl simply looking through her books when an unknown stranger broke into the window without your knowledge. He crept within the library with you, silent as a feline tiptoeing along the room... And before you knew it, he got a hold of you.

His clammy hand clasped your mouth shut, while the other held an envelope knife dangerously close to your neck. The sick fool pressed his nose against your hair, taking more than a whiff of the scent of your hair, his lips against your cold neck. Your chest clenched with sheer disgust at the memory alone. A memory from fifteen years ago.

"Such an ingenue... Your beauty so rare, unmatched... Breathe-taking..."

And before you could fight back... Your death came, in the form of a slashed neck. Your life barely flashed before your eyes and before you knew it you died in the hands of a sick bastard. Blood leaked from your neck, you laid choking on your blood... And he wasn't finished yet. He smiled as he proceeded to perform his sick desires. And within the next day, they found you.

Precious Y/N slumped over the table, the prominent look of terror frozen on your face. Blood that dripped from your neck started to dry by the floor... Other than your slashed neck, something else was missing... Your dominant hand, taken by your killer as a trophy to commemorate the event.

Leaning your back on the wall, you slid down until your bottom touched the floor. The prominent look of bitterness and wrath forever plastered in your face. You caught a glimpse of your reflection from a broken shard of glass, causing your face to soften. Reaching for your neck, you untied your choker which concealed the mark of your murder that remained fresh in your skin.

Vengeful Victoria... They call you Vengeful Victoria, the local ghost of Morioh residing in the L/N mansion. Disheveled (h/c) hair, sunken (e/c) eyes and her bloodied blush pink silk nightgown... Bitter of the youth travelling nearby as they were killed at a young age. Rumour says that they were slashed by the neck by their bitter mother who was envious of her beauty... Remain in the L/N mansion for too long and you might catch a glimpse of the vindictive spirit...

It is so fucking dumb. So stupidly childish.

It was... Insulting more than anything. All you wanted to do was to rest in peace and yet somehow you remained trapped in this mansion. Not only that, teens and young adults would invade the house in search for Vengeful Victoria... Well there is no Vengeful Victoria in this house, there was only Y/N and there is no way in hell you were going to ever embrace that name...

Admittedly, it was not fun to poke fun at teenagers who trespass in the property. At first it was, but it got old too fast. Not to mention, those teens with the intention of committing... Coitus in the mansion for some reason. Because it is obviously romantic to fuck in a run down mansion.

Decade and a half... He still wasn't caught in a decade and a half. And no one was noticing the decreasing murder scale in Morioh. Within a span of a decade and a half you could have grown up and pursue your dreams instead of wallowing in your bitterness about you death.

I don't want to remain here anymore... I'm exhausted... It's so boring here. I don't want to be known as Vengeful Victoria here... I'm Y/N, not some local ghost legend.

Getting on your feet, you tied your choker back to its place as you ventured towards the halls you knew by heart. With each sharp turns, you were determined to reach a specific room. Slamming the door open, you headed to what remains with your old bedroom. The clear visual of its old appearance appeared within your mind, but the dust and debris says otherwise.

"Hopefully my clothes are still intact... I don't want to get stuck in this ratty old sleeping gown." You muttered to no one in particular, ransacking through your old clothing. At this point, you didn't cared about the bugs that'd land in your skin. "It's so bloody. I don't even know why I wore it for fifteen years."

Pulling out a high collared jacket, along with an outfit of your choice. Shrugging the jacket on, you made sure your neck remains concealed.
Satisfied with your appearance, you fled your old home.

"Tsk... This street is endless... Why's that?" You asked to no one in particular.

Goddamnit why did they have to change the buildings?! This isn't supposed to be here! Has corporations consumed this town, too?!

You just wanted to look around and nothing else. It seems like the universe would love to fuck it up for you too. You huffed in frustration, taking yet another turn when you were met with the familiar sight of the red mailbox, and the old ran down vending machine. Groaning, you turned back from whence you came, when a person bumps into you. Upon the impact you stumbled within the slightest, however the other party fell on their bottoms.

"S-sorry!" You squealed with instinct instead of helping the stranger out. You were confused more than anything, how could a ghost even touch someone like that? Let alone bump into them?

Aren't ghost supposed to be... Like, translucent and untouchable like air? How can I even feel this person? The heck?

"Oh—! S-sorry I didn't see you there!" The person sheepishly giggled, as they nervously dusted their palms off. Taking the time, you observed the stranger... A girl who was probably your age (the age where you stopped aging in terms of appearance that is), with her prominent pink hair and fair skin.

She's really pretty...

Your face began to heat up within realization of your new found attraction on the person you have seen outside for the first time. I mean... She really is pretty and all but... Technically you were thirty one years old if you weren't dead and this girl might be about... Sixteen or fifteen. You mentally shook your head, snapping back to your reality and offered a hand.

"H-here let me help you up—" reaching for her hand, you pulled the girl up with a smile. "I am sooo sorry. I'm just lost and I can't find my way out here."

"Ahhh that's common for tourists around here, no worries." She softly smiles, as she dusted her skirt to brush off the dust that may have clung to her article of clothing. "You are a tourist, right?" She asked, leaning closer upon curiosity as you backed away.

"Uh- um— what makes you think of that?" You nervously chuckled, averting your gaze away from her.

"Well," she puts a finger on the corner of her lip, taking a step back as her eyes scanned you from head to toe. "I haven't actually seen you around here."

"Well uh— yeah, I just happened to be from (Insert country) and I was visiting!" You made up a lie on the spot, as your ensuing confusion resumes.

I thought no one can see ghosts?! No one can feel ghosts?! What is even happening—

"I'm Reimi Sugimoto! Nice to meet ya, Miss Tourist!" She holds out her hand as she grins with sunshine in her voice. "Are you going to give me your name or do I have to call you Miss Tourist?"

"I-uh— Y/N L/N! It's nice to meet you too, Reimi..." You took her hand, firmly grasping and shaking it with a friendly smile.

"So you said you're lost? That's uncommon around here. There's usually a map given to tourists." Reimi retrieves her hand from you, as it wraps around her waist while her free hand was used for her to rest her chin on.

"Well uh—" you tried to come up with a lie.

Damn they give tourists maps now? God I am so outdated, we didn't used to do that!

"I happen to lose mine! So yeah!" You chuckled to paint a façade.

"Is that so?" The girl leans closer with a mischievous smirk. "I actually made up that fact. Are you really a tourist, Y/N?"

Shit, what the fuck? What is she up to?

Cold sweat began coating your forehead, your nonexistent heart seemed to beat faster than you were alive, hammering into your chest.

What is she unto???

"You know," she walks closer, whilst you backed away until you felt a wall pressed against your back and before you knew it you were cornered by the sweet looking girl you didn't thought much of. "There's a reason why you can't find your way out of here... Maybe it's because this street won't let you leave, they won't allow you to."

"What game are you exactly playing, woman?" You pulled through your terror and demanded.

I'm a ghost. I can do whatever the hell I want with this girl and scare her off.

"Well... If my suspicions are true..." Her fair finger runs along the zipper line of your jacket, before she daintily pinches the zipper and sliding it down. Before she could open it, you grabbed her hand and forcefully yanked it away.

"Just who do you think you are—?!"

"You're a ghost too, aren't you?" You froze, as your group died and slowly grew limp. "I made a lot of false statements to lure you in my trap, sorry about that... It was all necessary to lure you in."

How does... Wait what? What does she mean by 'too'?!

"You were killed by that monster too, right? Yoshikage Kira by name?" Reimi asked, leaning closer as she places her palm on your cheek, her thumb soothingly running over your cold skin. "Our methods of death were certainly different, but our hands were kept by that madman!" She cried, as tears fell from her eyes.

I didn't catch my killer's name... But hearing that name... It somehow made my blood boil. It was coincidental that our hands were both cut off by our killer... It was the same... But how does she know? I'm barely remembered by my real name, as the town replaced me and named me Vengeful Victoria how can she...?

"How did you even know we have the same killers?" You asked, as the memories of your death flashed before your eyes.

"Are you ridiculous? Your name was all over the news! How could one forget about the gruesome death of Y/N L/N?" Reimi sobs, rubbing the tears from her eyes. "You don't deserve this... We don't deserve this and the man is yet to be caught..."

The young pink haired female wraps her hands around your waist, pulling you close as she laid her face against your shoulder, tears endlessly streaming down her eyes. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around her, rubbing her back with soothing motions to calm the girl down. You knew nothing about her other than her name, and the fact she was killed by the same murderer as yours, but seeing someone breakdown like this just reminds you of the times you were alive...

Alive. You were alive and lived for sixteen years and knew you had a bright future ahead of you. The long awaited high school ball, graduation, university, finding a job, and somewhere there you might find the one true love... But no. You were no longer capable of experiencing those things. You can only watch people live the dreams you had and you had no right to be envious of them, it's their lives after all and you already lost yours. All your life you never experienced true peace. The peace where you'd be contented with what life had to offer, the kind of peace where you won't be yearning for anything else.

Even in your death the feeling of that peace never came to you. In fact, you were never even given the peace you desired. With all the truth concealed by your killer, the whole town resorted to make you into a local ghost story instead of trying to find your killer. Instead of finding your killer they would tell the younglings about your inevitable end by the hands of an unknown man, curious teenagers would invade the old rundown mansion of the L/N which they now dubbed as Vindictive Victoria's home...

You chuckled to yourself. The beautiful carnation pink gaze glanced at you with glossed orbs in sudden shock and confusion when she suddenly heard you laugh at the dire situation.

"You actually remembered my name? Not that local ghost story name the town gave me?" You scoffed. "Damn that's the first time I heard my name in years..." Tears soon began to flood your eyes. "I'm sorry you were killed, too... We don't deserve this... We have a bright future ahead of us and we were killed by some sick psycho, and we haven't received justice yet..." You sobbed, vigorously rubbing the tears from under your eyes as Reimi stroked your back.

"So what happened to you? If you don't mind me asking..." You asked, pulling away from the hug as you helplessly sat on the concrete floor, pulling your legs to your chest. Reimi, not wanting to be out of place, takes a seat next to you.

"That's a long sorry but... We certainly have time to spend." She ironically chuckles at her morbid joke, before clearing her throat to begin her story, as you listened intently, nodding and occasionally making a comment about some things. "... And then he stabbed me in the back and took my hand. He collects hand to satisfy an urge of his."

"Well... At least the child you were babysitting was safe." You gently pat her shoulder with an apologetic gaze. "I can't imagine how heartless that bastard could harm anyone like that... Just to satisfy an urge. Sickening..."

"I know..." Reimi sighed in agreement. "And within the next month, he got you. Your death was sudden and was all around the news as I remembered, but you were soon forgotten when your family's downfall overshadowed your death."

"Of course it would..." You disdainfully rolled your eyes, as you threw a pebble by the street.

"So what's your story?" Reimi asked, nudging you by your shoulder. "Your death in the news has a lot of version and are inconsistent."

"Well he snuck into the library, silent as a cat, before grabbing me and...."

As the chit chat went for long, your topics soon diverted away from your deaths and directed into more positive things such as her dog whom you happen to meet after telling your story, into flowers and other things.

It's been so long since you've interacted with anyone without scaring them off and you were just glad to meet someone who was the same as you were. The two of you got along very well as you say, basically attached to the hip. You thought interacting with fellow ghosts would be difficult, but it really isn't as you thought. You never really made friends in school, but you sure we're glad to have Reimi as your friend.... Until you felt feelings that are for more than just close friends.

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