Sibling things PT. 2 (Noriaki Kakyoin X Sibling reader) Platonic

Just a prequel uwu

With a melodic giggle, you crashed to you the soft hotel bed with enthusiasm, tossing and turning whilst you left Noriaki tending to the luggages you carelessly disregarded upon your entrance with room. The red haired male rolls his eyes, attempting to use his foot to nudge your luggages to the side to make way but his attempts were futile as you've packed quite heavily for a five day trip.

"Y/N! Move your bag, it's in the way!" He exclaims, eyes narrowed with exhaustion from the flight and irritated with your childish antics.

"No, you do it. My shoulder still feels numb after you used it as your pillow for the whole flight." You rolled off the bed and fell on the floor, and yet you were surprisingly energetic than before despite you stayed up during the flight. And look at Noriaki, he was the one who slept through the flight and he was still exhausted. Propping yourself out of the bed, you marched towards the sliding door to admire the view, when the complicated lock created an obstacle for you.

Noriaki groaned, tired to see you energetic and glances at the bags you carried. He wouldn't doubt that you've packed more food than clothes, perhaps you've packed more bags to contain some souvenirs from the trip, but he just knows that you barely packed clothes. Groaning, Noriaki drops his bag on the floor seeing that you would not move your things out and carries your bags before placing it to the side of the hotel room.

"You're a child, you know that?" His brows were raised in a manner he was judging you, but you paid no attention to him as your attention was focused on trying to open the balcony door. He gently sets his bag on his side of the bed, before lazily plopping himself on the pile of fluffed up pillows. "Ahhh, my neck huuuuurts." He groans, his voice muffled by the pillows as his hand reaches to ease the crook of his neck.

"Hush peasant, I want to see camels." You waved him off, as you busily fumbled on the sliding door's complicated lock. Your older brother cranes his neck just to look up at you, hearing your shrill voice scream out in excitement. "Camels, yes!" You ran towards the metallic ledge of the balcony, clutching it as you peered down at the sandy desserts of Cairo.

"It's your fault my neck's stiff. You were too short." Noriaki buried his face within the comforts of the soft pillows further, kicking his brown loafers off before he snuggled himself in the bed.

"Hmmmp, it became too boring real quick." You slumped over the ledge, before plopping yourself up. After you hastily closed the door, you ran and bounced on the bed to spite your older brother and take advantage of his motion sickness. "So I'll say something, it's interesting so you better listen."

"What is it?" Noriaki lowly grumbled, voice muffled.

"We shouldn't use Heiro and (stand name) around here. We never know if there's people like us, too." You used his rear as a pillow, whilst you looked up the ceiling.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" He attempts to shake you off his tush, but you remained persistent on resting your head on his plump ass.

You pouted, crossing your arms to your chest. "I thought you'd be smart enough to understand why we shouldn't use them."

"Well, anything that comes out of your mouth is foolish." You glared at him, lifting your head before harshly slamming it against his rear where your head rested. "OW! Okay, okay, I think it back! Geez... Let me rest, goddamnit."

"You slept through the flight, Nori. My shoulder is still numb from your heavy ass weight resting on my shoulder." You winced, rolling your shoulder to confirm if the pain still hasn't faded.

"Get off, Y/N or I'll kick you on the other side of the room." Noriaki finally looks up from the pile of pillows to glare you, lavender orbs peeking out of his half-lidded eyes to meet yours. He always had your mother's eyes while you had your father's.

"Shut it, noodle." You responded by burying your head further on his firm ass, crossing your arms to look persistent, when an idea crossed your mind. You sat up and skipped towards your luggage where your belongings was packed in. Your brother sat up to adjust his position and make himself comfortable, when he stops half-way through it once he was what you were doing. He warily squints his eyes on you.

"What are you doing?" He asked, eyes following your every movement as you knelt by your baggage and dig through it. He tiredly sits up, eyes squinted due to sleepiness but chose to rub it off. He can't be held responsible for the bullshit you were planning and it was big brother duty to watch over his chaotic gremlin of a sibling.

"Hush, noodle hair, I am searching." You reassured him, whilst you gently set the surprisingly neatly folded clothes to the side of your bag before pulling out a bag of an unmistakable bag of a badminton set. "So I just saw a tennis court in our hotel and-"

"Where did you even get that?" Noriaki never remembered you owning something like this, nor knowing how to play such sports and it was questionable to say the least.

"It was from a friend, duh," you rolled your eyes at him, shouldering the strap of the badminton bag. "Come on! Let's play!"

Noriaki shook his head, his hair and earrings swaying alongside his movements before he collapsed on the bed once again. "Not now. I am exhausted. Please. We can do it tomorrow when I'm no longer tired. Aren't you tired at all? What did you ingest to be this energetic anyway?"

You pouted, but decided he was right. You needed rest as well despite not being tired from the flight. "Make way you limp noodle, I'm tired too." He rolls to the side, giving you space to rest on.

You took a pillow, setting it between you and your brother. "You take this side of the bed, and I'll take this one. If you cross the boundary, I will kill you in your sleep-" you have yet to finish your sentence when Noriaki drapes his leg across the pillow barrier and trapped you under it. "I am going to fucking kill you."

"Good night, younger sibling," he didn't bother to smack you for saying such unsavoury language, but he'd sure do it tomorrow. The long-legged fellow nuzzled his face on the pillows, his leg not leaving your body. A subtle, 'siblingly' embrace to say the least. After the minutes of struggle, you were unsuccessful of trying to wiggle away from Noriaki and accepted defeat with huffed cheeks.

"Whatever. Good night, noodle hair."

"So mom and dad told us to play nice, since they're going on a three day trip on their own, leaving the two of us in the hotel-" Noriaki watched you lying on your stomach, chewing and blowing bubbles with your pink gum whilst you read your manga he used to own. "- and gave me funds for us to spend when we want to go anywhere, as long as we're safe. Do you know why they left me incharge?"

"Why?" You repeated as you cracked a can of soda open, before sipping from it, eyes fixed upon the colourful visuals within the pages.

It's been two days since your trip to the Nile River, and it was quite exciting for you. From the sights, the rich history, the way Noriaki showed off his extensive knowledge about history, etc. It was honestly joyful, but also energy draining.

"It's because I'm responsible, unlike you." Noriaki seats himself by the bed, purposefully slamming his ass down to make an impact strong enough for you to slightly bounce. "I can abandon you if my heart desires to, but I am such a virtuous big brother." He clenched his fist, before rubbing his knuckles on your head. He stood up with a laugh to avoid your smack, but he barely dodged it as your fingers still made an impact against his body.

"Fuck off, seaweed hair, I won't hesitate to spit gum on you and your perfect hair." You sneered, flipping through the page.

"Awww, is little Y/N moody~? How can I, their good and doting brother, Noriaki Kakyoin, make it up for them?" He teases, putting his hands on the bed bending down to meet your eye level.

The gum you blew exploded on your face, prompting you to roll your eyes before cleaning it off. You simply had your gaze fixed on your manga.

"I saw a milkshake and milk tea stand by the lobby of the hotel. Are you up for it? You're paying, because mom left you with the funds." You spoke, closing the manga as you looked up at him. "Then we'll play badminton by the tennis court of the hotel, capiche?"

"I don't know how to play badminton, just a heads up. I don't want to humiliate myself while playing in an actual court." Noriaki said, combing his hair in front of a mirror. "And it won't be fair that I'll be playing against you. For all I know you're a badminton prodigy." He jests, looking through the mirror to see you rummaging through your luggage for the badminton bag you thought along the trip.

"Who said that I know how to play badminton? We're winging it!" You giggled, quite the contradiction of your mood from before. "Oh on second thought..."

"What is it?" Noriaki glances at you with concern.

"Since you don't know how to play, and we're playing in broad day light where people can see... Then you'll embarrass yourself..." You mumbled to yourself, coherent enough for Noriaki to hear. He playfully rolls his eyes at your silly thoughtfulness.

"Let's just go ahead and drink milk tea of milkshakes then, how about that?" He asked, using your shoulder to prop his elbow on, leaning his weight onto you.

"Well come on, let's go!" You giggled, making your way out of the hotel room and darting in the corridor. "Raise ya to the lobby!" You giggled, as you made a run for it.

Noriaki chuckled under his breathe, pulling the door close on his way out of the hotel room with the room key. He safely pockets the key, and with that he jogged towards the lobby.

"Ughh, you're such a slow poke." You groaned, rolling your eyes with your arms crossed watching him descend from the grand staircase. "Hurry up!" You ran up the stairs, tugging on his arm and dragging him downwards.

"Woah, relax!" He laughs. Once you were able to drag in by the booth he was referring to, you seated yourself by the nearest seats available. "Okay I'll order cherry fruit tea. What's yours?"

"(Fav. Flavour) milk/fruit tea."

"Got it," he notes to himself, before heading to the stall with his wallet in hand. As you waited for him, you gazed upon the guests of the establishment, having their merry little time in the hotel with smiles on their faces. It was honestly a wholesome sight for you and you were bored anyways. You swung your legs, as you waited for your brother to return when you spotted a certain couple holding hands as they walked by you, giggling.

"Hand holding before marriage..." You mumbled to yourself, as your gaze followed the couple.

"How scandalous." Your eyes flew open the moment you said the sentence with your brother in unison. Judging by his looks, he was as well stunned at the eerie unison, with both of your drinks in his hands.

"Pfft ahahahahahahah!" You laughed, smacking your knees at how similar your minds work. "Oh my god, I honestly didn't expect that from you of all people." You laughed, as your older brother snickered alongside you whole slipping into the booth and putting the drinks down.

"Aw, come on, can't I be playful too?" He asked, taking his drink before stabbing it with the straw. He takes a sip from his drink, when his eyes squints.

"What's wrong?" You asked, taking your drink before stabbing it with the straw. "Didn't you ordered cherry fruit tea? Did they get you the wrong order?"

Of course he'd order something cherry related, how typical. Thankfully he doesn't have the actual fruit. It gets weird when he has one.

"No that's not it..." He shook his head, before taking another sip from his drink. "You know the thing with artificial fruits in other food materials?"

"Yes?" You listened intently to him, as you took a sip from your drink. It tasted normal for you to be honest, just like how a typical (fav. flavour) milk/fruit tea would taste.

"Artificial cherry flavoured food are often disappointing and I just realized that, and I deeply regret it." There was disappointment and regret in his eyes, and yet he continued to sip from his drink it resentment. "And it was expensive, mother is going to kill us for it if she finds out."

"That's why she isn't going to find out." You teased, taking your drink and gesturing it for him to taste. "You can taste mine, if you let me taste yours."

Noriaki's eyes darts at your drink, considering your bargain for a second before he agrees with the notion of him grasping his drink and handing it to you.

"One sip. If you took more than a mouthful I will strangle you," you warned, before taking a sip from his drink and narrowing your eyes at how right he was. Your lips freed the straw, your tongue hung out of your lips in disgust. "You're right, I pity your poor life choices. I can share my drink with you if you want?"

"Why, how generous of you~" he teases, before taking his sip. "Honestly you have good taste. The flavor is potent, but at least it's not bland as mine." He sighs, putting his chin atop his palm.

"So remember the time we were at a beach trip and mom hired that girl in our neighborhood as our babysitter when I was ten and you were twelve?" You asked, gazing along the garden of the hotel from inside.

"The one that tried to impress the surfer by attempting to eat the banana whole and ended up choking on it while she babysat us?" He lightly snorts, stealing another sip from your drink, before sipping from his.

"Pfft, yeah. And we were too innocent to know." You smirked at the memory, plopping your elbows on the table. "We were so dumb."

"You mean you were dumb while I was mildly chaotic?" He corrects your sentence, flicking your elbow.

"Mildly chaotic my ass, you were the one coming up with the worst idea for us to play. I mean, other than playing video games, we played with dirt and mud in our yard while Heiro and (stand name) messed around." You shook your head. "Then the neighborhood kids would like fun of us because we're always alone and playing by ourselves..." You frowned.

"Yeah..." He chuckles longingly, as he looked outside to see a group of friends laughing amongst themselves. "But we got each other. And that's important." Ahh, if he's being honest... He wasn't content just yet. He still yearned for someone he can call a friend.

"You're right, to be honest." You agreed, but unaware of his inside thoughts. "Promise me you'll be there by my side no matter what? I got your back, while you watch mine, too!'

"I'm in." He chuckles, before sipping from his drink once again.

Just as you were about to drink from your straw, you were shocked of the lack of liquid flowing through the straw. Stunned, you glanced at the content of your drink to see it empty despite taking only a sip or three. Noriaki smirks knowingly, cheekily sipping from his bland cherry flavoured fruit tea as he looked away from you to gaze outside.


The night was serene, the tranquility hung within the wind as it blew and travelled along the winds. The bright lights of the stage lights posed towards the tennis court, as if there were a live audience seated by the bleachers, but it was only the pair of siblings within their usual shenanigans. If it weren't for you, Noriaki would be sleeping soundly instead of sneaking within the veil of darkness to play badminton with you.

All those times where your parents were absent, he didn't like the idea of playing the badminton at night, claiming he'd see things out of the ordinary in a heating manner such as ghosts and ghouls and would sleep despite your loud begging. He only allowed your request to play badminton with him tonight, since tonight would be the last night where your parents would be absent, as well as the last night you'd spend in Egypt before you would go back to Japan tomorrow.

You say, it was a perfect moment to play. Considering that he doesn't know how to play, there'd be no one watching him fail and flail with the racket and shuttlecock, and you were just the perfect little sibling that looked after your older brother! And besides, mother and father wouldn't know, as they went off for a three day on their own whilst they left you and your older brother in the hotel with necessary funds for both snacks and souvenirs. It was obvious they'd leave the funds to Noriaki, considering he's more responsible than you were and you had no problem with it. It wouldn't be too difficult to coerce him to buy pizza for dinner anyways.

"You have the green one, and I'll have the blue one." You instructed, passing the eldest Kakyoin child the aforementioned badminton racket. He begrudgingly reaches for it, before positioning himself on his side of the court, stance ready to strike for your attack. "I swear to god, if you don't chase the shuttlecock I will scream." You pouted, throwing the feathery 'ball' in the air before striking it, the birdy flying at full speed towards the nonchalant red haired boy.

Noriaki's deadpanned gaze followed the shuttlecock, before he made an effortless swing, hitting the feathered ball with ease but instead of aiming it straight to you, it headed elsewhere, where you did not have access to; to the side of the court. "Whoops." he flatly said, as he strolled towards the shuttlecock, lazily bending down and picking it up, before throwing it up and striking it, only for him to miss.

You furrowed you brows, as he picked it up once again and attempted to serve, only for him to miss. This time, instead of looking nonchalant and deadpanned, he looked flustered. You snickered, prompting him to look up at you with a glare. "How about you try and serving it?" he pouts, loading the shuttlecock on the the racket's string bed, before tossing it on your direction.

This time, his aim was straight and yet the way he threw it was improper. Smirking at your opportunity to show off, instead of catching the shuttlecock, you hit back. The newly launched shuttlecock flew at his direction, catching him off guard, that he swung his racket at the wrong time and missed the birdy.

"Now you're on!" With competitive smirk on his face, he scoops the shuttlecock from the ground, before tossing it up and hitting it.

Although he hit the the feathery object, his aim was still off, but that didn't let you fail. Running towards the side of the court, just before the shuttlecock hits the ground, you swung your racket, the frame scraping against the rough concrete in the process. The boy chuckled, running towards the direction of the shuttlecock before striking once again, his aim was once again unsteady the positioning of his arm wrong. The back and fourth went on for a little bit, until he strikes the shuttlecock, too high for you to reach and lands deep within the branches of of the tree.

"Since it was you who last served, you're going to be the one who'll retrieve it," You pointed at him with the blue racket with a glare, as your older brother has his bottom lip caught between his teeth, anxiously looking through the leaves. "Come on, chop, chop!" taking your break by sitting crossed legged as you reached for the bag you've prepared earlier filled with goodies. Reaching for the can of soda, you watched Noriaki reach for the tree with his racket, poking the branches just in case the feathery thing would be able to fall if all needed was a quick nudge or any motion. Blowing his hair out of his face out of annoyance, he rolling his eyes whilst he rolled his sleeves to his elbow and kicking his shoes off.

"Why the hell are you wearing a school uniform anyways? Fricking weirdo..." You rolled your eyes, tossing your head back to dramatically drink the can of soda.

"I wear my uniform like a proper student should," Noriaki retorted, as he clung on the tree, climbing and clinging from branches to branches. "Did you at least see where it landed?"

"Not a clue. It's your fault for being too tall." you playfully teased, taking another sip from your soda when- "OW! YOU TOTAL ASSHAT!" you scowled, rubbing the spot where the shuttlecock hit you. "AND DID YOU USE HEIRO TO THROW IT?!"

You furrowed your brows, rubbing your head to ease the pain as your older brother made his way down from the tree. The moment Kakyoin Noriaki landed on his feet, he tugs on the collar of his uniform and wore his shoes, before bending down to reach for his racket, whistling a merry tune as he made his way back to his position.

"I don't know what you're saying," he teased, throwing his racket in the air before he used Heirophant Green's hand to reach and twirl it midair, before it lands on his hand, effectively showing off. "Alright, it's your serve!" he playfully squats, waiting for your strike as he swung his racket with a 'swoosh'.

You glared at him, setting your soda aside whilst you reached for the shuttlecock he threw on your head earlier. You didn't thought that it'd be that hard and painful to get hit by it anyways. Tossing it in the air, you strike it with all your might and waited for his turn to strike. Once he strikes back, you prepared your stance, running back to get a better aim at the feathery ball when-

"Hello sweethearts~" a sultry, feminine voice rang beside you, prompting you to strike too early and miss the target with a yelp. You glanced at her, as she cover her lips with her dainty fingers with a giggle. "My, my, I didn't mean to startle you~"

"Oh um, good evening, Miss." Noriaki was fully aware of your wariness and discomfort towards strangers and he hoped she didn't truly startle you to the point of you having an anxiety attack. Once he reaches you, he puts a comforting hand above your shoulder as he confronts the stranger instead. "May we help you?" He politely asked with a smile, speaking in perfect English.

"Ahh, sonny I was just wondering where could the hedge garden be," the blonde woman clad in a revealing outfit and panty hose spoke, pulling out a roll of paper between her cleavage, opening the thing with what you presumed was the hotel map. "I've been navigating my way through the establishment but alas... Perhaps you younglings might know where it is~" she giggles, putting her hand on her knees as she looked up at you.

Her shirt did nothing but to further reveal her cleavage, whilst you respectfully averted your innocent eyes away. You didn't want to seem paranoid, but you thought she was doing it on purpose, but for what? it's not like she was asking you siblings to fund her for some private and inappropriate time, she was simply asking for directions, that's all. Your older brother Noriaki, the ever so polite and respectful gentleman he is, kept his eye contact straight with a polite smile.

"Well you see-" he steps closer, politely taking the map from the blonde woman. "- the map has a misprint. The garden hedge and tennis court looks similar, they named the wrong establishment hence now you're here. Hopefully that helps clear things up, Miss." He smiled, before handing her the map back.

She puts her gloved finger under her lip, as if she were in a thought, before her eyes darted up at your older brother with the corner of her red painted lips quirked upwards. "Would you... Perhaps want to accompany there?" she clings to his arm, pressing her chest on his skin as she leaned her head of his shoulder. "Ah, where are my manner? You can call me Mariah." she giggles, nuzzling her face on his arm.

His discomfort was subtle enough for you to notice, but he was too polite to tell her off. before you can open your mouth to speak to tell her off, Noriaki speaks. "I would love to, Mariah but my sibling and I are just about to return to our hotel room." He smiles, smoothly slipping from her grip.

"Is that so? Well," she fumbles with her fingers, weight shifting from side to side. "I was hoping to make friends... Not that you'd care but I thought I'd share." She chuckles melancholically. "The truth is, I knew where the maze hedge was, I thought I'd have someone to visit it with... Its beauties can't be truly appreciated unless I have someone to share it with..."

You bit your lips in hesitation. You feel pity for the older woman, but your paranoia overwhelmed you with mixed feelings. You feel pity towards her and you'd love to accompany her in the maze garden, but something in you told you not to go with her. Not knowing what to do, you glanced up at your older brother who was considering the bargain. You trust him, he always makes the right decision and is very good at making them.

"Of course." Mariah's head perks up with a gasp when Noriaki spoke. "We'll go with you."

"Ahhh, thank you!" She takes you and Noriaki in an embrace. She felt so warm, and yet it didn't ease the sense of cold that lingered in your skin.

This feels so wrong, but you pushed it aside. You always feel so caged in your own mind and you hated it. Attempting to push your negative thoughts away, you put on a fake smile. Fake smiles can subconsciously fool your own mind... Right?

Mariah pulls away with a giggle, smiling at Noriaki before her lips collided against his cheek before she turns to you and makes the same gesture, kissing your cheek. It was an endearing gesture, sure, but it didn't particularly feel right.

She smiles, before letting you go. "Come on! I'll lead the way~" she cheekily said, before running off through the darkness. "I'll meet you there~!"

You turned to your brother with an unsure expression. "Are we going to follow her? I mean... She's just a stranger." You lifted your hand, using your sleeve to wipe the lipstick mark she left on your cheek. "She's far too touchy. For all we know she's planning to sell us of to the black market." You grimaced at the thought, as you finished wiping the lipstick from your cheek and turned your attention to wipe the mark from your brother's cheek. "Are you attracted to her? It's the cleavage, isn't it?"

"What? No!" Noriaki denies with his dusted red cheeks, but stays still as you were wiping the lipstick from his cheek. "It's just that... She said she was lonely and I felt that and... Well... I don't want people to feel that way. Don't you feel the same? That feeling of alienation?"

Now that he mentions that, you started to feel pity for her but something still didn't feel right. You sighed, rubbing your arm. It was what you typically feel, as people would always look your way to laugh in your face, whether you knew them or not. Everyone just seems to be against you and it was just so unfair. You know what loneliness feels like, you're aware, but this stranger was being too friendly. It felt too good to be true, but could it be possible that all she desires is friendship? Or will she take advantage of you?

"Look," Noriaki sighs, firmly putting his hands on your shoulders, lavender orbs staring straight to yours. "You can go back while I accompany her if you want to. If you want to come with me, that's fine too. It's your decision. What do you say?"

You closed your eyes, heaving a breathe. Your clear distaste towards this circumstances was undeniable, but there would be no way in hell you were leaving your brother. Making your decision, you opened your eyes to make a decision.

"I'm coming with you." He wholeheartedly smiles at your new found bravery, as he pulls you in for a sudden embrace. It was rare, and you found yourself hugging back. "You're a dork, you know that?"

"I am painfully aware," he chuckles, pulling away and taking your arm by the crook of his arm. "Let's get going, shall we?"

The pair of siblings headed towards the direction of the hedge maze and spotted the hooded woman standing by the entrance. She waves at them with a smile. "Come on! It's this way!" She cups her mouth, before running in the maze.

Judging by her lack of caution, she seems to know her way through the maze. Kakyoin Noriaki tugs on your arm to gain your attention.

"No matter what you do, don't let go of me, okay?" He whispers, eyeing the maze's entrance. "Heirophant Green's currently invisible and clinging to your arm just in case you get lost."

"I'll take note of that." You nodded. He hums, before wordlessly walking in the mage. "Ahh, it's foggy..." You shuddered, trembling out of the cold.

"Mariah! Where are you?" Noriaki shouts, waiting for the answer.

"Here~! Just head to the left side! Then two rights! Then straight ahead! And then four lefts, another six rights, then straight ahead! Then you'll see me!" Her feminine voice rang out.

Following her direction, you turned left with your brother. You pursued your lips, hiding your hands deep in your pocket as goosebumps erupted from your skin. Although it was cold, the goosebumps was not caused by the cold breeze. No matter what you wanted, there was no turning back, when you've made your way in the hedge maze. You bit your lip in fear, as Noriaki followed her directions.

Once you followed her instructions, you were met by an ivory fountain with intricate carvings that consists of people you do not recognize. The steady flow of the fountain rang out peacefully within the maze, as healthy lily pads floats idly by the water. It was a peaceful sight, picturesque.

"Mariah we followed your direction! Where are you?" Shouts your older brother. There were no response. "Something's wrong..." he slides his hand away from you, as he had a look around. Despite him letting you go, you chose to follow him around.

"Y/N," he turns to face you, putting his hand by your shoulders. "Do you still have the directions memorised, right?"

"Straight ahead, six rights, four left turns, straight ahead, two rights, and another left, am I correct?" You spoke without hesitation, the instructions clear in your head as your mind began raising, alarmed at how serious your older brother sounded. "What's wrong?"

"Listen, I feel like we fell in a trap." He made it clear it was an emergency at how urgent his voice was. "Whatever they're planning it's not good... And it was idiotic of me to follow her here and get you involved." He narrows his eyes through the darkness, but kept a tight and firm grip on your shoulders.

"Y/N, I want you to turn back. One of Heirophant Green's invisible strand will be holding on to you while you make a run for it. If you ever made it out, just unwrap his tendrils from your wrist and that's when I'll know when you're okay, am I clear?" He lowly instructed. "Whatever is waiting for us here, they're certainly planning an attack."

"Attack? Then why are you excluding me from this? We have the same type of ability! We can do this together!" You insisted, panicked look in your eyes. You know nothing of how extensive your fighting abilities were, but you were more than willing to fight. "Noriaki I'm not leaving you out of this-"

"You don't understand." His uncharacteristically firm, booming voice caught you off guard as it immediately made you stop mid way through your sentence. Although his demeanor was currently stern and assertive, his grip on your shoulder says otherwise. He was trembling and he wasn't noticing it. He was scared as you were. "You know the directions. Run towards the exit. I can handle myself."


"Y/N I know what's best. Listen to me." He firmly asserted, eyes narrowed sternly became softer as he saw your expression. The scared little child he often looked after all these years never changed. "You'll be okay, you're in safe hands."

"What about you? You always look after me, it's so unfair!" Noriaki's lips pursues in a thin line, before sighing.

"If you're concern about me, don't be. I'm capable of protecting you as long as I am protecting myself. Don't worry, okay?" He watches you reluctantly nod, only to be taken aback by your sudden arms wrapping around his mid drift. He chuckles, quickly returning the embrace.

"You better be safe, or you'll be fucking dead to me." Your muffled voice from his skin.

"I'll keep that in mind." He replies, pulling away. "Now go." The moment he said that, you found yourself bolting out of the maze, following the direction you gave out earlier.

You panted, sharply turning from hedges to hedges with precise speed, as tears from fear steadily oozed from your eyes. As you turned, the speed you applied on your feet often caused you to slightly trip and stumble, only to catch yourself by holding onto the hedges, when you touched a particular lost socket from one of it. The shocking static caused by your contact from the socket caused you to stop and examine your hand.

"Wha-?" You glanced at the hedge's surface, where your hand landed where you found a lone socket. You furrowed your brows in confusion, closely analysing this particularly strangely placed object when-

"Got you~..." You heard low whisper, her lips touching the shell of your ear with every word. "Now that you've made contact with my Stand, there is no turning back~" Your eyes flew open and before you knew it, a metallic pocket knife flings itself in your direction and almost hits your eye when you caught the blade by your palm, the sharp edges digging in your skin causing you to whimper in pain.

"EMERALD SPLASH-!" you summoned your Stand to retaliate against Mariah, when she runs out of your range, but managed to hit her by stomach. You would love to battle her, but you stuck to the plan and resumed to run out of the maze, just as he instructed.

You struggled against this invisible force, as you ran through the maze garden, bumping through the thorns and unforseen circumstances as you went along. Your foot steps felt heavier, as it hurls you back, and yet to run out. "FUCK YOU, WHORE!" You screamed out, tears steadily oozing from your eyes as you pant and shook from the exhaustion.

Before you can make another turn, the magnetic force harshly pulled you through the hedge walls, your body painfully and forcefully phasing through the hedge wall. The vines covered your entire body with scratches before crashing into a nearby street light.

"N-Noria.... Ki..." You weakly whimpered, blood streaming from every cut in your body before you lost consciousness, with the last thought of your brother in mind.

To be continued →→

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