Little Pt.2 (Jotaro Kujo X Twin reader) platonic

"Hey Jotaro... Maybe you should put Noriaki down in the living room, while you fetch Grandfather and Mister Avdol." You uttered, as you offered to take Noriaki's shoes off.

"Alright then. Do me a favour, use your Stand to restrain him. And if the time comes, don't hesitate to strangle him with it." You agreed with a nod, as you took your shoes off before entering the house. "Are you alright? You didn't hit your head again, did you?"

"Oddly enough, it's healed. I mean, the stitching's still nice and tight. I don't think I'm hurt." You answered, tagging alongside him as you wandered from room to room.

Silence came soon after.

It's been so long since you last interacted with him like this. Even if the conversation was cut short, it was good to have a conversation with him like this once in a while. You faintly smiled at the memory of him holding you close the moment you woke up, only for him to pull away. His concerns were truly endearing, even if others doesn't see it, you sure can.

"Jotaro! Y/N! Why aren't you at school? And who is that boy on your shoulder?" Mrs. Kujo worriedly asked, after dropping the framed photograph of you and Jotaro. "Is that blood he's covered in? And Y/N why are you stained with blood? Please don't tell me you two committed murder—"

You opened your mouth to reason with her, when your younger twin spoke for you. "None of your business." You would snap at him for being disrespectful when he began walking forward. "I need to find the old man. Finding someone in this big house sucks."

"I think you can find him with Avdol right now. They're both in the tea room."

"Thank you mother, after this I'll try to explain what happened." You smiled, giving her a quick peck on her cheek, before speed walking to match with Jotaro's pace. "Love you!" Holly smiles to herself, subconsciously setting her fingers atop the place you kissed.

"At least wash yourself first, Y/N! You feel with blood!"

"I will!" Holly chuckled at your abnormally enthusiastic tone, as she bends down to pick up the fallen photograph.

Oh the twins... They're so contradicting in terms of personality, but they're so similar. Jotaro never tells me anything, while Y/N can be somewhat open. It's making me worried about them all the time... But still, I know deep down you really mean well. You're both sweet children at heart... Holly thought to herself, picking up the photograph of her children taken from their first day in school this current school year.

"Hey," Holly flinched when he heard the low voice of your twin speak up. Holly looks up to see Jotaro halted in his tracks while you went on ahead. "You're looking a little bit pale this morning. Are you okay?"

There was an undeniable spark in her eyes when Jotaro asked about her whereabouts, before that shine turns into a gleaming smile. "Yay! I'm fine! Thank you!" she cheerfully responded with an infectious smile, before Jotaro huffed before proceeding back to his tasks.

"Okay you can lay him here, I'll fetch something for him to drink and something to rinse his wounds—" you turned to leave for a moment when his figure blocks your way.

"Not yet. I don't trust him to be on his own in this room. Even if he's immobile, he can still do things with his Stand." The noir haired male spoke, as he gently sets the cherry red haired boy on the floor. "I'll fetch the old man and Avdol. Use your Stand to restrain him for the time being until we get here. If it comes to the worst scenario you can—"

"-—strangle him, got it." you interrupted his sentence, whilst you rolled your sleeves to your elbows before summoning your Stand. The (f/c) tendrils shot forward, swiftly coiling around Kakyoin's chest to his arms, effectively pinning him down on the wooden floor. "You sure trust me a lot on guarding duties, I barely used my Stand. The first time I used it against someone was Avdol and I defeated him out of blind luck."

"You're reliable, I know you won't fuck it up," Jotaro turns to leave the room. "If you happen to fuck it up, however, then you can always scream. Make that obnoxious voice of your's useful." he dryly jests, before leaving.

You shook your head, intending to lecture him about his choice of words when you gave it up. Sighing, you sat by the floor with your knees huddled to your chest as you looked over Noriaki who seems to be conscious, but had no strength to open his eyes. You had to wonder why someone like him would fight for DIO, he seems like a bright child. Well, it was pure presumption but why fight for DIO? You bit your bottom lip, uncomfortable at the way your back was stained with apparently your blood.

You looked over Kakyoin, the blood on his face uncomfortably drying on his face. You can only feel revulsion and irritation from it. Doing him a favour, you licked your thumb before using it to stroke his cheek to get rid of the dried blood. He lightly groans from your skin contact, his eye lids twitching, but you resumed cleaning the blood with your thumb. Your thumb rubs over the corner of his lips, the small traces of blood being smudged by your skin contact, leaving faint traces of blood, but at least he's a tad bit cleaned. Not to be creepy, but his face was really soft...  As you wiped the blood off, you couldn't help but your mind to wander off.

Jotaro said I was injured after he pulled Kakyoin's Stand from me... I wonder how he did that? Well, anyways, apparently I was injured when he pulled the Stand out. He said I had something similar to a seizure before I collapsed on my back and started to bleed out. I think it'd be painful, but... Why do I feel no pain? Well, I do feel the pain but I somehow didn't need a treatment? It reminds me of my stitches... They said I had an abnormally fast recovery from an almost fatal accident... Is it my Stand???

"Well what do we have here?" You flinched, retrieving your hand away before glancing up at the source of the voice. You didn't get to clean his whole face as you pulled away, not wanting them to get the wrong idea. Joseph sits himself across you, examining Kakyoin's body with his analytical gaze. "You can let him go now Y/N, we'll take it from here."

"O-of course, Grandfather..." you hastily recovered your Stand back in your arms, before scooting away from the body of the student.  "I'll leave it to you... I need to wash the blood off." you stood from the floor, before excusing yourself to leave.

The sensation of dried blood on your back... It was quite irritating and quite reminiscent of that day. You can still remember how blood pooled under your body, staining your old uniform. And here you thought this will be the final time you'd change your uniform but alas.

As you discarded your uniform, you couldn't help but to glance at the mirror. Turning your back on the reflective material, you tried your best to catch a glimpse of the reflection of your wound. You felt the faint stitches of your old wounds, but you were curious to how it would look like. You sighed, before dumping a towel by a tub of water, before cleaning yourself with it. Once you were finished washing your self, you got dressed in a different set of clothes.

As you were satisfied, you turned to leave the bathroom and made your way out. It was a quick wash, surely you wouldn't have missed too much from what's happening. As you trudged towards the living room, you saw your mother eavesdropping from behind the wall, a few inches away from the entrance.

"Oh Y/N! There you are!" She silently, yet cheerfully called as you approached.

"What happened?" You anxiously questioned, peeking from the wall to see the boys seated in silence, before you turned back to your mother. "H-here, let me carry that for you," you reached for the first aid kit, firmly grasping it to your chest. Your mother was so thoughtful to bring it for Kakyoin to treat his wounds, it was honestly wholesome.

"Oh you're so chivalrous, Y/N!" Holly giggles, holding the urge to squeeze your cheek, as her hands were suspended midair beside her face. You silently smiled to yourself, before making your way towards the room, first aid kit in hand.

"Hey, long time no see," you jest, before setting the first-aid kit by the floor in front of Kakyoin with a soft friendly smile. He glances up at you the moment you were in his sight, before shamefully averting his gaze on the floor in an attempt to avoid yours. "Oh mother, could you please fetch a basin of lukewarm water and a towel?" You turned to Holly over your shoulder, whilst you adjusted your legs in an attempt to be more comfortable.

"Of course, honey! I'll be right back!" She runs off, leaving you and your companions with Kakyoin. Honestly, you'd love some privacy with Kakyoin, but it can't be helped. You silently rolled your sleeves to your elbow, the soothing high pitched sound of your Stand humming to life made everybody in the room shift their attention to you.

"Y/N, what are you—"

"Just an experiment, good sir," You interrupted Avdol, as your Stand lunged forward to attempt to coil around Kakyoin's body. The poor boy was startled out of his mind, summoning the heirophant in the process. You bit your lip, as the (f/c) vines retreated back to your arm. "I'm sorry, I can't exactly control my Stand yet. Sorry if its speed looks threatening."

The red haired Stand user didn't take too long to read into your intentions, before he retracted it back. You smiled in reassurance, before gesturing his arm. "May I use my Stand on you? I have no ill intentions. Even if I do, the worst thing I could do to you is to strangle you with it. You clearly have a much more powerful Stand than I am."

"Of course." He agrees, although he was quite reluctant.

"What are you up to, kiddo?" your grandfather asks, cautiously looking over you.

"Just testing something out, grandfather." You swiftly answered, unbuttoning the cuffs of Kakyoin's sleeve before rolling it to his elbow before the (f/c) coloured tendrils slowly coiled around his exposed arms. Everyone around you swarmed you, observing what was happening as the faint glow of (f/c) emitted from your Stand. Anticipation filled the air, as their curiosity fed on what you were up to.

You tried to look for any changes in the boy's wounds, but to no avail. You gave up with a sigh, before your Stand faded from his arm. "I was testing whether or not I have the ability to heal someone else, since it healed me." You rolled his sleeves back, buttoning the cuffs before you rolled yours as well. "Seems like I'll be only be able to use it on myself... How disappointing."

"No wonder you recovered from the possession quicker than normal... And from your head injury." Jotaro butts in. "Not bad, Y/N."

"Alright! I'm here!" Holly burst in the room with a basin of water and a towel, just as you asked her to bring. "Here you go, Y/N! do you want to treat his wounds or...?"

"I can do it myself, mother. Thank you for your assistance." You smiled at her, taking the basin from your mother.

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me!" Holly giggles, before running off the room.

"Okay, I hope you're not squeamish Kakyoin. You can tell me if it hurts or not. You can writhe in pain in silence, if you want to." You set the basin beside him, as you soaked the towel through it. Once you squeezed the excess water from the towel, you began to gently dab the cloth on his face, cleaning it from blood.

"W-why are you helping me? I just put your life on the line awhile ago, how can you be so... Friendly towards me?"

"I don't know. It's a class president's duty to keep their classmates safe, that's all." You stated with a slight tug on the corner of your lips, as you were able to wipe every trace of blood from his face more effective than earlier.

You gently laid the towel aside, before fetching a cotton from the container before soaking it with alcohol. "This will sting, I won't bother to sugarcoat it." you shrugged, before gently dabbing the cotton on the fresh puncture wound from his forehead. "Where did he get this from? Can you please fill me out with what happened?" you asked, eyes fixated upon cleaning the wound.

"He was under the influence of DIO with a flesh bud made from his blood cells that took control over Kakyoin's body. Jotaro used his Stand to get it off and now we're here." You nodded at your grandfather's summary, as you were finally able to catch up.

"Are you okay? You're stiff under my touch, is there something wrong?" You softly asked, taking a roll of bandage and unravelling it. "Am I hurting you? You can tell me to be more gentler, you know." Or rougher if you're into that...

"N-no, everything's fine... You needn't to worry about me."

He's blushing... He's so timid, so cute.

"If you insist," You shrugged, standing up and sitting behind him. Gently but surely, you wrapped the bandage on his forehead, before securing it with a click. "Now we're bandage buddies." You chuckled, plafully elbowing his arm.

"Thank you... For everything..." He spoke under his breathe, as he touched the wrapping around is head, his gaze following you whilst you got on your feet to sit beside your grandfather.

Holly walks in with a glass in water in hand, her laced apron slightly loose. "Here, you must be thirsty. Kakyoin, was it?" Your mother hands the red haired boy the glass of water, in which he accepts. "You need to rest for awhile. Why don't you stay here tonight?"

"Huh? N—" the Stand user was about to interject, when your mother spoke again.

"Papa, go and get his futon ready!" Holly firmly spoke, although there were still traces of soft
maternal concern type of tone.

"Hmm? Why do I have to do it? I've never even liked the idea on sleeping on the damn floor!" Joseph Joestar smacks the floor a couple of times, before crossing his arms to his broad chest, whilst you watched with a raised brow. "In fact, that futon in my room— replace it with a real bed!"

"No way. You're in Japan now Papa—" Holly mimics the way Joseph smacking the floor. "— And here in Japan we sleep on the floor. And, I prefer if you call me Seiko."

"What?!" You flinched away from your grandfather with narrowed eyes, as their childish banter went on and on... You couldn't believe that they were both adults with children and you preferred not to hear any of their silly back and fourths. Glancing up at Jotaro, he had the same expression of not wanting to be there either. You shook your head, getting on your feet before walking towards Kakyoin, bending down to meet his level.

"Let's get you out your uniform." you whispered in his ear, before he scoots away with a shocked look on his face.


"Come on, I'll see if I can find Jotaro's old clothes you can borrow." You reached for his wrist, pulling him. "Please, I just want to leave this room with an excuse." You whispered to him, before making a beeline outside of the room with you half-dragging him.

"Oh you're going to school now? You're quite early, that's a shock," You pointed out, as you held the cup of tea near your chest whilst you watch Jotaro wear his custom uniform. "I won't be able to attend school today, unfortunately. My uniform was torn up and our school has a strict policy with our uniforms and I don't want to violate that."

"Typical goody two-shoes..." He remarked with a sarcastic tone. "Whatever. I'm just going to school to avoid the crazy shit that's going on." He turned away as he walked off.

"Okay, have a good day in school, then!" You giggled at him, before making your way towards your room, where you had offered for Kakyoin to occupy, since there were no spare rooms. Joseph was reluctant, and was understandably protective, but you insisted. As for Kakyoin, he'd bashfully decline, stating that he was alright with sleeping in the living room but you were having none of it. He deserves a rest and it's way more comfortable in your room. It's not like you'd sleep anyways...

"Holly! Holly!" You flinched, spilling the cup of tea on your chest and abdomen. "Oh uhm, sorry kiddo didn't mean to startle you, I thought you were Holly." Joseph's loud booming voice shouted at you whilst he walked over you, dragging his blanket by his feet. The old man yawns, clamping his hand over his mouth, while he held a pair of pants on the other for some reason.

"Good morning, grandfather... How jolly of you today..." Your subtle voice sarcastically remarked, seething through the hot burns of the tea, but thankfully the pain subsided as it was your Stand's ability to heal you.

"I'm sorry kiddo, just woke up in the wrong side of the bed, that's all... Well, more like the wrong side of the futon..." He grumbled under his breathe, as he scratched his head with his hand. "Have you seen your mother anywhere?"

He's probably going to complain about the futon... Or maybe the pants. Those looks like Jotaro's pants, but it isn't his. I think Gramps thinks that mom gave him the wrong pair. You thought with a mental sigh.

"Perhaps she's fetching the newspaper." you lied, not wanting to subject your mother into one of his complaints about his comforts. "I can make you a cup of coffee to make you feel better?"

The old man pauses, considering your offers, when he hummed in conclusion. "Hmmmm, Japanese coffee aren't my style but... You're my grandchild. I couldn't care less if you make me drink sewage water when you said it's made with your love. Sure kiddo, go crazy." He waves his hand, as he rubbed his eye. "Meanwhile, I'll go and wait for your mother."

"Of course. I'll be quick." You smiled, before running towards the kitchen. On your way there, you ran across a ladle lying on the floor. "Hmmm... That's odd, mother is usually organized with the kitchen equipments..." Your brows furrowed in confusion, as you slowly made your way in the kitchen. The door was already open, so you wasted your time to step inside when you saw Avdol kneeling over your mother's unconscious body lying face down, as rose wines coiled around her back. You dropped the teacup on the floor, as you hastily ran over the fortune teller with panic.

"What's happening, Sir Avdol? Why is my mother unconscious?" You asked, putting a hand on her forehead to feel her burning hot skin. "Sir, what's happening? What's happening to my mom?"

"Missus Kujo has gained a Stand as well... But this high fever, this Stand is doing damage to her," he held Holly up in his arms, lifting her off the floor as she struggled to breathe. "We were all so relieved that DIO's body had only affected you, Jotaro and Mister Joestar. We were all certain Missus Kujo is fine. But that's just what we wanted to believe. It's impossible for her to escape that. As long she has Joestar blood in her veins there will be inevitably effect from DIO." as he continued to inform you what was happening, you couldn't but for your mind to wander off as your body trembled in shock.

"She... Has a Stand?" the loud voice of your grandfather pulled you away from the incoherent train your mind has pulled you in. You swiftly turned your head towards them, as you saw both your younger twin and grandfather standing by the doorway. "H-.... Holly."

You glanced at Jotaro, unaware of the steady stream of tears coming from your eyes. You weren't able to comprehend the situation as it was all sudden and overwhelming for you, your mind doings flips and travelling for thousands of kilometers per hour instead of understanding the situation, but you can only tell the despairing look in Jotaro's eyes despite his hard demeanor.

"No!" you let out a high pitched sound the moment Joseph screamed, grabbing onto Jotaro's collar and pinning him on the wall as tears flowed down from his eyes. "This is the one thing I feared the most. This is the very last thing I ever wanted to happen. My daughter has developed a Stand as well. I've always known... She's too weak! She can't withstand it! I knew what stakes came in it would destroy her. She doesn't have the strength needed to repel DIO's curse."

You shook your head, violently wiping the tears from your eyes before standing on your feet to walk towards your grandfather before Jotaro can do any harm to him. Before you knew it, your twin grasped on your grandfather's wrist, pulling the old man up and forcing the Joestar patriarch to face him.

"Tell me, what can we do?" your younger twin demanded before pushing your grandfather away.

"I-I'll make her bed... And prepare a basin of water..." you absentmindedly spoke, the desire of leaving the stressful environment overcame you as you were too anxious to handle something such as this. You didn't like to see someone hurting, especially your mother and all you can do was to prepare something to treat her.

Once your mother was settled on her futon, you wasted no time to dampen the towel with lukewarm water before gently wiping her face with it and setting it on her forehead. You kneeled beside your mother, a distant look in your eyes as millions of thoughts ran through your mind. They didn't made sense one bit, they solely exist to muddle your mind, to riddle your thoughts with nothing but confusion until it turned to self-loathing.

"This is my fault... I can heal her like I can heal myself but my Stand is so useless that it only heals me instead of others. Why can't I heal other people? I'm too worthless to deserve anything. I'm too useless to live. No... No... they're right. I'm a bitch... I only know how to talk and command people around because I can't do things on my own. I'm a selfish bitch who can only think for themselves... No wonder my Stand only heals me, I'm too selfish to think of other people... This is all my fault, I could've healed her but why—"

"Y/N," a hand lands on your shoulder, prompting you to yelp out in shock, flinching away from your grandfather's grasp. Your Stand returns to your body, unaware of the fact that you summoned it subconsciously. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" you exclaimed rather loudly, forcefully prying his hands off your shoulder out of disbelief. "D-don't worry about me, my mom needs it more than me, she's in greater pain!"

"A-alright, calm down. We were only concern." Joseph defensively spoke, as he made a motion wherein he waves his hands downwards in an attempt to calm you down.

"Hey Y/N. Why don't you go check on Kakyoin? He might wake up soon and it's late." Jotaro turned away, pocketing his hand. "And for crying out loud, breathe."

Believe it or not, he was actually concerned. He knew how you looked when your mind would run wild with confusing thoughts and his first instinct was to get your mind off it and telling you to breathe. It was oddly demanding and bossy for others, but you recognized his efforts to keep you comfortable and calm.

You heaved a deep breathe, before standing on your feet. "Of course, I'll be back, right away." Walking towards your twin, you wrapped your arms around his waist for a quick hug. "Thank you very much..."

"Tch, get a move on." He clicked his tongue, watching you nod and scurry off to your room.

Once you reached your room, you softly knocked on the door. With how the house's walls were paper thin, and how loud you tend to be when you scream, you can only hope you didn't wake him nor make him concern. You were never the one to open up to people, you were usually composed and reserved, you were perfect at keeping your emotions in check but with Avdol said, what your grandfather said... The mere mention of your mother and death in the same sentence was something you can't seem to accept.

"Kakyoin? Are you awake?" You asked and there were no response. "Kakyoin?" You called out, louder than before as you knocked on the door.

You hummed under your breathe, as you considered to open the door. It was your room after all... "I'm coming in, I pray that you're decent..." You whispered the last past under you breathe, before you braced yourself and slid the door open to find it empty.

"Where could he be?" You wondered out loud, as you found yourself sitting on the neatly folded futon. "Perhaps he's wandering around and got lost... It is a big house, after all." You sighed, plopping your back on your futon as you looked up to the ceiling. "I need to get changed." You sat up once again, before shutting the door for privacy.

As you rummaged through your wardrobe, you had the urge to pack clothes for no reason. It was quite concerning for you to feel this way, but it wouldn't hurt to try. It was simply packing clothes, no biggie. Once you've changed into something appropriate, you emptied your comically large backpack you often carried to school and began filling it with clothing enough to supply you clothing enough for about fifty days or more. Along with clothes, you stuffed it with a map, a few emergency blanket, as well as a first aid kit. After packing your bag, you gently set it aside before leaving your room to search for Kakyoin.

Ahh, it was foolish of me to pack that bag recklessly out of my my urge. I should've checked on Kakyoin instead of satisfying my urge. Hopefully he didn't wander too far... Or maybe he went home? He doesn't seem to be the type to leave without bidding farewell, but who am I to assume? Maybe I should drop by Grandfather and Jotaro first, perhaps they saw him.

You walked in the living room, you saw your mother tucking herself into bed. To see her this normal seems to bring a smile on your face, if it wasn't the fact that the mere mention of the dangers of her developing a Stand made you fearful. You were disdainfully proven right, the moment she fell unconscious once more on her futon. She must've been putting up a facade to prevent her family from being concern.

"Have you seen Kakyoin around? he just disappeared from my room. I thought you might've seen him-"

"Mister Joestar, I've found it. I found where the fly is from." Avdol emerges behind you, an encyclopedia in hand. The fortune teller pages through the book, before stopping at a certain page. You were left clueless, as you left earlier to go to your room and pack clothes for an unknown reason. You tried to connect two and two, and you've deduced that they have probably tried to search for some leads to look for DIO's location and has come to this.

Egypt... DIO was in Egypt and if we managed to eliminate him, my mother's suffering would be over, just like that. It would be a piece of cake, if it weren't for the fact that Egypt is quite large and he might be intelligent enough to know that we'd be after him. Considering the fact he made Kakyoin do his bidding to try and kill us, but was futile. No doubt that he has more followers other than Kakyoin... Whether it's voluntary or involuntary.

"So when are we leaving? because I'll be going with you." Kakyoin joins in the conversation, putting a closed fist to his chest. Would he perhaps join for revenge? You weren't quite sure.

"Seriously? Why would you wanna do that?" Jotaro asked, squinting his eyes at the injured boy midway through recovery.

"To be completely honest," Kakyoin only had the corner of his lip quirked up. "I have no idea why I want to, either. It's just something I am compelled to do."

Along with you twin, you squinted your eyes on him from suspicion, except you were more subtle about it.  Kakyoin lifts his hand up, pressing his finger to his forehead. "Let's just say that you opened my eyes. It's that simple."

A trip to Egypt to face and kill someone to save my mother. I don't care who this man is, but if he had the nerve to steal my Great-great grandfather's body and cause these things from happening, then I won't hesitate to kill someone.

"Jojo's mother, Holly has the ability to calm a person's soul and put their minds at ease. People feel relaxed just by being near her." The moment Kakyoin spoke your mother's name, you felt a sudden chill on your back, causing you to silently shiver. Jotaro surely caught that, as he glanced over you with a subtle concerned expression.

She's my mom too, you know, not only Jojo's...

"This may sound strange but I ever fall in love, I want it to be someone like her." A tick mark appeared on your temple.

Are you implying something, good sir?

"I'd feel the need to protect her. I'd do anything to see her better and smiling."

Ah I might be overthinking it... Perhaps he isn't implying something, or is he? Ughhh, I swear to Joseph, I will commit unsavoury things if he ever thought of having feelings for my mother. There are vehicles parked in front of the house from the Speedwagon foundation, they'll take care of mother while she's in this state until we find DIO.

"Y/N," Avdol turns to you as soon as you left the house, carrying the bag you've packed earlier. You never knew it would come to this, but you were glad you came prepared.

"Yes, sir?" you responded, turning to the adult, who held a pouch containing myriads of stones and crystals.

"Come, we'll name your Stand after a crystal since all of the major arcana names are unfortunately taken," he stated, gently stirring the contents of the drawstring bag with his fingers, the light sounds of the rocks crashing into each other silently ringing. "Here, pick one." He leans forward, giving you the bag.

You wordlessly reached into the bag, blindly feeling into it before pulling out a stone of your liking. "Aha, henceforth your Stand's name shall be (insert gem color) Compassion!"

"Alright! We're off!" Proclaimed Joseph, as he stepped out of the gates of your home. You shared the same determination they possess and yet you couldn't help but to glance back at your mother with concern. "Let's hit the road!"

We'll be alright, mother, don't worry. It's you that we need to worry about. Fear not, you'll be back in no time. That, I swear to you! I'll watch over Grandfather and Jotaro for you, I promise. Just stay strong, I know you got this.

Andddd done! Just a platonic one-shot to train and try to capture the Crusaders' personalities uwu

This particular reader as Joot's twin will be a reoccurring character in more oneshots to come! Whether it's platonic or romantic!

Thank you for reading! I appreciate it a lot!

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