Stay by my side (Jean-Pierre Polnareff X Reader) LEMON

Lemon in coming~

This is my first time writing lemon. Please have mercy on me—


Steady stream of tears fell from (e/c) tinted eyes, crystallized with glossy tears as the luminescent flow of the moon shone from above and made way through your room's window, veiling the morose surroundings with an ethereal glow. The optimistic person brimmed with not-so optimistic thoughts dropped to their knees, chest ached with the pang of despair and sheer desperation. Shoulders shook, hands clasped in front of them to pray for the deities out there to listen to them.

That deity... Why, he was the only one you would faithfully worship for the rest of your life, the deity you needed, you yearned for, you love... And you prayed for him not to abandon you like the others.

"P-please, not you too- it shouldn't have to be this way, my love, I beg of you..."

You clung to his arm like a lifeline, you held him like you have never been more afraid to let him go... Perhaps it is the case...

The Frenchman refused to spare a glance at your direction. It was difficult than it already is, he didn't want to see you like this. The smiling fool who refused to waver and lose their smile, was reduced into nothing but a puddle of mess, of despair... The smile... Oh why can't your smile return to you without him needing to remain by your side? If only fate would prevail, but he was bound in a rock and a hard place.

That smile of yours... From the sincerest, to the goofiest. It never failed to infect him. From all the times you spent with him, you found yourself clinging on to him on numerous occasions. From the cheerful moments, and throughout despairing moments... And yet you never wavered. You always find the silver lining and would eventually move forward stronger than ever. You have a way of making Jean-Pierre Polnareff feel special, so accepted, so normal...

The Silver Chariot's user's chest tightened with guilt, but he was determined to set you free... But was he willing to let you go? It's not like he wanted to do this, the aching distance separating you was the one forcing him to do this... The act of revenge. His need to avenge the only family he has, tainted, gone... Sherry was murdered in the most dehumanising way possible.

Gathering all necessary strength, he attempted to pry you off. The ever so persistent Y/N L/N did not budged, but instead held onto it, your fingers interlacing within his slender fingers. The rough sensation of his palm emitted intense heat as you firmly clasped his hand, holding it near your lips, individually kissing his knuckles with every pleas and cries.

"Please, Jean... Don't leave me too... I beg of you, I love you, please don't abandon me like the others did..."

"Y/N please..." His voice came out shakier than he intended. Of course it would, try as he may, he couldn't conceal how he feels. "I can't continue this relationship with you... My existence is a mere compendium of misery... I can't let you be harmed because of me."

"If I lose you-" you shakily choked on your sob, tightly holding onto his hand whilst his ocean tinted gaze merely averted your gaze. Your beautiful eyes... He always found simple joy within dazing in those heavenly pair of (e/c) hued orbs... But he somehow can't bring himself to look at you. "If I lose you... I wouldn't know what to do... You're the only person whom I love who hasn't left me yet... Please... I beg of you... Jean..."

"Let me go, L/N." His voice dangerously dropped low with false resentment. His throat sealed tight with his attempt to prevent himself from sobbing, eyes that held back tears stung. His chest ached with his refusal to breathe, believing that if he does, his façade would break down and collapse.

"Please... I can't live without you... I love you... So much... I don't know what I'd do if you were to leave..." Your trembling hands seized to hold his face, thumb running across his cheeks, eyes deeply fixated upon his eyes with a glossy glint. "You feel the same way, right? You told me you love me, please don't tell me it's a lie... Tell me, is it a lie? Don't you love me?"

"O-of course I love you Y/N, dammit..." A sobs, tears freely leaking from his eyes. He held onto your arms, wanting to pry you off, but you heat emitted comfort that he simply can't let go. And he hated it. He hated that you're right. He can't let you go even if he wants to. He wanted to leave to protect you, but he can't. It was so damn selfish of him. What if something happened to you because of him? "But that's not the point... Y/N I am harbouring an ability that's dangerous and attracts other users... I know the police didn't find any evidence in the crime scene of Sherry's death, but I know it's a work of someone with an ability like mine."

"I don't care what happens to me. I just want to be with you, to protect you even if it costs me life-"


You flinched at his unusually solemn tone, as he tightly seized the small of your back, pulling your head to his chest. His chest and shoulders shook with sobs, as tears endlessly oozed from his brilliant ocean tinted eyes.

"If there's anything I fear, it's losing you... Please Y/N, I can't bear to lose you too... Not like that..." He pulls away, and yet you remained close, bodies pressed together, afraid to let go. "I love you... I don't want to let you go... But I don't want you to be hurt, never."

Leaning closer, he firmly presses his plump lips against yours. Holding onto you ever so tightly, he was afraid to ever let you go. His heated palms cupped your face, his thumb delicately stroking your tear stained cheeks with both his and yours, whilst his free hand snakes around the small of your back to pull you closer.

Without a second thought, you immediately returned the kiss as your heart hammered in your chest as if it intended to escape from its deep chasms. Wrapping your arm around his neck, your soft fingers twirling his loose strand of curls whilst the other cupped his cheek.

The French man pulls away, his electric blue gaze upon your magnificent (e/c) hued orbs, before it darts down towards your smiling lips.
The dork just have to give him that smile- that smile he swoons over, the smile he adores whenever they wear it naturally across their features because of him.

That sweet smile that sends sweet, heavenly, delightful nudges against his guts that the butterflies in his stomach fed on and will never ever get fed up with it... The Lancelot of a Stand user will never deny to himself that the smile you gave him is the best smile he has ever seen- a smile he would love to see for forever. He wouldn't mind gazing onto them for eternity.

With his bottom lip caught between his pearly white teeth fantasizing about your smile, he sets them free and presses it against yours once more with an audible guttural moan. Leaning a little closer, the pair of couples almost jumped out of their skins when they began tip back and land on the bed.

The silver haired male broke away from the kiss from the sudden fall, as he heartedly chuckled to lightened the sudden predicament at hand. He had you under him, your knees pressed between his, whilst he supported his weight with his elbows with your head between them.

Jean's pale, porcelain of a face dusts with crimson in colour. Despite the darkness, the room was lightly lit with a luminous glow of the moon peaking from your opened balcony from where he entered without shame nor etiquette whatsoever. Other than his obvious tomato face, he saw you...

The Frenchman peered from his silver lashes to admire the ingénue pinned under him. The light glimmer in the eyes that lights up when they smile, the way their skinned basked within the natural glow of the moon lit night... Don't get him started with the cute little blush dusting your cheeks, across their cute nose... No flaws in sight that overshadowed their beauty. They may be critical of their appearance for most of the time, but Jean doesn't get it. You are the most beautiful, most perfect creation he has ever seen that the Goddess of beauty Aphrodite has nothing on you.

Your ambitions, your dreams, your goals, your personality, your interests... All your flaws, all your imperfections... It was a beauty to behold for him. He loved every single bit of you from the purest, to the filthiest. That's how he loves you. He viewed you with Holism. He can't define you with only a single thing about yourself without the need of bringing every part of you up... That's how perfect you were. There's is no word that can define you, other than complex beauty that you are.

And he doesn't understand why you never saw it that way, and why you denied it. And it was his duty to make you know— scratch that... To make you believe your self-worth.

He releases the breathe he didn't realize he was hiding back, with a gentle quirk of his lip to lift it upwards. He was astonished of your beauty that he himself forgot to breathe.

"Well... That could've gone worst—" says the swordsman with a grin. As much as you love his smile, your longing desire for his warm lips against yours empowered you to use your fingers to pinch his chin and lead his lips on top of yours.

Jean-Pierre Polnareff didn't have any room to complain by your sudden interruption, as he admires the way your lips filled in just the right spaces where it felt good. The moment your lips slightly parted to breathe, he slid his tongue within your mouth. Softly moaning, you greatly encouraged this action to resume for both of your pleasures.

As the pair participated in a passionate, heated kiss, his hands found its way into your shirt, sliding his calloused hand as he caressed your bare skin from which you covered with your shirt. Goosebumps erupted from your sensitive skin as the cool, unfamiliar air evaded your exposed stomach whilst the warm, comforting heat of his palm pressed upon your skin calmed you.

The Frenchman tugged on your shirt, wanting it off. Temporarily breaking the kiss, you lifted your shirt off your head before throwing it aside as Jean-Pierre took the chance for his lips to land on yours once more, before it trailed towards your jawline, into your neck, then chest.

His feather-light kisses danced across your chest, grazing every inch of your skin whilst you silently stifled a moan.  The Frenchman found himself letting out a soft grunt upon hearing the carnal desire in your voice, his pants tightening with lust as his lips continued to trail and venture through your skin, further down, further down until his head was between your thighs.

Sickly sweet, you filled his senses and had him intoxicated. He knew it feels so wrong, but it felt so right. He shouldn't be here, he should be distancing himself away for all he brought with his existence were nothing but misfortune and death... And yet he craved for more, more of you. Your presence alone reassured him he was not the bringer of misfortune. With your presence alone he was calm, comforted...

"Jean... I need you... Please..." The silver-haired Frenchman peeks from the valley of your thighs, to see the neediness in your gaze peering through your half-lidded eyes, the colour of crimson lust tinting your cheeks and across your nose.

"Of course, mon amour." The Stand user slips himself off from his shirt, before assisting you to take yours off, his cold fingertips brushing by your skin as he grasped the elastic waistband of your undergarments and pulling it off. The man states within the glimmering gaze of his beloved, glossed with a light layer of tears as it slightly leaks out.

Polnareff leans down, his knees pressed between yours, reaches to caress your cheeks in his calloused palms before his lips found its way in your. Locking lips, his finger lingers from your waist, slowly making its way down until it softly pokes sensitive core, gently and tantalizing motion with your juices soaked his fingers.

"Mmmm— Jean..." You broke away from the kiss with a whimper, burying your face on the crook of his shoulder, coiling your arms around his back as he whispers soothing affirmations and sweet nothings in your ear. As his gentle fingers became progressively rough and swift, you found yourself moaning loudly with pleasure, breathe ragged through gritted teeth as you tightly clung to him. An unfamiliar coil arises from your stomach, as the sense of pleasure filled you. "JEAN— AHH—!" you screamed, as the sudden orgasm exploded upon his touch, you lay panting as he merely smirks and props himself atop you.

"My love... I can't hold on any longer... I need you, too..." His pale hand finds its way through your, interlacing his fingers between yours, squeezing tightly as you squeezed back with a smile. "I love you, Y/N... I'm sorry if I always push you away." He pressed his forehead against yours, as he slowly slid himself inside you.

Your pained squeaks squeezed his chest with guilt, prompting him to press his lips against yours. "Shhh, I'll move once you're ready, ma cherie..."

"Jean..." You reached to stroke his cheek, before connected your lips within his, slipping your tongue as you wait for him to adjust inside you. "I love you... I love you so much... Please don't leave me... If I lose you I wouldn't know what to do..."

The thought of leaving you behind pained him, but the thought of his sister's killer roam around like the free man he is. It tore him apart. It broke him. It was a matter of choosing between to return the honour of his sister, to avenge her... Or to remain by your side, safely living his life with you...

He shook his head, before pressing his lips harder against yours. He couldn't bare to think of anything else within this moment. It would be sullying your passion you have evidently presented to him, knowing your parents' sheltered you all your life to keep you innocent and pure. Here he was the charming good he is, he never knew how you managed to fall in love with, fall in love with him to the point of disobeying your parents and loving him in secret.

Polnareff closes his eyes, before he began thrusting his hips forward, your whimpers and moans echoing across the room as you tightly held onto him like a lifeline. You wrapped your legs around his waist, whilst your arms around his neck.

The morning sun peaks from the sheer white curtains, the cold breeze slipping in as you shifted to your side to find warmth, only to find it gone. Your eyes flew open, as you shot open to see no evidence his presence located in your room other than what he did with you last night... It's what you thought, until you saw a note folded neatly by your bedside table with his penmanship.

Warily, you reached for the letter before opening it, eyes flickering from word to word to analyze it. Your eyes began to swell with tears, as words became more clearer and clearer. Unable to even finish the letter, with your eyes to blurred, you sobbed at the palm of your hand, throwing the letter down.

My beloved Y/N,

I would love nothing but to spend all my living days with you until I breathe my final breathe... But fate had to do me dirty and bestow me the duty of restoring my sister's honour. It's no safe venture, but you know I can manage. I am deeply apologetic for breaking your trust... But please know that I will return soon. Safe and sound and I'll be there by your side again and I will love nothing more.

I love you, Y/N. Never forget that.

Yours dearly,
Jean-Pierre Polnareff xoxo

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